Magnus [Allãsson Book 1.]

By Luxianey

153 13 2

Erin and Corinne. ... Fighting between past and present,.. between loved and love ..... between a promise and... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX

Chapter XII

12 0 0
By Luxianey


The confused look in her eyes didn't hide the closed of look in them. It's like she was blocking mih, or blocking herself from feeling mih.

The moment I entered this office her scent welcomed mih and I knew it was her. My mate.  I couldn't help it but sit at her chair knowing that's where her scent was the strongest. Funny how my mate is the same detective that's handling my brothers case.

Corrine Braxton.

That explains why I felt a rush through mih at the name last night.

When I felt her presence behind the door, her scent hitting mih like a rush of wind as the door opened and in that tight outfit she was clad in I was lost. Nevi was a pinch closer to losing it and I would have been right there with him. The desire she invoked in mih if only...

The chief excused himself after waiting to see if she would be alright, and on the other hand Kent stared at mih trying to figure out what I was on about but my face was blank and a concrete wall on mind link.
He has a mean poker face that takes a while to figure out but mine he can't even prick to figure out.

He sighed heavily before heading out, closing the door behind him.

My eyes slid to Corrine only to be met with angry ones. The intensity in them. Damn.I stared back not blinking.

This is my mate.Her courage was sexy.

"Am not giving up this case and am not working with you either." She snapped at mih her eyes shining.
I love those eyes, officially.

Tilting my head to the side not saying a word, half of mih is thrilled that I once again found my mate the other part is not so happy in the situation.
One part is proud that my mate is a well known detective, a good one at that and the other is not, due to the danger that could be lurking concerning this case.

But one thing is for sure, I won't let any harm come to her even if am sure she can handle herself.

" I'm not asking you to give it up, all I want is for you to lay back a bit and let mih handle everything, you'll get the glory publicly of course." I just need her to not be involved with this shit, if those things are after my family they could definitely attack my mate.And I wouldn't want that, nobody would. It would be costly and she would be a distraction.

"Are you judging my capabilities." Her beautiful eyes widen in wonder. Anger clear in them.

"Nope. I wouldn't do such a thing," leaning closer to her, so sexy when angry. " I don't want you to get caught up in this, "

"Am not just a pretty woman, I can hold up my own shit." She barked back at mih. Imitating the posture, bringing our faces closer.

"Your not pretty." I muttered, inaudibly. "What??" Her eyes widen.

"It's either you back off the case or you work with mih." I diverted.
The first conversation with my mate and we are arguing and am already tired of talking.

"Am not doing either." She stated convinced.

" Okay." I stood up fixing my coat and walking around the desk.

Walking away from her before I do something, leaving her confuse to where I stand. Halting before the door  then going back.

I failed I couldn't resist.

Seeing that she hadn't moved an inch. Moving closer to her, leaning closer and caging her in her seat and the desk from behind.

My nose found its way on her neck skimming with the tip of my nose, I took a deep breath, taking in her addictive scent not in the slightest missing how she froze, her heart pumping a million miles and hour.
Ignoring her reaction,

" Hmmm." I moaned snuggling her skin, tracing my nose up and down her neck, kissing the base of it then bitting a little bit, the taste of her skin, my dick twitched.

"See you soon mate." Leaving her warm embrace with a palpitation heart and walking out the door, wearing my shade at once more hiding the desire in them.

Nevi was having a field day, her neck was so soft, her inviting neck that am going to mark one day soon. Something inside of mih felt warm and I didn't know what. Like a missing piece has finally found it's way back in there. Rubbing my chest. It felt naturally to do that, but I don't know why, like a second kind of instinct.

One thing though, it felt like she was resisting the invisible connecting that was in-between us. I always thought having a mate meant you can't resist them, but what am living in, is something different. Is she even my mate?
" Of course she is." Nevi glowed at mih, the pure acknowledgement in his voice making my doubts lessen.

Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts. Putting my mystery mate at the back of my mind.

Following the scent of the chief to his office, knocking once before entering.

He turned to mih, dismissing the other officer he was talking to.
" Did she agree to work with you?" He asked before I could alter a word.

" Nope , she sure is a stubborn one." I replied instead, walking around his office studying the wallpaper and achievements he has won over the years.

" Does she know?" I asked staring at a photo of a young Roman, he was holding his first medal.

" No.. and I'd like to keep it that way." He mumbled.

" Well.. " I turned to him, my eyes meeting his behind the shades, he was standing behind his desk. " Keep mih briefed on everything about the case. I mean, report everything." Spelling out the words to him.

" Yes Boss."


I stood staring at the men, who were boys, kneeling before mih.
The enjoyment I always feel when people kneel before mih, more in fear and respect and sometimes pleasure.
It's a feeling that I've come to relish in. To acknowledge and not be ashamed not like I ever was.

Inhaling the scent of Kam. A new kind of cigarette made by Magnus Empire. It's a mixture of tobacco and bhang with a little bit of bitter burnt coffee, wishing it was something else.

Dragging it out, puffing out the smoke.

" Why were you around the place where Alfonso was found dead?" I asked bored, staring at the black stick I was consuming, my legs spreading apart even more. My red eyes glaring at the twenty something year old boys.

" We wanted to rob him." The one with blue eyes and typical blonde hair, he should have just stuck to being a pretty boy.
The skip in his beat, the tremble in his words could easily tell he was lying but the rush of blood drifting away from his heart cemented the lie.
My eyes shone brightly with anger clear in them.

His friend avoided any and all kind of eye contact. Stupid of him.

" You know my brother was killed, and I have no way of emitting the anger that has been restrained inside of mih. It's ratting in it's caged to come out. " Placing the half used blunt on the ashtray on top of the side table beside the armchair I was sitting on. A sly smirk resting on my lips.
Standing up and looking down at them. " I have no time to waste on you." I snared.

One second I was standing and the next I was on him grinning while the blond was shrilling out, the other boy blue eyed with shiny oily black hair was screaming in pain, trying to stop the blood that was gushing out of his right shoulder socket, his right hand in my grip, dropping it down with a thud.

The blond guy staring in horror at his friend, wondering what had happened. Stalking closer to the screaming guy, stepping on his chest to cease his movement. His screams of pain suddenly annoying mih.
My hand lighting up, fire emitting out of the palm of my hand, the blondy screaming, I turned to him. Sending a flicker of burning flame towards him burning his blonde hair. That made him shut up, blood emitting from his lower lip as he bit it to prevent any sound from coming out.

Tracing my upper lip.

Sealing the open wound agonizing slow, the blacky crying in pain, trying to contain his pain by stuffing his other hand in his mouth but the pain was to much, he's muffled groans stopping as he lost consciousness, his wound sealing the next second the smell of burnt flesh wafting my senses.

"Wuss." Muttering under my breath.

" I'll talk ." The blondy shouted. My head snapped to him. When I wanted him to talk he didn't but now he want to.
Cocking my head to the side, stalking closer to his hunched figure.

I always get a thrill in making people who think they are tough scum to little bitches.

I stared at him, 'what should I do to him?' I wondered. He'll talk when I want him to in my own terms, first I need to play with him a little, the next time I ask something he'll answer immediately, ' maybe I should tear his eyes out.' I was already moving according to my thoughts, gripping his jaw, my claws piercing his light skin blood dripping down my black claw.

" Boss, we found the mark." Kent's voice echoed in my head.

"I'll be there." Cutting the link of, .

" Talk." I glowed at him.

"We were just following orders." He choked out, my hand tightening on his jaw in warning more blood gushing out his bright skin. I hate asking the obvious.
Sensing his reluctance, my other hand came up, the fangs elongating before snatching his left eye ball out of its sockets in a second only a gaping hole remained.
A chocked like scream emitting from him since I still had a grip on his face.

" Aaaggry. " Aggressively moving, trying to get away from mih. Showing him his eye ball.

" Matthew." He went limp . Placing back his eyeball back in his eye before shutting it, then dropping his body.

Taking out my hanky from my pocket and wiping my claws. That was satisfying , cracking my neck from side to side. Sighing in the process.
Picking up my blunt, relighting it and walking out of the room.

" You know what to do." Nodding at the Gamma that was situated at the door.


" What's the mark?" Entering the office and asking Kent immediately.

After the meeting with my detective mate, the mark she mentioned I had not known of it, made Kent revisit the marks on Alfonso's body to find anything suspicious.

Although his scars and torture marks were in broidered in my mind, I couldn't fathom that mark that she mentioned was from some gang. That could help us find the murderer alot easier.

" It would have been even easier to ask our mate for the mark." Nevi smarted at mih.

" We both know that would have been a bad idea." Knowing him, he just wanted to suffocate in her scent.

"You want that to, stupid human " ignoring the wolf and focusing on Kent.

Sitting in my chair, Kent pushed the file that probably had the mark.
Opening the file, I looked at the photo that was attached at the corner of the various photos.

I stared at it, it seemed quite familiar.

" Why didn't we see this mark in him?" I asked, a question that has been bugging mih to no ends.

" I wondered the same, but it was mostly covered by other wounds." He murmured. " That mark though." He muttered as an after thought.

" It feels familiar." I ended. He nodded agreeing with mih. I snapped a picture of it.

" I want every gangs motto, tattoo shitty signature symbol on my desk by tomorrow." Muttering, leaning back on my chair. Kent nodded at mih.

I stared at him knowing he still had something to say.
" What did you talk about with the detective.?" He finally asked.

" About the case." Am not lying ,we did talk about the case.
" She refused to work with us." Muttering to his hearing.

His eyebrow raised high, then a laughter bumbled out of his throat.

" A woman finally refused to acknowledge you. Damn, maybe I can make a friend out of her."
He wiped a tear that leaked at the corner of his eye. I scoffed at his idiocracy going at the corner of the office, having had the bar restocked with a few bottles of liquor and a few whole shelf full of wine. I don't drink liquor sue mih. They are mostly for guests or in this case Kent.

Bringing him his usual whiskey neat and a glass of white mixed with red wine for mih. I sat across from him again, seeing he was still amused, I just sipped my drink and waited till he was done.

" She is my mate." I blurted out, and he choked on his drink, the bitter liquid coming out of his nose.
I cringed so hard, it must be painful to have something so bitter come out of your nose, if water hurts then what of whiskey?

" Damn... Could have waited till I swallowed." He whizzed out, holding the wipe I gave him onto his nose.
I clinked my tongue on the roof of my mouth.

" Blaming mih for your clumsiness." I swirled the wine before taking a sip.

" Of course it's your fault, you can't just drop a bomb on mih like that when am drinking." He complained, trying to sniff out the liquid in his nose. I just shrugged.

" What the hell is wrong with you?" He coughed.

"Now repeat what you said." He sipped his drink again, not caring that he just spit it out through his nose.

" You heard right." I mumbled out. My mind involuntary reverting back to the beauty that happens to be my mate. A mate that is also the detective behind Alfonso's case.
Those blue eyes. I'll never see blue eyes as fascinating as hers again.

" Damn . So you finally found your mate?" His mind seemed so far away when he said that, snapping mih out of my head.

" What does that mean?" I questioned staring at him.

" It's just , I thought you'd never find her, especially at a time like this."
He had a weird look on his face and I pretend that I didn't notice.

"When are you gonna find yours?" I asked changing the topic. I just didn't want to think to much about her, she fascinates mih.

He rolled his eyes, drinking on the  drink he just choked up on the nose with,.
" I don't need a mate." He sipped again . " Besides my job is what I need." He finished, his eyes meeting mine.

" Sometimes you talk like it's a purpose to you." My eyes fixed on his.
Swirling my drink.

" Yes it is." He murmured all emotional. " I promise Dad I'll keep both of you safe, and I already failed with Alfonso, I won't do that with you." His expression on his eyes when he stared at mih told mih that he was serious.

" When did you talk to Dad about that?? You never told us that you talked to him before he died?" I asked raising a bow at him.

" He mindlink mih before his heart gave out." He said , having a faraway look.

Why would Dad talk to him before he died? Why would we need protection?

I always thought that he did it because Dad requested it but it seems like Dad did more than just request it.

Maybe there are somethings I don't know about their relationship.



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