Built To Fall | Poe Dameron

By CleoLemon

85.7K 3.9K 351

Poe Dameron X Evangeline Solo (OC) "When the seasons change... Will you stand by me? Cause I'm a young man b... More

One Missing Daughter
Just Need A Little More Time
Rookie Mistake
You Do As I Tell You
Not That Person Anymore
Try To Keep Up
In All The Right Places
So You Can Make Friends
I'll Be Good
Call It Intuition
I Have A Bad Feeling About This
It's Been A Long Time
For All You're Worth
As Long As We Stay Together
This Is Where The Fun Begins
Disturbance In The Force
The General & Smuggler's Daughter
For You, Dad... Sure
You Could Use A Good Kiss
Another Happy Landing
Escape Now, Hug Later
Blind Hope
We Got A Problem
You Can't Escape Me
I Know
Ruin Me
Plain Coffee & Blue Milk
A Dangerous Game
A Favor
Don't Be Afraid
Jedi Business
That's For You To Find Out
Flicker Of Hope
I Adore You, Sweetheart
That Was It
Call And Answer
Can't Live Without Them
You're Wrong
You Will Do It Alone
The Things We Do For Love
It's Time
Good Job
Together Again
What Remains
Leave It Unspoken
Not Without A Fight

The Trap

1K 65 4
By CleoLemon

Poe's P.O.V.

"Almost there, buddy..." 

I sigh while checking the navigation system in my starfighter and flipping a few switches. We're halfway to the Coruscant system to retrieve the Republic's contribution. It's just BB-8 and me on this mission, but it's nothing we can't handle.

So far, we have had no problems travelling to Coruscant; it's been smooth sailing. The ride has been quiet, which is actually a pleasant change from how my team has been acting lately. I know they mean the best, but at some point I'd like them to drop the worrying and leave me to sulk about Eva alone.

I'm not exactly sulking about Evangeline, but my damn droid is. He misses helping and following her around as if it's more exciting than being with me. After a long moment of peaceful silence, BB-8 suddenly speaks up, making me roll my eyes.

"Nope, sorry. We can't make a pit stop and see Eva." I announce, checking for surrounding cruisers. "You know she's training... We can't disturb her. She has things to do."

BB-8 makes a pitiful beeping sound and I hold myself from rolling my eyes again. I don't know who's more in love with Evangeline, me or BB-8. As I adjust our flight path, I notice us slowing down, but I haven't changed the setting on the throttle.

"... BB-8... Are you slowing us down?" Speaking up cautiously, I push in the throttle to get us to go faster. "I told you we can't go see her. I know you want to just stop by and..."

The starfighter comes to a complete stop in space and my eyes go wide. We're just sitting ducks in outer space now, and I can't make sense of why. BB-8 beeps at me, telling me he's not doing anything from the back seat, and I frown while messing with the throttle.

I check our flight path again and see if there's anything around us that would stop us from flying. However, I don't have any warnings of incoming ships or notifications that we entered a system's gravitational pull. Just as I'm about to ask BB-8 for some help, he beeps wildly and suddenly we move backwards.

Panicking, I try anything to get us to fly forward, but we continue going backwards. Glancing behind me, I realize a large cargo command ship is pulling us into their hangar. Realizing we're in a magnetic net and getting hauled into the ship, I press buttons and settings frantically.

I see nothing on my navigation of this cargo ship in our area, and I know instantly something is wrong. Either they hijacked my controls or have a way not to show up on the ship's flight paths. Seeing us fully in the hangar and the large doors shutting, I unbuckle myself and take out my blaster.

We land on the hangar before all the controls shut down and turn off like I did it myself. Panicking, I open up the top of my starfighter and immediately aim my blaster, ready to get us out of this situation. The First Order might have found out about my mission and is trying to put a stop to it.

"Just the pilot we're looking for." I suddenly hear a man say while coming beside the starfighter. Aiming my blaster at him, I watch him as he says with a grin. "You're almost as hard to find as a Solo."

In the following second, I see other men appear around my starfighter, and something dawns on me. This is the same gang or crew who were chasing after Eva on Daiyu when I first met her. Half of the men have black masks and a bright red circle on it.

"If you're looking for Evangeline... I don't know where she is." 

I blurt out while glancing at everyone in the hangar. The man right beside my cruiser smirks at my comment then, making me face him again. Tilting his head, he raises an eyebrow before mumbling in a sickness tone.

"What makes you think we're looking for her?"

Kylo Ren's P.O.V.

"Poe Dameron. Born on Yavin 4. His parents were a part of the Rebellion. They died during the Battle of Endor... He was a Spice Runner in Kijimi until he joined the Resistance." 

An officer summarizes the pilot's file on our records for me. The Guavian Death Gang stands in a line behind me, waiting for their payment. Keeping my hands behind my back, I wait to hear the rest of the information we have for this certain pilot.

"He's a pilot for the Resistance... And around the same time Evangeline resurfaced, he received the rank of commander." The officer finishes reading through the file, and I nod shortly at him. Glancing away from him, without paying the Guavian Death Gang any attention, I order simply. "Have an interrogator operator and probe waiting for me at his cell."

"Right away, sir."

The officer says quickly before leaving the room to do as I instructed. I didn't expect this pilot to be from the same system as my sister and me or to be Spice Runner at one point. The pilot of our discussion is currently alive and in a holding cell, awaiting what I plan to do next.

"What will you do with him?" 

One of the Guavian Death crew members speaks up once the First Order officer leaves. Apparently, they captured the pilot with no problems, since my sister wasn't with him. However, it makes me question where she is at this very moment.

"My plans with him don't concern you." I speak up while turning away from them to leave the room. Walking toward an exit, another one of them asks nervously before I can leave. "Our payment?"

"You will receive it in time." I declare, making the gang glance at one another in fear. I then leave the room while mumbling through my robotic black mask. "The job is not yet complete."

Coming into the hallway, I stride towards the cell with the Pilot Commander that my sister favors. Currently, I'm on a planet known as Baocarro; it's in the Ildera system. The system is in a forgotten corner of the galaxy to the Republic. 

Century old jungles and eroding stone architecture cover these lands. The planet is full of smugglers, outlaws, and gangs who are hiding from something. However, it's also the planet that has our base with our newest cloning facility.

Which is why I've been here for the last few months; I've been overseeing the project and making sure we're moving forward as scheduled. When I reach the cell with Poe Dameron inside, I see an interrogator probe droid and operator already waiting for me. Nodding silently, I watch as the operator officer unlocks the door for me.

Once the door slides open, I step inside and find the pilot with his wrists chained to the wall. He's standing with his hands restricted over his head and his back against the wall. The pilot has a cut on his forehead and a bruise on his chin, leading me to believe he put up a fight with the Guavian Death Gang.

"I'm not telling you shit. So don't bother asking me any questions." Poe blurts out when seeing me move to stand in the center of the room. Lifting his head to look at my masked face, he spits out in disgust. "Just get it over with and kill me. I've always wanted a quick death."

"I'm not going to kill you. I need you alive." 

I hum out while tilting my head and watching him curiously. The pilot has a pretty face, thick dark brown hair and muscular body type; I'm sure my sister thinks he's nice on the eyes. Though, I can't help but wonder why my sister would let her gaurd down for him. 

He doesn't seem like much to me and if I were honest; he acts like every other wide-eyed pilot. The Commander has a cocky attitude, big mouth and overdramatic expressions. Both Eva and I know how smartass pilots can be because of our father and growing up around rebel pilots.

"Why?" Poe questions with a frown on his face and I smirk behind my black helmet. Tugging at the chains around his wrists, Poe spits out, frustrated. "What do you want from me?"

"Rest assure, Poe Dameron. I want nothing from you." I announce, making Poe stare at me even more confused than before. Taking a step closer to him, I inform him of my intentions, knowing it will hurt him. "I want my sister."

Poe's face and body stiffen to a rock at the word sister while his jaw clenches. I can see the worry and fear in his eyes, letting me know my intuition about him and my sister was right. Shaking his head and smiling without an ounce of joy, Dameron asks confidently.

"Then why am I here?" Tilting his head and snorting, Poe glances around the cell and thinks out loud. "Are you wanting me to play freaking delivery boy for you? I already did that once for your mother and I sure as hell am not going to do that for you."

"That won't be necessary. I don't need you to bring her to me." I grin and wave for the operator and probe droid to enter the room. "She'll come to me on her own."

His eyes widen when seeing the black sphere shape droid flying slowly towards him. Poe lets out a slow breath, as if he's preparing himself to be persecuted and peer back over at me. Nodding at me and trying not to panic, he declares as if it's set in stone.

"You're wasting your time. Evangeline isn't going to come here for me."

Tilting my head in surprise, I sense in his mind that he believes what he's saying. He really thinks Evangeline won't come here to save him. The pilot has confidence she's let him die to continue the duties she has to the Jedi Order, Republic and Resistance.

"Eva's not a fool." Poe tugs at his restraints as the probe droid comes closer to his chest. "She will not fall into your trap."

"We shall put your accusations to the test, then." I inform while turning to leave the room. "For both of our sake, I hope you're wrong."

Rey's P.O.V.

"I'm proud of you..." Ahsoka speaks up softly. "Most impressive."

Grinning up at my Master, I feel a blush forming from her bragging tone and words. I've just constructed my first ever lightsaber. It's a double-sided lightsaber and the two blades glow yellow.

I bled my crystal out of peace and balance; because I found peace in not knowing who my parents are and the balance of who I am in this galaxy. It seems Ahsoka is proud of how I bled my crystal, and I can't help but relish in her pride. As Ahsoka gives my lightsaber back, I mumble while trying to keep my smile at bay.

"Thank you, Ahsoka."

"Well... You've come a long way." Ahsoka sighs while resting a hand on my shoulder. "Eva did not waste her faith in you."

My smiles brightens at her confession from knowing it was hard for Evangeline to put her faith in me. Eva doesn't just simply give her trust, faith, and hope to someone. However, she took a chance on me with no encouragement or reason and I'm grateful for that, of all things.

"Come on." Ahsoka smirks while nodding her head to the exit of the cave. "Let's go show everyone the work you did."

Nodding excitedly, I stand up and follow her out of the cave to look for Grogu, Luke, and Eva. I know all of them will appreciate the work I put into my lightsaber. Grogu has two short sabers that glow green and Ashoka has two sabers that glow white. Both Luke and Eva have a single saber that is green.

Everyone's handle to their lightsaber is unique and designed to their liking. No lightsaber is the same as the other, making the person's personality show on the handle. Which is why I know everyone will like my lightsaber; I put a little of all their styles into my saber since I owe them everything I'm becoming.


I speak up when I see him at the end of the stone steps. Ahsoka and I walk down the stairs, noticing he's watching something intently. When we reach his side, he holds up a hand to stop us from saying or doing anything.

"Don't move... Luke and Evangeline are dueling..." Grogu informs us quietly with his gaze somewhere else. "I think Eva's going to win this time."

Peering to what's holding Grogu's attention, I finally see the battle between an uncle and niece. The two are swerving their lightsabers rapidly as if time is speeding up on them. I can tell Luke's trying to keep up with Eva's pace and she's trying to hold her own against his strength.

Both of their cloaks lay carelessly in the field yards away from them. Luke's hair is a mess around his face while Eva's braided is becoming more loose by the second. They bash at one another sabers before turning and getting into a stance I've never seen before.

Luke has his saber over his head suddenly with his free arm stretched out toward Eva. Her saber is shielding her body in a tilted form with her other hand ready to use the force. There's a second of pause before they both pounce at one another again.

In record time, the two tap their sabers briskly and spin around one another as if they're in a dance. Luke then grabs her arm and flips her over his body to make her fall in front of him. I would consider that a cheap shot, but after all the smuggler blows Eva does, I think it's okay for Luke to do one from time to time.

He's about to thrust his saber down at her when she gets on her knees and uses the force to hold back his saber from touching hers. Spinning to get on her feet again, she lifts her saber to hit against his and releases the force pushing back his saber. In a blink of an eye, I watch her kick Luke in the center of his chest, making him stumble back. 

Eva strolls toward him with her saber twirling in low circles as he shuffles unbalanced. She has a confident and determined expression covering her face. Just as she's about to swing her lightsaber, her movements halt mid-move.

Suddenly, her eyes go wide and she lowers her saber, making Luke frown at her with concern. In the next second, she takes a step back and drops her saber to the ground. Her expression of confidence and determination is now replaced with horror and pain.

"Evangeline." Ahsoka shouts in panic, as if she knows something is not right. She strides toward the dazed Eva quickly and asks frantically. "What is it? What's wrong?"


Eva breathes out as if she sees what's happening to the commander right in front of her eyes. Grogu and I share a look of uneasiness and fear before moving towards the distraught Jedi. Looking at Ahsoka in heartbreak, Eva reveals as if it's happening at this very moment. 

"He's in trouble."

Author's Note: For those who don't know I have a Tik-Tok account (cleolemonfanfiction) with videos of Poe and Eva! So go check it out if you haven't!

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