A School Of Royalty

By Sofie_tomlinson28

85.1K 2.3K 5.3K

What happens when The Prince of England and the son of two of the most famous people in England are attending... More

Words from author
Your Highness
Best Friend
The Ball
New Year Eve
All Alone
A School of Royalty
The Interview
Coming Out
Family Reunion
Endings and New Beginnings
Thanks for reading
Epilogue (last)
Bonus: The Wedding Night


4K 124 446
By Sofie_tomlinson28

Longest chapter so far. About 7350 words.

Get ready for a ride!

Louis was excited to bring Harry home with him, but also utterly terrified. He had said some not very nice stuff about Harry to his siblings and also to Betty and Charles. Then there of course was the fact that he were the Prince. The Prince. He was slightly worried that either Charles or Betty would get a heart attack by the sight of him, but he wasn't going to let that stop him.

Harry was going home with him and he couldn't wait.

They left the school at nine in the morning and boarded the train at ten.

By that point Harry was completely adopted into the friend group and was completely out of his shell around Niall, Liam and Zayn, though Louis knew he still was the only one Harry trusted with everything. He liked that. And he liked to think it meant something deeper. Eleanor clearly thought Harry had a thing for Louis. Especially after how he had left the ball after Louis had kissed her cheek.

Louis would like to say he could see it as well. See it in the way Harry looked at him or talked to him, but he was also afraid he was reaching.

When they were on the train, driving toward London and home, Louis couldn't take his eyes off of Harry. Harry was in a deep conversation with Liam about a movie they both had watched. Harry had clearly liked the movie, because when he talked of it his eyes would light up, a constant smile plastered on his face. Louis loved that look on him and he couldn't tear his eyes away even if he tried.

One thing was sure, even if Harry didn't return Louis' feelings and Louis would have to walk around with his feelings burrowed deep inside him for the rest of his days, he would be happy as long as he could see Harry with that smile on his face.

He would be all right. No matter what.

They arrived in London around two p.m.. As they stepped off the train, gasps and whispers erupted around them as awaiting families spotted Harry and Louis. Two boys, one a prince, one coming from a famous family, walking next to each other down the perron, their suitcases strolling after them. Louis could imagine they looked powerful.

Niall, Liam and Zayn followed them some of the way, but then got an eye on their families who stood together, and said their goodbyes.

"See you after break!" Niall called after them as Harry and Louis continued through the mass.

Louis could see a lot of people holding their phones out taking pictures, but what had he expected? The Prince had just returned from boarding school. A boarding school that the public hadn't even heard he officially attended.

Louis had asked him about it one day.

"How could it be no one knew that you would be attending the school when we first started? How not the public?"

"Mom wanted for me to get away, without a ton of press following me," had been Harry's reply.

So yes, he should have expected people to take pictures and he could already picture them on the front cover of the news the following morning.

It wasn't long before Louis spotted them. They were standing a bit further away from the crowd, but they were all there. Betty, Charles, Fizzy, Lottie, Phoebe and Daisy. Everyone except Louis' parents. The thought made him sad at first, but he shook it off, instead focusing on being happy for the people who had decided to show up.

They had yet to notice Harry and him, but as soon as Louis let out a whistle, their heads turned in their direction. It was funny to see how everyone's jaw dropped-except Lottie, who only wore a smug, knowing look on her face.

Even Phoebe and Daisy, who would normally jump on Louis immediately, stood still. Daisy pointed at Harry, saying something to her twin that Louis couldn't quite point out.

"Family!" Louis greeted as they were within earshot and held the hand that didn't hold the handle of his suitcase, up in a wave. "Good to see you!"

It was Betty who broke out of the trance at first and with brisk steps walked up to Louis, ingulfing him in a hug. "Louis, darling, so good to see you again."

Louis grinned, hugging her back. "It's good to see you too."

Betty pulled away and cupped his face in her hands. "Jesus, when was the last time you got a haircut, boy?" She smiled bashfully at him. "Need me to take care of that mess during the break?" She gestured to his hair.

"Hey." Louis patted his hair offended. Yes, it had become longer, but... yeah, he needed a trim. "That would be great."

"You precious boy." Betty pinched his cheek, stepping aside and making space for the two twins running into him. He almost tumbled to the ground by the force of it.

"Hey, girls," he laughed and hugged them to him. "How are you doing?"

Phoebe looked up at him with big doe eyes. "Louiiiiis."

"Yeah?" Louis chuckled.

"I thought you said you hated him," she whisper-yelled, gesturing to Harry who were standing behind Louis. Louis turned around, smiling brightly at Harry. The boy nervously returned it.

"Hm, I still do," Louis smirked and stepped out of his sisters embrace, moving to Harry, placing a hand on his lower back and steered him closer to the rest of the group. "Guys, this is the friend I were talking about."

"Friend?" Fizzy said, raising an eyebrow. She walked toward them. Her hair had grown longer and her whole demur seemed much more confident than when last Louis had seen her. It was a good look on her. "I think I need an update on this friendship." She stopped in front of Harry, her back held straight as she held out a hand. "Félicité, Louis' sister."

Harry took her hand shaking it. "Hi." He sounded nervous.

"Hm, so how did you manage to befriend my brother after all the shit he has been saying about you?" Fizzy raised an eyebrow at Harry, not letting go of his hand.

"I, um, well-"

"Jesus fucking Christ, Fiz," Louis interrupted his sister. "Stop scaring the boy and come give your brother hug. I have fucking missed you."

Fizzy rolled her eyes but stepped into Louis' embrace nonetheless. She hid her face in Louis' neck. "It's good to have you back."

"It's good to be back."

When they pulled apart, Lottie and Charles walked toward him, giving him a group hug and then turning to shake Harry's hand, both keeping their back straight. Charles suddenly knew how to talk politely.

They looked ridiculous and Louis could see how hard Harry was trying not to laugh at their posh demur.

"It's good to meet you, Your Highness," Charles said as he shook Harry's hand. "Louis has... spoken very highly of you."

"It's nice of you to say, but I know he hasn't," Harry said, biting back a smile. "We had a rocky start and, sir, please do call me Harry." He sent Charles a charming smile, all signs of nervousness gone.

"Oh, well then." Charles let out a nervous chuckle. "Harry it is."

"Thank you, sir."

"If I am to call you Harry, you are to call me Charles," Charles said, sending Harry a wink.

"All right," Harry chuckled.

It wasn't long after that they moved to the parking lot, trying to get away from all the curios glances that got sent after them.

Betty and Charles had taken one of their big trucks that had space enough for all of them. Betty sat behind the wheel, Charles next to her, kissing her cheek. Louis, Harry and the girls sat in the backseat.

"So, Harry," Lottie said as they started driving. "How did you and Louis become friends? He haven't mentioned anything about it to any of us."

"Um-" Harry swallowed a lump in his throat before continuing, "-I guess it just kind of happened." Harry fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, the nervous look back on his face.

"Yeah," Louis said, nodding, swinging his arm over Harry's shoulder. "It just kind of happened."

"I see," Lottie said, but before she could prod more Phoebe interrupted her.

"Do you have a crown?" she asked, her voice high pitched.

Harry smiled gently. "I don't have one."

"Why don't you just use your fathers?" Daisy asked. "He doesn't need it anymore."

It felt like all the oxygen got dragged out of the car, Harry's stare turning black.

"Daisy!" Betty hissed from the front seat. "Don't say those kind of things!"

Louis tightened his hold around Harry's shoulders, pulling him to him.

"What did I do wrong?" Daisy asked, looking clueless as ever.

"Daisy!" This time it was Lottie. "Just shut up, will you?"

The rest of the car ride was awkward, the tension hanging in the air, but luckily enough it wasn't long before they arrived at the house. Louis let out a shaky breath at the sight of it. How many hours hadn't he spent in there? Not being allowed to go out and live?

Seventeen years.

Betty stopped the car in front of the house and immediately a maid stepped out. Louis didn't recognize her so she must have been rather new.

"Can I help you with your luggage, sir?" she asked Louis as he stepped out out of vehicle. Her smile was polite, but it immediately dropped as soon as she saw Harry step out behind Louis, her mouth forming an 'o'.

Betty and Charles stepped out of the car as well, followed by the girls. Charles smiled brightly at the maid. "Veronica, hi!"

The maid, Veronica, lifted her hand in a small wave, not moving her eyes away from Harry. Louis could hear the girls snicker behind him and he couldn't help but chuckle lowly himself. He couldn't blame her, it was after all the Prince.

"Well-" Charles clasped his hands together, "-would you mind taking the boys' luggage, Veronica?"

Veronica shook her head slightly, getting back to reality. "Um, of course, sir. Where am I to put it?"

"Louis' suitcase in his room and if you could put Harry's in the guestroom and also prepare it fo-"

"-Actually," Louis interrupted him. "Put his stuff in my room." Silence enveloped them as soon as the words had left Louis' lips, Louis just only realizing what it had sounded like. "We are used to sharing rooms," he quickly added.

Veronica nodded. "All right, I will bring it to your room, sir."

"Thank you." Louis nodded at her and turned to fully face Harry. His cheeks were pink and he had that nervous look in his eyes that Louis didn't like. "Come on, Your Highness," Louis said and tucked on Harry's sleeve. "I need to show you my childhood home."

A small smile spread on Harry's face. "Okay," he said, grinning softly.

Louis showed Harry the whole house. And the garden too, his voice eager as he told Harry about all his hours spent outside reading. And his voice filled with awe as he showed Harry the library.

"Who are all those people on the wall?" Harry asked as they were in the library, his gaze directed to the wall of Tomlinson men.

Louis walked up beside him and stopped by his side. "It's the Tomlinson men," he told him and pointed to the still empty spot on the wall where his was going to be one day, when his mother would finally allow it. "That's my spot."

Harry walked to it, letting his fingers graze over the wall. "Have your family always been wealthy?" he questioned.

"Yeah," Louis breathed and walked closer to him, needing to be close. "Wealthy, powerful."

"Powerful you say?" Harry smirked slightly and turned his gaze to Louis. "How so?"

Louis rolled his eyes and elbowed Harry in the side. "Whatever. Shall we go to my room? I am sure Veronica has brought your stuff up by now."

"Sure," Harry nodded.

Louis led Harry up the many stairs and down the hallway leading to his room, stopping in front of the door. Harry was right behind him. He reached for the doorhandle but stopped himself.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

Louis swallowed a lump in his throat. "I just realized I have never had anyone in my room."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "No one? Ever?"

"Only maids," Louis confirmed.

"Why is that?" Harry questioned, placing a comforting hand on Louis' lower back.

"I... I don't really know," Louis muttered. "It has always just been that way. Our room is our business and only ours."

"Do you want me to sleep somewhere else?" Harry asked. "I can, if you want me to."

Louis whipped around, standing face to face with Harry, Harry's hand disappearing from his back. "Hell no!" He poked Harry in the chest. "You are going to share room with me. Fuck... rules. I want you in my bedroom."

A small smirk formed on Harry's face. "You want me in your bedroom?" His voice was low, but his eyes burning with intensity.

Louis' breath hitched in his throat, Harry suddenly seeming so much more close than mere seconds ago. "You k-know I didn't mean it like that," he stuttered out, not even sounding convincing to his own ears.

"Hm, sure," Harry smirked and stepped a step back. "Now, let's go inside." The smug look was off his face as quickly as it had come, instead replaced with an easy smile.

"Um, okay," Louis breathed and turned around. He opened the door.

His room were exactly like he remembered it. Boring. Impersonal.

"I know it's not a lot," Louis said and stepped further into his room, almost falling over Harry's suitcase that stood on the ground. Harry gripped his arm and yanked him back. Louis slammed into Harry's chest. "Sorry," he mumbled against Harry's shirt. He didn't want to move.

Harry barked out a laugh. "I thought I were the clumsy one of the two of us."

"Heey." Louis smacked his bicep and stepped out of his embrace. Harry laughed. Louis rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He moved to sit down on the edge of his bed and patted the spot next to him, signaling for Harry to sit down next to him.

Harry smiled and sat down beside Louis. Their thighs brushed.

"I can get a maid to bring up a mattress," Louis said, gesturing to the floor. "I can take that and then you can take the bed."

"I have a better suggestion," Harry said on a unsure smile.


"Don't call a maid. I am sure they have much on their plates already-"

"-Well, we do pay them to serve us, so-"

"-Let's just share your bed," Harry rushed out, looking at Louis with wary eyes. "I mean, there is plenty of space."

"What?" Louis squeaked, trying to fathom what Harry had just said. It wasn't because he didn't want to, but Harry's suggestion surprised him. Did friends sleep in the same bed? They had fallen asleep next to each other many times before, but never on purpose. This... this was different.

"Yeah." Harry let out a breath. "I don't see why not."

"I, um, fine," Louis said, his voice shaky, but then a smile curled his lips upwards. "Now, what do you say we go to the kitchen and grab some tea?"

The rest of the day was great. Louis and Harry joined the girls, Betty and Charles for dinner. Betty had done everything she could to make the meal as good as possible. There were potatoes, steak, sausages and she even had brought wine, though Louis didn't drink any of it. And neither did Harry.

Charles had offered it to him, but Harry had declined, Louis taking his hand squeezing his hand underneath the table. When he tried to take it to him again, Harry refused to let go and they ended up holding hands secretly under the whole dinner.

They went to bed around ten, tired after the long travel. They took turns to use the bathroom, Louis leaving it wearing a hoodie, sweats and fuzzy socks, Harry only in boxers and a tee.

"Is it okay if I sleep like this?" He gestured to himself. "I get warm easily."

"Yeah, yeah, of course," Louis said, looking everywhere else than Harry's crotch. It wasn't like he wasn't used to seeing Harry walk around in boxers all the time, but he was going to sleep in the same bed as Louis wearing only that and a tee. It did something to Louis, making his dick stir in his pants.


They both moved to the bed, moving down under the sheets, Louis taking the side closest to the wall.

It was awkward, both saying nothing. Louis just stared up at the ceiling, the only sound indicating that Harry were in the bed with him his slow and steady breathing.

Louis' whole body felt tired, but he couldn't sleep just yet. He turned to Harry, laying on his side. Harry mimicked his motion immediately.

"Curly?" Louis whispered, for some reason afraid to talk loudly.

"Yeah?" Harry breathed, his fist curling in the fabric of the sheets.

"Do you also feel incredibly awkward?" Louis whispered.

Harry sighed. "I don't want to, but yes, a little."

Louis was silent for a beat. "Is it normal for two friends to share a bed?"

"I wouldn't know." Harry shook his head. "You are my first ever real friend."

Louis couldn't help but smile bashfully into his pillow. "Well, you are my best friend."

"I know. You are mine, too," Harry smiled softly.

"Just two best friends sharing a bed, right?" Louis muttered.

Harry didn't answer him, instead directing the conversation in another direction. "It's your birthday soon. Are you excited?"

"I don't know really," Louis shrugged. "It's hard to feel your birthday is any special when it falls on the same day of Christmas."

"I guess so." Harry averted his eyes away from Louis', instead focusing on where his hand grabbed the sheets. "Are... are your parents coming?"

Louis let out a humorless laugh. "If they did, it would be a first."

"Oh." Harry was silent for a beat. "Do... do you want to talk about them?"

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I... I just wonder," Harry let out. "You barely talk about them and when you do you always get this look-" Harry gestured wildly in the air, "-in your eyes that I can't quit wrap my head around and then there of course is the fact they are not here."


"So... do you want to talk about it?"

Had it been any other person Louis would have immediately said no. But this was Harry. His Harry. His idiot. His... his everything. And he wanted to tell him everything.

He opened his mouth and then closed it and opened it. He repeated the motion a few times before words finally started falling over his lips. "My parents... they... they put a lot of effort into work. My mother she is always out in the world shooting for a new movie and my dad is always at the office."

Louis let out a breath, Harry starting to comb his fingers through Louis' hair.

"And during me growing up they have never really been here, you know? It was always maids tucking me into bed at night and when I had questions regarding... things, I couldn't go with them to my father, because he was never here. And I have never tried having my mom cook for me, or read for me, or to help me study, or... anything. really"

Louis could feel tears form in the corners of his eyes and he quickly brushed them off. He didn't understand why it made him emotional. He had lived with it as his reality for years, but something about saying it out loud to Harry made him like this. Vulnerable.

"They insist on me to take over the family company in the future, so I have to have the perfect grades. That's why I have never been to real school, never had real friends or any sense of reality before now.

"And my father, when it comes to me, only cares about my grades. Before I left for school I hadn't seen him in weeks and on the day I left he wasn't even there, neither was my mom. I haven't seen them since... since... I don't even know anymore and the only thing I have heard from them are regarding a single fucking history test and... and my mother has sent me one text and guess what!"

"What?" Harry whispered, his fingers still working through Louis' hair.

"She sent me one text, telling me about a gym I should go to in The Town," Louis said, his voice low. "She has this... thing with me and the way I look. She hate it. She either thinks I am too fat or my body to... to curvy or-" Louis started full on crying, no longer being able to form words.

"Hey." Harry immediately sat up, pulling Louis to him. "It's okay." He held Louis close to him as he cried, stroking his hand up and down his back. "Just get it out."

"And... I j-just fe-eel like t-they don't l-love me," Louis sobbed out, hiding his face in Harry's shirt. "At all. And they make me feel so bad about myself. My own mother makes me recent my own body for fuck sake! She shouldn't be doing that. She... they should love me, shouldn't they?" The last words came out as a whisper, but Harry heard them.

"Of course they should," he said, his voice strained. "They are your parents and if they don't love you, they don't deserve you."

"What... what if it is me that are the problem?" Louis whispered, voicing his biggest fear out loud for the first time ever.

"You could never be a problem," Harry said.

Suddenly Louis felt something soft against his forehead and it was first when the touch was gone that he realized Harry had kissed his forehead.

Harry. Had. Kissed. His. Forehead.

Louis couldn't help but smile giddily and hide his face in Harry's shirt, pressing his face into Harry's ribs. "Thank you for listening," he mumbled into the fabric.

"You are welcome." The soft press of lips returned, this time to the crown of his head. Louis had officially won in life. "Now, sleep. There is another day tomorrow."

"I don't want to move," Louis mumbled, already dozing off. His brain had not quite registered the words that escaped his mouth, but he did feel the way Harry tightened his hold around him.

"I don't want you to either," Harry whispered, but Louis was already asleep.


Louis woke up with his head pressed against something much warmer and firmer than his pillow. He slowly opened his eyes, looking into the fabric of Harry's tee. Oh. He was sleeping on Harry. He had moved further down the bed while Louis slept, pulling Louis with him, his head now resting over Harry's chest.

He should move, but he didn't want to, so he stayed, closing his eyes once more.

He didn't get to fall back asleep though, because soon Harry started to move as well and Louis once again opened his eyes, only to find Harry already looking down at him.

"Hey," Harry whispered, his voice ever so soft. He brushed Louis' fringe away from his forehead, Louis closing his eyes at the sensation. "How are you feeling?"

Louis had for a second forgot all about his breakdown last night. He cringed at the thought. He must have looked like shit.

"Yeah," Louis breathed. "Sorry about that."

"Hey." Harry cupped Louis' jaw with his hand, his touch gentle. "Don't be sorry. I asked for it."

"You didn't ask for the crying or for me to... fall asleep on you," Louis mumbled.

"I don't mind," Harry said easily.

"Don't say that." Louis shook his head slightly, his motion constricted by the hand that still held his jaw. "Don't say it if you don't mean it."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "But I do mean it."

Louis let out a sigh and moved to stand up. Why didn't Harry just get it? Why couldn't he just take a fucking hint?

Because he was an idiot, that was why, but he was Louis'. He had said so himself.

Louis turned around, facing the bed on which Harry still lay upon and held his hand out for him, a small smile on lips. "Now come on, I am sure Betty made her famous pancakes."

Harry grinned and took Louis' hand. "Okay."


The days leading up to Christmas and Louis' birthday was probably some of the best in his life. Every night he fell asleep next to Harry and every morning he woke up in his arms. They never talked about how they found each other in their sleep, but once they were tangled up with each other they didn't move away.

Everyone seemed to have gotten used to having royalty under the roof and treated Harry like everyone else: like a friend, like family.

The first morning, after Louis had woken up on top of Harry, they had gone down to breakfast, seeing the newspaper on the counter. Harry and Louis' face greeted them as looked over the page, but what had they expected? To go unnoticed? In their wildest dreams.

Later that day they had been sitting in the living room when Daisy and Phoebe had run into the room.

"Dais has something she wants to tell you," Phoebe announced to Harry, not even sparring a glance at Louis.

"Okaaaay," Harry said slowly and turned to Daisy. "What is it?" His smile was gentle as he looked at the girl.

"I am sorry," she said, fidgeting with the hem of her sweater. "For yesterday in the car. I understand now that it was not very considerate of me."

"You know some very big words for a girl your age," Harry noted. "How old is it you are again?"

"Eight," Daisy said, her voice proud.

"Eight," Harry repeated and then turned to Louis. "You Tomlinson's sure are smart."

"The smartest," Louis smirked.

Harry rolled his eyes, turning back to Daisy. "It's okay. We all say things without thinking it through sometimes."

"So you don't hate me?" Daisy squeaked.

"Of course not," Harry said, grinning softly.

"Great," Phoebe said. "Now that the unimportant things are out of the way, we have another question."

"Shoot," Louis said, leaning further back in the chair he sat in.

"You see-" Phoebe scratched her food against the wooden floor, "-we kind of told everyone at school that we were good at applying nail polish. And that when school began would open a booth were students could come and get their nails done for free-"

"-Oh God," Louis groaned.

"But we have absolutely no idea how to. We made one of the maids buy us some polish, but we need someone to practice on."

"For real?" Louis groaned at the same time as Harry said in a chipper voice, "Sure!"

Louis looked over at Harry. "You want to do this?"

"Yeah," Harry said softly, smiling gently at Louis. "Come on, Lou. It would look great."

"Yeah, Lou, it would look great," Daisy mimicked Harry's words.

"Fiiiiine," Louis groaned.

Twenty minutes later, both him and Harry had their nails painted in every single color of the rainbow, Harry beaming brightly at the two girls, telling them how talented they were. Louis just sat and watched him. A smile was os his lips.

It was then he realized that his feelings for Harry wasn't just a crush.

He had fallen, and he had fallen hard and somehow, he was still falling.

One day Louis and Harry had been face timing Niall. It was four days before the twenty-fourth and they were in the middle of catching up when Harry said he had forgotten his sweater down in the living room and got up from the bed.

"You go get it," Louis told him. "I can entertain Niall in the meanwhile."

"Hell nah you can," came Niall's voice through the screen. "No offense, but you are boring compared to Harry, Tommo."

Harry laughed as he left the room, leaving a sulking Louis behind.

"I am very funny, thank you very much."


Louis and Niall talked for quite some time, about everything and nothing, when Louis suddenly remembered a question he had for the blonde boy.

"Reminds me, I never asked you how you met this Amelia girl."

"Oh." Even through the screen, Louis could see how Niall's cheeks turned a bright red.

"Do spill the tea," Louis grinned and sat back against his headboard.

"We sit next to each other in our history class," Niall shrugged. "And we have had this kind of flirting thing going on-"

"-For how long?" Louis demanded to know, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Um-" Niall scratched the back of his head, "-kinda since the beginning of the year."

"What!" Louis sat up, looking at Niall with a disbelieving look. "And you didn't tell any of us?"

"Well no-"


"What about you and Harry then?" Niall bit back. "It's clear that you like each other, but you don't talk about it to any of us!"

"It's not the same," Louis argued.

"Aha!" Niall clasped his hands together. "So you admit it!"

"Whatever," Louis mumbled, his mood having turned sour.

"It doesn't have to be complicated," Niall said. "Why don't you just tell him how you feel?"

"Do you think it's that easy?" Louis huffed.

"I didn't mean it like that-"

"-Whatever. I have to go and see where Harry disappeared off to." Niall didn't even get a chance to respond before Louis hit the 'hang up' button.

He let out a sigh and pushed the laptop off him and got out of the bed.

He left his room and started the long travel down the stairs. When he finally landed on the main floor, he went into the living room, expecting to see Harry there. He wasn't. Instead, he was met with a grumpy looking Lottie, sprawled out over the couch.

"What got you in such a bad mood?" Louis chuckled and ruffled up her hair with his hand.

"None of your business," Lottie mumbled.


"-Well if you insists to know," Lottie cut him off. "My bestfriend is mad at me."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows at her. "Um, why?"

"Because I kissed her crush, but I didn't know she liked him!" Lottie whined out.

Louis' whole body stiffened. His sister were kissing other people? It wasn't so much the fact that she was being together with boys. It was the fact that his sister had gotten her first kiss before him. And she was only fifteen! What a good day to soon-to-be eighteen and never having kissed anyone.

"Sounds... rough," he mumbled.

"Yeah," Lottie huffed. "He wasn't even good at kissing and I tried telling her that-"

"-I think I have heard enough," Louis said, holding his hands up in defense. "Have you seen Harry?"

"Oh, your little boy crush?" Lottie teasingly said, wiggling her eyebrows, her mood turning from grumpy to teasing.

"What?" Louis shrieked.

"Oh nothing," she shrugged, a knowing glint in her eyes. "It's just pretty obvious-"

Louis jumped onto her, tickling her sides.

"Louis!" she laughed out loud.

"You talk too much with Niall," Louis said, breathless. He stood up from the couch, looking down at his sister.

"I am not blind you know," she said. Louis gave her a pointed look. "Fine. He is in the kitchen."

"Thank you," Louis said, rolling his eyes.

He moved to the kitchen, the door already pushed open. He was about to enter, but stopped dead in his tracks.

Harry was standing next to Betty, wearing an apron and his curls up in a small bun. The had flour all over him and a concentrated look on his face as he was bending over a tray of cookies, applying glaze on them. Betty looked much the same.

None of them noticed Louis stand there, too engrossed in their work. Louis slowly backed away, a big smile on his face. He didn't want to ruin Harry and Betty's alone time, so he instead went to the library, picked up a new book. A warm feeling was filling his chest.


Louis had never been woken up with people singing or anything on his birthday. It had always been his alarm clock, but his eighteenth birthday was different. He woke up to the sound of someone speaking into his hair, whispering softly and coaxing him awake.

"Wake up, Lou," came Harry's soft voice, followed by a hand running through his fringe.

Louis slowly opened his eyes, looking sleepily up at Harry. He was laying on Harry's chest, his fist holding onto his tee desperately. "Hi," he croaked out.

Harry smiled down at him, keeping the motion of running his hand through Louis' hair. "Happy birthday, Lou," he mumbled, hugging Louis to his chest.

"Thank you," Louis sheepishly said, hiding his face in Harry's tee. "And Merry Christmas to you."

Harry smiled at him. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah." Louis let out a small yawn. "Could have slept some more, though."

"You want to go back to sleep?" Harry questioned.

"No." Louis shook his head. "Can we just... lay here for a little while?"

"Of course," Harry spoke. "But I also need to give your your birthday present."

"Oh, now?" Louis asked.

"Yeah," Harry said, nodding. "I can't wait to see your reaction."

"All right then," Louis said and sat up in the bed. "Give me my present then."

"Thought you wanted to keep cuddling?" Harry amusedly asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hell nah," Louis said, crossing his arms over his chest. "I want it. Now."

"Greedy little shit," Harry chuckled, but got up from the bed nonetheless. He walked over to his suitcase. He was wearing a red tee and blue Calvin Klein's. Louis couldn't tear his eyes away.

Harry pulled a flat package out of his suitcase and turned back around to Louis, jumping onto the bed once again, handing Louis the package. "I... I wasn't exactly sure what to give you, but I hope this will do."

"I am sure it's great," Louis said, smiling at Harry.

Louis let his hands trace over the wrapping. The wrapping paper was white with a golden pattern and in the corner there was a little bow, also golden. "Did you wrap it yourself?" Louis asked, grinning.

"Yeah." Harry nodded. "Wrapped it myself."

Louis let out a small chuckle. "It's cute. Almost to nice to tear apart."

"Jesus fucking Christ, will you just open it?" Harry hissed.

"Okay," Louis laughed and slowly started to tear off the paper.

It wasn't long before he realized what it was and his mouth fell open when he saw it.

It was a vinyl. The album How To Save a Life was laying in his lap and up in the top corner were there the names of all the bandmembers, all written with a gold marker. A signed vinyl. Harry had gotten him a signed vinyl.

"I..." Louis didn't know what to say, he just gawked at the vinyl.

"You mentioned there were your favorite band once," Harry said, biting his lip. "And I thought... well, I know you don't have a record player, but-"

"-I told you that once, like... a really long time ago," Louis said, running his fingers over the cover.

It had been a day in November, where they had been in their room, listening to some of Harry's records. Harry had asked Louis who his favorite artists were and Louis had immediately answered that it was The Fray.

"Yeah and I immediately took use of my connections and made them sign you this." Harry gestured to the vinyl in Louis' lap. "So... do you like it?"

Louis could feel tears form in his eyes and he quickly brushed them away. "This... this is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me," he said. "Thank you, Harry. I mean it."

Harry let out a breath. "I am glad you like it."

"I love it," Louis said, his voice full of honesty. "So much."

Harry let out a breath. "I am glad."

Not long after, they got dressed and moved down to the kitchen where they greeted Betty who was in the middle of making a birthday breakfast.

"Louis, darling!" she said in a sing-song voice and pulled him in for a hug. "Happy birthday, dear!"

"Thank you, Betty," Louis grinned. "Merry Christmas to you."

"Can I make you two boys some tea?" she asked as soon as she had hugged them both and returned to her cooking.

"We can suit ourselves," Louis said. "But thank you."

"All right then," Betty said.

Louis and Harry sat down at the small table, after Louis had set some water to boil, chatting with Betty as she cooked.

"Where are you spending Christmas this year, Betty?" Louis asked. Betty or Charles always came for work in the mornings on Christmas, but Charles always left early to go celebrate with his brother and Betty always left after having finished all the cooking for the day, leaving Louis and his sisters alone. Louis didn't blame them, they had their own families.

"Actually," Betty said. "Charles and I have decided to spent it here with you this year. You shouldn't have to celebrate either Christmas or your birthday without any parental figure with you. It's not right."

Oh. "Thank you," Louis said, his voice grateful. "That... thank you."

Betty chuckled lightly. "You are welcome."

After breakfast everyone gathered in the living room to decorate the tree that Charles had brought them. They played Christmas music in the background and wore ugly sweaters while doing so. It was fun and when finished, the tree was covered in golds, silvers and reds.

"Can we put the presents underneath already now?" Daisy asked. And so they went to grab all their presents.

Louis had his arms full with presents for his sisters, Charles and Betty. His sisters, Charles and Betty didn't look much different, all having their arms full of presents. Harry only had one.

Harry looked with unsure eyes between all of them. "I... I only thought to bring one for Louis. Sorry."

"Don't say sorry, boy," Charles said. "Your company is more than enough." Harry's face instantly lit up once again.

They spent the day together in the living room, playing boardgames and drinking hot chocolate. Betty eventually left to go make the dinner, Harry joining her.

"Oh you don't have to, dear," she told him. "I got it."

"I don't mind," he shrugged. "I like to cook."

So with that Harry and Betty left to cook Christmas dinner.

They ate dinner a few hours later. Betty and Charles served wine along with it, but once again both Louis and Harry declined.

After dinner they ate the cookies Louis had caught Harry and Betty making a few days before.

"These things are delicious," Louis told the two as they ate.

"It's all on Harry," Betty said. "It's his recipe."

"Is it now." Louis turned to where Harry sat next to him. "Who knew you were such a good cook?"

"You do? Since over first ever cooking class together?" Harry chuckled.

"Hm, true," Louis said. "You were a prick that day, though."

"That's a lie."


Louis and Harry went to bed around eleven, saying good night to the rest.

When they had brushed their teeth and changed into their sleep attire they moved underneath the sheets. Louis was just about to close his eyes and let the sleep take over him when Harry opened his mouth.

"I have another present for you." The words were rushed and when Louis opened his eyes to look at him, his cheeks were red and there was a nervous flicker in his eyes.

"Yeah?" Louis whispered softly. "What is it?"

Harry swallowed. "It's something I have been wanting to give you for a really long time."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"But... I am not sure you would want it," Harry whispered.

"Harry, you are scaring me," Louis said, sitting up. Harry mimicked him, sitting up as well. "Just tell me."

Harry let out a breath, his eyes drifting between Louis' eyes and his lips. "I... I don't want to ruin anything between us," he let out.

A tension formed in the air and Louis felt his heart speed up as Harry looked at his lips. What if - "You won't," he said in a reassuring voice. "You can't." the last part came out rushed as his own gaze lingered on Harry's lips. "Just... ask me." He looked at Harry's eyes once again.

"I... Can I-" Harry let out nervous chuckle before continuing, "-I want to kiss you. Have wanted to for a really long time." Louis' breath got stuck in his throat. Harry moved a little closer, ghosting his fingertips over Louis' cheek. "Can I?"

Louis let out a breath. "I have never kissed anyone before. I don't know how to."

"But do you want to?" Harry asked, a hopeful glint in his eyes as he cupped Louis' cheek fully.

"Yes," Louis said, his voice urgent. "So much."

A small smile formed on Harry's features. "I am going to kiss you now, okay?"

"Okay." Louis nodded quickly to himself. "Okay."

"Okay." Harry smiled at him as he leaned in. Slowly, he came closer, giving Louis the chance to pull away if he wanted to. Louis didn't. He wanted this. So bad.

He stayed in his place until Harry's lips touched his.

It was like fireworks exploded in his body as Harry's soft lips moved against his own. It was all had ever imagined and more. It was only lips moving against lips, but Louis found himself lost in it, lost in Harry.

After some time, Harry pulled away and looked at Louis' face. Maybe searching for regret? If that was the case, he didn't find it, for all Louis' face portrayed was one big smile.

"I have also wanted to do that for a really long time," Louis whispered, touching his lips, the ghosts of Harry's own still hovering there.

"Yeah?" Harry said, but Louis didn't get a chance to answer before Harry's lips were back on his.

This kiss held more force to it, Harry holding onto both sides of Louis' face. Louis steadied his hands on Harry's shoulders.

Harry angled his face more to the side, his nose bumping against Louis' cheekbone. The boy let his tongue run over Louis' lips, Louis opening his mouth slightly, inviting Harry inside. Their tongues moved together and Louis thought, that maybe this was what heaven tasted like.

Harry pulled away, his breathing ragged, but still holding onto Louis' face. He brushed Louis' fringe away, his touch as gentle as ever. "I really like you," me murmured. "A lot."

"I like you a lot, too," Louis whispered back.

Harry smiled, but it was quickly replaced by a look of seriousness. "This isn't going to be easy."

"I know that."

"I mean it, Louis. I am a prince. I can't just... I am not-"

"I know, I know." Louis brushed a curl away from Harry's forehead.

Harry leaned into Louis' touch, letting out a deep breath. "Will you be okay being a secret?"

"For how long?" Louis questioned.

"Not long." Harry shook his head slightly. "I have been planning for a while now to come out to my mom and... and the world, if she will let me. But I am sure she would, I just need to feel rea-" He was interrupted by Louis, who had surged forward connecting their lips once again.

"Don't worry about it, okay? This-" he pointed between the two of them, "-is new. Like... ten minutes old." Harry let out a small laugh. Louis kissed his lips. "You don't have to hurry anything up for just the two of us."

Harry let out a breath. "Okay... but we can't tell anyone. I mean it, Louis, not even your family. If it got out... The consequences-"

"All right." Louis nodded. That he could do. "What about the boys? Niall? Liam, Zayn?"

Harry looked uncertain. "We can tell them," he said slowly. "But first when we are back at the school."

"Okay." Louis let out a breath. "One last question before we sleep."

"Okay." Harry nodded, thumbing Louis' cheekbone, urging him to continue.

"What are we? Boyfri-"

Harry placed his finger over Louis' lips, silencing him. "I am not going to ask you to be my boyfriend here, even though I really, really want to-"


"I want it to be special. To be perfect. As perfect as you." His voice turned soft. "I want to do it in this... romantic gesture or whatever."

Louis let out a laugh, bopping Harry's nose. "Who would have guessed you to be a secret romantic?"

"Shut up," Harry mumbled, his face flushing red.

"You love it." Louis poked Harry in the stomach, the other boy cracking a smile.

"Whatever," Harry said, playfully rolling his eyes. "Can we sleep now? I am really tired."

"Of course, but first-" Louis held up one finger, "-one more kiss. Louis connected their lips once more, Harry humming into the kiss.

Afterwards, they lay down on the bed. They were both laying on their sides, their hands connected between them. Their were legs tangled together under the sheets. Louis let out a content sigh, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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