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"Cupid, you are slow as a fucking snail," Louis complained as the old horse moved slowly forward on the path between the trees.

It was Sunday, the last weekend of November and the snow still lay in thick piles on the ground. Yet Harry had still insisted they would go to Landon's and ride the horses. Louis had once again said it would be freezing, but it was a lost fight before it even had begun. Louis knew that he would follow Harry to the stables, even in freezing weather. He was starting to think he would follow him everywhere.

So here they were. On a trip into the forest, Harry in front on Athena, the white mare walking briskly forward. She looked straight out of a fairytale in the darkness that the trees surrounding them created. The only source of light being the sun shining through the branches above them.

Louis was well behind Harry, Cupid walking in his own slow pace, not seeming to mind Louis' legs that urged him to move faster.

"You little shit," Louis mumbled when he finally gave up. "You are not getting any carrots today!"

Cupid didn't seem to give a shit about carrots, because he didn't move any faster. Rude.

It was only the second time he had ridden Cupid, but the nerves he had felt the first time was as good as gone. Now he only felt slight irritation over the horse that refused to move faster.

And slight fondness, but he would never admit that out loud.

Harry finally seemed to catch onto the fact that Louis was being left behind and stopped Athena, turning his head look at Louis and Cupid, a wide grin on his face. "You coming?" he asked, laughter edged into his words.

"What does it look like?" Louis groaned. "This horse is fucking slow."

Harry laughed. "Trust me, he can run very fast. But he is his own being, if he wants to go slow, he goes slow."

Louis finally came up on Harry's side. "I bet you could make him move faster."

"I probably could," Harry shrugged. "But I also know how to ride."

"Hey!" Louis lunged out for him. "Rude."

"Sorry, sorry." Harry let go of the reins and held his hands up in defense.

Louis huffed and looked away from him. "Can we trot soon? We have been walking for ages."

"I have a clear memory of you not liking to trot," Harry said with a grin.

"Hm," Louis hummed. "I don't recall that."

Harry rolled his eyes, smiling. "Well, we can soon. We are soon on a broader path where it's completely safe to trot."

"Good," Louis said, nodding his head. "Then lets go."

They urged the horses to walk, this time riding side by side on the narrow path and every now and then their legs would bump together.

"I have a joke for you," Harry said and looked down at Louis. He was slightly higher up, due to Athena and Cupid's height difference, Athena being taller.

"Uh-huh," Louis said, grinning up at the other boy. "What is it?"

"A horse walks into a bar and-"

"-For fuck sake."

"Asks, 'Why the long face?'" Harry seemed to find the joke himself very delightful and chuckled delighted. Louis just stared at him.

"Are you kidding me? That was so fucking lame."

"It was funny!" Harry argued.

"It was not," Louis said, shaking his head, but there were a smile on his lips.

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