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I love horses and I love Harry and therefore Harry loves horses.

Sunlight streamed through the glass in the greenhouse, hitting Louis in the face and waking him up from his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes, but quickly closed them again, the sun blinding him. Instead, he buried his face further into the mop of curls he had buried his face in all night. He knew the mop belonged to Harry and he also knew that he in fact did still have his arms around him, but in that moment he didn't care.

It wasn't long before Harry started moving as well and turned around, so he was facing Louis, his eyes still getting used to the light that came in from everywhere. "Hi," he croaked out.

"Hey," Louis whispered back, looking into Harry's sleepy eyes. His heart was galloping, his breathing ragged. What was to happen now? Louis didn't know. Harry hadn't answered last night when Louis told him he hadn't hated him in a long time, instead just went for sleep. There of course also were there possibility Harry didn't remember a thing from last night, didn't remember the words that had been said.

Louis didn't think that was the case though, because when he looked into Harry's eyes, there was nothing but happiness. His eyes were glistening, ever so green. Louis was mesmerized by them.

"Um-" Louis cleared his throat, "-do you, um, remember?"

"Remember?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Last night," Louis clarified.

"Oh." A shadow darkened slightly, but it quickly washed away. "Yes, I do."

"And...?" Louis didn't know what else to say.

"And I have a killer hangover," Harry said, smiling slightly, his dimple deeping. Louis couldn't help but smile back.

"How long do we stay here?" he asked. In reality he didn't want to leave. Here, in the greenhouse, it felt like they were in a their own little bobble. Their own little bobble of new found friendship.

"How about forever?" Harry suggested, giggling slightly. The giggle quickly turned into a wince. "Ouch."

"We can't," Louis chuckled and let his eyes rank over Harry's face. His curls were a mess and the make-up he had put on the night before to make his face appear paler, was smeared all over his face. "You look like shit by the way."

"Why thank you, Mr Teletubby," Harry said.

"Hey!" Louis gave him a light smack on top of his head, but instantly regretted it when Harry let out a groan. "Shit, sorry. I forgot about the hangover."

"It's all right," Harry chuckled slightly and touched the spot where Louis had smacked him.

"That's good," Louis breathed.

Silence settled over them and it was then Louis noticed how cold he actually was.

"I am freezing," he whispered, not really wanting to break the, almost magical, silence.

"Thank God," Harry breathed. "Me too. I just didn't want to bring it up."

Louis scoffed. "You idiot."

"You still think so?"

"I am never going to stop thinking you are an idiot, curly."

Harry blushed at the nickname. Louis' stomach fluttered.

They got up from the spot on the floor and left the greenhouse to continue the walk to the school. They couldn't see other students walking around and when Louis pulled out his phone to check the time, he saw that it was no more than seven in the morning.

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