My Hero Academia Transported...

By OtakuXXX7

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A anime weeb who made fanfics one day fell a sleep on his bed but as he fell sleep he arrived in his favorit... More

New World New Body
School Life
Road Trip
My Own Path
Cant Slow Me Down!
U.A. Entrance Exam!
Quirk assessment Test
My Idea For The Alternate Story
My Hedgehog Academia Alternate Preview
Preparation For The Absolute Worst!
Battle Trial Day! Part 1
Lets Talk
Battle Trial Day Part 2
Battle Trial Part 3
Quick Update On The Story.
The Comeback

Quirk Assessment Test complete!

652 18 50
By OtakuXXX7

Hello fellow readers it's been a awhile since I dropped a new chapter well thats I've become somewhat truly fixated on the old stories I make which why some new fanfics chapters have released. And also I counted votes and apparently shadow wins by having 4 votes so yes My hedgehog Academia alternate story is coming soon. ALL HAIL SHADOW EVERYONE! And be sure to grab your chili dogs, Grapes and coffee beans for this chapter please comment and vote for this chapter.

Now I'm not goona lie I will do the other stories from the previous votes later so don't be surprised when you see Silver Or knuckles Story because this isnt the only part of the story I'm making and all I gotta say the ending is goona be badass! But that's not goona happen in awhile so don't worry. And also if your wondering if the chaos emeralds are here don't worry there all here it's just not the right time yet to reveal them just yet.


Chapter 8

Sonic: What was that about surpassing me Turtle boy! You might need rethink those words you said after this Turtle man!

I said as I began to break dance infront of Idlya's face as I grinned at the shocked students.

Kaminari: T-Thats insane!

Jiro: Incredible!

Izuku: He-he-h-he broke the sound barrier!?

Kirishima: Sheesh poor Idlya.

Mina: Well that's sonic for you.

Sero: He couldn't had held back or something?

Yayarozu and Todoroki gave looks of interest as Bakugou eyes widened In shock as did the rest of the class somewhat.

Ochako who heard Midoryia somehow shouted.

Ochako: The speed of sound!

She said as she cupped her face in shock as Idlya fell to his knees as reality settled into the boys mind.

I stopped break dancing as I walked over to Aizawa as I spoke.

Sonic: Sir does the robot tracks a person's speed or does it just reveal how quickly I finished the race.

Aizawa: It just tracks how fast you finished nothing else! We do have some devices that do that but we currently lack the technology to keep up with you though your too fast.

Aizawa nonchantly as he signaled me to get back in the line.

Sonic Thoughts: Ha knew it I'm way to fast!

As I arrived back at the line with the others they all started crowd around me. I was very underwhelmed by the rest of the classmates.

Kaminari: Dude you dusted Idlya!

Mineta: Yeah I didn't see you move but when i felt that big boom was that you?

Hagakure: How can someone your size move so fast without support!

Ochako: How fast are you? And do you not throw up?

Sonic: Guys, guys chill! I hear you I hear you one question at a time please.

I said as they calmed down as I started to answer some of there questions.

Sonic: Alright Ochako I honestly don't know  and Hagakure I don't know either? Mineta yes that was me and yeah Kaminari I dusted the Turtle it's honestly not a big deal. The guy can only move as fast as a car anyway!

Idlya: EH!

Idlya shouted as je heard my words as he sheeded a few tears of disappointment.

Sonic: But at least he tries to put in the effort so ill give him that. I only hope to keep doing my best as well as the Turtle!

Sonic Thoughts: Heh! I had to cut the guy some slack once and a awhile even if I did not like him.

Luckily Ayoama and Mina were next as Mina took her shoes off awhile Aoyama simply turned around to use his quirk.


As the sound of the gun shouted that she skated across the ground as she used her acid to slide over the ground awhile Aoyama blasted himself across the ground. I already knew what was goona happen as eventually Mina won the race.

Sonic: Yo Mina that was pretty awesome!

I said to her as she came back.

Sonic: It's to bad you don't have ypur acid proof shoes yet.

Mina: Ugggh! I know right sheeesh it always costs a lot of money to get good shoes to. But I do have this idea for my shoes to have holed in them so I can spray my acid out of it!

Before we could talk further Deku and Bakugou went up I sighed in surprise as I watched.

Momo: Sonic-kun!

Momo said to me catching me off guard as she drew my attention.

Momo: You were speaking to Midoryia earlier were you trying to advise him?

She said curiously as I scratched the back of my head as my gloved fingers ran through my quills.

Sonic: Yeah I was he was having trouble with his power so we were brainstorming for a bit to help him use it better.



The sound of the gun went off as Bakugou ran for it as he shouted as he raised his hands up as explosions propelled him forward-



Sonic: OH SHIT!

I shouted as a green blur blasted off zooming forward as the screaming protagonist zoomed past the blonde. And just a second after him a green head of hair rolled around into a ball as he skidded head first into the ground.

Sonic and Kaminari: OOOOOOOH DAMN!

Everyone else: MIDORYIA!

Ochako: DEKU!


Idlya called as he lost his gloomy eyes as he gaped at the scene before him.

Kaminari: Did he break his neck?

Sonic thoughts: What the heck just happened!?

Izuku: Guak,cough!

Izuku said as he spat out some dirt out h8s mouth as he shakily rose to his teeth.

Robot: 4.16 seconds!

The robot announced.


Bakugou stared in shock I stared in excitement as we watched Izuku winced in pain as he looked down at his feet. His right toe had literally blown a hole on his shoe as it bruised purple.

Izuku: S-Sonic-kun!

Izuku said as he looked at me with a wild and yet insane look of pure determination in his eyes.

Izuku: I think I found out something that works!

Sonic Thoughts: This....this guy here!

Sonic: What a badass! I knew you find a way BUDDY!

I said without thinking.

Bakugou: DEKU!

Bakugou shouted as explosions erupted from his hands as he ran towards Izuku like a feral animal.

Bakugou: Tell me whats going on you bastard!

Sonic Thoughts:  Welp should I change this or no?

I said to myself as Bakugou reached out to Izuku but I knew the guy was safe as I saw Aizawa instantly pull out the capture tape.

Dozens of Ling bandages wrapped around Bakugou's face,chest and arms as the explosions he'd released dissappeared.

Bakugou struggled trying to get to Izuku but currently he was unable to move. He snarled like a raging tiger as his eyes focused on the greenete.

Bakugou: Why can't I explode!?

Aizawa: I erased your quirk Aizawa's voice said drly as Bakugou and Deku stared at him.


Aizawa said as he glared at Bakugou.

Aizawa: Trying to attack another student in the middle of a class? What a waist of time!

Sonic: Dude I don't think that's honestly the real issue here?

I said as I moved to the greenete.

Sonic: You okay-

Izuku: Those goggles!

Izuku said.

Izuku: That quirk!

Sonic: Wow I'm being ignored!

I said in a joking manner mostly.

Izuku: You can erase other people's quirks with a single loo! The Erasure Hero Eraserhead!

As Izuku said that the other students stared gossiping about the hero. I was honestly held a annoyed expression at this because I freaking heard this shit about him being able to erase quirks the one millionth time already like do they have to explain there abilities every single time!

I thought as I bumped Izuku's shoulder as I stopped him with his muttering.

Sonic: Oi dude you okay you just broke a toe!?

Izuku: Ah?

He gasped as he glanced down at me as he grimaced in pain.

Izuku: Yeah! I'm okay!"

Sonic: Well that's good!

I chuckled.

Sonic: At least you'd still be able to fight if you had to but still the percentage definitely needs some work bro.

I said to him as I looked over to Aizawa.

Sonic: Yo do we continue sir?

Aizawa: Of course if we had to stop everytime a student broke a digit the hero course would never get anything done.

Aizawa said bluntly as he removed his bandages from around Bakugou who glared at Izuku.

Sonic: Dang dude the PTA must love you.

I noted dryly.

Aizawa: Hmph! The trick is to bring chocolate chip cookies and there favorite coffee to the meetings."

Sonic: Wait what?

I said as I stared at him questionly as he didn't flinch.

Sonic: Wait a minute are you serious?

Aizawa: Yes now get back line.

He gestured as I walked with Izuku to the others of are class. When we arrived however Bakugou glared him intil moved in the way barely. He turned his gaze down at short stature with that non imtemdating gaze. He reminded of a angry wet cat I rescued once in my old life as his eyes quivered as his teeth bared at me.

Bakugou: Who or what are you ROADKILL!

He said with a voice like he'd been gargling sandpaper.

Sonic Thoughts: Roadkill wait he didn't call me extra well this is new.

I didn't know how to answer that one honestly man the balls on this kid to call Sonic the Hedgehog roadkill was something.

Sonic: Well Hitler I'm Sonic the fastest thing alive if you must know and by what I am I'm basically the only person you'll never surpass in your meaningless life as a hero!

I said with a smug grin as the blonde seemed like he popped a vessel by how angry he was.


Sonic: Pfffffffffffffft you can try but it won't even be a million years intil that happens and besides I don't fight trash. I fight real opponents not some knock off version of Yang from RWBY.

Nothing but silence I heard from the other classmates as Bakugou began to barade me with a burage of insults as I counterd with my own as we went to the next course.

Once the race was over the next test was the grip strength one. I took a look at the machine in my hand as I looked over at Sato next to Mr. I guess this where we also put our all into it?

I asked my fellow strongman.

Sato: Of course this and the ball throw and all the other events but it seems you lost this one buddy your arms need some meat on them.


As he said as eyed him before I replied I held my destroyed device.

Sonic: OH I got this covered it may not seem like it but my muscles are very compacted. So yea at my best I could at least lift a bus somewhat.

I said as I gripped the device as I held it up showing it destroyed device.

Now now now guys I know most of you guys are probably goona say what Sonic isn't that strong I already have some answers for that.

In the Sonic Wikipedia it's been proven Sonic can lift 8 tons or more because he's on par with Shadow the Hedgehog. Shadow can casually toss buses around with one hand in the games so thats at least 22 tons for sure . I'm not sure if Shadow physically is stronger than Knuckles but Knuckles has shown to make punches to start a volcanic eruption now Sonic is nowhere Knuckles strength but he does keep up with Shadow who casually beats him and Sonic himself once and awhile. And besides they're practically equals when it comes to speed except Sonic is a bit faster than him.

Back to the story

Kaminari and Mineta: HOLY SHIIIIIIIIT!


Sato screamed in shock as It caught everyone's else's attention easily as mostly all there Jaws dropped at my score.

I stared at the machine for bit intil dropping it as Aizawa looked at me as he placed a hand to his face as he sighed as he dragged it across his face.

Aizawa: Great another one!

He grumbled before writing something down on his clipboard.

Kirishima: Whaaaa!

Kirishima said nearby as he gaped at the destroyed device.

Kirishima: That is so manly!

Kaminari: More like insane he's like 3 feet tall he's already destroying things!

Sonic: Kaminari remind me to break your legs after the test is over!

As I said that everyone else held shocked looks at my statement.

Kaminari: Hahahaha your joking right?


Kaminari started to sweat bullets as I didn't answer the question as I walked to the next test sight.

Kaminari: Uhhh Kirishima he's kidding right!?

Kirishima: I don't know man I think he's joking?

Mina: Hey whats your name Kaminari was it (sigh) you might need to pray to god he changes his mind. The last guy that insulted his size lost his feet. I suggest you apologize before it's too late.

Mina said to the blonde as she patted him on the back.

Kaminari: Well shit! I just pissed off most the fastest thing in existence.

The next test was the long distance jump which is honestly pretty easy for me.

I used my super peel out to boost my jumping distance as I leaped over the whole thing in a burst of speed.

Izuku broke another toe leaping over the whole thing awhile landing hard into the dirt once again. Thank God he was doing a lot better in the anime but it was also very worrying. Who just uses there broken body parts to finish a fitness exam I don't care how hard-core that was he is going to become a pancake after this.

Shoto though was pretty intriguing as he just launched himself across the obstacle with a ice pillar like usual.

After all the other students had there turns we did the side jumps.

To which I also excelled at as I left nothing but after images for how fast I was going.  Mineta instead of being first place was second to me hey give ill the guy some props. At least he was creative as hell when it came to his quirk.

But after that my joy finally came the fucking ball throw my favorite scene. I waited for the others to catch up as I clenched my fists in excitement.

Aizawa: Sonic! Your up!

Aizawa called as i arrived in a blur as I appeared in the circle as took the ball in question into my palm.

Sonic Thoughts: Alright alright I planned this one moment for literally months trying to remember this scene from the games I got this I got this!

I said to myself as I began to curl up in to a ball as I began to spin rapidly.

Bakugou: The hell is roadkill doing spinning in a ball isn't goona do shit!

Momo: How is he not moving anywhere else does he have that much control over his quirk.


As the girl said that as in a flash I uncurled and chuckled the ball as hard as I could as it caused another Sonic boom.

To bad I couldn't do the time sonic did the baseball scene from the movie the circle just wasn't big enough damnit!

Aizawa: Well that's 3000 meters impressive.

Aizawa dryly.

Everyone else once again: EHHHHHHHHHH!

Kaminari: Alright how is this possible he's only got a speed quirk!?

Mina: Kaminari it's Sonic nothing makes sense.

Izuku was spasing out mutter after mutter about practically on  how much to calculate the speed I needed  to pull that off awhile Bakugou looked like he was goona bite Deku's head off.

After everyone got there words out we continued were we left off in canon.

Ochakos Infinte score happened along with Izuku breaking his finger as he broke Bakugou's record by one meter. But unlike in canon though Bakugou's reaction was just an insanely pissed off glare, rather than h8s earlier rage I guess he spent it early.

Quick timeskip since the rest of the activities are basically simple and easy as hell.

The scoreboard

Sonic Thoughts: Well I'll be damned! And also Aizawa your a asshole for doing Izuku this dirty!


Sonic 1st

Momo 2nd

Shoto Todoroki 3rd

Bakugou 4th

Tenya Idya 5th

Fumikage Tokoyami 6th

Mezo Shoji 7th

Ejiro Kirishima 8th

Mina Ashido 9th

Ochako Ururaka 10th

Koji Koda 11th

Rikido Sato 12th

Tsyu Asui 13th

Yuga Aoyama 14th

Hanta Sero 15th

Denki Kaminari 16th

Kyouka Jiro 17th

Izuku Midoryia 18th

Toru Hagakure 19th

Minoru Mineta 20th

Sonic: Damn buddy thats tough!

I said as I looked at Mineta his face was pale as he looked like he was goona vomit.

Izuku on the other hand looked like he was about to cry a river of tears. No scratch that he was crying as he clenched his fist as a single broken finger wrapped with a bandage resting there as he smiled at his results.

And to be quite honest I was very shocked by how much I changed canon. Like my plan had just to be sure Izuku would be able to show more potential. But instead he jumped up two whole levels above hell if it wasn't for the pain holding him back he would've had a better place honestly.

Aizawa: Oh and by the way I lied about the expulsion.

Aizawa said.

Sonic Thoughts: No the fuck you weren't you motherfucker!

I thought as the whole class stared at as he showed his in something way to mean to be even considered a smile.

Aizawa: It was rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your quirks.

Mineta: What the hell!

Mineta screamed as a sense of relief mixed with his raging yell.

Mineta: You almost gave me a heart attack!

Momo: Well of course that was a lie.

Momo said as she had a hand over her hip as she gave the others a skeptical look.

Momo:  It should've been obvious if you just thought it through.

Oh lord Momo you sweet summer child you really do think about the best of people  huh.

The rest seemed to agree with her as I clearly didn't.

Aizawa: And with that were done.

Aizawa said with air of man who had dealt with enough bullshit for one day.

Aizawa: There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back look over them.

As he said that Izuku sighed in relief.

Aizawa: Midoryia!

Aizawa said as he handed him a piece of paper.

Aizawa: Have Recovery Girl fix you in the nurses office. Tomorrow will be packed with more rigorous tests prepare yourself.

As he said that he walked off as he was gone from sight as everyone was about to walk away.

Sonic: That guy was not lying!

When I said that Momo blinked as she responded.

Momo: Hmm say something?

She said as she looked back at me.

Sonic: Nope nothing at all I replied as I walked back.

The end

I hoped yall enjoyed please comment and I might send a preview of Hedgehog Academia alternate.

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