My Protector [Jennifer Jareau...

By greys_cm_addict13

60.9K 1.1K 106

Y/N has been with the BAU for two years and has always had a secret crush on JJ. Who knew that the feeling w... More

Bad Memories
Nursery Rhymes
Panic Attack
Sweatshirt Switch Up (smut)
Puppy Dog Eyes
Elevator Encounter
Perfect Night (smut)
$20 Bet
First "I Love You"
The Small Things You Do
Old Office Desk (smut)
Seven Donuts!
Stress Relief (smut)
Goodnight Beautiful (smut)
Girl's Night
Deja Vu (smut)
Wedding Bells

My Girl

3.3K 53 8
By greys_cm_addict13

Y/N's POV:

The sun peaking through the curtains wakes me up.

I turn to find that JJ wasn't there. I faintly heard water running in the bathroom. She must be in the shower.

I dread getting out of this bed. I'm really tired of this case. Hopefully last night's events will stay on my mind rather than the past.

I drag myself out of the bed and get ready to go to the precinct.


JJ and I walk into the conference room to find that we are the last ones to arrive. Just what I need, all attention on us.

Hotch then informs us that a possible witness has come forward. Hopefully we can end this case today.

"Rossi and Morgan interview the witness, Reid and Garcia work on the geographical profile, Prentiss and Y/L/N go to the ME to get the story on the victim found last night, and JJ I need you to revisit those communication liaison skills to control the media. They're having a field day."

JJ and I decided to try to keep quiet about whatever we are. So I just offer her a small smile before leaving with Emily.


Emily and I ride in silence for a while until she finally decides to bring up last night.

"Okay spill it, what was going on with you and JJ last night."

"What do you mean." I have to see what she knows before I put my foot in my mouth.

"So we're just going to pretend that JJ's hair wasn't a mess and you weren't wearing her sweatshirt."

Damn it, she definitely knows.

"I was cold and forgot a sweatshirt of my own. JJ was already lying down so I guess that's why her hair was a little messy." Jesus Y/N just tell her already.

"Oh okay, so what's your excuse for all the moaning and screaming I heard." She gives me a smirk before turning her eyes back to the road.

My face turns pale as a ghost. I'm going to have to be quieter.

"Okay okay you got me. So we may or may not have hooked up right before you knocked."

"Please girl, tell me something I didn't already know. I'm glad you finally acted on that crush. I was wondering if you were just going to stare at her forever."

My head snaps up as my jaw hits the floor. "You knew!"

"Of course I knew. We're profilers and I'm your best friend. I could definitely tell you liked her. I just assumed you weren't ready to face it yet."

We enter an awkward silence for about a minute.

"Soooo, was it good?"

"Emily Prentiss we will not have this conversation right now."

"Fine if that's how you want to play it. I'll just assume from the amount of noises I heard and the way you could hardly stand after coming out of the bathroom that it was good."

I playfully smack her arm as she laughs her ass off.

"I can't imagine why you would have to ask how good she is. You should already know." I mutter.

Emily's head whips around. "Who told you?"

"Garcia, lord knows she can't keep a secret." I laugh.

"It was just the one time."

"I know, it's no big deal Em. If she wanted you then she wouldn't be fucking me." I smirk.

Emily laughs and turns her attention back to the road.

"Uh, speaking of Garcia not keeping secrets. She didn't hear me. Did she?" I sink into my chair awaiting her answer.

"Oh nah, she was already fast asleep. It was just me. Unless you were so loud the boys heard you across the hall." Laughing her ass off for the 100th time.

"Shut up." I join her in her laughing.

"Don't worry Y/N/N, I'll keep your dirty little secret." She says with a wink.

"Thanks Em, we'll tell the rest of the team eventually. Whenever we discuss exactly what our relationship is now."

"No problem. We're almost there."


We finished up with the ME, so we get ready to go back to the precinct. We jump in the SUV. I asked to drive because I just needed something to focus on.

I tried my best to distract myself while we were in there. I thought about JJ while mindlessly writing notes. I knew I couldn't focus with that poor girl's body right there, but hopefully I can read back my notes.

Emily noticed something was up. "Hey, Y/N are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'll be fine. It's just this particular case brings back memories I would like to forget." Talking about it to one person was enough for a lifetime. I hate keeping secrets from her, but she understands, better than anyone, that some things should be left unsaid.

"Okay, let me know if I can do anything."

"I will, I promise."

We spend the rest of the car ride in silence.


Back at the precinct...

We're greeted by Hotch, I'm hoping with good news.

"Prentiss, Y/L/N, how did it go with the ME? Same MO?"

"Mostly, there was one change. Hannah had cuts going up her thighs." Emily answers.

"He's evolving."

"What about the witness. Any new information?" I have to have good news of some kind and this witness is my only hope.

"She saw a black van sitting outside Hannah's house for a couple days. She's their neighbor."

"Did she get a license plate."

"Yes, but their stolen tags. We put an apb out on the van."

I walk away because I can't show Hotch my rage. He'll take me off the case, and I need to find this bastard.

I walk into the bathroom to let off some steam. I go to one of the stall doors and slam it against the frame.

"Damn it, we're so close. Why can't we find him."

The main door creaks open.

"Y/N." It's Emily.

"Hey what's wrong?" Emily walks over to me.

"I'm okay I just need to calm down."

"What can I do to help?"

"Get JJ please, and be discreet."

"Okay I can do that." Emily walks back out the door.

JJ's my safe harbor, even if we aren't together yet. She always will be.


"I've locked down his comfort zone to this triangle." Reid points at the board.

"Hey JJ can I borrow you for a second." I turn around to find Emily. She's very clearly faking a smile.

"Yeah, Reid I'll be right back."

Emily pulls me into the hall next to the conference room.

"What's up?"

"I'll tell you when we get there."

We hurry down the hallway and stop outside the bathroom door.

Emily looks at me. "Y/N's in there, she asked for you."

"Okay, thanks Em."

I go to walk in but Emily stops me.

"You'll let me know how she is right." She looks at me with concerned eyes.

"Of course."

"I'll cover for you with the team."

I nod in response and then open the door.


Y/N's POV:

As soon as I hear her voice, I turn around. A few tears falling from my face.

"JJ." I say as I run to her.

I crash into her chest. She wraps one arm around my waist and the other is stroking my hair.

"It's okay baby, I'm here." She kisses the top of the forehead.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong." She asks gently.

I sigh, "I want to find her. I can't let him kill another child. We're running out of time and I can't keep my mind focused."

JJ pulls away slightly so she can look at me. "Can I try something? It may help you focus."

I nod and she lets go of me. She takes my hands in hers and looks into my eyes.

"I want you to brainstorm the case with me, but to keep you focused you need to look at me. Anytime you start to get scared or angry or upset remember that it's just us and I'm right here. I'm going to hold your hands the whole time."'

"Jay I don't know..."

She cuts me off. "You can do this."

I sigh then begin stating everything we know.

"Six female victims aged 7-10. Abducted from their homes at night. He's holding them for less and less time because he is evolving. A white male 30-40 years old drives a black van with stolen tags. He's a sexual sadist due to the amount of assault he inflicts."

I pause for a second, my breathing picks up. JJ squeezes my hands bringing me back.

"What about the abduction, how is he getting in?" JJ asks while I focus my attention back to her blue eyes.

"We uh we checked for signs of a break in, there weren't any. But their front doors were unlocked, parents claimed they locked them before bed."

"But the front doors didn't show any sign of tampering or lock picking."

"I suppose the parents could have forgotten to lock the front door but that would be a huge coincidence that 6 families forgot to lock them."

"So what are we missing?"

An idea comes to my head. "What if the girls let the unsub in? They must've trusted him."

"I don't know Y/N/N, it is a bit of a stretch."

"But it would explain why there wasn't a sign of a struggle anywhere in the house. The kids could have planned to go with the unsub without realizing they were in danger. They know him."

"That's true. I think it is a theory we should look into."

"Let's go ask Garcia about overlap." I start to make my way to the door, but JJ grabs my waist and spins me around.

She smiles at me. "That's my girl." Then plants a soft kiss on my lips.

Her girl, did... did she just call me HER GIRL?!?

"Better hide that blush before we go back out there" She says while a small smirk appears on her face.

We leave the bathroom to go find Garcia. Please don't let this be a dead end.


A/N: I'll try to update as much as I can. I go back to school soon and I don't know how much time I'll have. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

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