little bundle of joy | taekoo...

By Honeycovee

278K 9.1K 1.7K

Taehyung's a little who's unable to slip freely due to having to look after his little brother on his fathers... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
new little space taekook au!


8.4K 296 11
By Honeycovee

Jungkook's pov:

Taehyung didn't show up for class today.. At first I thought it was because he was waiting for the halls to clear. Taehyung was either early, the first one here, or late by a few minutes, waiting for the halls to become less crowded. I noticed this a few months ago and there was no in between for him.

My eyes shoot to my classroom door at the slightest of sounds, hoping the shy petite boy would just walk in.

However I gave up 40 minutes into my lesson when he still hadn't showed up. I quietly sighed and slid into my desk chair. The quiet chatter amongst my students filled the room and i'm sure one had their hand up to get my attention. However I was too busy deep in thought.

Taehyung's avoiding me..

"I knew this would happen" I whisper to myself. What do I do? I'm not even sure if he came to college today or not.. If I don't sort this out now it could worsen, what if Taehyung never comes to my class again?


Seokjin's pov:

"Taebaby please, you need to calm down" I plead with the distraught little.

He was strapped into his high chair in my attempt to get some actual food into his system. It'll give him the strength to fight this bug he has. However, the thought of food has made Taehyung hysterical.

His face is red and puffy, contorted in discomfort. His eyes are bloodshot and his cheeks are stained in hot tears. He was getting himself seriously worked up to the point of hyperventilating and it was starting to concern me.

"little one shh it's okay, the food will make you feel better" I reassure him, pushing the bowl of baby food closer to him.

"no!" he screamed, pushing the bowl harshly and sobbing loudly. The bowl fell to the floor with a loud crash and the sound made Taehyung cry harder. The food splattered everywhere.

"Taehyung i'm letting this slide because you're poorly and in pain, but you need to calm yourself down. You're making your fever even worse" I sighed, bending down to be eye level with him, back of my hand on his forehead.

Taehyung didn't listen, too lost in his confusion and pain. He pushed my hand away and choked on his loud sobs, eyes darting around the room.

I needed to calm him down. Needed to do it now before it becomes dangerous.

"okay baby you win" I tell him, unbuckling his straps and pulling him out of the chair into my arms, placing him on my hip. I tried to quieten his cries. The louder they got the worse his physical and mental health deteriorated. It's dangerous to be so upset for so long in little space.

"shh shh alright baby I got you" I coo, bouncing him slightly on my hip. He just buried his head into my shoulder and cried louder, little hand gripping my jumper tight.

My eyes look up to my balcony. The skies were grey and the air foggy. The high rise block was usually famous for its view of Seoul. One of the reasons Namjoon and I bought this apartment. However today you could only make out the shadows of the skyscrapers, towering in the distance. The fog looked eery but also in an odd way, soothing.

I suddenly got an idea, taking it into action without hesitation. Anything to stop the pleads of pain from this little one.

Walking over to the balcony, I slid open the glass door, stepping straight out. I held Taehyung closer to my body, hoping some fresh air would ease his mind.

I was right.

The air wasn't freezing but it was fresh. The fog filled breeze brushed over his face and I could see him visibly relax. His loud sobs slowly but surely turned into sniffles, and his tears started to dry on his cheeks. I breathed a sigh of relief at the silence. Finally.

I hoisted Taehyung up into my grip and watched fondly as his eyes took in the gloomy view. His hair gently swayed in the breeze and I closed my eyes to myself in contentment.

"what are we going to do with you hm?" I quietly ask him after awhile of silence. Taehyung's eyes never left the view. He was quiet and content. He needed fresh air this whole time. The complete quietness of the outside world being so high up mixed with the gentle breeze was comforting for him.

I felt his temperature and despite his face feeling cool from the weather it was still high.

"let's give you some medicine" I whisper, taking him back inside.

This time, Taehyung didn't protest when I placed him back in his high chair. Didn't protest when I gave him his medicine or when I left him for a few minutes to clean up the mess he made earlier.

He didn't even make a fuss to play with all his toys when I gave him a bath. He just sat there quietly, glossed over eyes watching me as I cleaned his hair and body. I blew light kisses onto his cheeks and I booped his nose when I dried him, making the tiniest of smiles appear.

"shall we try food one more time?" I asked the sleepy boy on my hip. He was in a fresh onesie, one that covered his toes. His hair was fluffy and poofy from the bath and I could tell he was hungry. Although he no longer had it in him to make a fuss about what he wanted. He was too exhausted from all the crying.

Taehyung nodded his head that was resting on my shoulder and I kissed the top of his hair. Holding him close as I walked around the kitchen, making my second attempt at trying to feed the hangry little.


Jungkook's pov:

"have you gotten a reply from him yet?" I asked Jimin for the millionth time this lunch.

We were in Yoongi's classroom, he was typing away at his computer replying to emails whilst I was busy interrogating Jimin. My concern went through the roof when Jimin told me Taehyung hadn't showed up for his English lecture either.

"No Jungkook he hasn't replied since you asked me 30 seconds ago" he snapped, clearly agitated by my constant nagging.

"look" Jimin sighed. "i'm just as worried as you are, but there's not much else I can do if he doesn't reply to my messages. Maybe he's just embarrassed or even overwhelmed from what happened yesterday? It's perfectly plausible. He slipped in a foreign environment only to be found by his art teacher. I'd probably drop your class if that was me, maybe even quit college, move to Busan, maybe another countr-"

"okay that's enough Jimin stop torturing him" Yoongi chuckled, stopping Jimin from stressing me out further. However his smirk only encouraged the extroverted little. God what a pair I have to put up with.

I just sighed, rubbing my face in my hands in defeat. I felt stressed not knowing what was going to happen. What if Taehyung really does drop my class? He can't give up on his passion like that.. I haven't come across someone with his talent and abilities and at such a young age before. He was truly inspiring, and perfect.. cute, adorable...

my perfect little.


Seokjin's pov:

It was early evening when the front door went. The skies outside were dark due to the approaching winter and I was sat on the sofa with Taehyung in my lap. The whole apartment was dimly lit to help ease Tae's headaches.

His eyes were currently glued to the tv where monsters inc was playing. He would giggle quietly around his pacifier every now and again when the monsters were being silly and it was the most precious sight to see. It truly warmed my heart to see him even slightly happy after the pain he's been in.

Since his meltdown earlier he's been a lot more quiet, barely uttering a single word which was worrying for me. I couldn't even tell if he had slipped into baby space because he hadn't really talked. Or babbled. All I know is that he was definitely still little, my guess maybe one or younger.

My own eyes were opening and closing, I was desperately trying to stay awake. I was softly running my fingers through Taehyung's hair, the back of his head resting on my chest.

The sound of the front door opening and closing is what brought me out of my half asleep like state. I turned my head to see Hoseok walk in.

"hosbi!" Taehyung quietly mumbled in happiness around his paci, surprising me slightly at the fact he talked. However I cooed nevertheless at his pronunciation of 'Hobi'.

"Hi my little lion how are you feeling?" Hoseok greeted, lifting him up off of my lap and onto his hip.

Taehyung just warmly smiled at him before burying his face into the crook of his neck, arms tightly draping around his form.

"looks like he missed you" I chuckled, stretching and hearing my back crack from the lack of movement today.

"how has he been?" Hobi asked, sitting down next to me with the little still clinging to him.

"where do I even start?" I sigh.

I told Hoseok everything that happened today and how distraught Taehyung was. He's still ill now. Anything I give him to eat gives him a painful upset tummy or he gets so hot and bothered he just cries because he doesn't know what else to do. His joints hurt, I can tell by the way he's constantly restless and moving and it must be so confusing for his little mind to comprehend what's happening to him.

"my poor boy" Hobi whispered, holding Taehyung closer and slowly rocking him.

"where's Namjoon?" I asked, realising college has finished and he's not here.

"he's gone to get takeout for us three, and Taehyung a kids meal, he said you've probably had a long day and the last thing you'd want to do is cook"

I slumped back into the sofa with relief.

"thank god for that" I laughed, yawning soon after.

"why don't you go take a nap? i've got Tae for now, you're clearly exhausted, i'll come get you when Namjoon gets here" Hoseok tells me sincerely, patting my knee with his free hand.

"are you sure? I don't mind staying and helping you with Taehyung" I tell him, although I could really do with some sleep right now. My head has been ringing from the constant crying for hours on end and lying in a dark room will ease the pain.

"100% now go" Hobi laughed, however he quickly quietened down when he realised Taehyung had fallen asleep in his arms. I cooed at his face, pacifier hanging loosely from his lips. I didn't want to leave him now. As difficult as it has been looking after him today, I wouldn't change it for the world.

"god he's so precious"


Taehyung's pov:

Monday morning had rolled around, a whole week and a bit more after I slipped into Little space here. The college halls were crowded as usual and it made me just want to go and hide back in Namjoon and Seokjin's apartment.

I had the flu for 9 days, being off college for 11 due to the weekend. I woke up in big space Saturday evening after a nap and to say I was utterly confused was an understatement. Seokjin told me everything that had happened, I had never been in little space for so long.

But god am I grateful for them three for looking after me. If I had gone home I don't know what I would of done if I had slipped into little space for 9 whole days. My dad would of had a heart attack.

Speaking of which, I finally checked my phone Sunday morning to see it was filled to the brim with messages and missed calls. Something usually unusual for me. A lot of them where from my Dad and I panicked when I realised I hadn't come home with no explanation for over a week, no calls or texts to tell him I was safe.

However, Namjoon explained that he called my dad and told him I had the flu and was basically in and out of sleep the whole week, too ill to come home. We didn't want to risk Haru getting what I had, but nevertheless it doesn't take away from the fact my Dad is still mad at me for not messaging him. I'll have to deal with that when I get home tonight.

However the other messages that littered my phone were from Jimin. Missed calls the whole week and text after text asking why I wasn't in and what had happened. If I was alright or if I had dropped out. I felt awful for making his so worried. But I didn't reply to his texts. Still too humiliated to comprehend what had happened.

Seokjin told me everything. Slipping because Jimin slipped and being found in little space by Mr Jeon my art teacher. God I felt like throwing up hearing the news. I haven't really gotten time to even get over it after being in little space for so long. It's only just occurred to me now as I stand in the hallway, taking books out of my locker that I will see both of them today. I can skip class right?

Embarrassment rose within me as I tried not to think about it. My teacher, god the only teacher that I liked as well, saw me, in little space.

However this does mean that Jimin is also a little.. He didn't tell me. Well I guess I can't be upset about it because I never told him that I was one either. I was too busy caught up in my own thoughts and trying to figure out ways to avoid the pair and maybe even Mr Min the whole day even though I don't take music, when a force collided with me.


I look up in the bone crushing hug to see light blonde hair. Oh god, it's Jimin.

"Jimin, can't breath" I whispered, trying to pull out of his death like grip.

"oh! sorry Taetae I didn't mean to hurt you" He said, pulling away quickly. "But oh my god! you're back!!I've been so worried about you, I thought you dropped out. I thought I would never see you again" Jimin sulked, pout evident on his lips.

I sighed. I guess the universe made my decision for me on whether or not I was seeing Jimin today.

"sorry Jiminie I was ill, I had the flu i think" I mumbled shyly, placing everything back into my locker and shutting it.

"oh that's okay, as long as you're okay now and are not dropping out" Jimin sighed in relief. "why didn't you reply to my messages though?"

I internally panicked. Despite knowing he was also a little I didn't really feel comfortable telling him it was because I was in little space the entire week.

"oh- I uh, I was a bit busy i'm sorry" I mumbled, eyes not meeting his face.

However Jimin just smiled. 

"you were in little space?" He asked warmly. My eyes shot up to him to see he was fondly smiling at me. I couldn't really lie now.

"uh y-yeah I was" I admitted, playing with my fingers in embarrassment.

"oh Tae you don't have to be embarrassed! Jungkook and Yoongi told me what happened and I'm so incredibly sorry for triggering you to slip after I did. I just got scared and overwhelmed by those guys, I never meant to put you in such a vulnerable position" Jimin's voice was quiet so no one else could hear us. He took my hands in his and rubbed his thumb over my knuckles, guilt etched into his features. "thank you for what you did though..  Jungkook told me how you brought me to him the second I had slipped. It must of been so hard for you i'm so so sorry"

"oh no Jiminie it's okay y-you didn't mean to, didn't do it on purpose. And besides, I didn't tell you that I was a l-little anyways. And helping you was the least I could do" I replied, cheeks going red at saying I was a little out loud. I'm not sure why i'm so embarrassed by it but I am.

Realisation just hit me that Jimin is the first person i've officially told that's not Namjoon, Seokjin or Hoseok.

"i've never met another little before" I say after a while of silence.

"me neither" I look up to see Jimin was smiling, excitement glowing in his eyes.

"do you have a daddy?" he asked, and it hit me like a brick.

"no I don't" I mumbled in embarrassment. "but the guys I hang out with, T-the ones you met are like my carers sort of. They look after me when I slip"

Jimin nodded his head in understanding. A small smile placed on lips for a reason i'm not sure of. 

"i'm guessing Mr Min is your daddy?" I ask after remembering he called him daddy when he slipped last week.

"yeah he is" he smiled. "and you can call him Yoongi by the way, he knows about you. I hope that's alright? And Mr Jeon, Jungkook too. They both give you permission to call them by their first names"

My eyes went wide once I remembered Mr Jeo- I mean Jungkook. Jimin must of seen the change in my face because he spoke up.

"look, I know that you're probably embarrassed about what happened, especially in front of Jungkook. I mean I would be too if I was in your position. But trust me Taehyung, he doesn't mind. In fact, he's delighted that you're a little. I think it's good that he found you instead of someone else because he has experience in the little department. Sure he doesn't have a little himself but he's taken care of me plenty of times and he's damn good at it. Don't avoid going to his lectures because of what has happened okay?" Jimin asked, more like pleaded. "And besides. This is the best thing that could of happened. I finally have a little to have play dates with" he smiled. However my mind was focusing on something else Jimin had said.

Why would Jungkook be delighted that i'm a little?


The end of lunch bell will go off any minute. I'm currently stood outside Jungkook's art room contemplating on whether or not I can get away with skipping this lesson.

I tried to focus on what Jimin had said to me, how Jungkook doesn't mind that i'm a little and won't treat me any differently. I was certain that he would find me disgusting and maybe even expose me to my whole class when I found out he knew on Saturday.

But Jimin is a little and he hasn't exposed him? Maybe it's because Jimin's daddy is Jungkook's best friend. Kind of a get out of jail free card?

I sigh loudly to myself. I'm thinking about this too much. So what if Jungkook knows i'm a little? It's nothing to be ashamed about.. However my insecurities will forever tell me otherwise..

Before I could let myself get anymore worked up I just opened the door and walked in. Jungkook is never usually in here until the lunch bell goes anyway so-


My eyes shoot up to see Jungkook looking at me with wide eyes. As if he's almost imagining that i'm here.

"uh h-hi" I stutter, shutting the door and stepping fully into the empty classroom. Instantly wishing I had stayed outside until the bell went.

"you're here? what happened? I haven't seen you in nearly two weeks!" he exclaims, concern and worry laced in his voice. Why would he be worried about me? I'm just one of his students..

"s-sorry I had the f-flu" I mumble shyly, eyes on my fingers that are anxiously intertwining with one another.

"the flu?! are you okay now? do you feel sick?" before I could even comprehend what was happening, Jungkook was to his feet and in front of me, hand placed onto my forehead.

I just stared up at him with wide shocked eyes. He was so close to me I could feel the heat radiating off from his body. I didn't say a word, trying to figure out if this was actually happening. However once he realised what he was doing he quickly stepped away, hand moving away from my face as well as his warmth. For some reason I wanted him to come back. It felt oddly protecting.

Jungkook cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head.

"sorry" he apologised.

"it's okay" I whisper, looking down so he doesn't see the crimson blush covering my cheeks. I feel utterly embarrassed but I kind of liked it. The feeling of being cared for that is. However i'm still on edge thinking any moment Jungkook will switch. That he'll bring up what had happened and be horrible about it. If things go my way, Jungkook will never bring up the fact that he saw me in little space and we'll continue on with our lives. Like it never happened.

With this hope in mind, I quickly make my way over to my table. The one in the far corner in the back. I keep my head down but I can tell Jungkook is still watching me. Watching my movements. I want him to look away due to the fact i'm so insecure in what I do, but in another way I want his attention to stay on me. I feel so confused.

Just as I took my sketch book out the bell went indicating the end of lunch, and students quickly started to fill the room.

I hear Jungkook sigh. I could tell he wanted to ask a lot of questions but was unable to do so. I quietly gulp when I see him making his way over to my empty table in my peripteral vision. My table was always empty. But I preferred it like that. I don't have to make any small talk or give anyone a reason to dislike me.

"can I talk to you at the end of the lesson Taehyung?" Jungkook whispers, his voice was smooth and soothing. It almost sounded like a plead but I could be imagining it.

I know what he's going to want to talk about but I still stay hopeful. Hoping it's about the portrait i'm working on or other related art projects.

"o-okay" I reply, looking up to him.

His face relaxes and he gives me a warm smile. A smile that makes me almost also want to smile. Almost. However I feel too anxious and ill. It's not the flu but the feeling of having to face what I so desperately want to hide away from.

Once he leaves, with a shaky hand, I pick up my pencil and begin to put my ideas to the page. I take a deep breath and try to not throw up about this talk.

I was too into my own thoughts to notice that Jungkook's eyes hadn't left my panicking body the whole lesson.

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