Percy Jackson, son of Chaos...

By sasukes223

249K 3.6K 1.7K

When Percy is betrayed by his best friend Annabeth, he disappears for a few years. When he comes back. Chaos... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Extremely important A/N so read it plz!!!!!!!!!!
A/N please read !!!!!!
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve

Chapter Seven

15.9K 232 104
By sasukes223

Percy pov

I can't believe I'm finally getting to go back to Earth seriously I miss Leah and Thalia also speaking of Thalia she is going to kill me. The only thing that sucks is that I can't tell them who I am it will put too many people in danger.

Chaos finally said "we are ready to go as he opened a portal to the throne room all the gods were silent save for Athena saying "what are we to do, Perseus is still missing and who ever this new threat is, is stronger than Gaea and Kronos combined I really have no plan of action at this moment." chaos then said "well that's where I come in and before you ask I am chaos the creator of the universe and please don't bow I hate that, I have come here to give you my help with this new war, you will be fighting my brother End and his champion as well as my nephew Kronos and the titans, along with my daughter Gaea and my other nephews the giants, however the good news is that Typhon and the Giant Alcyoneus will not be in the war do to the fact they faded. The bad news is the champion of End received there power before they faded. At this moment we have no idea whom he/she is but I have sent my son and Heir along with my army to aid you in this war please respect him as if it were me talking because down the line it very well may be." with that father stepped in to another portal to go back home and bring the rest of the team here.

I waved and said "well I'm Omega Night and this is my elite team of Nyx." all of a sudden a girl walked out the shadows saying "Did you me call me Omega, no body better be messing with my cute little baby brother." She hand a wings black as night with a dress that looked like a reflection of the night sky. I shook my head and said "No sister I didn't call you I was announcing my team and do you have to go all over protective sister every time, I'm the second most powerful being in the universe and you still treat me like a baby." Nyx laughed and said "awww my cute baby brutha is embawised" she said like I was still an infant. "come on Omi your still a baby to me you have even hit 5 millennium yet." At this my team started snickering I shook my head until Nico snapped me out of it saying "excuse me but who are you?" Nyx turned around and said "well aren't you a cutie then she shadow traveled behind him saying you remind me of my faded husband, and the name is Nyx goddess of night call out to me later when you have some free time." Nico blushed and I yelled "Hey sis we have important stuff to take care of so if you please." Nyx then rolled her eyes and said "you are never let me have any fun." I gave her a stern look and she said "fine I leave, I have important work to do any way." she turned back to Nico and said call me then flashed out of the room.

Nico Pov (brief )

I can't believe I just got hit on by my all time favorite goddess and she was capital B-E-A utiful, I dated will for a while until we both broke up for mutual reasons but I have never even considered a woman but hell I guess oh crap i zoned out what did Omega just say.

Percy Pov

"So as I was saying this is the Elite Nyx team consisting of me Omega commander second most powerful being in the universe, third most powerful being in the universe and lieutenant of the Nyx team Huntress , next also third most powerful being in the universe and co lieutenant of the Nyx team Thief. my fourth in command and fourth most powerful in the universe Angel, my fifth in command and fifth most powerful in the universe Dove, six in command and sixth most powerful in the universe Flames, seventh in command and seventh most powerful Sun, eight in command and eighth most powerful Vines, all eight of us shall train and teach all of you including you gods and goddess in power control, weapons and all around fighting technique." surprisingly Artemis was the first to say something, "I need no help from a boy to improve my fighting skills or that of my hunters." Ares the said "besides how can you boost about being so strong when even our demi god children have stronger Aura's than you." I smiled and said "Vines please unleash 1/10 of your Aura and also detain everyone in here other than the Nyx team and take there weapons including the gods and goddess." before any of the gods, goddess or demi children could move Vines had them on the ground rapped in purple grape vines with a pile of weapons in the middle of the floor with the weight of his Aura keeping them all from moving. I then began to say "Now while you all are on the floor I want you to lesson carefully to me the power you are felling is from the weakest of my Elite and it is more Powerful than any of you can handle what he is using is a little less power that the Aura of the Primordial of the sky Ouranos meaning that not even using more that a tenth of his power he is able to give you all a burden that is more powerful than what Atlas has to deal with and if you can't even deal with this than how can you hope to be able to help during the war, and as for you Artemis your sexist behavior will stop as of today, hell you think all men are bad and all women are good then how do you explain women like Gaea or Annabeth or even the cruel actions that goddesses are guilty of yourselves included. No not every woman is good as not every man is bad, it is by our deeds that we are to be judged. now we will combine both camps the Amazons and the hunters while we learn for the first few weeks then we will split off after wards with Flames and Dove going to camp Jupiter, sun and Angel at camp half blood, Vines with the Amazons and I'll be with the hunters this is by order of my father so there will be no complaints and for the duration of the war chaos has abolished the Ancient laws because are enemy wont follow them so we don't have to either but I warn you anything I see as treason will be punishable by death, bring everyone to camp half blood after the this meeting, with that I flashed me and my team to the top of half blood hill thinking home sweet home.

Artemis Pov

After Omega and his team left Zeus looked at his wife and said "make sure you bring the Amazons to camp half blood and Artemis you also make sure you bring the hunt there as well meeting dismissed."I could tell father was freaking out about how powerful they were the Nyx team was truth be told so was I. I teleported us all back to our camp because I needed some time before we went to camp half blood. when Thalia came into my tent and said "I take it by the fact that we are here and not camp half blood that you are not okay?" I smiled and said "I'm fine" she laughed and said come now sister you just got scolded in front of everyone by a man, about a subject no other person has been able to talk to you about not only that but he was right and I know it's bothering you." dam Thalia and her intuitive nature. "yes it does bo......" but before I could get anything out I heard a scream coming from outside. we ran out of my tent and saw the camp on fire and hordes of monsters fighting my hunters I ran into the fray but quickly got hit into a tree by the Giant Orion shouting "you will be mine Artemis!" I tried to walk but I stumbled I then felt ichor coming out of a wound from the back of my head, some how I managed not to faint as Orion came charging at me but before he got there Omega jumped out of the shadows and cut his head off in a swift motion and went to kill the other monsters he began to look like a cyclone of destruction only stopping after every single one of them were dead. Thalia came running two me helping me forward I then looked around and saw Leah walking to us as she was she screamed out dagger Omega just barley jumped between me and the dagger taking it to the chest. I ran to him to see if he was okay and heard clapping and slowly out the same bush that the dagger was thrown walked the last person I thought I would see. Annabeth continued to clap saying "bravo, bravo ever the hero isn't that right seaweed brain." Thalia and I gasped and looked down seeing Omega with his hood down mask on the floor next to him with a dagger in his chest showing us Percy the man we have been looking for this whole time the man I feel in love with so long ago. Annabeth then continued saying "just so you know that dagger is made of chaotic steel so I give him a day two at most then he shall fade from existence. But I must thank you  Artemis I was in the shadows listening to what happened on Olympus and even when he told you to go to camp where he had doubled the protections spells you came here instead and singled handily just lost the war for your side." She then laughed and said "oh and if you didn't know I am the champion of end. kill you later." she then flashed out in a gray cloud of smoke. I yelled out for Apollo then Huntress, Thief, Apollo and Sun came together and all I could think is that was Percy my Percy the man I have been looking for and now I might lose him and it's all my fault. Apollo sun and Thief took Percy to I suspect Apollo's palace for treatment. Huntress then walked up to me and slapped me saying "this is all your fault if you would have just followed orders and went to camp half blood none of this would have happened." The hunt then all had there bows pointed at Huntress, she then took her hood and mask off to reveal Zoë Nightshade. I went to hug her but she pushed me off saying "how dare you, he gave you one order and you couldn't follow that because of your pride, and now it may have coasted me my sons life." then she flashed out in a shower of stars leaving me to wallow in the hell of my own grief for what I have done.

sorry guys for the long wait but i try to put out a few more chapters very soon but my birthday is in 4 more days so i might not have time but ill do my best, also I have made percy a little darker when it comes to war time and also what do you guys think of Nyx and Nico i was thinking about making castor and Thalia together as well, and before you say something Zoë considers all of the Elite except luke her children.

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