Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F...

By SadSaltyQueen

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Kid x Reader x Killer. Can Reader remember and embrace who she is to save the ones she loves before she lose... More

Chapter 1 : A Lullaby
Chapter 2: Dreams
Chapter 3: Lets go!
Chapter 4: Bloodlust
Chapter 5: Prank gone wrong.
Chapter 6: Confession
Chapter 8: The Sabaody Archipelago Part 2: Fyre To Burn
Chapter 9: Sabaody Archipelago Part 3: The Auction House
Chapter 10: The Sabaody Archipelago Part 4: A Prophecy to be told
Chapter 11: Deep Sea Encounter
Chapter 12: Syren's Call
Chapter 13: I See Fyre
Chapter 14: Childs Play
Chapter 15: Rare comfort
Chapter 16: Whatever it takes.
Chapter 17: Broken Trust and Promises Part One
Chapter 18: Broken Trust and Promises Part 2
Chapter 19: Broken Trust and Promises Part 3
Chapter 20: Painful Truths
Chapter 21: Strong Emotions Part 1
Chapter 22: Strong Emotions Part 2 ๐Ÿ‹
Size charts!
Chapter 23: Betting Games๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 24: ๐Ÿ‹Midnight Desserts Part 1๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 25: ๐Ÿ‹Midnight Desserts Part 2๐Ÿ‹
Update 2
Chapter 26: Nightmare of Memories ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 27: Behold Water 7, The City that floats!
Chapter 28: ๐Ÿ‹First night in Water 7๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 29: ๐Ÿ‹A Day of Rest, A Day of Fun Part 1๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 30: ๐Ÿ‹ A Day of Rest, A Day of Fun pt 2 ๐Ÿ‹

Chapter 7: The Sabaody Archipelago Part 1:Time to Shine

382 14 24
By SadSaltyQueen

(A/n.l: Shout out to my fellow writer PhynixQueen for helping me with this episode. Check out her writings when you get a chance! Anyhoo, sorry for the late chapter. Somg is Glitter And Gold from Barns Courtney. ENJOY! )

"Wait, hold up. There's a singing competition happening?" you dropped the shopping bags you were carrying, flying backwards towards a bulletin board you passed. You and Killer were out and about shopping and running some errands for Kid when the slip of paper caught your attention. Killer let out a groan as you fluttered in place, reading the notice.

"You are seriously not thinking of entering are you?" Killer tilted his head at you as he watched you, amusement in his voice.

"Why not? I have a good singing voice. The prize money would be decent too." you scrunch your face as he poked fun at you. "But honestly i'm bored because we haven't found the man that we need to coat the ship yet to get to Fish Man island and this looks like fun." you felt him tug you down until your feet touched the ground, and wrapped an arm around your waist, humming slightly as he looked over your shoulder to read the paper in your hand. You leaned back into him, sighing softly as he enveloped you with his warmth, your heart fluttering.

"500,000 berri isn't a bad prize." Killer hummed as he pointed to the bottom of the paper. "Seems like an odd amount for a small singing show but whatever. This place is weird. Just be careful. This place is know for human trafficking, and since you also have wings, youd be a high prize for collectors. That and we do have some pretty high bounties being Supernovas of the Worst Generation." you felt his grip tighten on your waist and he said that.

"Hm that's true I suppose." you turn around to face him and stand on your tiptoes to give his mask a kiss where his mouth would be. ''But I'm still gonna sign up." you giggled and then pulled from his embrace. "Be right back. Watch my bags."

Killer chuckled as he watched you go into the little shop mentioned on the paper. As he waited for you he grabbed the bags you had dropped. He tilted his head as you flew back towards him with a giant smile on your face."All set? We need to drop these off at the ship and find Kid before he gets into trouble."

"Fine, let's go." you grabbed your bags he held out to you as you flew past him. "Ill just need to be back around 3ish she said." you heard him give an exasperated sigh. You turned to look at him to say something but stopped when you saw something. "Holy Shit is that a polar bear?!" you squealed and flew away from Killer. You stopped in front of a large white bear wearing an orange jumpsuit that was standing nearby and fluttered in place. " You are so cute! What is your name?!" you reached up to mush his face as you talked.

"So you are the famous Titania (Y/N). I would appreciate it if you stop messing with my navigator."

You pouted and turned to face the voice that had spoken, putting your hands on your hips as you did. You smirked when you saw a familiar face that you've seen on his bounty poster. "And you must be The Surgeon of Death, Trafalgar Law." he looked up at you as you fluttered closer to him. He gave a smirk when he noticed you looking him up and down.

"Like what you see, Fairy-ya?"

You had to admit he was cute. Even sitting down, he was tall. His long slim legs clad in a pair of blue jeans spotted with a random pattern of black patches. He wore a yellow hoodie with what you assume was his Jolly Roger. Gold earrings glinted as he looked up at you, his black hair covered by a fuzzy looking hat with spots that matched his jeans. You saw what you guessed was his sword next to him, a beautiful weapon, taller than you were.

"Only in your dreams my dear Doctor." you turned back to the polar bear. "What's this cutie's name?"

"Sorry. My name is Bepo. I'm sorry" the bear stammered as he blushed under your gaze.

"Oh my gods, you can talk?!" you giggled in shock as you mushed his face again. "You are so cute! Cuter than your captain for sure." you heard Law huff behind you.

"Bepo is of the Mink tribe Fairy-ya if you must know. And he's my navigator so hands off."

"Ugh buzzkill much Doc?" you gave the Bear a quick pat on the head then turned around and landed in front of the other Supernova. "I have a name you know."

He smirked as you pouted. "Call me Doc and I'll call you Fairy-ya. Only seems fair." he looked past you. " Although, I would reign in your masked soldier before things get too messy." he tilted his chin in the direction behind and you followed his gaze to see another Supernova, The Mad Monk Urouge fighting with Killer.

"Dammit to hell. We were supposed to keep a low profile." you groaned as you heard the ravened hair chuckle behind you.

"Well since most of us Supernovas are here right here in The Archipelago at the same time, there's bound to be some head butting." Law tapped his lips as he thought, his gold eyes glinting as he watched the 2 other men fight. His eyes then moved to look you over as your back was turned to him, watching the fight. You were pleasing to the eyes no doubt. Your long (h/c) hair tied up in a loose ponytail, your curvy frame wrapped in clothes that fit you just right. But it was your 6 large (f/c) fairy-like wings that really caught his eye. They were as big as you were tall and they were exceptionally beautiful. He wanted to touch them to see how they felt. As a doctor he was most intrigued on how they worked, but he would also love to see you in his bed, laying naked underneath him as he gave you a thorough checkup. He was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard you start yelling.

"Killer what the fuck?! Weren't you the one telling me that we needed to keep a low profile?" you flew over to Killer and smacked him on the back of his mask. He groaned and sheathed his blades as you hovered in front of him, hands on your hips.

"He started it Butterfly." Killer motioned to the Mad Monk who was talking to another Supernova, X Drake, the one who ended the fight between the other 2 rookies.

"I don't care who started it Kil, save it for the new world. Besides, we need to go." you turned to look back at Law and blew him a kiss. "Later Doc. Come see me at the singing show later if you dare. If not, we'll see you in the new world. And Bepo!" The polar bear looked up in surprise. "I want a hug next time I see you. I wanna see how fluffy you really are." you laughed as he turned a bright red and turned away, pulling Killer with you as you went to find the rest of the crew.

You and Killer had gotten back to the crew just in time for the bar they were at to explode outwards and see another Supernova, Arpoo of the On Air Pirates, come flying out yelling. You groaned when you heard a certain voice scream back at him, a voice you knew all too well. You and Killer shared a glance as Kid came stomping out of the bar, arm raised to use his devil fruit. You dropped your bags and quickly flew to get between the 2 Supernovas, wings spread wide to protect Kid. Arpoo looked a little scared as you glared at the both of them, eyes glowing white, your (f/c) magic wrapping around the 2 captains to lift them in the air, effectively separating them.

"We are gone for 2 hours max and you are already making enemies?!" you glared at your Captain as he sneered at Arpoo across from him.

"He was pissing me off, Shrimp!"

"I didn't do anything to you, you jerk!" Arpoo snarked back as the 2 men glared at each other still floating in your magic.

You gave a low hiss as you spread your wings threateningly and tightened your grip slightly, smirking when you heard both men grunt as they struggled to get out of your grip. You looked to your side when you felt Killers hand gently touch your hip, the masked man tilting his head as he looked at you.

"Calm down (Y/N). Put them down." his voice low but gentle. You scoffed slightly, but then gently lowered Kid but kept the other man still floating. You flew over to where you placed Kid and hovered in front of him, wings spreading out protectively as you brought down the music type devil fruit man to look him in the eyes. He gulped and looked nervously at you.

"Leave him alone, Music Man. Or do you want to die today?" With your free hand, you flicked your wrist and your seastone blade slid out of the bracer. You could hear Kid snicker behind you as you brought your blade up and hovered it next to the bound man's throat. You licked your lips when you saw him shiver as he felt the seastone aura of the blade,

'No ma'am."

"Good. Now get lost." you waved your hand and he dropped to the ground as your magic faded. He looked at you then at Kid behind you before he called for his crew to leave.

"We will see you in the New World Kid Pirates. Mark my words."

"Can't wait to see that Piano Man. I'm shaking in my boots." You blew him a kiss as he and his crew walked away. You let out a squeak when you felt Kid wrap an arm around your waist, his gold bracelets clinking together as he pulled you into him. You looked up at him curiously as he tilted your chin up. "Yes Captain?" He said nothing but smirked as he kissed you suddenly. You could swear sparks were flying out of your ears as you melted in his embrace, not caring about anything around you except for him. You felt a slight pain as he suddenly nipped at your bottom lips as he pulled away.

"You don't give anyone else attention except for us Shrimp. You are ours." he licked his lips as you stood there blinking, trying to process what just happened. "Understand?" you nodded as he snickered and gave you a forehead kiss.

"Sorry to break you two up but it's almost 3. Don't you have that event you wanted to do?"

"That's right! I almost forgot." you excitedly pushed away from Kid and flew up so you were fluttering above the 2 men as Kid looked baffled.

"What event?"

Killer let out a sigh as he explained that you had signed up for a singing competition that had caught your eye. As the 2 men spoke, you had gone behind Kid and wrapped your arms around his neck, relaxing against him as you waited.

"Fine you can go (Y/n). Just be careful and if anyone tries shit kill them." Kid grumbled as you squealed excitedly.

"Thank you Captain! I'll win for sure now." you tightened your grip around him as you gave him a kiss on the cheek in excitement. You then let go and flew up in the air. "Come and see me if you want boys. You might enjoy the show." You laughed as Kid shooed you and you quickly blew your crew a kiss and headed back into the town


You made it just in time for the show. You were hurried to the back and instructed to get ready and wait your turn. You were the last one according to your number. After this performance there will be a second act where the top 3 will perform and a winner will be announced. As you waited, you crept up and peeked out from behind the curtain. You were stunned at the amount of people who showed. You tried to make out if you could see anyone you recognized when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Ms. Titania? You're up next ma'am." You turned to see the attendant that you met at the shop when you signed up. She smiled as you fluttered in place nervously.

"Thank you."

"Break a wing!"

You chuckled at her remark as you waited for the contestant before you make their way backstage, nodding at them when they passed you. You could hear the crowd cheer as the show announcer began to talk. You shook your hands and fluttered your wings to get rid of the nervousness you were feeling.

"We come now to our last contestant of the evening, ladies and gentlemen! A true beauty all the way from the South Blue! But don't let her ravishing good looks fool you, folks! She is one of THE fiercest pirates of the Worst Generation! Give it up for The Queen of the Fairies, her Royal Majesty, Titania (Y/n)!" With that you opened the curtains and stepped out on the stage to the cheering of the crowd.

As you approached, you could see that the stage was shaped like a T with room to walk into the crowd. You glanced around and saw that the area was bigger than you thought and filled with more people than you thought possible. You waved as you walked up to the microphone that was in the middle of the stage.

"Good luck Titania. May the odds be ever in your favour." The announcer bowed and then backed away leaving you alone on the stage. You bowed your head and waited as the lights dimmed and the crowd grew quiet. A few whistles were heard and you snickered. As you started to sing, you let loose a little (f/c) magic, having it fill the stage as a mist. Time to Shine.

"I am flesh and I am bone
Rise up, ting ting, like glitter and gold
I've got fire in my soul
Rise up, ting ting, like glitter
Like glitter and gold
Like glitter"

As you sang those last words, you lifted your hands and snapped your fingers. You heard the crowd gasp and whistle as you magically changed your outfit into a gorgeous blood red belly dancing outfit (pictured below) dripping with gold bangles on your wrists and ankles. Good thing your crew wasn't here to see you in this because they would tease you about this until the end of time.

"Do you walk in the valley of kings?
Do you walk in the shadow of men
Who sold their lives to a dream?
Do you ponder the manner of things
In the dark?
The dark, the dark, the dark."

As you sang, you lifted your hands and had your magic swirled around, filling the air with scenes of famous Pirates such as Whitebeard, Red Haired Shanks, Big Mom, Kiado and of course Gol D Roger, the King of the Pirates. You could hear the crowd gasp and cheer as they watched you. As you twirled and danced, your golden anklets clinking together, you smiled when you saw a familiar white bear clapping enthusiastically. So they did come.

"I am flesh and I am bone
Arise, ting ting, like glitter and gold
I've got fire in my soul
Rise up, ting ting, like glitter
Like glitter and gold
Like glitter

Do you walk in the meadow of spring?
Do you talk to the animals?
Do you hold their lives from a string?
Do you ponder the manner of things
In the dark?
The dark, the dark, the dark."

As you sang those words, you danced so that you were on the stage that was extended in the crowd. You glanced around and almost stopped when you saw a flash of familiar red. You laughed to yourself as you realized that yes indeed it was your captain as well as the rest of the crew. You danced until you were right in front of Kid and bent down until you were face to face. You reached out a hand and cupped his cheek as you sang, his face flushing a slight red when you made contact. He looked hungrily at you as from his angle, your chest was directly in his face and you were milking it for all its worth. You leaned forward until your lips were mere centimeters away and then right before you kissed him you pulled away smirking, shaking your hips ever so slightly as you danced away.

"I am flesh and I am bone
Arise, ting ting, like glitter and gold
I've got fire in my soul
Rise up, ting ting, like glitter
I am flesh and I am bone
Arise, ting ting, like glitter and gold
I've got fire in my soul
Rise up, ting ting, like glitter!"

As you sang the chorus, you opened your wings and spun around into the air flying above the crowd. You raised your hands and caused a golden glitter to start falling on the crowd as you flew above them. You blew kisses as people reached up to touch you as you passed. You looked around and spotted a familiar white cap. His golden eyes flashed mischievously as you flew above Law and reached down to caress his cheek as you passed him. You winked and turned to Bepo, who was standing next to him and grabbed his paws, flying with him back to the stage with you. You landed next to him and conjured up 2 hand tambourines, handing one to the white bear and smiling at him as you motioned for him to copy you.

"'Cause everybody in the back room's
Spinning up
Don't remember what you're asking for
And everybody's in the front room's
Tripping out
You left your bottle at the door."

As you sang, you danced around the blushing polar bear, both of you hitting your instruments to the beat, the crowd clapping and singing along. You looked around as you danced and saw your crew in the front row, all of them staring up at you, their eyes wide and mouths open in awe. They have never seen you look like this, and dear gods did they love it. Kid had half a mind to keep you in that outfit, to see you draped in his favorite shade of red, jewels decorating your body as you danced for him and Killer. He glanced at his first mate, and he could've sworn he saw blood leaking out from where his nose would be from the mask. He cackled and looked back at you.

"I am flesh and I am bone
Arise, ting ting, like glitter and gold
I've got fire in my soul
Rise up, ting ting, like glitter
Like glitter and gold
Like glitter
Like glitter and gold
Like glitter."

With those last words, you threw you tambourine in the air and watched as it exploded in a golden shower of glitter that created the Kid Pirates Jolly Roger. You fluttered your wings and flew up slightly and took a bow as the crowd roared. You flew over to the bear and patted his head as he blushed profusely. "Thanks for helping me sugarbear. You did great!" He waved at you as he climbed down from the stage and scurried back to his crew. As you landed again, the announcer rushed over and grabbed your hand, lifting your arm as the crowd cheered.

"And what a mighty performance we witnessed from The Queen of The Fairies, Titania (Y/n)!" You felt your chest heaving slightly as you tried to catch your breath as you smiled and waved to the crowd. "Stay tuned Ladies and Gentleman as we take a brief intermission to select our top 3 to make it to the finale!" And with that, you were ushered to the back room behind the stage to wait.

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