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"Harry!" Louis' voice boomed through the apartment, followed by the loud smack of the front door closing. "I am home!"

Harry, who was sitting in their small living room, a book in his lap, quickly got up, running out into the kitchen where Louis now stood. He was wearing a beanie, and a thick jacket, and on the counter in front of him was a plastic bag filled with groceries. Harry strode up to him, hugging him from behind.

"Hi, baby," Harry mumbled, nosing the soft skin at Louis' neck. "I missed you."

Louis let out a low chuckle. "I was gone for, like, an hour, love. You can't have missed me that much."

Harry just shrugged, hugging Louis tighter to him. "I can't help it. I am addicted to you." Even though Harry couldn't see Louis' face, there was no doubt that the smaller boy was blushing, but Louis, of course, just tried to shrug it off.

"You old sap," he said, shaking his head lightly. "Now, will you please let me go so that I can get these groceries into the refrigerator?"

"Nah." With one quick motion, Harry turned Louis around in his arms so that they stood face to face. "I am going to need a kiss first, darling."

"Whatever." Louis rolled his eyes fondly. There was a small smile on his lips and a mischievous glint in his eyes. He was the most beautiful creature Harry ever had laid eyes upon.

"Don't act as if you hate it, love," Harry smirked, cupping Louis' cold cheek. He leaned down to kiss him. Louis' lips were cold and frost-bitten, but Harry couldn't care less as their mouths moved against each other. It was supposed to just be one single peck, but one turned into many, and many turned into a full-on make-out session. Harry pressed Louis against the counter, his hands now placed possessively on Louis' waist.

Louis pulled away slightly, panting. "Can we... bedroom?" he breathed out.

Harry couldn't help but smirk slightly. "But what about the groceries, Lou? They are so important!"

Louis rolled his eyes. "Fine. I will take care of the groceries, you go into our bedroom, and when I join you, I expect you to be naked."

"Is that so?" Harry raised a teasing eyebrow.

"Yes." Louis grinned at him and stood up on his toes to give Harry a peck on the lips before pushing Harry's body away from himself. "Now go on, Harold! I am in a hurry!"

"All right, all right," Harry laughed, holding his hands up in defence. He quickly hurried out of the kitchen, through their small hallway, and through the door to their bedroom. On his way he quickly pulled his hoodie over his head, throwing it on the floor as soon as he entered the room.

It felt like forever since he and Louis last had proper sex. Since they started at the University in September their schedules had been stuffed with loads of different things. It didn't help that they weren't able to move into the apartment before the end of August, making unpacking take much longer due to classes. Then there, of course, they had to do everything by themselves. Not that Harry complained. He enjoyed waking Louis up with breakfast in bed in the mornings and going on long walks with him. And he enjoyed resting on the couch with him after a long day of classes and homework. He enjoyed it all, but now, one and a half month after having moved in, he could also count the number of times they had had proper sex on one hand.

He missed it.

He got out of the rest of his clothes, throwing them aimlessly at the floor. When he finally was fully naked, he sat down on the bed, waiting impatiently on Louis. It surely couldn't take that long to pack groceries away.

Just as the thought had crossed his mind, he heard the padding of footsteps out in the hallway. He fixated his eyes on the doorway, Louis showing up in it only seconds later, wearing absolutely nothing.

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