Thorns Around Roses

De callyhhh

1.5K 141 354

mature Mais

the call
the passengers
the visit
trouble knocks
state of mind
the turn
sharp snatch
IT'S halal.
Sweet et sour
Two can play.
cover lick.
turn of event
love like
exposè et conceal
the 3rd wife.
flames to blaze
Everyone is a narcissist.
her royal highness
Royal highness(2)

the visitors

41 6 18
De callyhhh

  My eyes were evidently fixed on her, I watched her with grace. She embraced them all and asked about their various families, not really the family,  but how their families are all holding up their  presitigeous statuses. After  attending to them all, she began to inspect the contents of the package

" I am impressed with khalifa, yasake kudi sosai kenan. auren fari wasane" she said still unwrapping some packages. I was invisible to her. She didnt care to know who I was.  it didnt matter, coz if i did, she will definitely be curious about me.

"Khalifa yayi kokari. auren yar commissioner  wasane"  she repeated they all coughed  simultaneously. She looked at them with suspicion.

" menene"

" ai that's not his first marriage" zainab said

" I don't understand "

" he has a wife already"

" I still don't understand"

" toh hajia, kinsan khalifa ai"

" someone  should enlighten me. What exactly are you all saying"

" hmmm hajia khalifa got married last week"

" without my knowledge? "

" yes " they answered simultaneously again.   finally, she began to understand where they were all headed to.

" who's daughter in this kano that I didn't hear about "

" still a mystery."

" he should be in a better position to tell you."

" where is the wife"

" there" they pointed out. And my face fell. Admist having that conversation, I dialled mujaheed.

" who are you or what are you" she asked making me feel like a non living thing

" ina kwana hajia" I said with all the fear in me.  Her appearance alone is dominating and her speech is bold. She talks with so much power and authority. She was going to ask me further questions and all the brothers walked in, acting surprised to see her but i know,  i did pressed the botton just like mujaheed adviced me to. ( press the botton when you smell danger.)

" hajia welcome, when did you arrive?" Al-amin said as the rest greeted her. She looked at all of them from head to toes and you could already perceive the intense atmosphere.

" khalifa do I need to ask"

" about what" he said with his hands tucked in his pockets

" explanations"

" for what"

" you know what I am referring to"

" I don't."

" Kaiiiiii  khalifa!!!" She shouted everyone got scared but walahi khalifa didn't budge.

"Hajia with all due respect,  if you don't tell me what's on your mind, I wouldn't know"

" hajia has he done something wrong" faruq a asked acting along with his brothers

" mujaheed where is your that mother?"

" at work."

" Dial her number " she ordered billal. And he did as told. Seconds later, he handed her the phone

" is it with your knowledge khalifa got married?" She asked avoiding any pleasantries 

" toh shikenan, since you are now the head of the family. muhammed has become the lady and you are the man. Fine. " she cuts the call just in time, the general walked in

" when did your wife became the head of the family. When did you become less of a man" she said

" hajia....."

" I have always disliked this khalifa" she said

" hajia, you just arrived, please calm down. Your room has been fixed, we can have this conversation during dinner."

" ohhh so you are aware"

" ofcourse not. I had no idea whatsoever walahi"

"I am highly disappointed in your inability as a man" that was massive. There and then, their uncle walked in.

" workers should all excuse us"  they stopped whatever they were doing and left.

" hajia you should go and get some  rest, you invited 5governors, ministers and senators. You have other better things to do than this. You need to rest. You have a big day tomorrow as the kirjin biki. without you that wedding will not hold." He said and the rest nodded

"You don't even feel remorseful. You want to split the family that I have have built "

" I didn't offend you" khalifa said

" keep quiet!!!" his dad and uncle shouted.

" I made you all to be known and heard" she spat out

" GOD DID" he murmured

"Get out of my sight" his dad pointed out.

" sana get up let's go"

" no, I object that, she will be of assistance here" his aunties said as they too walked in

" hajia kiyi hakuri kishareshi, kinsan bashi da hankali. yaro ne" one of the aunties said.

" aunty don........"

" if you dare talk back at your aunty" his dad said

" fine. she stays to assist, however no body should harm her" faruq said

" toh sanu dan duniya, faruq you are following your brother's footsteps. Welcome second most stubborn of the family. You all think it's a good thing you are doing ." The first aunty said

" no kibarshi, at least your brother is an aircomodore  what are you...... rude and broke isn't that too much for you"

" aunty, I saw your that your  husband with a  girl in a hotel. I wonder what they are upto. " the boys started

" he has a wife so why round the all the hotels in town?"

" aiiii hmmm aunty, HMMM that your husband is the real definition of WOMANIZER".

" Before thinking of how broke I am,  you should deal with your cheating husband who has absolutely  no time for you. And mind you, I am not broke." faruq said in motion to irritate his aunty. That actually earned him a slap from his dad.

" I blame your mother coz when it got to training you and khalifa, she became blind"

" aunty zuwaira don't even go there, we are all unhappy kids because our mum sacrificed us for you all" akhram  said.

" do as you please, but don't involve our mother's name" the boys walked out of the room. His dad looked at me and didn't know what to say,  he shook his head and left. I basically  witnessed an epic episode of this family drama. I am still In trauma. That was terrible.  some of the girls walked out, while some continued whilst gossiping and sending me daggers.

" you see what you caused" faruq's wife send. Ignoring her, I continued  to work with different thoughts running through my mind. Once I was  done with my part, I moved to the bed room, not putting on the light,  i cried my life out, after sobbing for long, I wiped my face so that khalifa doesn't find out I did cry.

" well done" he said putting on the lights. I was startled. He was in the room

" I am sorry, I couldn't hold it" I said

" I am going back to work"

" can I follow you? I don't want more drama "

" No" He said walking out. The NO came with a sword that went directly to my heart. I felt bad. Even though I know he came back for me. How is it possible to be so hated by everyone. Everyone. 

        After zuhur, a knock came through informing me that lunch is ready which I refused to tend to. Minutes later mujaheed walked in.

" mujaheed you came through for me." I said  being confused of either showing appreciation, or annoyance.

" how did you get to call all your brothers?" I asked

" well, we have a group chat, so all I did was type ^^^sana is in trouble^^^^and booom they all arrived."He said

" I don't even know any more" I said as my eyes became teary again

" hey..... this is the part your husband doesn't like"

" I wanted following him, but he refused"

" why will you follow him? That will only cause you more trouble. I think we should avoid whatever is going to make us vulnerable. Like you did yesterday. Sana why would you stay late as 12midnight"

" I lost the track of time ne walahi"

" no.... you were ignorant and that could only put your husband in trouble."

" I am sorry"

" you should apologise to him and sana please don't starve your self to death, khalifa won't forgive you" a tear dropped as I nodded

" you didn't eat breakfast and it's past lunch time" he said before leaving. I sat  on the bed and realized that I lost my self trying to adjust and adapt to this new environment. now  I am hurting the only man I ever loved. I took my veil and went straight to the parking lot, abass saw me and came forth

" good afternoon.  Mrs khalifa"

" to khalifa's office " I said. In a few minutes we arrived and I walked fast. the securities made way for me.

" don't go in" Ahmad said as I almost opened the door. Ignoring him, I flung the door wide open  just to see him and Dr fati going over some invitation cards. They both looked at me at once. Seeing them together, I felt something sharp pierced my chest. We all stayed like that for a long seconds. I don't know what to do, I was terribly confused.

" sorry" I muttered then closed the door behind, even though, I heard my name been called. I started rushing  down.

" sana sana sanaaa" he kept on calling.


" sana, sana" I kept calling out her name and she  refused to stop.

" start the car" she ordered abass

" if you try me" I ordered back approaching the car. I grabbed her before  she could access  the door.  I turned her and pressed her against the car. She struggled and I watch her struggle. Her eyes were swollen  and she had bags under her eyes.

" please go back to her, I didn't intend to interrupt you guys like that." She said panting and feeling exhausted.

" please you came here to see me. Talk to me"

" nothing absolutely "

" you lie" I said as we made eye contact.

" if you don't tell me why you are here, I won't let you go" I said  leaning  in

" please don't kiss me. I am irritated right now and that's the last thing on my mind" and I did

" do your worst" I said relising my grip on her.

" I hate you" she muttered  and tears began to pour out her eyes

" sanaaa. haba my sana"

"Khalifa.........." she said and she cried more

" talk to me my love"

" I don't even know where to start from" she said between sobs

" talk to me, say something. Anything"

"  I just want you to my self alone. And.......i am tired" she feebly said. more tears poured. I know there is more to that. I know she wants to talk more but her emotions are crowding and  overwhelming. Using my thumb, I wiped the tears on her face. I held her hands and motioned her to my car. I fixed her in  the passengers seat then I went over to my seat.  I called Ahmad and told him to clear my table. Today is supposed to be my last day at work untill after my wedding.

" hello akhram, I left fati in my office, please can you assist her with  sorting out the ivs " he agreed and I switched off my phone.

" your palms" I said to her, she stretched out and I placed it on mine. I drove us straight to BELLMORE hotel coz I know it held so much memories for us.

" I want room 217  if it is available"

"Let me check"  after a little while, she handed me the card, I went back to the car and picked her up coz  she slept off. I took her to the room and placed her on the bed gently, I haven't slept well in a while, so  I joined snaking my hands around her waist, she in turn, put her head on my chest.

I know I love fati,  however, the moment i see sana, my brain takes a  pause. My world stops,  to take a break. I feel renewed and I get to forget who I really am. We slept for a while waking up only to pray.
Sleeping peacefully is something we don't get to do these days. woke up just in time for insha. I  got in for wudu. When i came out, she was sitting on the bed.

" I am going  down for prayers. Please get ready.  honeymoon is over" I said walking out.
On my way back after prayer, I received a call from my mum.  I could tell she sounded troubled or maybe even finished crying. My heart only melts more

" khalifa haven't  you put me into enough trouble already, "

" I can explain"

" I don't need any explanations, hajia hanne said, if you like run away from attending dinner"

" I beg her pardon. I can never run away from my father's house. She needs to leave coz that's not her father's house"

" any more word from you Will earn you a curse" I kept quiet and she ended the call.  I also got a message from mujaheed stating that, sana has missed dining for quite a while now. I walked back to the room quietly.

" salam" I said closing the door behind me. She sat exactly where I left here

" you haven't prayed"

" it's that time of the month"

" oh" I started picking my stuff

" khalifa you look troubled" she said as she  tried holding me and I declined anytouch

" what have I done again"she said

" how do you want me to deal with all these if you don't eat?. I tell you times without number, the moment you start hurting, I hurt in triple folds."

" I didn't like the reception I got the first time shi ya sa, and if you keep being angry with me, I hardly can deal with this. I need your strength to strengthen me. But the moment you change face or frown at me it kills me fa. I don't have enough energy for this."

" for me it's not anger, i am just being scared you will leave me. Sana, this is  how it has always been for us.  that  was why meeting you, gave me a highlights that happiness and a dreamy live lives beyond. But each time you give me a particular behaviour that speaks on your behalf, screaming  I can't take this, I want to  leave. I feel like falling already. We need each other sana" I looked into her eyes for hope but I don't find any.

" sana please tell me you won't leave me" I said holding her hand and she didn't say anything. I relise her instantly

" I brought you here to reconnect and possibly take us  back to how we met and how scared I was of losing you."

" which I am grateful for and fell instantly for you but your family can be overwhelming you know." She said getting ready.

"  we're dining with hajia hanna"

" thanks for the insights, I should prepare myself for humiliation" she said walking pass me. I pulled her into a long hug

" making use of my time while it lasts" I said.

" u should" she said.


  Got back home in time, everyone was getting started with dinner. The house already smells wedding and ceremony. I walked behind khalifa untill we got to our seats. He pulled out a seat for me and I sat.

" good evening hajia hanna, good evening general, goodevening umma, good evening aunties and uncles. Goodevening everyone" I said before sitting. This table screams hell.  I promise to contain every thing that comes my way IN SHA ALLAH. Ignoring their stares, I dished our plates

" my habibi is that enough" I asked

" yeah. I don't  know if i can finish it" 

" better still let's eat together as it's sunnah of The prophet Mohammed  (S.A.W.) " and the boys roared (S.A.W). a small smile crept out my lips.

" BISMILLAH"  I said diving into my meal. He also took his spoon and we silently ignored the stares.

" waye ubanki" hajia hanne asked but since she didn't call my name, I am definitely snubing her, I kept all my concentration  on the food.

" is hajia hanne not talking to you?" umma said but I still ignored . I really need to hear my name first.

" Sana!!!" His mum called out almost shouting.

" na'am" i answerd acting startled.

" hajia Hanna is talking to you"

" na'am  hajia" I said acting innocent.

" nace waye ubanki a nigeria"

" hajia baki san shiba"

" he is not known? Then  how did you get into this house"

" sorry ma, but I  don't understand"

" someone should break it down for her"

" I think what hajia is trying to say is, we all the wives here are from promineniet homes, Well known and well respected. So how on earth did someone who's family is not known get into this family" faruq's wife explained

" walahi I still don't understand" making a fool out of them. faruq's wife eyed me like hell. but a small smile crept out my lips. Like I care.

" I can't wait for fati to take her rightful position" bilal's wife approached

" can't wait for her too" I said. I irritate hajia Hanna so much that she basically doesn't want to involve her self in any conversations with me,  which is good. it better stays that way.

" I still don't know what khalifa saw in you" faruks wife said being persistent. We were done eating and standing up

" khalifa saw what faruk never saw in you, and as it's going, I don't think he will ever see it in you" I said picking my bag and phone. Khalifa and I held hands, and we walked untill we were out of sight. 

" wahalalu" I said. I know he was proud of me, but he wouldn't say because he is not supposed to support me disobey his family. We got into the room and

" surprise!!!!!" It's rayhana and hasina. I shouted loud. and we all engulfed in warm hug

" what brings you two here"

" I am relocating " he said picking some of his stuffs.

" heard you were going through some rough edges here and there" hasina said. The idiot is glowing though.

" you stupid you are glowing"

" well what can I say."

" having some zayyad daily dosage I assume"

" as if you don't have your daily dosage of khalifa"

" hey gurls i am here and still single, maybe you want to switch topic"

" divorced not single " hasina and I said

" sana the life you are currently living is worst than that of a divorcee just a reminder "

" yeah, heard you are going trough pre- jahanam"hasina said

" and you needed some cool bitches around." Rayha said

" any ways, we've decided to be cool friends for a while, however, after the wedding, we are definitely going back to being the rival sisters. " we all laughed

"And ya zayaad ......"

" okay. truth be told, I was sent back home to learn how to cook then rayha gave me the fela, so I thought let's trade. I help you bitch your in-laws and in return......... you know the rest"

" inkoya miki girki"

" unfortunately " she said and  I laughed.

" girl you are leaving in a paradise" hasina said walking round the room. we both laughed. We  didn't sleep early coz hasina was busy giving us  fela about her own house.
The next morning, a massage came in from his mum that we the wives are handling the breakfast.

" gurls we were all going to the kitchen."

" yaaaaaaay"

" they have unexpected visitors"

" bitches at that"

" oh wow. so early indeed"

" okay so this is what is going to happen. At no cost am i allowed to cook anything so that my nyash no go open, leave me with cutting groceries In that way, I can spit out anything In my mouth but if you put me for cooking and food no come sweet, I no go fit chop your in-laws with my mouth oh. I don't like walk of shame. " hasina said fetching her adieu mama wrapper with a shirt

" hasina noo.  you can't dress like that in this house. Ai sai su raina mu. Even the helps don't dress like that oh. So kike ace an kawu yan aiki" I pointed out

" oh really"

" yes" we both said. So she grabbed  a jalabiya and we all dashed down to the kitchen in a grandstyle. Ready for any type of trouble. My phone beeps and I checked. A message from khalifa.

****** the way you gurls are walking down as if  going for world war three. Abeg oo, no remove our ceiling, it has been there for decades*****

I finished reading just as I was  entering the kitchen, I bursted out with a  serious laughter. Rayha and hasina looked at me then bursted out with laughter too, even though they had no idea  what was amusing me,  but to irritate my in-laws, they laughed out loud.


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