The Other Swan

By fairytalemage12

37.9K 1.1K 76

Rosebella is used to being surrounded by people uninterested in her when her twin seemed to always pull atten... More

Part 1, Chapter 1 - Before
Part 1, Chapter 2 - Before
Part 1, Chapter 3 - Before
Part 1, Chapter 4 - Before
Part 1, Chapter 5 - Before
Part 2, Chapter 1 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 2 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 3 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 4 - Twilight
Part 2 Chapter 5 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 6 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 7 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 8 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 9 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 10 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 11 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 12 - Twilight
Part 2, Chapter 13 - Twilight
Book 2

Part 2, Chapter 14 - Twilight

1.3K 42 3
By fairytalemage12

The day of the dance arrived. Rose had her dress and everything already picked out for the next day. She was going to be wearing a floor length dark blue slip dress. It had two thin straps holding it up while the front had a soft neckline. It matched perfectly to her necklaces.

Somehow, Alice had managed to make shells attend as well who was going in a dark blue knee length dress with her signature cardigan. It was lighter than Rose's but the girls were still somewhat matching each other in color. Rose didn't understand why Bella didn't want to forgo the sweater but she didn't push. It was a miracle Bella was going out at all. Granted, Rose knew Edward had a sway on her since he was the one who insisted.

Early in the afternoon, Rosalie and Alice had come over to help the girls get ready. Alice went to Bella's room while Rosalie went to Rose's. Charlie stayed downstairs knowing he knew nothing of how to help. Alice had patted his shoulder and fetched him a beer.

Rosalie and Rose were much more calm than Alice had been. The two girls had fetched all the supplies and makeup they needed from the bathroom and took it to Rose's room to avoid Alice and her rampage.

Rosalie sat in Rose's desk chair while Rose curled her hair.

"Gosh your hair is soft."

Rosalie grinned in her seat.
"Perks of never aging. I don't have to worry about hair damage."

Rose hummed softly. Rosalie felt the mood lower a bit.

"We'll figure this out Rose. I promised to help you find answers. You'll get to have your happy ever after."

Rose pulled up a weak smile as she began to pin Rosalie's hair up into an elaborate updo. One of Rose's secret talents was how good she was at hair. When she and her friends on the reservation were younger, the boys had let her do their hair. She now knew how to do many different types of braids, buns, and twists. Embry once wore Princess Leia inspired buns to school and had refused to take them out. His mother forced him to two days later when he began to stink and had needed a shower.

Rose had just finished pulling Rosalie's hair up when there was a knock on the door. Her dad slowly opened it after Rose had said to come in. In his hands he held two mugs.

"I brought y'all some tea. Rosalie, I forget how you like yours so I just brought plain. I have some sugar and creamer downstairs and I can fetch it if you'd like."

Rosalie smiled warmly from her seat, causing Charlie to relax a little. "Plain is perfect, thank you sheriff."

Charlie nodded as Rose skipped over and kissed his cheek.

"Yes thank you dad. We'll be done in a bit and we'll join you downstairs."

Charlie flashed a smile and stepped out. He closed the door behind him.
Rosalie listened as he walked downstairs and returned to the kitchen.

"He'll be going to Bella's room next to ask if they want anything. Sometimes Bella wants a small snack sometimes she doesn't. He'll have to ask whereas with me he doesn't have to."

Rosalie understood and the two girls switched positions. Rosalie swiftly decided to have Rose's hair loose and wavy. She took the Curley and formed loose waves. She took small bits of hair on the sides of her face and pulled it back into a soft braid.

"Now you'll be marching to your boyfriends."

Rose giggled at Rose and the girls moved onto makeup. Both were going softer with their looks, the only difference was Rosalie's red lip to match her dress. They finished quickly and spent time gossiping about school. They talked about the different couples in school, which ones the guessed would fight at the dance. Rosalie had five bucks on Lauren and Tyler breaking up at the dance itself while Rose thought they would after the dance. It was pointless and stupid and it was so much fun. They got to have a moment where both could pretend they were human once more.

They were chatting on Rose's bed when she felt her phone vibrate. She picked it up to see it was Paul calling her.


"Hi baby. Jared and I were wondering what you'd want for food before the dance. We wanna be able to plan a little ahead of time."

Rose grinned while Rosalie shoved her playfully.

"Well I'm in a pretty tight dress so nothing big."

Paul laughed. "Ha! You're funny. Okay we'll go get burgers and shakes at the diner. Sound good?"

Rose shook her head and flipped on the bed, making Rosalie shriek at her to not mess up her hair.

"That sounds perfect."

"Good. Tight dress my ass, you look incredible no matter what."

Rose was now brightly blushing. Paul said goodbye and hung up on her. She went from smiling to letting it slowly fall off her face.

"Rosalie, what am I going to do if they'll hate me?"

Rosalie snapped her face towards Rose. "Rose they could never."

"What chance do we have for a future together? It will literally kill me if I have to say goodbye. What point is it pretending that I can grow old with them, and we can have a life together? The whole purpose is that you share your life with someone and I can't do that."

Rose hugged herself at the end. Rosalie wordlessly handed her a tissue to dab at her eyes that had filled with tears.

"We will find answers Rose. When we do you will get to have whatever it is you want."

Rose sighed. "I just want them."

Rosalie patted her knee. "Then let's finish getting ready to blow them away."

The two Roses touched up their makeup and Rose put on her dress. Rosalie was going to put her dress on at her house since she was heading back after they finished at Rose's. Rose put on a simple pair of diamond studs for earrings. Her whole goal was to look classy. Simple jewelry, simple makeup, simple hair.

Rosalie was done up very fancy. Her dress had a plunging neckline on a stunning red dress. She worse dangly earrings to match the rose necklace she wore. While her makeup was simple, her red lip stood out and made sure that she was to be an attention grabber. Paired with the dress she was going to be wearing, Rosalie would have eyes on her all night.

The two girls were very different from each other. Just like fire and ice.

The girls heard Alice squeal and turned to see Alice in the doorway. It seemed she was done with Bella so she had decided to some see what the Roses were up to.

Alice clapped and skipped over to Rose. "You look perfect! I finally got your sister to put some eyeshadow on. I feel like it's Christmas already!"

"Well we're all ready to go. Paul and Jared are picking me up early so we can go get food. Y'all gonna be okay?"

Alice waved her off. "Oh please we'll be fine. Rosalie and I are headed back to the house to pick up the boys. We'll be fashionably late."

Rose smiled and walked the girls out. Charlie waved them off from the kitchen not turning around to see Rose's dress. When the girls left, Rose turned to him to get his opinion on her outfit.

She walked to the kitchen and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and quickly inhaled. He put one hand on his mouth and blinked away the water filling his eyes.

"Honey you look beautiful. You always do."

Rose felt herself getting emotional as well. She reached forward and the father and daughter duo shared a long hug. Charlie kissed her head.

"You're gonna give those boys a heart attack."

Rose giggled into his shoulder and stepped back.

"They should be here any minute. We're gonna go get burgers before the dance."

Charlie nodded. "Edward's picking Bella up before the dance." He rolled his eyes. "I can't wait for that."

Rose grinned at him. "Make him uncomfortable. Just think of your police skills."

Rose knew that Edward could read thoughts so if her dad kept thinking about dismembering Edward, then he would definitely make an impression.

It was then that there was a knock on the door. Rose started turning to head over when her dad stopped her.

"Hold your horses. Go upstairs and walk down. Make'em wait."

Rose beamed at her dad and swiftly made her way back upstairs. She listened as her dad opened the door and the boys made their way through. She peeked around the corner and looked at their outfits.

They both wore black tuxes, and had their hair pulled back into neat braids. Their ties mimicked different aspects of Rose's dress. Paul wore a silver tie and Jared wore a deep blue. Rose had gotten the blue tie for Jared to make sure it perfectly shade matched her dress.

She felt it was a good time to head downstairs, so she made her decent. The easy conversation the boys were having with her dad halted as they fixed their gazes on her.

She barely got to the last step when Jared rushed forward to offer his hand for her to step down further. Paul walked up to her and kissed her forehead.

"You are breathtaking."

Rose blushed at his comment. No one could make her feel as beautiful as her boyfriends. Her dad made her feel valued as a person but Paul and Jared made her feel desired. It was a different feeling and just as good.

She took Jared's hand kissed her dad's cheek in goodbye.

"Drive safe boys," he said. He looked at Rose. "I'll see you tomorrow honey."

Rose was spending the night at Jared's place since the dance would go on so late. She didn't need to bring a bad at all since she had so many clothes at their house.

Jared helped her to the car with Paul trailing behind them.

When the got in the car was when Paul broke the silence.

"I love that dress on you. But I cannot stop picturing it off."

Rose blushed and slapped his chest. She was, as usual, in between Paul and Jared. This time though it was Paul driving so Jared had his arm around her shoulders.

"Paul you animal. One night of clothes on please."

Jared tightened his hold on her shoulders.

"No thank you. Your dress is gorgeous but I'm more interested in what's underneath."

Rose went still and felt her body warm up. She hadn't thought of what the night would hold. All she had focused on was the dance and getting to let loose for a night.

"Yeah?" Rose looked over at Paul whose hands gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.

"We'll see baby. It's all about how we feel."

Rose nodded and the topic was put to rest. They pulled into the diner and found a small booth. The next hour was spent teasing each other. Paul and Jared were such big eaters, and while Rose could as well, she just ate the fries and her shake poking fun at the mess the boys made.

The throuple made their way back to the car, slowly though to accommodate Rose's silver heels. They were all smiles and laughs making their way to the location for the prom.

Parking was hectic since the dance had already been going on for an hour. It went smoothly though. Paul dropped Rose and Jared off so she didn't have to walk far in her heels. The two waited as he went to go park.

When Paul joined up with them again, they held hands and walked in.

The pathway into the place had a gazebo type of pad. The throuple walked up and paused as the cameraman took their photo. Rose smiled while Paul and Hared snaked their arms around her waist. When they went up to collect their photo, Rose had the cameraman print out three. The photo that came out was gorgeous.

Paul and Jared stood tall, the very embodiment of tall, dark, and handsome. Rose stood in between them, her head coming to the bottom of their shoulders. Although her height made it seem easy for her to slip into the background, the arms wrapped around her waist said enough about where she belonged.

Entering the building was a spectacle. There was a big shiny disco ball spinning and casting a silver glow on everyone. In the corners of the place there were casino themed games with a photobooth and props. Rose laughed as she saw Angela near the DJ booth with Eric, her date. Rose waved at her. Angela waved back and Rose continued her survey of the room. in the center of the room was the dance floor, which was so crowded that she couldn't see where some people began and others ended. 

Rose knew eventually it would be her and Paul on the floor. Jared was more of a watcher than a dancer. Paul had no qualms breaking down on the dance floor which Rose loved. Sometimes when it was late at night Paul and her were known to dance around the kitchen while Jared made them a midnight snack. Rose did hope however for one dance at least. 

She headed towards the back of the room where the tables were. She could peek through the open doors towards the gazebo, where she saw her sister headed to with Edward. Rose lightly rolled her eyes and returned her attention to her handsome dates. Paul was surveying the room while Jared was raking his eyes up and down her form. 

Rose put her hand on her hip and quirked an eyebrow.

"Are you staring at my butt?"

Jared shrugged, looking the least bit apologetic. "Busted."

Paul chuckled and pulled Rose's hand. He tugged her towards the dance floor, while Jared waved them off.

"I'll get us some drinks."

Rose let Paul pull her towards the center where she found him pulling her close. His hands went on her waist while she wrapped her arms around his neck. The music was loud and everyone was jumping around. It was hot and sweaty but Rose wouldn't trade it for anything. She could let loose and they way Paul was pressed flush against her made it difficult for her to think of much else.

"You smell wonderful," Rose whispered in his ear. Paul's grip on her tightened. 

"Stop talking to me like that or you're not going to be able to enjoy this dance."

Rose conceded and continued moving her hips in time to the music. The songs changed but she and Paul stayed on the floor. At one point she was turned around with her back pressed to his front. It felt scandalous the way they moved. Her hips were still shifting side to side, but now they were connected to Paul's. She could feel the heat between them and it made her stomach felt like molten lava. She looked towards the tables and made eye contact with Jared, who was watching the entire spectacle with a smirk on his lips.  

Rose's lips quirked and she made a point to do a body roll while Paul's hands drifted to her lower stomach. He moved her body to be perfectly in tune to his and Jared drank in the sight before him. He stood up and abandoned the drinks to stand before her. Rose tilted her head up at him and grinned.

"This is a familiar scene." Jared's eyes darkened and he pulled her face forward to kiss her. 

The people surrounding her stared and shot judging looks but Rose didn't care. She had no reason to. If Paul and Jared didn't care, why should she? 

Jared ceased in his attacks and shuffled a bit to resemble a slight beat. His hands rested high on her hips above Paul's. The song switched to a slow song and while many of the teenagers left, the trio remained just as they were. Despite being surrounded by other couples, Rose felt as if they were in their own world. 

Paul kept whispering compliments in her ear, telling her how pretty she was. Rose let her head rest on Jared's shoulder, completely and blissfully happy. She peeked her eyes open to see Rosalie dancing with Emmett. He spun the two around constantly and though Rosalie looked annoyed, Rose knew she loved him. 

The dance finished and it was late at night when the three decided to leave. Rose walked over to Rosalie and Angela in specific to tell them goodnight. Bella was nowhere to be seen, no doubt having run off with Edward earlier in the night. Bella really did hate dances. 

Paul had his hand on Rose's back as Jared led them out towards the truck. It was when Rose stepped up into the truck and Paul closed the passenger side that he turned to her and pulled her into his lap. 

Her dress pooled around her hips to allow her to spread her legs to accommodate him. Jared groaned as he drove. Paul grabbed Rose's hips and moved her to grind against him with one hand while the other gripped her hair to keep out of her face. Rose made out with Paul, kisses filled with tongue and teeth. It was harsh and passionate, just like the two of them. Paul may have been the more mothering role in the relationship but when it came to do anything with physical attraction, Paul was unmatched with his energy. 

The trio pulled into Jared's driveway where Rose slid off of Paul and fixed her dress. She didn't want Mikayla to think ill of her. Jared seemed to understand her mindset. 

"Mom is spending the night with her boyfriend again. We have the house to ourselves."

Rose nodded her head and as soon as the three entered the doorway, Rose was spun around to meet Jared who pushed her into the kitchen. Her heels fell off as she was picked up to sit on the counter, finally level with him. Jared did not kiss her as harshly as Paul did but that did not effect his talent. Jared knew exactly what he was doing. 

Rose was certainly enjoying herself when she noticed how abnormally hot Jared was. Jared and Paul always had a certain warmth to them, and especially when they got more physical. However, Jared was definitely feeling hotter than normal. 

Rose broke their kiss. "Not that I don't want to continue, but are you feeling alright? You're very warm." Rose pressed her hand against Jared's forehead only to be shocked by the heat under her fingers.

Jared furrowed his brows. 

"I have been feeling weird lately. But nothing wrong so far. Now that you mention it, I am getting a bit of a headache." 

Paul stepped up behind Jared and put his own hand on Jared's forehead. 

"Bro you do feel really warm," Paul removed his hand and stepped back. "Alright, let's get showers and cool off. Jared you go first, Rose you follow. We'll continue at another time."

Rose quickly agreed while Jared seemed a bit down. Rose wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and kissed his shoulder blade. 

"It's all okay handsome. We just need to focus on you right now."

Jared nodded. "I know. I just don't want you to think I don't want this." Rose quirked an eyebrow. 

"Um, Jared?"


Rose hopped off the counter and stood in front of him. She stepped foreword and lowered her hand downwards to cup his erection that stood proud in his pants. 

She stood on her tip toes when Jared sharply inhaled. 

"I know exactly how you feel." She playfully licked the shell of his ear and stepped back down removing her hand. Jared huffed as Paul came back from the bathroom. 

"Shower's started man." Jared meandered off while Paul stood beside Rose. 

"What's his problem?"

"Well he's sick and can't fuck. Pretty sure that would put you in a mood as well. 

Paul tilted her chin upwards and pressed a quick, firm kiss to her lips. 

"I love it when you talk vulgar."

Rose chuckled. "Alright keep it in your pants. Wind down big boy."

"At least you know it's big." Rose smacked his chest and kissed him softly. 

"I love you."

Paul smiled down at her. "I love you too." 

Later when Jared emerged they took turns cleaning up and winding down. In their comfy clothes, Paul and Rose made sure to keep constant ice packs on Jared's head and gave him some Advil. They all fell asleep on Jared's bed, piled together. Each had their own smiles on their faces as they drifted off, each unaware of how their lives were soon to change. 

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