They don't know about us ~ Jo...

Від nellynorris

107K 1.4K 1.6K

Holly Lewis, older sister to sidemen's Harry Lewis, is invited to participate in Locked In for Footasylum wit... Більше



2.7K 31 11
Від nellynorris

Holly's POV:
"No, right there Holly." Josh tells me as I'm on his back, giving him a massage. "Right fucking where? Man, I ain't a mind reader, I don't know where you fucking going on about." I complain, waiting for him to tell me where.

"Right there." He breathes out, pointing to the side of his back. "Well, why didn't you tell me it was there?" I shrug, massaging that spot. "I have been, like for five minutes." He laughs. "Make it clearer next time." I shake my head.

"Right so are like... Are you two dating or not?" Kate asks, looking down at us from her bunk. "Yeah, I was wondering that as well." Destini says, holding her hand in the air.

"Do you wanna tell them?" Chip asks me as he beacons me closer. "I don't know, you decide." I whisper. "Very helpful Holl's, very helpful." He nods. "So are you, or what?" Rachel asks. "Yes, we are." Chip shouts making everyone scream.

"No way really?" Kate asks, her hand covering her mouth. "Yes, really." Holly nods, looking up at the blonde. "Wait so you two have been talking about each other for this entire time?" Harry asks.

"Yes." Both me and Chip nod. "Woah, that's mad." Harry shakes his head. "Wait, you two are dating?" Max stands up and points to us.

"Oh my god, Max!" Grace shouts, making everyone laugh. "What?" He shrugs his shoulders cluelessly.

"That's what we've been talking about for like, the past five minutes." I look at him after the laughter dies down. "Oh." He scratches his head as he sits back down on his bed.

"Wait, why didn't you three react as badly?" Rachel points to Liv, Grace and Ilyas. "We already knew, init." Ilyas shrugs. "How did you find out?" Destini asks.

"Well I've known the longest, I've been friends with Holly for years. So, she had to tell me." Ilyas laughs. "Shut up bruv, you were not even the first to find out." I scoff, chucking a pillow at him.

"Tough luck." Ilyas smiles at me when he catches it. "Better luck next time." He throws it back at me, making it hit my face. "Don't laugh!" I shout, looking at the housemates.

"Then I found out, like four months ago." Grace shrugs. "Yeah, how tho?" Harry asks her. "Basically, yeah..." Grace looks at him. "Oh, here we go, here's the storytime." Holly shakes her head.

"Shush." Grace turns to me and holds up her finger. "Rude." I scoff. "So, I had just finished filming an episode of my podcast, with Holly yeah. And Chip was there. Bearing in mind, he's not normally behind the camera when I film. So, I thought that was quite weird." Grace informs everyone.

"But anyway, we wrap up and as I'm walking outside I see Chip and Holly kissing. I thought, what a fucking scandal. So, the next day I called Holly, and surprise, surprise, she was with Chip. And they confessed after I told them what I saw." Grace tells her short storytime.

"Now you're making out like we were ready to rip each other's clothes off. That was not the case." I spin my body so I'm at the end of the bed. "That's what it looked like." She shrugs.

"Bruv, it was a little peck." I say, turning my head around when I feel Chip get up. "Alright, whatever you say. But, my eyes saw, what they saw." Grace holds up her hands in surrender.

"I didn't know you knew tho." Ilyas points to Liv. "Yeah, I found out yesterday. I'm surprised none of you figured it out." She turns to the people who didn't know.

"I had my suspicions, on a gang ting." Max holds up his hand. "Sure you did" I scoff. "Walahi, I knew something fishy was going on between you two." He turns to me.

"Alright, I believe you." I yawn stretching. "But don't say anything about us." Chip tells the housemates. "Nah, we won't say anything." Everyone replies.

"It's just that, we wanna tell the fans when we want to, you know?" I shrug. "We get it, you don't need to worry." Rachel waves me and Chip off. "Thanks, guys." My boyfriend smiles.

"Now you know that we're dating, you can move your bed away from Chips." I point to the nineteen-year-old. "No, I'm leaving it there." He folds his arm. "Alright then." I smile. "What are you up to?" Chip leans on the bunk bed. "Something." I laugh.

"I don't appreciate you trying to hog all of my boyfriend's body heat, Max. So, I'm claiming what's rightfully mine." I tell Max, as I push Chip's bed closer to my bunk. "Can she do that?" I hear Rachel ask.

"Of course, I can." I scoff. "What's your problem?" She asks me. "I don't have a problem." I stand up, looking at her. "I feel like you're being quite rude." Rachel tells me.

"Did I do that thing again?" I turn to Chip and look into his eyes. "You did that thing again." He nods his head looking back into mine. "What thing?" Rachel breaks my and Chip's eye contact.

"Oh basically I have this thing, where I say stuff and it comes out rudely, and like most the time I'm not even being rude." I huff, bending down to get the bed frame.

"I'm going to be cold now." Max lays down on his bed. "Man, shut up, you sleep in your clothes. I sleep in a corner, in a small bed, freezing my tits off." I point to the bed behind me.

"What tits?" Grace laughs. "Shut up Mrs Flat ass." I turn to her making her laughter stop. "Exactly." I smile. "Right, night-time. Good night everyone, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." I smile, hugging everyone before I get into bed.

"Good night sexy." Grace shouts back. "I feel like I'm forgetting something." I mutter itching my head. "I remember!" I shout sitting up. "Fuck me." I hold my head, as I hit the bed above me.

"Are you okay?" Kate leans over her bed and looks down at me. "I'm good, at least I think I will be." I hold my thumb up to her. "Alright." She nods, laying back down.

"Chippy, Chippo, Josh." I lean over and whisper in my boyfriend's ear. "I can see you smile, Josh." I lean in front of his face.

"What do you want?" He opens one eye. "You didn't give me a massage, you promised you would give me one after I gave you one." I explain.

"I thought you'd forget about that." He runs his hand over his face. "But I didn't." I laugh. "Alright then, turn over." He yawns, sitting up. "Oh, goodie." I close my eyes, as Chip starts to massage my back.

Third Person POV:

"Go make her breakfast bro." Max tells Billy. "Bro, you need to chill the fuck out. Do you want breakfast as well?" He asks the nineteen-year-old.

"Nah, I'm good." Max shakes his head, walking further into the bedroom. "Are you actually gonna make it for everyone?" Chip asks. "I rate that you know." He smiles.

"If I'm making it for one person." Billy shrugs. "Yeah, just make a big batch." Chip nods. "Ohhh, Billy man, can you make me some avocado on toast?" Holly looks at the man. "Sure." He yawns.

"Guys, my ribs are back, so I'm back. My energy was shit yesterday, so now I'm back." Max smiles, making Billy groan. "Yeah, yeah!" The boy shouts.

"So your back?" Billy asks, double-checking. "Yeah." Max nods, walking backwards. "Better than ever. Justin Bieber, never say never." Billy says, rhyming.

"Oi, Max you try a freestyle quickly." Holly points to the youngest. "Go on." Billy nods. "You had my bar, said that at the top. I need to go back to ends, so I can catch me some slops." He says, making Holly piss herself with laughter.

"Yeah, yeah. Give him some slop, give me some brain, your lips are dry, someone give him some change." Billy carries it on.

"Give us some change, your bars are fucking insane. You don't get no bitches, look at that durag off your face." Max says after Billy stops talking.

"You, you like that one aye?" Max looks at Chip and Holly, making them laugh. "It was sick Max." Holly claps her hands.

"Yeah, it was quite an experience." Holly nods to the camera.

"What happened?"

"So basically yeah, Josh has just given me a massage I'm calm in my bed, ready to sleep. When all of a sudden I hear Harry's agitating, grating voice." Holly points to herself.

"Did you just use an Abby-Lee Miller quote?"

"Possibly, I'm a massive dance mum's fan okay, leave me be." Holly holds her hands out.

"I'm not judging."

"Good, let me get back on track. But Max is stood up for... I don't actually have a clue. Max is just being Max. But, Harry shouted at him to like lay down and go to sleep. Like, hello Harry, could you be quiet, everyone else is trying to sleep." Holly scoffs.

"I did end up shouting at him from across the room, I was finally drifting to sleep, my first good sleep in this house. He goes and fucks it because, after that, I was awake for the rest of the night." Holly explains, moving around on the chair.

"I think we've been together too long now, everyone's getting sick of each other. Harrys pissing everyone off a tad bit more tho." Holly says with a straight face.

"Yeah, I pissed off Harry for the first time." Max laughs. "Nah that takes the piss." Harry shakes his head.

"Nah, I swear to god yeah. When he, when he started shouting yeah, I went quiet, because I swear to god I was dying inside. And I thought If I started laughing loud. I think it'll be shit and I didn't wanna piss him off that much." Max explains.

"Nah, Harry man, you took the piss with that shouting." Holly points to him. "You started shouting as well though." He rebuked. "Uh, let's not bring me into this, we're talking about you." Holly shakes her head.

"But I was so close to sleep, then you shout. You woke me up Harry, that's not nice." Holly scoffs. "Well, I'm sorry for waking you up Holly." Harry apologies. "Apology accepted." She smiles.

"Grace, can you make us food?" Max asks the podcaster. "Billy's making food." Holly says, putting a jacket on. "Oh yeah." Max nods.

"I missed your argument last night." Grace says, looking in between Max and Holly. "Argument? What argument?" Max asks, confused. "With Harry." Grace replies.

"They didn't argue, Harry just got annoyed. Then, Holly got annoyed at Harry." Ilyas shakes his head. "I can't lie, I started dying under the sheets, when he started shouting. Fuck off!" Max pretends to be Harry. "Guys, I was asleep, I missed all of it." Grace says.

"He was like, fuck off and go to sleep." Ilyas tells her what Harry said. "Honestly your fucking pissing me off now! I don't this yeah, and I started dying." Max brought his hoodie over his mouth.

"Yeah, and then I was like. Harry, how about you shut your fat gob, and go to sleep you fucking pagan." Holly says, standing up. "That's fucking hilarious." Grace laughs.

"It was awkward, yeah because I'm in the middle of the three. And they're all my friends you know, so I was just like." Chip leans back on the chair, after placing his coffee, on the floor.

"You know, I played it professionally. By professional I mean I just stayed the fuck quiet. I ain't saying a word. I was bricking it." He laughs. "I also didn't want Holly to slap me." He adds.

"Walahi, it was quite scary, you know. I won't even lie, I was like dammnn." Chip leans back slowly. "But, when Holly started shouting, I shat myself. I didn't expect her to start shouting. That's a lie, that woman shouts at anything." Chip itches his head.

"Guys, breakfast has been served." Billy shouts. "Breakfast!" Holly screams, jumping out of bed. "Move." She pushes Chip out of the way, as she runs into the kitchen.

"Just in time." Liv smiles at the couple. "I'm just gonna get a good shower though." Chip walks away, with a towel in his hand.

"Ahhh, I dunno If they'll be any left." Liv says. "Ahh, shit, okay." He nods. "Chip, if there's none left, I'll make you some." Holly turns to the man.

"Wait, really?" He stops in his tracks and turns around. "Fuck no." She laughs, shaking her head. "Fuck you." He scoffs, walking out of the room.

"It's first come, first served. I can't promise anything, to anyone." Billy explains. "Apart from Holl's, as she's already here." Liv says, handing Holly a plate. "Thanks, mum." Holly smiles, taking to plate off her.

"Can you, save some for me?" Kate asks from the bedroom. "Bro, I said first come, first serve." Billy shouts. "Fuck sake." The blonde scoffs.

"Oi Harry bro, let me know what you think of my breakfast as well yeah." Billy tells Harry as he walks out of the room. "I will." The man says.

"This is actually peng." Holly points to her half-eaten breakfast. "Init, I'm loving it." Chip nods, taking a bite.

"Billy, man. You've done a great job!" The brunette shouts. "Thanks, girl." Billy shouts back, in a high-pitched voice. "This man, he's too funny." Holly shakes her head, laughing.

"I wonder what the challenge is gonna be." Chip says, stroking Holly's hair. "Yeah. If it's a good one, ppssshhh, chow." Rachel scoffs.

"See, the good one, I know you said... the good one could be like chilli's. Last year, it was chilli's." Chip looks at the girl. "I can't do chilli's tho." Rachel shakes her head.

"I don't know, did that do worms and shit?" Chip looks around the people in the bedroom. "They had like, um, scotch bonnets and stuff." Rachel remembers.

"They did the sick smoothie." Grace says. "Did they do worms and shit last year?" Chip asks again. "I don't think so." Holly shakes her head, looking up at Chip.

"I think they had a century egg tho." Rachel points to the couple. "I think they did that, and the sick smoothie, and they had is it maggots?" Grace says, unsurely.

"I know they had like an animal's testicles." Rachel nods. "I can actually eat the testicle you know." Grace shrugs.

"Fuck off, could you." Holly scoffs, turning to look at the girl. "What I could." Grace nods. "Believe what you wanna believe. But, you would not be able to do that." Holly shakes her head, laying back down.

"I wouldn't be able to eat any of that shit. The thought of it now is making me sick." Holly yawns. "Wouldn't it be crazy if someone got sent home today." Holly suggested.

"What, you think someone's being sent home today?" Chip looks down at his girlfriend. "Someone will, if there's someone new coming in, someone will go." Grace says.

"Nah, I doubt they'll bring a new person in." Holly shakes her head. "Why's that?" Rachel asks. "I don't know." Holly shrugs.

"Imagine it's someone we least expect. Imagine if Max gets evicted." Ilyas smiles. "Nah, I'd be upset. I'd be like, who, what are we gonna laugh about?" Grace explains. "Same, Max is like, my tenth brother, I'm telling you." Holly stretches.

"You only have one, don't you?" Rachel asks. "Nah I have two. The crackhead Harry, and the knobhead Josh." Holly holds up two fingers. "Ahhh, how old are they?" Rachel asks.

"Harry's twenty-five, but his birthday is literally on the twenty fourth. Then, Josh, he's twenty-one. He thinks he's cool, but he isn't." Holly laughs, shaking her head.

"Oi, don't be mean about my man Josh." Chip points to Holly. "I'm not doing anything. I love him really." Holly smiles. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Chip snaps his fingers, turning to look straight ahead.

"What the fuck was that." Holly covers her face and bursts out laughing. Making the other three join in. "But, Nah. I don't think they'd let Max go." Grace shakes her head.

"I bet Chip would cry." Ilyas says. "He definitely would." Holly nods her head.
"I feel like you sprayed a little on my lip a little bit. Because I feel like my lips." Rachel looks to Grace, that's now moved onto Chip's bed as Max is in his bed.

"Really?" The blonde looks up at the woman. "Should I lick it for you?" Max asks seriously. "I don't think he sprayed it enough here." Grace points to her neck. "Yo, Ilyas, she did it you know." Max turns to the man. "Who?" He asks, leaning closer.

"Walahi, she did that." Max says, pounting. "Done what?" Ilyas questions. "Come." Max beacons Rachel over. "Try again." He nods as Rachel leans in closer to him.

"Fuck you." The girl holds up her middle finger in the boy's face, making everyone laugh. "He actually went in, he actually went in for it." Ilyas points to the nineteen-year-old. "He pounted and everything." Grace smiles.

"I told you, no gyal can ever make man cry anymore." Max shakes his head. "I don't know about you, but if that was me. I'd be sobbing right now, getting rejected by a beautiful woman like Rachel Bada." Holly itches her head.

"I would never turn you down." Rachel shakes her head. "Love you, babes." Holly holds her hand out. "Loves you too." Rachel takes Holly's hand in hers. Then it takes one second of eye contact, to make them both laugh out loud.

"Who's making coffee?" Chip asks, looking up from his breakfast. "No." Grace tells him as she's in the cupboard. "I haven't seen you do one thing, since getting in this house." Grace turns to look at him.

"I have made Holl's a coffee." Chip replies, pointing to his girlfriend who's eating. "Don't bring me into this, cus I haven't done fuck all either." Holly scoffs, sitting up.

"Yeah, I got robbed by a moped guy." Harry says. "You got robbed?" Holly asks, leaning forward to see him, last Chip and Max. "Yeah, you know when they fucking come past and snatch your phone." He explains. "Shit." Holly sighs. "Did you get it back?" Chip wonders.

"Nah, so imagine, fucking standing there on my phone. And then the guys in the moped come past and snatched it. And I was like, fuck, well, this is peak. Can't even run after them, and then I was watching it on find my iPhone, going around London." He starts his story.

"They were coming back down the road, so I was looking for a sandbag to like, fucking dash at them." He explains. "A sandbag?" Holly laughs.

"And then they just dip, they turned off before they came. And then a week later, I was in the exact same place, filming a vlog. And in the background of my video, a woman got her phone robbed by a moped driver." Harry tells the housemates.

"No way!" Grace takes a bite of toast. "That's quite peak. Fuck them, moped drivers." Holly scoffs, sticking her middle finger up to the camera. "Yeah, fuck them." Harry nods, coping her actions.

Authors note:

So the housemates know that Holly and Chippo are dating. How fun.

Sorry for the slow updates, I've been ill. I haven't been in school all this week, it's sad.

Anyways, hope you've had a nice day, afternoon or night.

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