Trapped For Christmas

By OutOfMyLimit17

746K 23.8K 1.8K

Olivia Mikelson has had a crush on her brothers best friend, Logan James, since she was seventeen but one dru... More

Chapter 1...
Chapter 2...
Chapter 3....
Chapter 4....
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8....
Chapter 9....
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13....
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17....
Chapter 18....
Chapter 19...
Chapter 20...
Chapter 21...
Chapter 22...
Chapter 23...
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27....
Chapter 28...
Bonus Chapter 1...
Bonus Chapter 2....
Bonus Chapter 3....

Chapter 24....

21.8K 703 27
By OutOfMyLimit17

"The roads are clear."

"Seriously?" I turned around and almost tripped over the leggings I was currently trying to put on. Logan's lips twitched as he nodded.

"We can head out whenever you're ready."

While it's been pretty great being trapped here for Christmas I was ready to go see my family. It was only 9 o'clock in the morning and we only had about an hour and a half left to get to Aubrey's mom's place. We'd have plenty of time to get there and still celebrate Christmas with everyone.

"Give me 5 minutes." I didn't even hesitate before I was yanking my leggings the rest of the way up. I jumped around the room to get them on as I went to put the rest of my stuff in my suitcase.

Logan was already dressed and ready to go as he leaned against the wall and watched me. I was like a hurricane as I scrambled to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. Most of our stuff was still in his truck but better safe than sorry.

Five minutes exactly I was done. Breathing heavy from all the running around I looked over the room once more. A pang went through my chest at the fact we were leaving. It was here things between Logan and I shifted. We weren't the same two people that walked through the door two days ago.

After last night everything seemed to have changed between us. I don't know if we both thought it was a casual thing. That we were in the moment and things happened. But last night made this things between us more than just a casual fling.

I for sure thought I would wake up to Logan avoiding me, embarrassed about what happened, but instead I woke up to him peppering kisses along my face. When he kissed my lips it was unlike any of our other kisses. Something deeper passing between us.

There was nothing rough or urgent when he slid inside of me. There was something intimate in the way he kept kissing my lips as he moved slowly. It was unlike anything I've ever felt. It had taken all my willpower not to admit I was falling for him in that moment.

"Ready?" Logan's voice brought me out of my thoughts. For the best because if I kept thinking about this morning I would say screw it and ask him to throw me on the bed and take me again.


Pulling my suitcase behind me I followed after Logan as he held the door open. I only made it a step towards the elevators when a hand on my elbow tugged me back. I turned wondering if he left something only for him to bring his hand up and tilt my chin upwards.

"Not sure when I'll be able to do this again." Not waiting for my response Logan pressed a kiss to my lips.

His lips were meant for me, molding perfectly together. His tongue traced the seam of my lips for a second before I opened my mouth. I don't think I could ever get use to kissing Logan. He took control in the kiss but not in a way that was unappealing. If I could I would kiss him every second of everyday.

He pulled back leaving me breathless. His thumb brushed across my bottom lip.

"I.." I couldn't form words. Logan just smirked before stepping back. Letting go of my chin he reached down and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers. Without another word the two of us headed for the elevators.

He was right though. He won't be able to kiss me once we get to the house. Not with my brother there. A part of me was dying to ask what we were going to do. Were we serious enough to tell my brother? Did he even want something more with me? Was the last two days as big of a deal to him as it was me?

All those questions burned the tip of my tongue but I held back as we headed through the lobby. As much as I wanted those answers, right now I just wanted to soak up the moment. We only had a few hours before we were thrown back into reality. Later we'll have to have that conversation but for now I just wanted to keep holding Logan's hand.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

A few hours later we drove down the main street of Rutland, Vermont. We were only five minutes away from Aubrey's moms house. I already texted Knox giving him updates on where we were. I bet he would be waiting out front the moment we pulled in.

From the corner of my eye I could see Logan gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter.

"Nervous?" I questioned. "At least it's not the first time you've met everyone." I tried to joke. Logan didn't even crack a smile. He really was nervous. Reaching across I placed my hand on his thigh. "Don't worry everyone already loves you."

"I haven't celebrated Christmas in a long time." He finally said after a moment.

"Then we'll make today the best Christmas." Logan glanced over at me, the corner of his lip quirking up. "But I will warn you. Abby and Leo are going to be so hyped up on sugar and presents, so be prepared." Little kids on Christmas was exhausting.

"Noted." This time I got a real smile out of him. I itched to snap a picture of him in that moment.

We didn't say anything else the rest of the way. Before we knew it Logan was pulling his truck into the driveway behind my brother and Aubrey's car. There were a couple of other ones letting me know everyone was here.

Excitement filled me at seeing everyone. I haven't seen Jackson, Aubrey's brother, and his husband and daughter Isla in months. And it's been even longer since I saw Lucas, Aubrey's other brother, and his wife Annie and daughters, Sophie and Charlotte.

Squeezing Logan's leg one last time I shot him an encouraging smile. Everything was going to be just fine. I didn't move until he gave me a nod that he was ready.

Jumping out of his truck I went around back to help grab the suitcases. I just hoped the presents were okay having been in the back for two days. With Logan carrying two suitcases and me one, we made our way to the front door.

I didn't even get the chance to knock before the door was flung open. I was immediately bombarded with little arms wrapping around my legs and waist.

"Auntie Liv!"

I grinned down at Abigail and Leo who clung to my legs. Their toothy grins making me grin even wider. God I missed them.

"Wivvy!" Yelled another voice yelled. I looked up to see Jackson coming towards me with a wiggling Isla in his arms. Ever since she was little she's called me 'Wivvy' which I found absolutely adorable.

Jackson barely had time to lean forward and place Isla in my arms, almost wiggling right out of his arms.

I planted kisses all over her face as she giggled hysterically.

"How's my kiddos." I beamed at all three of them.

"Santa came!" Abby practically yelled, bouncing on her toes.

"Oh really?" I made my eyes wide.

"Yes!" Isla shouted in my ear.

"Logan!" Leo shot past me. Looking over my shoulder I saw him barrel right into Logan who easily picked him up. The sight of them together making butterflies erupt in my stomach. Calm down Liv.

"How about we let Auntie Liv and Logan inside." Jackson thankfully said, ushering Abby back into the house. I mouthed 'thank you' at him, my body shivering from the cold.

Still carrying Isla I entered the warm house, Leo and Logan on my heels. I sighed as the familiar, homey feeling washed over me. Aubrey's mom house always felt like home.

"You made it." Aubrey came into view followed by her mom. I had to put Isla down as everyone came to greet us.

The next few minutes was a bit chaotic. Everyone, and I mean everyone, came to say hi. The little kids talking over everyone wanting to show off their presents. I was pulled into so many hugs before Knox shoved everyone aside. He grabbed me by my arms and looked me over before yanking me into his chest.

I glanced to the side at Aubrey who just shrugged. My brother squeezed me tightly for a full minute before finally letting me go. I swore he was about to ream me out about leaving later and getting stuck in the snow storm but instead he just rubbed his knuckles against my head, messing my hair up.

"Merry Christmas Liv."

My heart tugged as I smiled at my older brother.

"Merry Christmas."

Leaving me he went over to Logan. I kept my eye on my brother as he stopped in front of Logan and looked him over. I could see Logan's shoulders were tense but it quickly faded when Knox pulled him into a bro hug. I relaxed as they started talking. The last thing I wanted was to ruin their friendship.

"Want to put your stuff away or are you guys hungry?" Colleen, Aubrey's mom, asked coming up to my side and pulling me into a side hug.

Colleen was that grandmotherly figure I never had. With my grandparents passing away when I was very little I didn't really have any. When I met Aubrey's mother the first time eight years ago she became that figure in my life. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be baking.

The day she invited me to come help out at her bakery was the start of my love for baking. I liked baking before but it wasn't until that moment I knew this is what I wanted to do. I was all set on going to the same college my parents went to and doing something that would have made them proud.

If it wasn't for Aubrey and her mom I would be stuck doing some job I hated. Instead I now had my own bakery and loved what I did everyday. They had no clue how grateful I was to them.

"I'm hungryyy." Abigail appeared between us. Looking up at her grandma with puppy dog eyes. Like anyone could say no to those eyes.

"Can't starve the princess." I bent down and grabbed her, swinging her up into my arms. I followed Colleen, Aubrey and Annie into the kitchen with the promise to put my suitcase away once we were done.

"Glad you guys made it." Annie, Lucas's wife said we walked into the kitchen.

"Sorry we couldn't make it sooner." I was only partly sorry. Hard to be sorry when the last two days have been pretty great.

"Don't be. Glad you two didn't get hurt with all that snow." Aubrey slid a cup of hot chocolate towards me. Her mom's hot chocolate was the best thing on the planet. You can't have Christmas without it.

"Hey Liv." I turned to find Sophie and Charlotte walking into the kitchen.

"Geez every time I see you two, you get more beautiful." I smiled at the 12 and 11 year old. Crazy to think the first time I met them they was only 4 and 3. Damn time flies by.

Sophie just rolled her eyes and grabbed a cookie from the counter. At least Charlotte still liked me as she came over and gave me a small side hug before grabbing a cookie, following after her sister. Behind them Annie just shook her head and mouthed kids.

Abby wiggled in my arms letting me know she wanted to be let down. As soon as I placed her on her feet she took off out of the room. So much for being hungry.

"At least you missed being woken up before the sun was up." Aubrey said letting out a little yawn.

"Yeah didn't miss that part." Every Christmas the kids have gotten up at the butt crack of down, going from room to room to get everyone up. Knox and Aubrey managed to keep them in their room until 7 o'clock last year. "How long did they last this year?"

"7:15." I laughed. Sounded about right.

"They are going to crash tonight."

"Give them until we eat and they'll be out." Annie agreed.

While Annie and Aubrey talked about the kids opening presents I sat there sipping my hot chocolate. I offered to help Colleen finish the food but she waved me off, as usual.

I looked over my shoulder wondering where Logan was. I knew he'd be fine with my brother and Aubrey's brothers but I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing.

"Everyone come eat!" Colleen yelled loudly as few minutes later. I grinned at the sound of feet running towards the kitchen. Seconds later Abby, Leo, Isla came running in. Followed by a slower Sophie and Charlotte.

I kept my eyes trained on the doorway waiting for Logan to walk through. When he finally did he was at the back of the pack, looking around like he wasn't sure what he should be doing. Using the distraction of everyone I made my way towards him.

"Doing okay?" He just nodded. Shaking my head I grabbed his wrist. "Come on no one will bite you." I tugged him towards the dining table. Somehow the table was still big enough for all of us as everyone gathered around. I pulled Logan to the spot next to me.

As I did so I felt a pair of eyes on me. Glancing up I found Aubrey looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Her eyes darting to my hand on Logan's and back up to my face. Her lips quirked in a knowing grin.

My eyes darted to Knox beside her but he was too busy getting Leo in his chair. I ignored Aubrey's questioning gaze and took a seat.

Eating was also so hectic with such a big family. The kids only wanting certain kinds of food, everyone reaching for stuff on the table, Colleen up and down getting stuff from the kitchen. There was always enough food to feed an army too.

My stomach grumbled at the sight of all the food. While I was a great baker I wasn't the best chef. Which is why I spent most nights at Knox and Aubrey's to eat. Nothing like a homemade meal.

I was sandwiched between Logan and Jackson as we all reached to grab food. Every time I grabbed something I handed it to Logan. When I grabbed a roll I grabbed two and put one on his plate. I didn't even realize I was doing it until a hand on my knee brought my attention over to him.

"I think I'm okay." Amusement danced in his eyes as he gestured to his full plate. Blushing I ducked my head and shoved half a roll in my mouth.

"How's the bakery going?" Jackson asked, thankfully taking my attention away from Logan. From the moment Jackson I met eight years ago we just clicked. Ever since we've been best friends. We tried to meet up at least once a month and we talked on the phone almost daily. He's become my second brother in a way.

"Good. We've been super busy." I said once I swallowed. "May have to hire some more people in the new year."

"That's fantastic." Caleb, Jackson's husband, grinned at me from the other side of him.

Jackson and Caleb were the dream couple. They met at the college that Jackson coaches football for. Caleb was the football teams physical therapist. They were tentatively seeing each other the year I met Jackson, but it wasn't long after Christmas the two of them became official.

They've been together for eight years now and they still looked at each other like they couldn't breathe without the other. Them adopting Isla was the best thing to ever happen to them. They were seriously the best dads anyone could ask for.

For the next little bit we sat there talking. Bouncing from conversation to conversation. Hearing how everyone has been doing and what's new. It was this right here that I loved about Christmas. Just sitting around talking about anything and everything. Just being around family.

"How have you been Logan?" Colleen saying Logan's name made my head snap up. From the corner of my eye I saw him look over at her in surprise. He's been pretty quiet through out dinner, mostly listening to everyone.

"I um I've been good. Busy with the store mostly." He replied.

"We're so happy you could make it to Christmas this year. I apologize for everyone here if they don't behave."

"Excuse me?"


"I'm perfect!"

Knox, Lucas and Jackson responded. My lips twitched at the appalled looks on their faces.

"Thank you for having me. Hope I'm not putting anyone out." Logan gave Colleen a small smile. I raised an eyebrow at the smile Colleen gave him back. I hope I was wrong but she looked a little smitten.

Not that I blamed her. Logan was hot. The dark hair, gorgeous brown eyes, tattoos, a beard. Pair that with his 6'1 height and muscular build, he was downright attractive. Don't forget the ruggedness he had about him.

"Not at all! We have plenty of room and you are more than welcome here anytime." Colleen meant it too. If anyone needed a place there was always a room here.

"Happy to be apart of your Christmas Mrs. Lynn."

"Oh please call me Colleen." Again there was that smile. Across from me I shared a wide-eyed look with Aubrey.

What the hell? She mouthed which I echoed.

When everyone started talking again I turned to Logan with wide eyes.

"Are you flirting with Aubrey's mom?" I whispered. Logan looked at me amused.

"Is someone jealous?"

"Oh totally." I snorted at his words. "Didn't know you were into cougars."

"Of course. Thought you knew that." He played along

"Little tip," I leaned towards him to whisper. "She really likes Tulips if you want to butter her up."

"Hmm noted."

The two of us shared a grin, oblivious to everyone around us. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

I'm living for their relationship right now. Now the true question is if they are going to actually get together or are they going to break up? Hmmmm so many ways to finish the book *Evil Laugh* 

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