They don't know about us ~ Jo...

By nellynorris

107K 1.4K 1.6K

Holly Lewis, older sister to sidemen's Harry Lewis, is invited to participate in Locked In for Footasylum wit... More



1.9K 25 35
By nellynorris

"Halfway through the performance guys, thank you for being patient. I appreciate it." Holly nods. "I'll wait here forever if you wanted me to." Liv tells the brunette, making everyone agree with her.

"You swoon me." She waves everyone off, a red tint coming onto her face.

"My next song, I need my duet partner." Holly turns to look at her boyfriend. "Me." Chip points to himself. "No, the ghost behind you." She sarcastically says.

"Yes you, get up here." She walks over to him and pulls him on stage. "I don't know the song, I can't sing sorry." Chip shrugs, trying to walk off the stage.

"You know this song, your the one who's got it stuck in my head you twat, and you can sing so there's nothing to be sorry about." She smiles smugly as she grabs his shoulder and pulls him back towards her.

"Now, here's your microphone." Holly passes the spare one to him. "Thank you." He smiles unsurely, taking the mic off her.

"See you enjoy this song." Holly bops her head, seeing Chip do the same. "Baby, I just don't get it. Take it away Josh." Holly tells him. "Do you enjoy being hurt? I know you smelled the perfume, the makeup on his shirt." He starts to sing making Holly smiles Triumphantly.

"If I was your man." Chip sings. "Baby you'd." Holly sings the backing bit. "I'd be coming home." Chip nods his head. "Back to you." Holly sings. "Every night, doing you right." Chip turns to Holly making her smirk.

"You should let me love you, let me be the one to, give you everything, you want and need." Holly and Chip sing together using one mic as they stare at each other.

"Baby, good love and protection. Make me your selection. Show you, the way love's, supposed to be." They both laugh, as they start swaying side, to side.

"Your true beauty's description looks so good that it hurts. You're a dime, plus's ninety-nine. And it's a shame, don't even know what you're worth. Everywhere you go, they stop and stare cause you're bad and it shows. From your head to your toes, out of control, baby you know." Chip takes the mic of Holly and starts to sing all by himself.

"This is honestly too funny." Holly laughs, shaking her head, watching as her boyfriend dances across the stage. "If I was your man." Chip songs, passing Holly's mic back to her so she can sing her bits.

"Baby you'd." Holly laughs, as Chip grabs her hand and pulls her along with him. "Good love and protection, make me your selection. Show you the way love's supposed to be, yeah." Holly and chip clap their hands, everyone else joining in with them.

"Let me love you. That's all you need, baby." Chip stops singing and says normally, looking at Holly.

"Love me all you want." She smiles, Chip kissing her. "That was an outstanding performance, from both of you!" Ilyas stands up and claps, everyone else copying his actions.

"You can leave that in sugar, no cutting stuff out." Holly waggles her finger at the camera. "I guess we're out and proud." Chip shrugs.

"I was already out and proud, I like dick and vagina. But, I'll gladly accept you If you were to come out, and say you like dick as well?" Holly shrugs. "I'm not gay!" Chip shouts, making everyone laugh.

"I know, I'm just teasing. Now, go be my bodyguard and stand over there again." Holly smiles, pointing to the spot Chip was standing in before he started singing.

"Thank you guys, you have been a wonderful crowd, but we only have time for one more song. So sit tight because last but not least, we have me performing. So sick, by Ne-Yo." Holly clasps her hand together, as the song starts.

"Gotta change my answering machine, Now that I'm alone. Cause right now, it says that we can't come to the phone." Holly bops her head to the beat.

"Man, I've enjoyed everything about this performance." Harry shakes his head. "Same." Everyone nods. "And I'm so sick of love songs, so tired of tears." Holly sings, and dances.

"Come on everyone, join in." Holly claps on the beat. "Sing with me as well!" Holly shouts, pointing to everyone as they continue to clap. "So done with wishing, you were still here." Holly smiles proudly as everyone sings.

"Said, I'm so sick of love songs, so sad and slow. Why can't I turn off the radio? Why can't I turn off the radio?
Why can't I turn off the radio?" Holly doesn't even get to sing the last word before she's bombarded with a group hug, Chip being the first one to her.

"We're all so proud of you." Kate smiles, as she hugs the girl. "Thank you guys for listening." Holly starts to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" Billy asks.

"Holly, congratulations you passed your secret challenge, and gained an extra point for getting Chip to sing with you."

"Badabingbadaboom in yo faces!" Holly jumps up and down in excitement. "Thinking you can try and catch up to me? You're having a bubble, no one is beating me on this leaderboard babe." Holly shakes her head, slinging her arm around Chip's shoulder.

"Well done for Holly, but secret challenge or not, that was fucking amazing." Grace shakes her head, giving her another round of applause.

"Thank you, gurl." Holly puts her hand to her heart. "Appreciate it." The brunette smiles, bringing Grace into a hug.

"I'm telling you, that's even better than the fucking reading festival, and that's saying something." Grace says, to the camera. "I might get her to perform and my birthday party." She itches her head.

"You know what, after that performance, I'm Fucking knackered, I'm going to sleep, just wait here." Holly tells everyone when she walks to the bedroom.

"Where else could we go?" Max asks. "Shut up, you could've gone anywhere in the house." Holly walks out of the bedroom, wrapped up in her duvet.

"I'm so sorry yeah, but you look like a tampon, and now I can't unsee it." Grace bursts out laughing. "Fucking hell, I do." Holly scoffs, looking in the mirror.

"Oh well, night friends." Holly nods, cuddling up to Chip. "You two are the cutest." Liv says turning to the two.

"You always say this." Chip laughs, as he starts stroking Holly's hair. "I know, it's because it's the truth." Liv shrugs. "Well, she's knocked out, already." Chip says when he hears Holly breathing heavily.

"Is she snoring?" Max asks. "No, breathing heavily." Chip shakes his head. "Ahhh, alright." The boy nods, sitting down. "A couple of years back, Harry kicked a football in her face. She's been breathing like this ever since." Chip laughs at the memory.

"Holly, we're moving space." Chip whispers to his girlfriend. "Carry me, please." She yawns, keeping her eyes closed. "Alright." He sighs, sliding his hands under her legs and back picking her up.

"She's like you baby." Ilyas says as he walks to the other side of the sofa. "Trust me, she is." Chip shakes his head. "Your gonna keep her there?" Max asks, pointing to Holly that's asleep on Chip's lap.

"Yeah." Chip nods slowly, not knowing where this is going. "What if your legs go numb?" The boy asks as he sits next to the man. "Then they go numb." Chip shrugs, not seeing a problem with it.

"We're gonna make a song, so everyone adds another layer." Harry tells the group. "No, it's an instrumental." Destini corrects him. "Okay, I'll start with the beat." Harry says.

"I'm sorry yeah, how did you lot just do that without laughing?" Holly asks as everyone goes quiet. "God, you scared the living Christ out of me." Chip takes a deep breath. "Sorry." Holly shrugs, yawning. "It's fine." Chip waves her off yawning as well.

"Scoreboard, I wonder who's first?" Holly asks Chip. "You, you already knew that tho." He laughs, shaking his head. "You right, I did, It just feels nice to hear." Holly nods.

"Jesus Holly and Chip, both of you are soaring ahead." Destini scoffs. "Just give Holly the ten grand now," Ilyas shouts, putting his socks up. "Oi, she does not need that money." Billy shakes his head.

"It can all change, don't worry guys." Chip tells the group. "But it won't tho." Holly shakes her head. "Shut up." Chip whispers to her, covering her mouth so she can't say anything.

"You know that doesn't work with me." Chip laughs when Holly licks his hand. "I'm getting evicted." Max says. "It's literally red team versus blue team." Harry scoff.

"Imagine not being in the good team, couldn't be you." Holly points to the man after Chip moves his hand. "My team is good, you've just got loads of luck." He shrugs.

Destiny is so jarring Bruv

"We do not claim that negativity, so you don't deserve my clap." Holly says, screwing up her face after she says it. "That did not mean to sound like that, I don't have clap." Holly clarifies, making everyone laugh.

If you feel you've heard Grace's voice before-its cuz she sounds like callux

"Nah, that is fucking hilarious." Holly bursts out with laughter after reading the comment. "Do I? Do I? I don't sound anything like Callux." Grace shakes her head. "That's what makes it so funny." Holly starts laughing again.

Amy wain:
Ilyas is so desperate

"Oh fuck." Ilyas covers his mouth. "I am guys, I'm on my knees for it, I'm on my knees for it." He holds up his hand, making everyone laugh. "What the flip Amy!" Destini shouts. "Amy, Amy wain, she knows." Ilyas nods. "I mean, at least he's honest." Holly shrugs.

I just know that room STINKS

"It's true, it's true." Ilyas laughs. "Our room smells." Ilyas nods, looking at Billy. "I take credit." Harry holds up his hand. "They put it in caps you know." Destini says. "Yes Destini, we can all see." Holly turns to the girl.

"Do you think they put Rachel's fart in?" Ilyas asks. "Don't try it, because I didn't fart so don't do that." Rachel shakes her head.

"It's okay if you did, it's a normal thing to do. I've done it loads of times since we've been in the house." Holly puts her hand on Rachel's shoulder. "I didn't." Rachel shakes her head. "Alrighty." Holly retraces her hand.

Shaza Ahmed:
Kate Elisabeth needs to leave icl

"Is that how you spell your name?" Ilyas asks. "Yeah, they've spelt my name right. So, you're a fan, your a fan. You spelt my name right." The blonde points to the camera.

Holly isn't even funny I swear, she tries too hard.

"Ahh, so sweet. I don't remember asking for your opinion." Holly opens her mouth, sticking her middle finger up to the camera. "I mean, at least your username is right, I am gay." She laughs, the others following. "See, I am funny." She points to her housemates.

"What's this?" Destini asks as the screen changes to a list. "Public vote." Ilyas reads, making Holly loudly gasp. "Oh my gosh." She says in an Irish accent.

"I'm fucking first with Grace, get in." She punches the air. "Ohh, Harry you are at the bottom." Ilyas turns to look at the man. "Let's go top five, dead or alive." Ilyas shouts.

"Hey, you alright?" Holly asks Harry as she sees his face. "I'm great." He puts on a fake smile. "I'm talking to you later." She points to him, as she walks to the group.

"Am I being evicted? Alright, please, let's go." Harry waves his hands. "Man said the public vote, I'm third I'll take it." Max holds up his hands.

"What does this mean?" Grace asks cluelessly. "Grace, your different vibe you know." Chip turns to the girl. "And I know why they're voting for you." Chip turns to his girlfriend.

"Why are they voting for me?" Holly questions. "Because, you are sexy, funny, and sexy." Chip nods. "Thanks, babe, means a lot." Holly smiles, messing up chips hair.

"Wait, wait, wait. Harry's got a million subscribers bro, how?" Billy says, making everyone go quiet. "It is what it is man, I don't know." Harry shrugs, pretending to be happy.

"Nah, I feel like someone's gonna get evicted today." Max shakes his head. "God, I hope not." Holly turns to him.
"Yeah, but you don't know what you'll get, you know what I mean?" Grace asks.

"That's the first time showing us public vote." Harry reminds everyone. "Grace and Holly, you two are gone." Billy shakes his head. "What do you mean we're gone?" The two girls ask simultaneously.

"Your both number one." Billy points to the screen. "Oh, my god, I thought you meant us going home." Grace holds her chest.

"I feel really good. Do you feel good?" Grace turns to look at the brunette next to her.

"Hell yes, I'm on top of the moon right now." Holly nods.

"Thank you to anyone that voted for me, honestly. I can't believe it, I feel like Britney Spears." Grace flattens her hair.

"What a weird person to compare yourself to. I love it." Holly laughs, high-fiving Grace.

"Yeah don't ask. But, that has put my mind at ease, honestly, that's put my mind at ease." Grace repeats.

"This is why they didn't evict you because they know they would've lost all your fans." Holly laughs, laying down across the blonde.

"But, I wanna say thank you as well, and if I win, you won't be disappointed with what I'd do with the money." Holly looks at the camera.

"What are you doing with the money?" Grace asks.

"You'll have to find out if I win or not, it's a secret." Holly shrugs.

"Nah, I can't lie, Harry how do you feel right now?" Max asks the man. "I fell off, he shakes his head, making everyone laugh. "Literally." Billy turns to look at the man and laughs when he sees Chip hug him.

"I know it's not getting to you, that's why I didn't say anything." Billy walks over and hugs him next. "I feel like it's going to say go to the challenge area." Max nods. "You didn't say anything? Oh, a million subs, a million subs." Harry mocks the freestyler.

"No, no, no, I mean like, I don't try, because I knew." Billy shakes his head. "It is what it is man, it's the game." Harry shrugs.

"Personally me, I don't think Harry's taken it well, and that he's not hiding it that well. But, everyone's saying that they can't see it. I'm not sure if there just blind, or ignoring the signs, that rhymed." Holly says proudly, with a smile.

"Anyway moving on, Harry is low-key hurt by the comments, and I will continue saying it. But, I will talk to him about it, double check, he's alright." Holly explains, lying upside down on the chair, so you can only see her legs, in the camera.

"All jokes aside, I know we all joke around and play around yeah. But, honest to god, I can tell, you can see it in his eyes Harry's actually upset init." Max tells the housemates, who are sitting outside.

"Thank you, I've been saying this, but no one listened to me." Holly points to the nineteen-year-old. "I think anyone would be if you were bottom." Chip shrugs. "Yeah, that's why it's understandable yeah." Ilyas nods, looking at Chip.

"To be honest yeah, as a guy, you're not gonna show it like, are you?" Max says. "Yeah." Billy nods. "But, deep down yeah..." Max goes on to explain but gets cut off.

"I feel like we just need to be gentle with him." Destini interrupts Max. "I'm not gonna lie, I think he's just more surprised than upset tho. I feel like, it hit him like he didn't expect to be bottom." Billy explains. "I don't understand why they would... no one would vote." Destini thinks out loud.

"Hate comments are good man, it means that people are watching for you." Ilyas nods. "It means they're watching to hate on you." He says. "What did they say about you." Kate asks. "Said I'm desperate." He raises his eyebrows, a smile on his face.

"Harry, my dear old new but annoying friend." Holly smiles, as the man walks outside. "What did you need?" He sits down beside her. "I don't know what you mean." She shrugs, pretending to be clueless.

"Chip just came in and said you need me." He laughs. "Oh shit yeah, sorry can't remember anything." The girl shakes her head. "I have a feeling this is about the public vote." Harry leans back.

"Your feeling would be correct." Holly smiles calmly, also leaning back. "I'm fine, honestly." Harry lets out a little laugh.

"I know this may seem like really cringe, but it's okay to not be okay. And it's better to get your feelings out in the open, than just keeping them bottled up." Holly tells him, sternly. "So tell me, are you okay?" Holly ask.

"I mean, I guess." Harry shrugs. "That doesn't help Harry." Holly shakes her head. "It's just, I don't know if people haven't been like, voting for me because they genuinely don't like me. Or, because everyone else has more votes than me." Harry tells her.

"It's just, not knowing, that's what's bugging me." He shrugs. "See, how nice was it to get that out?" Holly nudges him. "I won't lie, it was nice." He nods looking at the floor.

"But, how I would think of it is, oh people don't like me, too bad on them. They're missing out on a cool person, and they are if they don't like you." Holly looks at him. "I guess your right." Harry nods.

"I'll be honest, at first I didn't like you, I found you so fucking jarring. And now look, your like, one of my best friends in this house." Holly shrugs.

"Really?" Harry asks her. "Yeah." She smiles. "Can I hug you?" Harry asks. "Of course, you can." Holly laughs, as Harry wraps his arms around her.

"Remember, you can talk to me about anything that's not stupid." Holly tells him, stroking his back. "I'll remember that." He nods.

"Everything good out here?" Chip asks as he walks out to the garden with a hot cup. "Everything is perfectly fine." Holly pulls away from Harry and stands up. "I made this for you." Chip holds out a hot chocolate.

"Awww, thanks, I appreciate it, she smiles, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. "I think it's time we go in, it's getting quite nippy out here." Holly takes a sip of her drink.

"You two go ahead, I'm gonna sit out here and think for a while." Harry waves them away. "Okay man, see you inside." Holly pats his shoulder, walking in behind Chip.

Authors note:

So Chip and Holly are finally official to the world!!!

I can't wait to write more cute moments between the two, they don't have to be subtle now!

I was only planning on making this episode four parts, but it would've been way too long to read otherwise. So, I've put it into five parts.

Hope you enjoyed it!!

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