It Was Just Pretend...

By _Sterek_24

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Stiles likes to think his life is semi normal. Not completely but semi. He could deal with werewolves, banshe... More

πŸ”† Author's Note πŸ”†
Chapter One: Scheming
Chapter Two: Honey I'm Home!
Chapter Three: The Cover Story // The Stilinski Dinner pt. 1
Chapter Four: The Stilinski Dinner pt. 2
Chapter Five: Too Many Hales.
Chapter Six: The Brown's Have Arrived!
Chapter Seven:Dinner With The Brown's
Chapter Eight: Dinner pt. 2
Chapter Nine: Stay Away From Hale.
Chapter Ten: Done!
Chapter Twelve: I Think I Love Him.
Chapter Thirteen: I Need New Friends.
Chapter Fourteen: Peter's Big Mouth.
Chapter Fifteen: Heart To Heart
Chapter Sixteen: Fairies are real?
Chapter Seventeen: You're Family.
Chapter Eighteen: You love me?
Chapter Nineteen: Because of Socks?!
Chapter Twenty: Erica No!
Chapter Twenty One: Something's Not Right.
Chapter Twenty Two: What Have You Done?
Chapter Twenty Three: I forgive you.
Chapter twenty Four: They'll Find Me.
Chapter Twenty Five: Let's Make A Bet.
Chapter Twenty Six: Stiles Ran Away.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Out Smarted.

Chapter Eleven: Are You Dating Isaac?

593 38 29
By _Sterek_24

Vote and comment loves. ❤️ I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas 🎄 🤍

John entered his home that night and was hit instantly with a delicious smell. His nose followed it to the kitchen.

"Hey kid." He smiles brightly while putting his right hand behind his back.

"Hey pops." He smiles back, but the difference is his didn't quite reach his eyes. His eyes narrowed and he crosses his arms when he saw the sheepish look on his father's face. "What's behind your back?"

"Not that I'm glad you're here, but why are you?" John tries to change topics.

"Dad." He warns.

He sighs in defeat and pulls a bag from the dinner out from behind his back. "I get greasy foods for a month remember? The lying, the - "

"Okay, okay. You can eat it tomorrow."

John eyes his son carefully "everything okay?"

"Why wouldn't everything be okay? Everything is just dandy."

"Well, for one, you haven't been here in almost a week. And two, you're wearing Isaac's scarf."

"I figured I could fix you dinner and spend the night. Have some much needed father and son time."

John nods amused, "sure and the scarf?"

He shrugs "I was cold."

"Cold?" The man repeats not believing that for one single second. "You get mad when Isaac wears that thing in sixty five degree weather and it was seventy degrees out there today."

"A boy can change his mind." He defends himself.

"And you expect me to believe that?" He questions. When Stiles didn't answer he continued. "That Hale boy put hickey's on you didn't he? You both said no sex. I'm going to ki - "

"Woah! Woah! No. What? Derek and I - no." He takes a calm steading breath. "Derek did not, I repeat, did not put anything on me. I swear."

"Then why the scarf?" He once again questions. "Are you with - dating Isaac? It's okay if you are son I - "

"Ew. No dad. Isaac is more like my child or brother. He left it here the last time he spent the night so I decided to use it."

"Because..." He draws out the word.

"BecauseAveryTriedToKillMe." He answers way too quickly as he turns back around to focus on the pasta he's cooking.

"I'm sorry do you want to repeat that?"

"Not really. No. So glad we has this talk."

"Stiles." His patience is disappearing very quickly.

"Avery gave me a warning."

"A warning."

Stiles slowly took off the scarf.

And when his father saw his very bruised neck he rushed forward with wide fearful eyes. He gently holds his sons cheeks and moves his head around to get a better look.

"I'm okay pops." He chokes out. But he has to reinsure his dad. He feels so bad for always worrying him.

"Why did she do this?" He's furious.

"It was a warning. A warning to stay away from Derek."

"Is that why you're here? Son you can't just - "

"Dad, it's fine. Really. I'm done with this whole Derek and supernatural thing."

"What does that mean, kid? That you're leaving your best friends pack and leaving Derek all because of this women?"

"That women wants to tear off my head. So yes. I'm done. Done with the pack, the supernatural, and Derek."

"I'm going to kill her. Better yet, I'll have Peter help. I'm sure he's got a lot of good ideas - "

"No one's killing anyone. I'm fine. I don't want to talk about it."

And that was the end of that conversation for now. He turns to finish dinner. His father sighs in defeat and goes to shower off a long day of work. He knows he can't push Stiles into staying in this world he stumbled into.


"Thank you for seeing me, sheriff."

"Of course. What can I do for you, Derek?"

"I wanted to talk to you about Stiles." The wolf informs as he sits.

John shuts the case file and sits it aside for later to give the man sitting in front of him his undivided attention. He then folds his hands on top of his desk. "What about my son?"

"I'm worried about him."

"Why is that?"

"It's been three days since Avery tried - tried - anyway, the point is that Stiles is still not talking to anyone in the pack. He isn't replying to my texts or calls. He's even ignoring Scott. I'm pretty sure he almost cried when Stiles just walked right past him as if he didn't see or hear him."

John chuckled a laugh at the last part. That honestly wouldn't surprise him. "Listen, Stiles wants out. I can't say that I agree with it but I understand where he's coming from. I'll back his decision either way."

"I know. And I get that. What I don't understand is why all of a sudden? He's always ran head first into danger. Now, well, now he's just icing us all out."

"Is this really about Stiles icing everyone out or is it about him icing you out?"

"I'm not sure I know what you mean, sir."

"You said it yourself, you've called and texted multiple times. So he has iced you out as well, correct?"

Derek didn't say anything. The floor suddenly became really, really interesting.

"Do you like my son, Hale?"

"Of course - I - as pack - as a friend. Yes."

"And more?"

"I - I - "

"It's okay. Well, not okay. I do have to remind you that he won't be eighteen for another few months. What I'm getting at is a friend doesn't look at someone like that person is their entire world and more. No friend talks about someone the way you do my son. And not even Scott is protective the way you are over him."

"You should be disgusted with me. Why aren't you disgusted?"

"Wha - "

"I can't be her. I can't."

"Can't be who exactly?" John asks confused.

"Kate." He spits her name.

"Ah hell son." The sheriff suspected but having it confirmed... "You know Kate is not your fault, right? You were just a kid."

"Stiles is just a kid. I should have known better. I understand if you lock me up or if you want to shoot me I -"

"Woah slow down. I'm not locking anyone up or shooting you." He reinsures. "And stiles hasn't been a kid a really long time. Not since his mother died. He's almost a legal adult, he can make his own decisions."

to be continued...

Vote and comment my lovelies 💕 next chapter is posted 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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