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January twelve marked the day for Zayn's nineteenth birthday. They celebrated it together in Niall, Liam and Zayn's room, by playing a ton of Fifa. Louis won big time against Harry, the other boy somehow managing to be clumsy, even in a game.

They also gave Zayn their presents-Louis giving him some products for his hair. It was mainly as a joke, but Zayn's eyes lit completely up at the sight of them.

"Thank you, Louis!" he had exclaimed. "I needed some new stuff!"

Louis didn't even know he used hair products; he just thought it looked the way it did. Turned out he was wrong.

When Harry and he finally left the room around ten, they quickly went to their own room. As soon as they stepped in the door, their mouths found each other, Harry's hand Louis' waist. Louis' fingers were fisted in Harry's curls.

"Been longing to touch you all day," Harry groaned against Louis' lips as he pushed Louis toward their, now shared, bed. "So much."

"Same," Louis rushed out, tugging on Harry's curls. The other boy groaned against his lips.

Harry pushed Louis down on the sheets, laying on top of him, claiming his lips once again. Harry pushed his hands up under Louis' hoodie, his finger splaying with Louis' nipples. Louis let out a low whine in the back of his throat at the touch, arching his back up.

"You like that?" Harry smirked, twisting the nub between his fingers, making Louis whimper. "I will take that as y-"

"Hey guy-What the fuck!"

Louis and Harry froze in their places and turned their gaze to the door, where none other than Niall was standing. He was wearing his pyjamas (a blue t-shirt with yellow duck and green sweatpants) and with him he was carrying his duvet and a pillow.

"Um, hi Niall," Harry rushed out, removing his hands from under Louis' shirt, slowly sitting up. Louis kept laying where he was, frozen in place. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Niall said, somehow anger and happiness mixed into his voice all at once.

Louis slowly came alive where he lay on bed, sitting up slowly. He didn't see no reason to lie. "Um... no?"

"Are the two of you-" Niall pointed between them, "-a thing? Boyfriends? Fuck buddies? Do care to fill me in, because I have been rooting for this for ages." He looked like a kid who had gotten the exact toy he had wanted from Santa. Normally Louis would have laughed at his expression, but now he just sat, hoping that it somehow was a dream. He hadn't wanted for Niall, for anyone, to find out this way.

It was embarrassing. Humiliating.

Louis let out a nervous chuckle, his heart still beating rapidly in his chest. "Well... boyfriends. Yeah, um, that's what we are."

Niall let out a happy squeal and jumped onto the bed with them, hugging them both to his body, completely obvious to the two problems they both had going on in their pants. "I am so happy for you guys, but I still need all the juicy details. When did it happen?" He let go of them, settling down into the cushions between them.

"Christmas," Harry said, smiling softly at Louis. "Finally got my guts to kiss him."

"And we made it official last weekend," Louis said lowly, smiling back at Harry.

"Awesome," Niall said, a big grin still plastered on his face. "Now, when were you planning on telling us?"

"Soon," Harry said, scratching the back of his neck. "It's just a pretty big thing, you know? We... we can't just tell every body we come across."

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