GIRLS, cobra kai

By eunoiamind

13.1K 384 65

The girl who was in a bad space starts to hang out with a girl who had a not so great reputation when it... More

i. crabs are great unless they try to chase you
ii. yes, she's a cutie
iii. perfect day to buy a car
iv. just take the jacket
v. you aren't saying anything?
vi. just me? okay.
vii. you didn't mess it up.
viii. typical miguel things.
ix. murder on my mind
x. almost kiss
xi. i'm taking the risk
xii. cherry slushie!
xiii. my beautiful lady
xiv. tell them.
xv. my hair's not in a ponytail
xvi. reminds me of those little demons
xvii. she could drown me and i'd thank her
xviii. miguel's missing
xix. she's doing... great
xx. like in stranger things?
xxi. glad to see you aren't dead.
xxii. he is good at speeches
xxiii. cherry slushies for everyone!
xxiv. go sam!
xxvi. i love you, zoe garcia

xxv. i'm gonna go...

220 7 0
By eunoiamind

Zoe skipped practice the next day, she was still recovering from the jello shot of rum. Rum made her stomach upset, which was something she and her father learned after she was curled up on the bathroom floor. She got a text from Sam, asking if she was alright enough to meet her somewhere. She replied yes, going outside to be picked up.

"Hey." Zoe smiled at Sam. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see. Can you be angry when we get there? So I'm not the only one?" Sam asked her, glancing at her while pulling out of the parking lot.

"Of course, what do I need to be angry about, however?" Zoe asked again, turning towards Sam.

After Sam explained, Zoe did feel angry. She wasn't upset that Kreese was in jail, but the person who deserved to be wasn't. Again the rich white guy can get away with whatever he wanted, while the other suffered.

"Miyagi—Fangs?" Stingray was confused to see them. "Oh! This is a trap. Oh, you admiral Ackbar-ed me. Et Tu, Bert-tay."

"Knock it off. We know Kreese never hurt you." Hawk cut him off.

"According to my testimony in a court of law, he did. So... read the transcript." Stingray denied.

Stingray went to close the door but Sam stopped it. He went to close it but Zoe pulled it back open, Stingray facing the whole group.

"You lied to the court, and you lied to my dad. But you're not going to lie to us." Sam instructed him, walking into his house.

"You're just going to let her— Now you're all walking in," Stingray commented as everyone else walked inside.

"Okay, okay. Alright. Let's try this one more time, okay? What happened that night? Who hurt you?" Demetri asked Stingray.

"Hey, Bert, how does it feel?" Stingray went to ask Bert a question.

"Look. Look at me. Look at me." Demetri interrupted.

"—To stab a grown man in the man between his shoulder blades and stare at the blood as it trickles down his back?" He ignored Demetri, looking at Bert.

For the first time, Zoe was the level-headed one. She felt sympathy for the man. She understood how he felt about the situation.

"God, enough!" Hawk yelled, Zoe eyed him for being loud, "No more games."

Stingray took a deep breath before looking down.

"My dad went through a lot of pain because of you and Silver. Now a lot of other people will too if you sit back and do nothing." Sam persuaded him to admit.

"But if I tell you what really happened, you know, he- he'll find out. I can't." Stingray shook his head. "It's not that easy you guys."

"We're trying to take him down. Is there at least a little something you can give us?" Zoe asked. Sam glanced at her, noticing her calmness.

"I don't know..." Stingray trailed off before looking down. "Actually, there... Um, wait.
Okay, so I've been working on this new D&D campaign—"

"I don't think we have time-" Miguel noted.

"Wait a minute. What happens in the campaign, Stingray?" Hawk noticed the look on his face.

"Okay, so, once upon a time, there was a Dwarven monk, and he was a member of the most badass guild in all the land. Uh, he was banished for a time. You know, typical PC crap. But, um, once he paid his penance, he returned. Only by then, the guild was under new leadership. And the monk was denied reentry into the guild. And quite unceremoniously, might I add. What did the monk do? The monk, he made a pact with a silver-haired king who would usurp the leader. And it was early one morning, before any of the warriors had arrived, that the king struck the monk down. Again, and again, and again. It was then that they framed the leader for the assault, and the leader was put in chains, and the silver-haired king took over the guild." He explained what happened.

"And you were... The dwarven monk?" Demetri asked him. Stingray nodded. "That was let back into the guild?"

"Yeah. With benefits." Hawk scoffed, looking around.

"Aye. With benefits, yeah." Stingray nodded.

"So why can't he just tell everyone what really happened?" Miguel asked him.

Sam stood up, "Because he doesn't want to lose his benefits."

"No! No." Stingray shook his head. "I would... The monk would give it all back if he could, but the-the silver-haired king, you ok know... He almost killed the monk! He could have killed him. And why? To get power. So yeah, the monk fears what the king would do to keep that power. I think the monk... The monk just wanted reentry into the guild because he thought he could be like a... Like a proud and noble warrior. Just like you, Hawk, Samantha, all you guys. But he's neither proud nor noble. Definitely not a warrior, he just sits around playing with them all day. The monk's just scared. I just can't. I'm sorry."

"That's great. Thanks for nothing." Sam walked away.

"Sam." Zoe tried to stop her but she didn't, so she walked after her.

"Sam, wait." Zoe called to her, Sam finally stopping her walk.

"What?" Sam asked, Zoe was taken aback by her tone but still moved forward to see her.

"Look, I know you're upset about not having anything to take Silver down, but we can't do anything about Stingray not saying anything. He's scared, and I would be too." Zoe tried to make Sam understand.

"No, I don't get it. We try to take down Cobra Kai, but we fail. We're trying to take down Silver, but he won't budge. We tried to make Chase feel sorry for what he did, and the one time we succeed, you feel bad about it! I'm sick of it!" Sam ranted before she froze, looking back at Zoe.

Zoe looked at her girlfriend in pain. Sam immediately felt guilty.

"Oh." Was all that came out of Zoe's mouth.

"Zoe... I'm so..." Sam tried to apologize but Zoe cut her off with a shake of her head.

"I'm gonna go..." She trailed off, not wanting to be anywhere else but home. Sam nodded in understanding, her eyes flooding with guilt.

"I'm sorry." Sam watched as she walked away. She didn't know if Zoe heard her or not, she never turned her head back. Zoe did, but she wasn't ready for her apology yet.

"Find someone else to help find dirt on Cobra Kai, I'm done helping for now," Zoe stated, still not looking at Sam.

"Okay." Sam nodded, even though Zoe couldn't see it.

AN: was in the mood for some angst, be prepared for more.

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