A School Of Royalty

By Sofie_tomlinson28

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What happens when The Prince of England and the son of two of the most famous people in England are attending... More

Words from author
Your Highness
Best Friend
The Ball
New Year Eve
All Alone
A School of Royalty
The Interview
Coming Out
Family Reunion
Endings and New Beginnings
Thanks for reading
Epilogue (last)
Bonus: The Wedding Night


3.4K 81 203
By Sofie_tomlinson28

On Harry's birthday, Louis woke him up by throwing a pillow in his face, just like so many times before.

Harry let out a "hmpf" sound and slowly opened his eyes. Louis grinned down at him, dipping down to place a kiss on his nose.

"Happy birthday, curly," Louis said, smiling gently at him. "Old man."

Harry grinned up at him, his eyes filled with a look that made the butterflies in Louis' stomach set off. "A pillow? Really?"

"Long time since I have thrown one at you," Louis shrugged, laying down on his side. He ran his fingers through Harry's curls.

"Hm, that's right," Harry hummed, leaning into Louis' touch. "And I am not old, you fucker."

"Nineteen," Louis said, kissing Harry's temple. "Sounds old to me."

"Fuck off," Harry growled, hiding his face in his pillow. "And lets go back to sleep. It's early."

"It's really not," Louis chuckled. "It's ten."

"Point proven," Harry grumbled. "Let's sleep. For a little more." Harry turned around in the bed, his back facing Louis.

"But I have been planning this completely perfect day!" Louis whined, placing his chin on Harry's shoulder and draping his arm around the boy's narrow waist.

"Oh have you now?" Louis could hear the grin in Harry's voice. "And what have you planned? If I may ask."

Louis started tracing aimless patterns over Harry's fabric-covered hip. "Well, breakfast first."

"Hm," Harry hummed. "Then what?"

"Impatient, are we?" Louis said on a grin, tickling Harry, making Harry laugh loudly.

"Of course I am!" Harry laughed, curling in on himself as Louis tickled him. "God! L-louis, s-stop."

"Fine," Louis huffed, withdrawing his hand. "I will no longer tickle you."

"Thank you so much," Harry breathed, rolling his eyes fondly. "Will you cuddle me though? And then tell me about our plans?"

"Hmm, not sure," Louis said, sitting up in the bed. He crossed his arms.

Harry turned to him, laying on his back. "Come on, Lou. Cuddle me!"


Harry pouted. "But it's my birthday."


"What if I give you a blowjob?"

"Tempting. But I am going to stick with no."

Harry bit his lip, Louis' eyes instantly landing on where Harry's teeth sunk into the skin. "What about some good old rimming, then?"

Louis couldn't help the small smile that broke out on his face. "Maybe later."

"Fine." Harry let out a breath. "Will you still cuddle me though? And tell me today's plans?"

"I thought I had already told you no," Louis smirked. "Or am I wrong?"

"I hate you."

"All your actions tells otherwise."

"Right now I do."


Harry pouted and crossed his arms. "Just cuddle me, for fuck sake."

"Fiiiine," Louis drawled out. "If you insists, you fucking baby."

Louis scooted down down the bed, Harry moving into his side, sighing contently. "See? Wasn't that hard, was it?"

"I suppose not," Louis grinned, rolling his eyes fondly. "I just wanted to annoy you."

"You always do."

"Curly! Your words cut deep!"

"No, they don't."

"How would you know?"

"I just do."

"Now you are the one being annoying."

"Am I though?"

"No. Not at all." Louis leaned down, kissing Harry's lips softly. "Mhm. Morning breath."

"Like you care."

"Hm, you are right," Louis hummed, kissing him once more.

"Good. Now that that is settled, please tell me our plans for today."

"Okay," Louis breathed. "We can't do anything big, but... well, I have planned after brekkie that we will head to The Town and try ice skating. I rented the place down there. It will just be us."

"You rented the place?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. "Just like that?"

"Of course," Louis scoffed. "I am rich, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, right."

"Had you really forgotten?"

"Well, with the way you dress-"

Louis smacked him on the arm. "Hey!"

"It's all hoodies and sweats, baby!"

"It's Prada and Gucci hoodies!"

"You are wearing Adidas right now."

"Shut up."

"Fine. Continue to tell me about your plan for today then."

"Okay," Louis breathed, smiling fondly. "Well, after ice-skating... I thought we could go back here, do the rimming you talked about-"

Harry barked out a laugh. "Sounds like a plan."


"Yes, darling?"

"I was joking. No rimming."

"No rimming?"

"No rimming."


"Hm, I am glad you like my ass, Styles."

"Who wouldn't?" Harry grinned, reaching over to pinch it. "What then?"

"Well, by the time we should be back it's dinner time, most likely, so dinner. And then I will leave you with the boys for about half an hour-"

"What, why!"

"Because I need to fix something," Louis chuckled. "But that part I will not tell you about."

"Why!" Harry whined. "I want to know!"

"Never," Louis said in a sing-song voice. "And now, my dear lover-boy, time to get out of bed and get some breakfast."

Harry let out a groan. "Fine."


"How much did you pay the owners to rent this place?" Harry questioned as they stepped through the doors of the ice-skating hall.

"Does it matter?" Louis grinned, capturing Harry's hand in his own as they were finally alone.

"If you spent a million? Yes. Then it definitely does."

Louis let out a chuckle. "I didn't spent a million. Don't worry."

"Will you tell me how much you spent?" Harry asked, squeezing Louis' hand.

"Never!" Louis grinned. "Now come on, lets find some skates. He pulled on Harry's hand, leading him toward a long row of shelves filled with skates.

"All right, all right," Harry chuckled, letting himself be pulled along.

"Have you ever tried skating before?" Louis questioned as he started looking for some skates his size.

"Nope, never," Harry answered. "Have you?"

"Never in my life," Louis replied. "We are going to look like Bambi."

Harry came up behind Louis, hugging him from behind. He placed his chin on Louis' shoulder. "You would make a rather cute Bambi."

"I would beg to differ!" Louis huffed, turning around so he stood face to face with Harry, a pair of skates in his hands. "If anyone is going to fall, it's going to be you, Harold! Mark my words."

"Oh, so you just know?" Harry grinned, placing his arms around Louis' waist, pulling him close. The skates in Louis' hands hit him in the chest.

"Yep," Louis said. "You are going to be the first, and only one to fall."

"I am not sure sure about that," Harry mumbled, placing a kiss to Louis' lips. "But whatever you say."

"That's right. Whatever I say. Good that we agree, old Harold."

"Heey." Harry smacked him lightly on the arm. "My name is not Harold and I am not old."

"Shh!" Louis placed a finger on Harry's lips. "You are whatever I say. You said so yourself. Live with it."

Harry let out a small chuckle, poking his tongue out to lick Louis' finger.

"Arg!" Louis drew the finger to him, staring offended at Harry.

Harry just let out a laugh, kissing Louis' forehead. "Let's go skating, Lou."

Louis wasn't wrong when he said Harry would be the first one to fall, but he was completely wrong when he said he himself wouldn't fall at all.

They held hands as they went out onto the rink, their legs wobbling beneath them as they went. Laughs escaped their throats as they hand in hand tried to move. They managed to move a little bit, but then Harry's legs snapped under him, sending him onto his ass. His pout was big as he looked up at Louis. Louis was laughing, his voice loud in the large room, but as he moved to help Harry up, he himself, fell onto his ass next to Harry.


"Ouch!" Louis groaned.

Harry laughed at him. "We have been out on the ice for what? A minute? And we have both already fallen."

"Oh, so you fell for me?" Louis smirked, hugging his arms around himself.

"Of course I did," Harry grinned back.


"Fuck off."

"Want to try again?"

They managed to get back up on their feet, their hands interlocked as they slowly started moving over the ice. Slowly, after a lot of falling, followed by a lot of cursing, they got the hang of it.

After some time, Louis let go of Harry's hand, skating a little faster over the ice. He let out a laugh as he managed to stay on both of his legs. He skated over to the fence that was around the rink, grabbed onto it and turned around to look at Harry, only to find him on his ass once again. Louis barked out a laugh.

"Can't keep standing without your hand in mine?" he called out, grinning.

"What does it look like?" Harry yelled back, crossing his arms over his chest.

Louis just laughed and slowly skated back over to Harry, sitting down on the ice next to him. It was cold and a shiver ran down his spine.

"It's okay, Harold. I know that standing becomes hard the older you get."

"Hey!" Harry smacked his arm. "Rude!"

"Whatever," Louis laughed him off.

They spent another hour at the ice rink, trying to balance on their feet and in the end they did so without falling at all. Louis counted it as a win.

Afterward, they walked through The Town, looking at some of the shops, keeping an armlengths distance between them.

They went into the Adidas store, took a stop by the café and even went down to the beach, walking by the water. They talked each other's ears off until their throats were sore and their cheeks hurt from smiling.

"What do you want to do when you finish school? Here,

I mean. At Rose Canyon," Harry asked Louis as they walked along the beach. There were no other people in sight, but they still kept their distance.

"I am going to take over my father's company," Louis said, looking out over the water.

"You are?" Harry asked, surprise evident in his voice.

"Yeah." Louis nodded.

"Is that what you want to do?" Harry questioned, his brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" Louis turned his head away from the water, looking at Harry.

"I mean, is that career you want? Is it what you want to spend the rest of your life doing?"

"I... I haven't really thought about that, actually," Louis said on a sigh. "I have just kind of lived with that being what I have to do."

"But what if it's not?" Harry asked, taking a step closer to Louis. Even though he was closer, he still felt so far away. Louis wanted him closer. To run his fingers through Harry's curls, to hold his hand, to kiss his lips.

"It's what I am going to do, Harry," Louis said.

"Is that something your dad said? Or something you said?" Harry prodded on.

Louis let out a sigh. "My dad, Harry. My dad."

"And do you want to take over the company?"

"Harry, I have no clue, all right!" Louis said, his voice rather harsh. "Why are you asking me this, anyway?"

Harry let out a breath, biting his lip nervously. "I... Well, there isn't long till the school year ends and... I am personally planning to continue my education. Oxford, properly. It won't be a problem for me to get in-"

"-Harry, do please get to your point already."

"And I wondered... if you wanted to study at Oxford as well maybe." Harry fumbled nervously with the hem of his shirt. "Like... so we could still be together and maybe even... buyaflatorsomething." The last part came out rushed, but Louis still caught onto it. He felt as his whole body froze.


Harry's face had gone pale, his lips complete white were his teeth bit into the skin. "You, me. Oxford together?"

"And living together?" Louis asked, his voice rushed.

"Well, yes." Harry nodded dumbly.

Louis still stood frozen in his spot. "I really want to kiss you right now. Like, a whole fucking lot."

A small smile appeared on Harry's face. "Is that... a yes?"

"Yes!" Louis said, his face breaking into a grin. "Yes, Harry, I fucking want that!"

"Really?" Harry let out a breath, the color returning to his cheeks. God, how Louis wanted to reach out and kiss him.

"Yeah." Louis smiled wide.

Harry glanced quickly to left and right before turning his gaze back on Louis. "Kiss me," he said.

"I-What?" Louis looked stunned at him. "Harry, we can't-"

"Fuck sake, Louis," Harry said. "No one is here. Just one kiss." Without another word he stepped forward, cupping Louis' face in his hands, claiming his lips.

Louis sighed into it, kissing back. One kiss turned to many, their eyes closed as their tongues moved against each other. Louis placed his arms around Harry's shoulders, pulling him closer to himself.

Finally, they pulled away, breathing heavily.

"God, that felt amazing," Harry said on a breath.

"Yeah." Louis smiled lazily up at him. "It really di-"

A sound coming from a bush behind them startled them. They jumped away from each other, panicked expressions on their face as they looked toward the bush, both letting out a sigh as they realized it had just been a bird landing on one of the branches.

Louis let out a relieved breath. "I was about to have a heart attack."

"Ditto," Harry said, looking at Louis with flushed cheeks, a grin forming on his face. "Well, the almost-heart-attack was worth it."

"It was just a kiss, Harry," Louis grinned up at him. "Not that big of a deal."

"It's never just a kiss with you, Lou," Harry softly said.

"You are sap," Louis said, his cheeks rosy.

"Whatever." Harry laughed. "Shall we go back to the school? It's already four."

"Yeah, let's do that."

They had finished dinner at six, Louis going back to their room afterwards. He had ordered Harry to go spent some time with the other boys as he prepared the surprise.

As Harry were in the other boys' room, Louis started getting ready. He had the weekend before purchased a ton of new blankets, pillows and fairy lights. And of course, Harry's present. He also found the large bag of candy he had bought, together with some soda.

He took the mattress off of Niall's old bed, putting it on the floor by the window. He started hanging the blankets up around the mattress, using a lot of different tricks to keep them up. He even pushed his drawer over to the mattress, so that he could fasten the blankets into the drawers.

Finally, it stood and he started decorating the inside, setting up the fairy lights and pillows. He put the candy in a bowl, setting it inside together with the soda. Lastly he put in his laptop, the movie ready to play.

When he finally was happy about the result of what he had built, he changed into a hoodie and sweatpants, fuzzy socks on his feet.

He went to Harry's drawer opening the top drawer in search for a hoodie and a pair of sweats for the curly-haired boy. He did find some, but as he pulled them out of the drawer, he noticed a small bottle at the bottom of the drawer. He glanced a look at it.

Lubricant for anal use.

Louis quickly closed the drawer, acting like he hadn't just seen the bottle. How long had it been there? God. Had Harry used it on anyone before they got together?

"Fuck!" Louis groaned and turned back to the drawer. He pulled it open and grabbed the bottle.

It hadn't been opened before, the lid still sealed.

Louis let out a breath of air. Harry of course had the right to have had sex with other students before they got together, shit, maybe he even had and this bottle was just completely new, waiting for a reason to be opened-

Louis shook his head violently. He didn't need to think of that right now. He put the bottle back down in the drawer, closing it. The important thing right now was to celebrate Harry properly.

On his way out the door he grabbed a long piece of black fabric that lay on his bed.

Only a minute after he had left the room, he knocked on the other boys' door, the piece of fabric in hand, together with Harry's sweats and hoodie.

It was Harry who opened, a big grin on his face. "Louis!"

"Hi, Harry," Louis softly said, stepping through the door. "You ready?"

Harry closed the door behind him, leaning down to give him a kiss. "I wouldn't know. You haven't told we what our plans are."

Louis was just about to answer him, when Liam's voice filled the room. "Hello. We are here too."

Louis turned his gaze to the beds where the other boys sat. "Oh, hi guys!" He gave them a small wave.

"Whatever." Liam rolled his eyes, directing his gaze at Harry. "It was nice having you, Haz. See you tomorrow. Go get railed."

Louis shook his head lightly, letting out a dry chuckle. "Not so quickly," Louis said, handing Harry the clothes, keeping the piece of fabric for himself. "I need you to change."

"Okaaaay," Harry said slowly, taking the clothes. "What a formal set of clothes." His voice was teasing. Louis smacked his arm.

"Go change!"

"Okay, okay," Harry chuckled, disappearing into the bathroom.

As soon as he was gone, Niall opened his mouth. "So, what are you planning? Something romantic or just pure sex?"

Louis felt his cheeks redden. "Not that it is any of your business, but movie night. I made us... a fort. With blankets and pillows. That kind of stuff."

"A fort?" Liam's eyebrows shot up. "How the hell did you built a-"

In that moment the bathroom door opened and Harry stepped out, Liam silencing his mouth.

Louis moved his eyes to Harry, a soft smile spreading on his face. The hoodie Harry was wearing was midnight blue, portraying a bright yellow duck, his sweats gray. His curls were mushed and his eyes were sparkly with excitement. God. Louis wanted to kiss him.

"I am ready," Harry announced, bouncing on his feet. Louis chuckled a little at the sight.

"You need this on, curly." He held up the fabric. "Got to cover your eyes."

A small smirk formed on Harry's lips. "Kinky."

Niall made a gagging noise. "Do please fucking get out of here!"

Louis barked out a laugh and walked up to Harry, standing behind him. He put the fabric for his eyes, tying it in a knot. "Fine. We will go now."

Louis led Harry toward the door and out into the hallway. He guided him toward their room.

"Wait here," he told Harry as they stopped in front of the door.

Harry waited as Louis went into the room, checking that everything was perfect one last time. It was. He made sure all lights were turned off, except the fairy ones and then let Harry inside.

"You can take the blindfold off now," Louis told Harry softly.

Harry slowly-with Louis' help-removed the blindfold, letting out a small gasp as he saw the small fort Louis had built.


"-Do you like it?" Louis asked nervously, guiding Harry toward it. "I, um, I remembered the time you told that you have never watched Grease and that's... that's just not okay! So I thought we could cuddle and... and watch it tog-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence, Harry's lips blocking the words from coming out as he kissed him. Louis hummed into it, his whole body relaxing.

Harry pulled away slightly "Louis, it's... perfect. Absolutely perfect."

"Yeah?" Louis smiled softly up at him.

"God, yes." Harry nodded eagerly.

"I also got you a gift," Louis said, smirking and poked Harry in the chest. "Get in there. I will go grab it."

"Okay," Harry said on a grin, moving into the fort.

Louis quickly went to his bed. It was weird calling it his bed, he realized. He hadn't slept in it since before Christmas. It didn't feel like his anymore.

He pulled his suitcase out from underneath, grabbing the small box and going to the fort.

He settled into it next to Harry, smiling nervously at him. "Well, here." He handed him the small box, pulling his knees up to his chest, hugging them to him with his arms. "Open it."

Harry looked down at the small box, slowly unwrapping the paper. A small gasp left Harry's lips as he saw the contents of the box.

When Louis had seen it in the store he had just known that it was bound to be Harry's and he had immediately went in to buy it without any hesitation.

It was a silver ring, the word 'PEACE' engraved. It reminded Louis how much things had changed between them, how their hate had changed into a beautiful friendship and that friendship turned into... a relationship.

"Do you like it?" Louis quietly asked.

Harry looked at him with awe. "I absolutely love it, baby." He cupped Louis' chin, pulling him in for a kiss. "So much, God, it's beautiful."

"Yeah?" He smiled softly. "Can I put it on you?"

"Of course," Harry said, his voice gentle. He put the box in Louis' lap.

Louis took the ring out, gently taking Harry's hand in his, sliding the ring onto Harry's finger. "Beautiful," he mumbled.

Harry's cheeks turned red. "I love it. So much, Lou."

"I am glad," Louis grinned, his cheeks turning rosy. "Now let's watch this movie and eat a ton of candy, yeah?"

"Fuck yes," Harry said, leaning into the pillows. "Can't wait."

Louis took the laptop, cuddling into Harry's side. He placed the laptop on their thighs, pressing play.

Almost two hours later, the credits rolled and Louis put the laptop aside, leaning over Harry's body.

"So, what did you think?" he asked as he ran his fingers through Harry's curls.

"Hmm, very good indeed," Harry hummed, closing his eyes as Louis' finger ran over his scalp.

"That's the spirit," Louis grinned, tugging slightly on his curls, Harry letting out a groan. God, Louis loved when he did that.

Harry grinned up at him. "Kiss me."


"It's my birthday."


Louis leaned down and kissed him. Their lips moved together and it wasn't long before their tongues moved against each other. Harry placed his hands on Louis' waist, guiding him over to his lap so that Louis was straddling him.

Louis could feel how he slowly grew hard in his pants as they kissed and started rolling his hips over Harry's searching for friction. Harry groaned into his mouth, cupping Louis' ass in his hands. Louis let out a low moan at the feeling.

Suddenly Harry pushed Louis onto his back switching their positions, placing himself on top. His hands trailed all over Louis' fabric covered body until his hands went in under Louis' hoodie, running over the bare skin of Louis' stomach. Louis could feel how goosebumps erupted all over his skin.

"What do you want, baby?" Harry whispered against his lips, his hips rolling over Louis'.

Any other day Louis would maybe had gone with a blowjob or hand job. Maybe even the rimming Harry mentioned earlier, but then his mind went to the lube in Harry's drawer. He wondered how it would feel to have Harry open him up, to slowly feel him press inside.

"I... I want you," Louis let out on a breath.

"You will get me, don't worry," Harry murmured, completely obvious to what Louis meant.

"No, Harry." Louis shook his head slightly. "I... I... fuck, I want you. I want you to... to fuck me."

Harry stilled on top of him, looking down at Louis with wide open eyes, his lips slightly parted. "What?"

Okay. Louis hadn't expected this.

"Well, um, only if you want to, of course," Louis rushed out, heat building in his cheeks.

Harry shook his head slightly. "Of course I want to. So much. Jesus, I want it so much." He hid his face in Louis neck, kissing the spot where shoulder and neck met.

"Oh, okay," Louis breathed. "That's... great."

Harry removed his face from Louis' neck, propping himself up on his elbows, hovering over Louis' body. "Are you sure? We don't have to."

Louis nodded. "Yes. I am sure. I want you. All of you."

"Okay." Harry smiled softly down at Louis, joining their lips in a soft kiss. "I am going to make you feel good."

"Uh-huh," Louis let out, not quite knowing what else to say.

Harry brushed his finger through Louis' fringe. "It's probably going to hurt at first."

"Yeah, yeah." Louis nodded briskly. "I... I know that."

"Okay." Harry nodded slightly to himself. "I just had to make sure you knew."

Their lips met again as their clothes slowly came off, finally leaving them both completely naked. Harry's mouth were on Louis' nipples, Louis' hands fisted in Harry's curls.

"Fuck, Harry!" Louis arched his back as Harry bit teasingly down on his nipple, making their cocks brush together. "Fuck."

Harry groaned against Louis' skin, moving his mouth down over Louis' stomach, until he was hovering over his cock. He licked a stripe up from the base, all the way to the tip. Louis cried out.

"Jesus, Harry!"

Harry chuckled, doing it once more before moving up Louis' body again, kissing his lips.

"I am going to start prepping you now, all right?" he asked, his voice gentle as he let his fingers run over Louis' jaw. Louis closed his eyes at the feeling.

"O-okay," he stuttered out, the butterflies in his stomach basking nervously with their wings.

"We can stop any time, you know that, right?" Harry asked, looking Louis directly in the eyes. Louis nodded. "I need your words, Lou."

"Yes, yes, I know," Louis rushed out. "I want it, Harry."

"I know. I want it too, but if you feel uncom-"

"I won't," Louis interrupted him, cupping his cheek in his hand. "Not with you. Never with you."

"Okay. If you are completely sure," Harry mumbled. "I am going to grab lube and a condom, all right?"

"Yeah." Louis nodded slightly, remembering when he earlier had found the lube.

Harry moved off his body, quickly padding out the fort. Louis could hear the sound of the drawer opening and then Harry was back, the lube bottle in hand and a condom.

Harry lay them next to Louis, positioning himself so he was hovering over Louis' body.

"I am going to open you up now, okay?" he said softly, his hand reaching for the lube bottle. "It's probably going to hurt a little at first."

"That's okay," Louis said, swallowing a lump in his throat as he watched Harry lube up his fingers.

"Okay. Can you spread your legs a little wider for me?" Harry asked, his voice low.

Louis nodded and spread his legs further apart, Harry settling fully between them.

Louis let out a small gasp as he felt Harry's finger press against his rim. The lube was cold against his skin, making a shiver run down his spine.

Harry ran his fingers in slow circles around Louis' rim, spreading some of the lube out, before finally pressing against him.

The stretch burned and Louis' whole body tensed, his eyes shut tightly. Harry stopped pushing his finger in further.

"You okay?" Harry asked soothingly, his free hand placed on Louis' hip, his thumb rubbing circles into the flesh.

"B-burns," Louis let out, his eyes screwed shut.

"Do you want to stop?"

Louis shook his head. "No. Keep going."


Harry continued to push his finger in until it was in all the way. He didn't move it, letting Louis get used to the feeling of him. It was first then Louis told him to move, that he started thrusting his finger in and out of Louis' hole.

Slowly the burn disappeared, being replaced by pleasure.

It wasn't long before a second finger joined in, Harry scissoring Louis open. At one point Harry's fingers hit a spot inside Louis, a spot that made Louis arch his back and letting out a long moan. Afterwards Harry kept going after that one spot, making Louis moan and whimper.

A third finger pressed in beside the two, Louis groaning at the stretch, but he soon he got used to the feeling.

His whole body felt on fire, a thin layer of sweats coating his skin.

"Harry," he gasped. "I need to, fuck I need you... you in me, now."

"You sure?" Harry looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes!" Louis groaned. "Fuck sake, please fuck me."

"If you insists," Harry smirked, slowly pulled his fingers out of Louis, making the boy wince slightly.

Harry grabbed a pillow from beside them, asking Louis to lift his hips. Louis did and Harry placed the pillow underneath him.

Louis watched as Harry rolled the condom over his cock, lubing it up. He felt as Harry pressed against him, his eyes fixed on Harry's face. His hands were placed on Harry's biceps as Harry slowly pressed into him.

It hurt. Louis wouldn't deny that. The stretch was so much more than what Harry's fingers had been, but he also knew that in a few minutes that pain would be replaced by pleasure. So he just bit his lips and focused on the green of Harry's eyes as the other boy slowly pushed into him.

When Harry finally bottomed out, he stilled, not moving, giving Louis the chance to adjust.

"You okay?" Harry mumbled, brushing Louis' fringe off his forehead. "Too much?"

Louis shook his head, breathing heavily. "No, no, I am... I am good. You can move now."

Harry started to slowly moved out, thrusting into Louis again. The first few times he did it, it hurt, but after a few times it started to feel good, more than good. Louis clawed his fingernails into Harry's back, a low groan escaping his throat.

"You can go faster than that, Styles," he panted, looking up Harry with a smirk. Harry's curls were mushed, his lips parted as he thrust, his forehead sweaty.

"You sure?" Harry breathed.

"Yes, just do it."

"All right then," Harry said, smirking.

Before Louis knew of it, Harry had pushed Louis' hands of his back, instead taking them in his own hands and placing them above Louis' head. He pressed them into the mattress. Louis wiggled beneath Harry, trying to get out of his grasp. Harry didn't waver.

With the hand that wasn't holding Louis' arms down, he guided Louis' legs around his waist.

After that it was pure bliss as Harry started thrusting in and out of Louis, his pace much faster than before. Louis let out small whimpers as they moved together. Harry's face was hidden in Louis' neck as he moved, both of his hands still interlocked around Louis' wrists, small moans leaving his mouth.

Louis arched his back as Harry hit his spot, letting out a loud moan. He could slowly feel his orgasm building up in the pit of his stomach as Harry kept hitting his prostate, over and over again.

"Harry, I-I am... fuck, I am so close," he panted.

Harry lifted his face from Louis' neck, looking at the boy underneath him. "Yeah?" He took one of his hands away from Louis' wrists and moved it down to Louis' cock, stroking him as he kept thrusting.

Louis threw his head back against the pillow. "Fuck!" He came with a shout all over Harry's hand, Harry following him only seconds later, stilling on top of him as he came into the condom.

Harry collapsed on top of Louis, his grip on Louis' wrists disappearing, making Louis able to move them once again. Louis enveloped his arms around Harry's waist, holding him close as they caught their breath.

Harry slowly lifted his head from where it had lay on Louis' chest, looking into Louis' eyes. "Was that okay? Not too rough?"

"It was amazing," Louis whispered, trailing his finger over Harry's jaw. "So amazing... I... thank you."

"I should be the one thanking you," Harry grinned sheepishly. "For trusting me with this."

"I trust you with everything," Louis mumbled softly, running his fingers through Harry's curls.

Harry cheeks turned red, a giddy smile spreading on his lips. "I trust you too. With everything."

"Why, thank you."

Harry rolled his eyes slightly. "I am going to pull out now, all right?"

Louis nodded, wincing as he felt Harry leave his body.

"I am going to us something to clean us up," Harry softly said. "Then let's cuddle and fall asleep, yeah?"

"Yeah." Louis grinned as Harry got out of the fort and started walking toward the bathroom. He wasn't able to pull his eyes away, not even when Harry had entered the bathroom, his eyes glued to the door, waiting for Harry to appear once more. When he finally did, he smiled softly up at him.

Harry smiled back, getting back into the fort. He was holding a wet towel in his hands and he ran it over where the cum lay on Louis' stomach, his touch ever so gentle.

When he was finished he kissed Louis softly on the lips.

God, Louis was so in love.

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