GATE: Awakening The Sleeping...

By stevenwn1

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A mysterious, ancient-looking gate appeared in Washington, D.C., sometime in the 21st century. From the gate... More

Chapter 1: A Terrible Resolve
Chapter 2: The Massacre of Alnus
Chapter 3: Strange First Contact
Chapter 4: The Eagle of Freedom V.S The Ancient Fire Dragon
Chapter 5: The Men in Green
Chapter 6: The Visit for Italica
Chapter 7: The Fight for Italica
Chapter 8: Possible Peace
Chapter 9: Journey to Fort Alnus
Chapter 10: Welcome to DC
Chapter 11: Peace Negotiations
Chapter 12: American Firepower
Chapter 13: A Shocking Discovery
Chapter 14: Timely Reinforcements
Chapter 15: Old Buddies
Chapter 16: A Trip Gone Horribly Wrong
Weapon Suggestions (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 17: The Imperial Coup
Chapter 18: The Fall of Sadera
Give me your ideas (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 19: Unlikely Allies
Dream Team (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 20: Mother Russias First Battle
Chapter 21: Capture of Bellnahgo
Chapter 22: Did I Hear OIL?
Future Books (Not a Chapter)
I NEED YOUR HELP (Not A Chapter)
Chapter 23: Captain John Brown Sends His Regards
Chapter 25: The Eyes of the Slaughtered
Chapter 26: Reminiscing the Past
Chapter 27: Team Reconnaissance
Chapter 28: Strange Encounters
Chapter 29: Siege of Castle Ither
Chapter 30: A Powerful Message
Book Timeline (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 31: Unleashing Hell
Chapter 32: A New Enemy
Chapter 33: Strange Relationships
Chapter 34: Increasing the Coalition
Chapter 35: A Special Meeting
Chapter 37: The 'Friendly' Neighbors From The North
Chapter 38: The Beginning of a Revolution
Chapter 39: Return of Hunter 2-1
Chapter 40: Operation Silent Valor
Chapter 41: The Great Raid
Chapter 42: A Sudden Revelation
Primo Victoria (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 43: Magical City Of Rondel
Chapter 44: The Goddess of the Underworld
Chapter 45: Complete the Mission!
Can we please talk? (Not a Chapter but it's important)
Chapter 46: Perspective of Soldiers
Chapter 47: The Lenses of War
Chapter 48: Escalation of War
Chapter 49: Boarding the Vessel
Chapter 50: Incredible Demands
Chapter 51: Arms Dealing
Chapter 52: It Ain't Me
Chapter 53: Land and Air
Chapter 54: Futile Guerilla Fighting
Important Announcement
Chapter 55: An Alliance of Steel
OverSimplified script (Not a chapter)
Chapter 56: The Wisdom of Legionnaires
Chapter 57: Operation Sovereign Duty: The Beginning
Possible Final Good-bye
Chapter 58: A Tremendous Liberation
I'm Sorry
Final Update


2.6K 57 54
By stevenwn1

(Short Chapter)

August 23rd

Marais Forest

Saderan POV:

A Cohort of over 480 Imperial soldiers were crossing deep inside Marais Forest, a massive forest that stretched for hundreds of miles away, they were to cross and set camp for the unsuspecting US Marines that will arrive into the forest the next day.

"Once we arrive in our destination we'll take them by surprise for sure." The Tribunus Angusticlavius, said as he looked at their map in his hand.

"Hehe they won't suspect a thing once we get there." A Saderan soldier said sarcastically

"Yeah we'll show em." Another Imperial soldier replied, agreeing.

Things were going well, until suddenly they heard strange noises coming from the trees.

"What was that?" An Imperial soldier asked.

They all looked around trying to finds the strange noises.

Some readied their weapons and archers pointed their bows into the trees.

Some we're feeling scared by the strange noises.

After a minute the noise stopped, and everyone looked at each other confused but some we're still shaking by the strange sounds.

Suddenly a loud boom was heard.

Everyone turned at where the source was but all they saw was something that sent shivers down their spine's.

Their Tribunus Angusticlavius head blown off...

They watch as the head less body of their leader slowly fall to the ground with a loud thud.

Suddenly more loud echoing booms began to happen as some of the men get killed whiles the rest duck for cover.



The Marines on top of a small hill opened fire on the unsuspecting Saderan soldiers.

"Hahahahaha! that shot sure did traumatized the hell out of em." A Marine complimented the Marine wearing a ghillie suit and using a Barrett M82 .50 caliber sniper rifle

The Marines kept on shooting at the Saderan's below as more and more of them die by their fire power and training.

Suddenly an arrow narrowly miss a Marine in the right side of his head.

"Holy shit!, that was close." The Marine said, before aiming and firing at the Imperial soldiers.

"Those hidden Bluetooth speakers sure did their job to catch them of guard." An African-American Marine said, as he lays prone in a fallen log while firing at the Imperial soldiers.

Some of the Saderan soldiers tried to look where Marines are, but they would just get shot at the head by snipers on top of trees.

Even an armored LAV-25 arrived and began shooting at the Saderan's, forcing the Imperial soldiers to move out their cover by fear, they would get killed by a hail of gun fire either way.

A M1161 Growler arrived as well as the gunner used the M2 Browning Mounted Machine Gun at the Imperial soldiers.

More and more Marines start to come out they're hiding spots and open fire at the Imperial soldiers.

Several Marines start to encircle the Imperial soldiers with their JLTV's with M2 Browning Mounted Machine Gun's.

Eventually a Marine with a M2 Flamethrower used the Flamethrower on a pile of leaf's and stick's that a Saderan soldier was hiding behind, the Soldier was burned alive.

"I can't do this anymore more man I'm out of here!" An Imperial soldier shouted.

"If you get out of cover you'll be fucking killed idiot!" Another Imperial soldier shouted.

"Screw this!" The Saderan soldier cursed as he tried to run away from the tree he was using as cover he was instantly killed by the M2 Browning Machine Gun

The Marines seeing that the Imperial soldiers numbers began to drop they began to slowly advance as they walk down the hill, while still firing their weapons at the Imperial soldiers.

Eventually some Imperial soldiers basically just said screw it and started to flee, but would immediately be cut down by the gun fire or actual fire.

Some Imperial soldiers archers tried to fire at them but would always get killed.

Suddenly a blaze of fire appeared as a second Marine with a M2 Flamethrower began to use it at the Imperial soldiers.

The Snipers on top the trees and those still on top the hill kept on shooting the Saderan's the moment they're heads poked out of cover.

The Imperial cohorts remaining single Centurion had enough and gave out a desperate order.

"CHARGE!" The Centurion shouted, as he and his men charged at the Marines.


The remaining Saderans scream in agony as they try to shake off the fire.

"Oraah!" A Marine shouted as a Harrier flew above them.

They hear helicopters arriving and see several Bell UH-1Y Venom Helicopters began to arrive escorted by Bell AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters.

The Marines shot up a flare to signal the helicopters to land in a clear landing zone.

As the Bell UH-1Y Venom Helicopters land several Marines come out and surround the area.

"Good job Marines." Colonel Bay said coming out a Bell UH-1Y Venom

The Vipers fly around the area of the forest as several Harriers fly by and drop napalm at other sections on the forest.

It was clear that the Cohort was just one of many that perished in the onslaught of their poor attempt to surprise the Marines and use guerrilla tactics on them.

It terrifyingly backfired as more Saderan's get killed inside the forest, they're screams can be heard for miles.

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