OMEGA (Kaisoo)

By sugarwtter

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When kyungsoo escaped the abuse of his latest pack he finds it difficult accepting that the pack he stumbled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Kill or be killed
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter 15 The Pack
Chapter 16 Part of the Pack
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 School
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Jay
Chapter 21 Temper
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Shared Night
Chapter 27 justice Js
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29 chanyeol
Chapter 30: Return
Chapter 31 busted
Chapter 32 Eujin
Chapter 33 waterfall
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 TentTalks
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Craving him

Chapter 5 Axe

142 5 0
By sugarwtter

Before everyone questions it, its a made up universe by me alright so we can believe in some special suits they be wearing that stretches itself out when they shift to wolves and shrinks back to fit them as they turn back to humans.
No naked awkward after shifting here 😂☠️ please lets just pretend it makes sense.
Just picture something Like beastboys suit.

(Btw yes werewolves are like 2 the size of a human once they shifted)


The door broke down, and the children screamed while the omegas whailed in panic. the tense atmosphere broke into pieces instensified by the sound of rushing paws hitting the floor while the wolf growled and jumped into the room but then stop once its laid its eyes on kyungsoo, stepping back and more infront the useless weight of crying omegas he intended to protect.

kyungsoo recognized him within the moments he had to look over the dirty furr and furious eyes. It was Moose .. A jerk deserving of death and being alone. Granted, kyungsoo believed he may just be able to take this idiot from what hed seen of him while hed been locked up at theirs.

The wolf snarled threadingly, for a moment kyungsoo thought he may shift to insult him further but moose knew not to mess with him when he was alone. silently it pleased kyungsoo to know that the reason the wolf was hesitant was because he was alone and well aware that despite kyungsoo being just an omega, he alone had caused the beta to loose several teeth and suffer from broken bones whenever hed taken him on alone and this time much more was at stake than pride. kyungsoo was ready to kill him as was he.

then the wilf finally launched foreward, biting into the air as kyungsoo had dodged left while pushing the side of its head the other way in attempt of avoiding the teeth and instead messing with moose as he'd previously picked up on his terrible coordination and temper.

It almost lost its footing before regaining balance and charging for him again. he straightened himself giving off the illusion he was about to jump and as the wolf lifted its head ready to bite him, kyungsoo ducked left instead, hand lifiting to gripp under its jaw and lift it further up as he slit the knife sideways across its throat.

Quiet at last, blood started dripping, running over kyungsoos hand before he could retreat it, the wolf chocked, stumbling in whimpers to the side, the scent of shock and fear radiating from it while kyungsoo watched and gave him a final kick causing its fall.

On the ground It's paws shock and struggled as if he could still get back up while drowning and bleeding out in blood. the omega pressed his lips together clenching his teeth, stepping onto the head to keep it still before he got down and stabbed the knife in from under its jaw, ending the suffrage of a slow death.

Everyone looked at him completely struck and speechless as kyungsoo pulled the knife out, shaking the blood from it off to the side while he stood back up and wiped the rest off on the fabric of his pants on his thighs, briefly he looked back at the omegas and old betas, not caring for the fearful expressions they carried. they werent a threat to him anyway. but as he looked down to the knife he couldnt help and also glance onto the bandaged arm he remember being bitten on, it was trembling from the pain and he moved his fingers with much more exersion, he'd noticed the troubke hed felt just a moment ago in swinging the knife the proper way. He figured it must've been why the wolf hadn't died instantly, or perhaps it was because the knife was smaller than to what he'd handled before.

At last, as he stepped over the body and shock the very hand hurting, lowering it to his side while he apprpached the door and looked sideways to where it lead.

It was a hallway leading to stairs going up, by how the light shone hrough he figured it must be the outside right away.. perhaps a broken off door was in the way but if the wolf came in he can get out.

Then Jennie stood up as he was ready to move and make a run for it, gasping to herself and he couldnt help but turn his head back to her again while he still stood by the door frame.

she had tears in her eyes while she stood there unable to ramble more nonesense but instead only stare at him with eyes he couldnt read, chest raising and falling strongly. He looked from her to the crying children and other omegas.

Kyungsoo knew this was the opportunity he waited for to escape but escaping also meant leaving all the children and omegas with a war and an open door behind. He looked back to the hallways annoyed

He shouldn't care.. he absolutely shouldn't. He already saved them from one cockroach of a wolf, so it wasn't his responsibility he didn't even know them, and Jennie was obnoxious as it is, perhaps she even deserved to die.. perhaps all of them did by how little they cared to know how to save themselves.. anyone who didnt know how to survive shouldnt.

Then he took another step and spotted a tight space sunk into the walls to the side, an old display case fixated there, covered in dirt and dust, if kyungsoo hadnt seen similair displays, which had been taken care of better, before he wouldnt have known that an axe was hiding in it.

Looking up as if to blame the goddess herself, he dropped his shoulders. What kind of damn idiot would risk his life and freedom for a bunch of worthless omegas, he didnt even know.

Kyungsoo stepped over still not believing it himself as he whiped the dust away before balling his hand to a fist and lifting his arm to break in the glass with his elbow, knife fixed into his pocket once he reached in to take a hold of the axes old but somehow flawless handle, evidently never having been used before.

" Just hold the door close," he ordered, looking back to Jennie and the rest while balancing the weight of the axe in his hands. Grimacing sloghtly as hed noticed the bandaged on not quite gripping onto it the way he'd inteded it to.

She hesitated but nodded and went forward, moving the door up while others followed to help her as soon as they heard another growl, making kyungsoo move back further into the hallway, eyes focused to the stairs, searching any new found movement and listening to any sound standing out. He inhaled lowly, he could still take whoever would come if they were alone. He saw himself fit enough for it.

Jennie looked through the window as others peeked through as well, watching kyungsoo eyes glow up in blue as he fixed his gripp on the axe with a glare, growling lightly under his breath. they knew another wolf was close as the sound of paws and snarling echoed through the hallway.

and as it arrived, jumping down the stairs and almost bumping into a wall, wild on anger and adrenaline, kyungsoo remained still. somewhat calm and calculative as it ran toward him. salvia dripping from its teeth in rage.

Jennie felt like she should look away as the other omegas did but instead she could only stare as kyungsoo, an Omega swung the axe like he'd never done anything else but that, twisting it and slamming it down into wolf and later as more followed, hitting them with the handle of it and moving around each of their attacks as if it was a choregraphed fight, as if he'd known each move beforehand and whenever he failed to dodge jennie feard he may not get back, she feard he may fall back and stay down but he never did. the moment he'd fall, he'd roll off into another direction and somehow find his way back up again, like it didnt matter.

the more jennie watched him the more she somehow admired what he'd done, her eyes glued to his hands turning the axe whenever he'd need the blade or the wood of it's handle. she noticed soon that he was a quick thinker. as an omega he had no chance fighting as a wolf, so he pushed and pulled them into the right positions, he hit their head to make them attack like he wanted them too and he'd strike them, injure and at last kill them. he'd basically controlled them without them knowing and thus controlled most of the fightd m.

She flinched when one came jumping onto him just as he finished killing the one he'd been busy with before. It bit down onto the wood of the axe he'd lifted between them and he groaned kicking with his knees and shaking the wood to get it off. the omegas shock, scurring away from the window and whimpering but jennie moved closer to it, hand up against the glads like she considered opening it and jumping between. the wolf snarled biting down harder and shaking its head making both of them slide on the ground and kyungsoo turned his head to the side in struggle.

" jennie !" Ond warned as her hand moved to the handle and before she knew it another omega stopped her and she was left looking out the window with wide eyes, helpless, uselessy watching as kyungsoo turned his head again growling himself, his eyes glew blue and her eyes moved to his feet, knee lowering before jerking up and into the wolves guts, it lost its bite on the handle and kyungsoo turned it to it to slamm the blade into the side of the wolves head.

jennie flinched at the action and sound it created, lips parting as the wolf whimpered and stumbled to the side, shaking its head as it backed away, blood rolling down on one side, dripping to the already stained ground.

kyungsoo got back to his feet at that, one leg bleeding aswell and he limped to the side himself, eyes only on the wolf having trouble balancing itself. it started growling again, ears flat to its head as it lowered itself ready to launch at him again, despite its dazed state.

kyungsoo readied himself, holding the axe in both hands. he was covered in blood mostly jennie knew it was from the wolves he'd killed but the trail his leg left behidn and the bandage being ripped and hanging off, revealed the marks it left on him aswrlm.

And then shed flinched again when the wolf launched at him once more, head titling as it attempted to reach him from an angle but he simply shifted the hold on his axe hed pretended to have, turning it around as he ducked in a half circle around it moving to the side and hitting the wolf hard on it already injured side of the head. it tumbled to the ground with a howl.

Paws still moving as it turned attempting to bit into his direction. kyungsoo turned toward where it laid, not moving closer as the wolf moved back up to its feet and instantly tried to jump only to have kyungsoo move away again and let the wolf crash into the wall fueling it's anger even further as he kicked it to fall over and launch the axe back.

It growled loudly ready to get up bit kyungsoo already stepped onto its head, knocking it back down as he swing the axe down with a groan.

It got stuck under its jawine and he pulled it out, swinging it back and down down again breathing hard and groaning with each swing until he Decapitated the wolf at last.

He was panting, covered in blood but still he didn't seem to bother it much as he shock the new blood off to the side before whiping over his forheead and leaning ontot he handle of the axe exhaling once. Jennie felt sick at the side of the hallway and many of the other omegas have backed away from the door disturbed while she couldnt avert her eyes. Never had she gotten to a fight this close, saw it such raw moments. Shed heard the stories of battle but shed never seen the brutality of it in such a way.

Kyungsoo sniffed, spitting blood to the side as he whipped over his smeared face with the back of his sleeve to fix his sight. Axe on the ground to help him steady himself when it almsot seemed like he had trouble with standing still by how he swayed backwards. To get back to their door. Angry and still glowing blue eyes looking at the window as if to check if they were even still there or already slaughter whilst hed been busy.

Meeting his eyes made he finally look down intimidated only hesring as tje axe stopped sliding over the ground probably because hed lifted it bsck up again.

And then a much more familiar growl appeard. jennies eyes widened as she looked back out through the window watching kyungsoo steady hismelf without knowing who it was. Fear overcame her again as she pushed the hand holding her still away and fidded with the door. " w-wait.." she stuttered more to herself than the fellow omega while her wide eyes kept glancing through the window ready to watch his every move.

She could hear the nearing steps and at last pried the door open, almost jumping out in front of kyungsoo and her fathers angry wolf that had just been about to jump him but stopped upruptly
" Wait !"

Her father, still in wolf shape, snarled with glaring red eyes as he looked at her displeased,
" He.. he saved us look! We're all alive its not us! It snot our blood its- we're ok" she explained desperately, tears still evident in her eyes from what she had witnessed " dad " she snapped again the moment the red eyes shifted back to the omega behind her. it took the wolf a couple of deep breaths until he glanced over to the rest of the omegas, shaky but unharmed, daring to move and peak out of the room with a broken door. the alpha looked back onto kyungsoo at that, anger slowly fading to curious eyes as he couldnt help but look over his dirty face carryng sharp eyes full of fight, not an ounce of fear was there to picked up. it caught him off guard and he stepped back, shifting back to human.

Still glowing eyes narrowed over kyungsoos body, stopping at him torn leg reopened.

He wanted to say something and usually these things came easy to him but the omega left him speechless, he didnt know him but he could see her, the look in his eyes terrifying familar and it ripped the ache in his chest open again letting the familar pain of the past flow through him again. Something he'd hoped hed never feel again but missed at the same time.

The noise of running footsteps neared and alpha sojoon turned his head to look over his shoulder as jongin stopped by the stairs beathless, he skipped the steps down to stop behind his alpha in shock.

Jongim doesnt shift for battles, sojoon once explained to Jennie how it determined on ones capabilities in combat. Jongin, much like the others as eujin, was more experienced and skilled in handling wolves by remaining in their human shape and utilize the agility and flexibilities that come with it.

Also covered in dirt and blood jongins eyes scanned his alpha, falling to jennie as he glanced over the bloodied ground as if to figure out what had happened.

" jongin " sojoon called softly as anger filled the betas eyes, connecting the mess to the very omega in the room whod still held onto his axe.

" jongin listen-" jennie attmpeted but jongin simply held her aside as he stepped up to kyungsoo, who was backing up, raising the axe to hold in both hands again, eyebrows furrowing further into a glare as did jongins once he was starting to get close, something in the way he moved intimidated kyungsoo. The wolves he took on till now hed known, he'd experienced their way of fighting and uncontrollable rage but this beta had a calm to himself, he was angry but still had focus in his eyes. he didnt jump the omega lead by anger, he got closer and watched him as if he could pick up any movement he made, every beat his heart skipped.

the omega swung the axe, only to have the beta catch it mid air. kyungsoo glare faded little as he quickly realized this wasnt just a dumb beta like hed been used to. Alphas were dangerous but betas only followed orders and behaved irresponsible and out of emtions, like naive children. but not this one and he was about to take him on while being injured.

jongin twisted the axe, knowing the omega wouldn't be able to hold it with his injured arm and the axe fell to the side as jongin reached out to grabb his throat, lifting him off the ground to slam him into the wall behind him.

" jongin !" the alpha shouted and kyungsoo watched jongins eyes glow gold in response but he didnt react. he wasnt going to, instead hed returned the glare with his own eyes lighting up in blue.

kyungsoo gasped for air, struggling against the hold with growls, gripping hard at the strong hand around his throat. he slid the sole of his shoes up the wall and pushed against it while striking one foot foreward in a kick to the betas knee.

jongin lost his grip and stumbled slighty, enough to have kyungsoo land a punch to the cheek he'd turned to him and as jongin fell to his knee in attempt of stopping a full fall, he'd held his jaw in shock, looking back up only to catch kyungsoo right foot being kicked at him. the omega jumped with spin, kicking him with his left foot instead and jongin grunted falling back, spitting blood to the ground before him while kyungsoo limped back, nearly falling hismelf whilst clinging to the injured leg hed used

more of the betas arrived by the stairs to watch, ready to join but stopping as sojoon lifted his hand at them.

The omega picked the axe up again, swinging it the moment he felt jongin closing in but the beta bend back avoiding the swing and kyungsoo spun the weapon in a half circle around himself to bring to a stop in his stonger hand, staring back at the beta who'd breath throguh still comprehending that he was indeed facing an omega, he frowned.

sweat tickled down the side of the shorters face as he tried remaining his breath even. soon enough kyungsoo started swinging at him again, each on cutting through air at how the beta had dodged him before once more finding the upper hand by grabbing the dominant hand he'd noticed kyungsoo used to spin and swing the axe with, holding it still until kyungsoo swung a fist at him with his free hand which he'd managed to catch aswell unlike the knee that shut up into his guts, causing him to grunt out in pain losing his gripp and giving the omega the oppotunity to slash the axe across his face. both could see the rest of the betas flinch closer but jongin acted faster, growling in anger as he got back up grabbing the axe he was about to swing again and kyungsoo returned the growl trying to keep his hold but this time jongin kicked him back hard, spinning the weapon himself to hit him across his face with the handle causing him to drop to the ground on all four.

" stop it !" Jennie yelled out looking to sojoon and the other helplessly but sojoon watched more intrigued than worried and the other betas were conflicted.

kyungsoo spitt blood aside as jongin pointed at him with the blade of the axe, no longer carrying anger in his expression but rather irritation. all the glaring omega could see however were golden eyes looking down on him on an useless omega. he clenched his jaw, balling his hand to a fist again when he hit the blade to the side and got back to his feet swingin his other fist at him only to have the beta duck flipping the axe and hitting him on his side with it again.

the omega grunted, coughing as he stumbled to bump into the wall in hopes of keeping himself on his feet, black dots dominated his vision, arm becoming numb and the pain of his leg was prickeling like thousand needles repeatedly stabbed into it, barely he managed to bend his head aside for the axe that came flying his way, stabbing into the wall and being stuck to it.

" thats enough " the alpha stated and kyungsoo looked over to see him standing between them most likely having hit the axe to change kts course toward his head.

but yet again the jongin only hesitated. sharing eyecontact with the omega as if they continued their fight through them.
" chanyeol help the omegas to the house.. " sojoon orders followed and he stepped aside looking over to kyungsoo in thought as chanyeol moved behind them.

The omega caught his breath spitting blood to the side again but not for once losing the fierce glare in his eyes.

jongin felt a tug in his chest the longer he looked and he wanted to listen to his alpha he felt like he should but the tug became stronger and the rage grew, eyes glowing brighter as he pressed his lips together.

kyungsoo reached for the handle struggling in pulling it out causing jongin to rush toward him and just as he arrived the omega ripped it out swinging it in the same motion toward him only to have jongin push against it and stab it back into the wall. kyungsoo dropped his gripp and ducked to slip his way out of the threatening postion, balling hands to fist that he threw only to have jongin either dodge or push them away until finally he took a swing himself kicking the omega into his chest and making him stumble.

jongin grabbed his wrist, twisted it and turned him by it to pin it against his back as if it were an arrest as he attempted to slam him back against the wall only to have kyungsoo jump and run his way up against it, twisting out of the hold and landikg on his fet behind him allowing him to swim hi head at the betas head and send him swaying to the side. The omega winced at the motion collapsing onto the knee of the injured leg, jennies knife pulled out from beforeas he breath hard.

" stop already !" jennie cried but like before it fell to deaf ears. jongin would wonder later on if sojoon maybe was just curious to see how far they would take it. jongin wouldnt kill him, sojoon knew that. he was still an omega and jongin was a beta, it just wasnt right. but somehow jongin couldnt help but see that he wasnt just an omega and his cut face was the price he paid for underrestimating him.

kyungsoo got back up and jongin got closer, the omega swinging the knife at him, turning and dodging fists and kicks as jongin did.

the betas got closer to the alpha, stopping them as it went on much like they were dancing until at last the knife was hit away from kyungsoos hand and he swung a kick at the beta, who blocked it with his forearm , kicking down onto the single and injured standing leg and causing kyungsoo to fall at last with a grunt.
" dad " jennie whimpered.

The onegwas was shaking from trying to keep himself up, jongin noticed whilst looking down to him. Hed expected to finally see fear or pain , regret perhaps but as the omeag looked up, there still was the glare and it made him hesitate, frowning down at him.

And then he moved, kyungsoo grabbed the knife again and attempted to swing it at him as beat as he could but even then jongin simply slapped it out of his hand again, kicking him down before he bent and grabbed him by his collar, punching him. and punching him again.

" jongin " sojoon stepped closer now as he continued landing punches to a barely conscious omeg " Jongin!"

with each hit the blue glow started to fade, the ache in jongins chest grew at the sight but it was the kind of ache he didnt understand the kind that made him want to feel more to understand like pressing onto a wound you couldnt see just to find out how bad it really was.

" ENOUGH !" in an instant jongin froze, eyes glowing but kyungsoos were closed now.

jongin was pulled back by another beta while sojoon got down to the omega along with jennie who was in tears.

Chanyeol said something to him, breathless aswell while the others rushed arlund, lmegas srumbling out of the safe room with their kids held close to them, face hidden away so they wouldnt face the blood bath they were forced to walk through but jongin heard nothing, feeling suddenly numb as he watched his alpha hold the omegas bloodied face barwly conscious now. Blinking with a struggle through his halflidded eyes. Jongin looked over him to the injured arm revealed from having lost most of the bandages, his leg bleeding enough to let the pool underneath him grow in size. now that he was passed out, now that jongin could, he looked over him in thought, over the corpses of wolves around the place and his heart skipped a beat.

he was caught off guard, not because he hadnt seen the cruelty world had to offer, the brutality of a fight and death, blood or murder. he didnt know why it hit him differetnly this time. he had trouble believing that boy who laid there was capable of all this, but the wound on his face told him otherwise. the fact that he fought with him for as long as he had while the omega clearly suffered from injuries as it is. if jongin had been prepared it wouldve been a shorter fight but perhaps if the boy was in good condition it mightve just lasted for a little longer.

out of his pack under the exception of sojoon. jongin was the best fighter, only eujin got close to challenging him at that but hed never came out being more than breathless.

he inhaled while looking at chanyeol carrying out a child on his back. he couldnt help and wonder if that omega would be able to beat one of his pack. he couldnt help but somehow find it rediculous.. he couldnt grasp the image of it.

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