little bundle of joy | taekoo...

By Honeycovee

280K 9.2K 1.7K

Taehyung's a little who's unable to slip freely due to having to look after his little brother on his fathers... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
new little space taekook au!


8.7K 350 32
By Honeycovee

Taehyung's pov:

"Morning Taehyung!" Namjoon's voice rang through the car.

"morning hyung" I sighed, getting in the back of his car. Seokjin was sat in the passenger seat, and Hoseok the seat beside mine.

I woke up with the worst headache. I contemplated whether or not just to stay at home in bed all day but I forced myself to go to college. I didn't do all that work last night for nothing.

The guys gave each other a look.

"I didn't get a text from you last night, did you slip okay?" Seokjin asked, a slight concerned crease in between his brows.

Before I slip, because i'm so young, I usually message one of the guys, preferably Jin, just to let him know that i'm going into my headspace. He'll either come round and watch me or take me to his, so I'm safe but so my dad doesn't find out either.

"no I didn't slip" I mumbled quietly, holding my pounding headache in my hands. "it was my dad again"

Seokjin sighed.

"was Haru alright?" Hoseok asked, clearly worried.

"yeah he was fine, I fed and changed him, my dad woke up not long after and gave him a bath but by that time I had a lot of college work to get done so I didn't get the chance to become little"

It was silent in the car for a while afterwards.

"why don't you come back to mine and Namjoon's apartment after college? you can stay the night. You can be little the whole time" Seokjin asked with a smile on his face, just as we were pulling up outside of the college. I watched as Namjoon gave his boyfriend a pat on the knee at the idea.

That did sound good.

"as long as you guys don't mind.." I questioned insecurely. I never want to be a bother to these guys.

"of course Taehyung! we love looking after you" Namjoon beamed. 


The end of first period was over and I made my way out of my maths lecture hall as fast as I could.

I really hate big crowds, or places where there are loads of people. Like lecture rooms. 200+ people sat in one room together. It makes me so anxious and shaky. I'm always scared something is going to happen or I'll slip out of stress. Not to mention that i'm two years younger than everybody in first year so I stick out in a crowd like a sore thumb.

However my period two class is my favourite.


It's what I major in.

The class is different to a lecture hall. You had to actually 'audition' in a way to get into this major as it's more of an advanced one than the regular art classes here.

I had to send in portraits and a bunch of my own work that i've done in order to qualify for this degree. And because you have to audition, it's a small class with only around 15 people in. 15. I can deal with that.

I walk into the room and quietly make my way to the spot in the corner right at the back. Out of everyone's way.

I took a deep breath and a sigh of relief when I sat down. I'm finally away from all those people in the crowded halls.

The art classroom was a light beige, the walls were covered with drawings and art fixtures. The tall tables were even and spaced out, holding around 6 per table if you wanted to.

It was nice, it was quiet.

I looked up to see my professor typing away at his desk. Mr. Jeon Jungkook. I liked him. Maybe one of the only teachers I liked in this college. Maybe it's because he teaches my major. Or maybe it's because he teaches in a small, quiet, non crowded classroom. Or maybe it's because he's talks so smoothly and his voice is always so calm. Soothing any anxieties I have. My art room is my safe space. I get to relax and do something I love in here.

Jungkook turned to me and gave me a warm smile. I returned it and quickly looked back down, playing with my hands. A deep coat of pink appearing on my cheeks. God i'm so awkward.


The class was going by well. There was a quiet chatter but apart from that, everyone was engrossed in their work which I liked.

I let my paintbrush soak in the primer before applying it to the medium sized canvas. Watching the clear liquid soak into the board. I needed to paint a portrait of someone. But I wasn't sure who I was going to paint..

Suddenly a very painful and piercing headache started and I dropped my brush into its pot to hold my head. It's because I haven't slipped in a few days. I shut my eyes tightly and continued to hold to head, I was hidden behind my canvas that was on its easel for the class to even notice me. However someone did.

"are you okay Taehyung?" Mr. Jeon's quiet voice asked me, making sure not to draw any attention to us two.

"y-yeah i'm okay" I whispered, too shy to make eye contact with the man standing next to me looking very concerned.

I rubbed my temples for a few minutes before opening my eyes and adjusting back to the canvas. I gave a shaky smile to my professor but he still didn't look pleased.

"how long have those headaches been coming and going for?" he asked, eyes scanning my face.

I quickly broke eye contact again. "only since yesterday but it's fine it'll go by tonight" I answered vaguely. Knowing full well it was because I haven't slipped. But i'll be little tonight. The whole night. With Namjoon hyung and Seokjin Hyung. I could wait.

Jungkook still didn't really seemed satisfied with my answer but nodded anyway, making his way back to his desk at the front.


Lunch had finally rolled around and I was sat in the loud and crowded canteen with the three guys that haven't left my side since I joined this college.

My eyes were closed and my headache had intensified. Just get through this day. Not long left.

"Here Taehyung have some lunch" Seokjin's voice spoke up, snapping me from my thoughts. I wasn't really that hungry at the moment. 

"I'm okay for now hyung, thank you" I whispered quietly.

"how's the headache?" Namjoon asked, obviously picking up on my distress.

"bad" I mumbled. I felt like crying.

The guys must of noticed my glossy eyes as they all released a sound of sadness before Hoseok brought me onto his lap, bringing my face into the crook of his neck. I was met with darkness and it was helping my headache more than the bright canteen lights. I let out a shaky breath before a single tear rolled down my cheek.

"it's okay, not long left to go" he whispered to me assuringly, carding his fingers through my hair.

"you have a new class after lunch. English. That's exciting" I heard Seokjin whisper to me, trying to distract me. I appreciate they were talking quietly. Everything was hurting my head. I wanted to slip so badly.

I've decided to switch from science to english as one of the classes I take alongside my major. I don't know what I was thinking taking a science. But I did not enjoy it. I was only a few months into my first year so I was able to change. My first English class in next period.


Jungkook's pov:

"Jimin slow down" I sigh once again, as Jimin was dragging me by my shirt sleeve into the canteen.

Yoongi had a meeting at lunch which meant I was left with Jimin. He claims he loves to hang out with me but I know it's really for my staff discounts at the food stations.

He pulled me through the crowds of loud students chatting away. I easily towered over all of them, including Jimin. We stopped next to the dessert stand.

"you can't keep using me to fuel you ice cream addiction" I laughed, handing the lunch lady my card.

"yeah yeah whatever" Jimin replied, eyes already scanning the endless flavours and toppings.

Jimin is quite extroverted and confident for a little. Usually littles won't like loud crowds or big spaces. But Jimin couldn't care less. Maybe it's because he's a slightly older age when he's in his headspace. Or maybe it's because his boyfriend is Yoongi and he's given the little a 'don't care' attitude.

Whilst Jimin was telling the poor lady everything he wanted, my eyes scanned the canteen. God it was loud in here. Too many teenagers and kids in early twenties. Always an age for disaster to occur.

My eyes fell on a table near the back of the room. I instantly recognised the three boys who are always with Taehyung. They seem like good friends with him but a bit protective. I liked that though. They usually pick him up from art when he stays a little later perfecting a painting. His art was truly incredibly.

However I noticed a figure in that Hoseok boys lap, mind instantly recognising it as Taehyung's. He looked so small in the 20 year olds hold. I wonder if he was okay? It looked like the guys were calming him down.. He did seem to have quite a painful headache this morning.. This room is too bright and loud for him if that's the case.

I couldn't dwell on it for long before my credit card was shoved back into my hands. I looked over to see Jimin with a large bowl of 5 scoops of various ice cream. It was littered with so much sauce and toppings you couldn't even see which flavours he had.

"aish Yoongi is going to kill me" I muttered.


Taehyung's pov:

My English class had rolled around and I was excited but also terrified. The guys bid me a goodbye after walking me here and now my nerves have returned.

It's a lecture hall. That'll be a lot of students. English is a popular degree. That's a lot of questioning eyes on the new kid..

I opened the door and peeked my head in. The bell wasn't due to go off yet so not that many people were here. Good.

I awkwardly looked around, not knowing where to sit. It was a huge room and i'm sure students already have their favourite or go-to seat.

I was about to turn around and walk back out when a waving hand caught my eye. I turned to see a boy with blonde hair waving frantically in my direction. I looked behind me to see if there was anyone he was waving too but was left confused when I was the only one here.

I turned back to him and pointed to myself. He nodded and smiled. Why was he waving at me?

I slowly made my way over. He was sat half way up the stairs so I had to climb quite a few.

"Hi there!" His voice was energetic and confident.

"hi" I spoke quietly, sinking down into the seat beside him, backpack strap clutched tightly in my grip.

"i'm guessing you're the new kid in our class" he smiles, giving me his full attention.

"y-yeah. how did you know?"

"our professor told us a few days ago. And I haven't seen you here before so I figured and I guessed right" His lips cracked into another grin.

It oddly made me smile as well.

"I'm Park Jimin"

"T-taehyung. Kim Taehyung" I replied. I tried to focus on my breathing so I didn't stutter as much. I shook his hand that was held out and he squealed.

"oh my god you're so adorable!"

I giggled at this, cheeks going red.

"I think we're going to get a long really well" Jimin spoke.


Jungkook's pov:

The evening had rolled around I was sat at my kitchen island, typing away to emails and replying to students. I was going in and out of listening to Yoongi and Jimin's chatter beside me.

We have our own houses but those two spend most dinners round mine.

"Yoongi he was SO adorable I don't think you understand" Jimin whined.

"you seem to be quite fond of this boy already" Yoongi hummed, stirring the food that was sizzling away in the frying pan.

"that's because he is the cutest! he's so shy but his giggles are so sweet"

"what's his name again?" Yoongi asked.

"Kim Taehyung"

My eyes snapped up from my laptop screen to Jimin.

"Taehyung?" I asked, confused.

"yeah do you know him?"

"he's in my advanced art class. He majors in it" I smile, thinking about his work that's hung on my class walls.

"oh wow he must be talented then" Yoongi compliments.

"oh my god isn't he the cutest?! he joined my English class today. I can't believe he's only 16 though! he must be sooo smart"

I fondly smiled whilst thinking about what Jimin said. Taehyung really is cute. I brought my coffee mug up to lips, ingesting the warm beverage the same time as the next four words lefts Jimin's mouth.

"he's definitely a little"


Taehyung's pov:

I walked through Seokjin's and Namjoon's apartment with a satisfied sigh. We stopped off at my house to pick up things i'd need for tonight. They already have a lot of little stuff so I only took clothes for tomorrow.

I told my dad I was staying over for a study project. He was happy for me to do so but I'm slightly worried about Haru.

"here we go home sweet home" Seokjin sighed in happiness, locking the door behind us.

"you can slip whenever you want to little one"

little one

That name always made my head go fuzzy. And that's exactly what was happening now. My body was practically pulling me into my head space, but before I could let go, I quickly shook myself out of it.

"Taehyung? you okay?" Seokjin asked after watching what i've just done.

"y-yeah it's just.. What if I slip and my dad falls asleep and Haru needs me or needs help? what if-"

"shh Taebear" Seokjin came over and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Haru will be fine. You saw your dad when you got your stuff. He was happy! He was cooking dinner and making Haru laugh. They'll both be fine. You need to start taking care and prioritising yourself. It's not good for you to force yourself out of your headspace whenever you start to slip"

Seokjin walked us over to the fluffy rug in the living room and sat down, bringing me down and onto his lap in the process.

"what's this?" he asked in pretend shock, picking up one of my little toys. It was a fluffy yellow duck that quacked when it's squeezed.

My eyes sparkled when I saw it.

"ducky" I whispered, feeling my mind go fuzzy and warm.

Jin squeezed the toy and it quacked, making me erupt into a fit of giggles. For the first time in a few days, I finally gave in and let myself fully slip.



Seokjin's pov:

I sighed in relief once Taehyung had slipped. He was playing happily with his ducky, squeezing it and giggling once he heard it's sound. His eyes grew doe like and were glossed over ever so slightly when he was little. It made him even more adorable.

I should probably put him in a diaper before he needs the toilet.

Hoisting Taehyung up onto my hip, I brought him into our spare room that we've converted into a room for him. Full of all of his little needs and accessories.

I placed him on his changing table. He was too occupied with his ducky to realise what was happening. That's good. Taehyung likes to squirm quite a bit when he's changed.

With the occasional tickles and squeals of delight from Taehyung, he was changed into a diaper and a soft blue onesie.

"does my baby want a bottle?" I asked, picking him back up into my arms. He was very light which has always concerned me. I know Taehyung doesn't have the biggest appetite but surely a 16 year old should weigh more than this? I guess it suited him and his 5"5 frame.

Taehyung eyes lit up at the word bottle. He clapped his hands in excitement and tried to copy what i've just said. However he ended up babbling away making me coo. He must be in baby space.

I hummed a lullaby whilst I rocked him gently on my hip. I poured the milk into his bottle and carded my fingers through his hair as the milk heated up. Taehyung was quiet, watching my movements with his head rested on my shoulder.

Suddenly the front door unlocked and opened, revealing Namjoon.

"has he slipped?" he asked as he made his way into the kitchen.

I nodded with a smile, holding his warm body a bit tighter.

"baby space" I spoke.

Namjoon's eyes brightened at my words. He absolutely loves Taehyung in baby space.

"oh my baby boy are you waiting for your bottle?" he asked a sleepy Taehyung, pulling him out of my arms and into his own. I could hear Namjoon blow kisses into Taehyung's neck. His soft giggles following suit.

"here" I smiled, handing Namjoon his bottle.

Namjoon brought Taehyung over to the sofa and laid him across his lap. Taehyung's doe like eyes were watching his bottle with excitement. He clapped his hands lightly and made grabby hands. Namjoon cooed and instantly gave in. Bringing the bottle to Tae's lips.

The only sound in the whole apartment was of Taehyung's soft gulps and breathing, as he ingested his warm milk, eyes slowly fluttering closed.

I sighed in relief, sinking into the sofa beside the pair.

"it's not good for him Joonie to constantly stop himself from slipping. It must be so hard to look after Haru when everything triggers him" I sighed. I can't even imagine what it's like for Taehyung to have to change Haru's diaper or give him a bottle. Or even hold his pacifier without slipping.

"do you think we should tell his dad about him?"

I shook my head.

"Taehyung doesn't want him knowing and we should respect that. Besides, us two and Hoseok are capable of looking after him. He just needs to realise that he can slip without feeling guilty" I mumbled sadly, lightly brushing soft locks out of my sleeping boys face.

Once Taehyung was finished with his bottle, Namjoon sat him up and slipped a pacifier in between his lips. Tae instantly started sucking it and went limp in Joon's arms, completely and utterly relaxed and fast asleep.

This is how it should be.

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