Heroes Do Exist (ILYBD Treque...

By Kinaru_Sad_Ninja

27.8K 1.5K 237

She has no memories of the Akatsuki, her home. No memories of her love, her family, or friends. No memories o... More

Not the Real
She Couldn't Remember
Wordless Cries
Her Ring
Never Accepted
That Did It
Stand Down
Seed of Affection
I Hope This....
Mysterious Man
When Was
Needed to Know
Mah, She's Fine
Kill Before She Joins
He Will Report Her
She Promises
I Need You Too
Pretty Gift?
Go to Konoha
Take Care of You
Don't Hold Your Breath
Not Ready
Found You
Yuna's Decision
Tragic Love Story
They Can't Have You
Team Seven
The Promise
Not Now. Not Ever!
I'd Hate to....
Torn Away
Her Purpose (End)
Epilogue & Alternate Ending
Next Book & AU Yuna Lives

No Home for Kyuubi

570 41 2
By Kinaru_Sad_Ninja

Chapter 24

The morning was anything but beautiful. It was too warm for the Kyuubi's taste. It was smoldering and the air felt thick. Yuna had planted herself in front of her fan in only a tank top, that only just covered her belly, and shorts, that barely reached her mid-thigh.

Her ears perked up toward the wind currents, enjoying the cool air. So much better than the air of her bedroom. The comfort of her bed could not keep her there. It was too hot, even if it would be impossible to get up from the floor.

Yuna sighed, laying on her side, intent on taking a nap. When a loud knock echoed through her flat. She groaned, rolling in an attempt to get up. This failed and she found herself feeling like a turtle stuck on its back.

The knock came again, as the demon used her couch to heave herself to her knees.

"Just a moment!" She called out, unfortunately, she would regret not staying silent and making them think she was out.

"Damn, he was telling the truth."

The Kitsune grimaced, looking up to see who had opened her door. She recognized the blonde from the chunin exams. She'd been on Gaara's team, Temari, yeah that sounded right.

"Get out.."

The kunoichi chuckled, going over to her, and boldly lifting her to her feet. "We have orders by the kages to take you to Konoha."

The kyuubi sneered, trying to snap at her. It was then she noticed three more sand shinobi had entered her domain.

"Mah. You'll never take kyuubi alive.."

"I suggest you pack what you want to bring. We're not leaving without you." Temari said, ignoring the demon's words.

The fiery beast growled, yanking herself from the woman's hold, spitting with fury. How dare he, he'd promised to keep her refuge of domain a secret.

"Don't be like that. You should be happy, We're taking you to taking you to see Sakura-san."

The demon scowled, last she knew the pinkette didn't want anything to do with her. "How did you find this Kyuubi?" She hissed, not making eye contact as she pulled her shirt back over her swollen belly. She couldn't believe the ninja were fully dressed in their rank's attire.

"Gaara-sama gave us the location, he believes you'll be safer with Sakura-san." One of the jounin reported.

Yuna's lips pulled back in a snarl as she pushed past them. "Mah! He should mind his own business."

The blonde followed the expecting mother to her bedroom. Though Yuna hardly noticed, as she grabbed the pack she'd come with. She'd unpacked very little of what she owned, just in case she needed to make a quick get away.

The demon pulled her light brown dress over her tank and shorts, not even trying to hide her demon appearance. She sent Gaara's teammate a pointed glare, before throwing her Akatsuki cloak, purposely doing it to a rise out of them.

She didn't even allow the kunoichi to take her bag as she went to the living room. The nine tailed beast almost smiled, picking up the picture of her lover and herself.


She sent the blonde a glare, as she held the frame to her chest. They weren't worthy to see the mate of kyuubi. "One thing you will learn mortal, is that no one tells this kyuubi what to do." She snarled, her eyes glowing ferociously as her facial markings grew darker and more pronounced.

The blonde scoffed, much to the three jounin's amusement, though all were more on edge seeing the change in her demeanor. They were each ready to restrain her if they were deemed necessary.

Yuna gave them a sharp glare, before dashing out of the flat, chakra flowing, and four Sand shinobi on her nine tails.

What a sight the group must have made. A pregnant kitsune being chased by Suna's best. The weird part was, the demon was gaining distance between herself and the shinobi.

Many stopped what they were doing to watch the chase, it was another member of Gaara's old team that finally caught up to them.

"Temari!" Kankuro gasped, running side by side with his sister. "I thought you were supposed to get her on our side before you let her out of the house."

"That's a little hard when the demon runs right past ya!" She yelled, trying to catch up to the kyuubi. Who would have thought the expecting mother possessed such strength, especially when it was near a hundred degrees and the beasty was carrying a good ten to twenty pounds in her stomach.

"Hahaha! Dang that must be a blow to your ego, not being able to catch a pregnant wom-! Ouch!" The puppet masker yelled, holding his aching head, that his sister had smacked with her fan.

Yuna smirked, looking back over her shoulder just long enough to see the blonde hit her brother. They were such fools to take there eyes off Kyuubi. She turned back to the road, intent on jumping to the roofs for easier travel, when a sudden pain shot through her.

A strangled yelp filled the air as the demon fox stumbled, crashing into the ground. Her arms wrapped protectively around her belly.

"Yuna!" Temari called out, despite herself. She knew that even if Gaara no longer wanted everyone dead, he would no doubt kill her if anything happened to the nine tailed kitsune or her baby.

The blonde rushed to the crimson haired beasty, lifting her up so she was in a sitting position. "Yuna?"

The demon grimaced as she was moved.

"What is it? What happened?" The sand kunoichi demanded, with the help of Kankuro, she lifted the demon to her feet. She whimpered, clutching her stomach.

"Eh Temari...." Kankuro started to say. "You don't think it's time.... Do ya?" He asked, pointing down at the kitsune's stomach.

Temari hit him over the head for being so stupid. "Baka! Yuna, tell me, has your water broken?"

The demon shook her head, her ears drawn back completely. Temari turned her attention to the three jounin just standing there like idiots.

"Get me a stretcher!"

The men ran immediately, not wanting to infuriate the kunoichi more.

"Hang on Yuna, we'll get you to Sakura as soon as we can."

"Temari, you know how to deliver a baby right?" The blond sent her brother a pointed glare, telling him to shut up or she'd hit him again.

"If I did do you think Gaara would be sending Yuna to Sakura!?" She snapped.

The men returned after what seemed like hours, and Yuna appeared to have settled into a light sleep. It seemed the demon had only been having a false labor. Temari blamed it on the running. A woman in her condition should be kept at a walk, nothing more.

She placed the kitsune onto the gurney, taking care to lay her partially on her side, knowing that laying on her back would be more painful. . "Don't worry Yuna, we'll get you to Sakura as soon as we can."

With the help of her brother and the three sand jounin, they carried her out of the village as swiftly as they could. All the while the kitsune slept, her body was carried to Konoha.

She woke up from time to time, her body relaxing, it felt like she was laying on air. Temari would often brush her bangs out of her eyes, telling her they would be there soon, but the demon did not want to know this.

Though she and Sakura had once been friends. It was clearly not meant to be, Sakura had chosen Sasuke over her. Their bond was broken, lost forever. She doubted the pinkette would want to see her.

"Temari-san... Don't take this kyuubi to Sakura..." She whispered, raising her gaze to meet the Kunoichi's.

"Come on Yuna, we're taking you home."

"I have no home." She mumbled, looking away.

"Everyone has a home, Yuna." Temari reasoned, giving her a soft smile.

"Not this kyuubi."

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