Thorns Around Roses

By callyhhh

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mature More

the call
the passengers
the visit
trouble knocks
state of mind
the turn
sharp snatch
IT'S halal.
Sweet et sour
the visitors
cover lick.
turn of event
love like
exposè et conceal
the 3rd wife.
flames to blaze
Everyone is a narcissist.
her royal highness
Royal highness(2)

Two can play.

35 5 61
By callyhhh

He was the first to leave the bathtub. apparently he wasn't in for a bath, rather to torture me. 
I kinda like it.
I mean I really liked it.

Okay fine. I loved it.

       not getting distracted, the thought of them during that useless Photoshoot can't leave my brain.  I walked out of the bathroom and went to the closet to get dressed. I got ready for bed and came out.

" hey you could always dress in my presence you know" he said the moment  he saw me coming out.  he was actually busy with his desktop, following with calls. I wasn't still smiling, even though, my hickies were printed on my neck for a display, I didn't budge.

" good night" I said. fixed his gaze on me. not minding him, I used the blanket to cover myself.

" come here" he ordered. Hearing that, I uncovered my face

" want anything?"

" yes"

" do it yourself, I am not coming down"

" you will"

" why"

" because I am your primary assignment."

" you are not serious" go and meet her I said in my head

" I am serious, come to me" he said not averting his gaze.

" mtswwwwwwww  abeg good night" I covered back and it was at that moment realization hit me,  I  surely will be assaulted as that has been his main aim and determination to meet his goal. Wait, that was a trap. He was irritating me on purpose and  I took the bait. Darn.
My eyes opened wide and I thought of the fastest thing to do *RUN* as I was about to flee, I saw him fast approaching.

" I knew you'd use that your long mouth to hiss after several warnings. " I jumped out of the bed and made straight to the sitting area.

" please don't hurt me,  I am sorry it was a mistake" I begged even though  I was laughing

" that's late,  you should have thought about it first" I ran round and he followed me around. It was almost like a catch and flee

" just come as a humble girl let me do what whatever it is I want to do" I was scared coz I might not know what exactly it is he has in mind. So I shook my head

" is that a no" I nodded again

" fine then, let's waste all the  strength." He pursued me and I ran like hell. Making the room look all messy.  I was already panting and seeking help.

" DAN ALLAH ka barni na gaji"

" thats the idea. to get you exhausted then you won't be able to run,  that's when I will attack with force. ......." He said. I sat on the  sofa for a minute rest.

" give me a minute to catch my breath plesase"

" a minute it is" I sat and he also sits a mile away. I closed my eyes to really catch a breath. opened it and he was on my head. I was out of option,  I had to  stuggle and i slipped out of his reach. With one last try and a grip on my shirt, I fell on the side stool breaking the glass and sustaining an injury on my wrist.

"INALLILAHI"  I screamed, by the time he got to me, blood was already dripping. He fetched me up and straight to the sink.  He used Warm water to wash it off then he brought the first aid box and treated it. I wanted to cry but he was  feeling guilty.  I watch him keenly treating the cut. He was so disturbed. I could read it. It was more like bringing back every pain. He says if I hurt he hurts, this is the best example I can see. He was in distress.
He puts me to bed and went back to his seat. Now he can't even concentrate on work, so he lean his head back and closed his eyes. I came out of bed and joined him on his seat placing my head on his chest.  He used  both hands and encircled me. 

" this is the story of my life." He said. I kept quiet listening to his heart beat.

" it's not your fault. I was rough"i said

" i was just trying to have fun and probably easy some burdens you have on you mind and look where it led us  to. Injury "

" khalifa DAN ALLAH stop this" I said raising my head.

" any time I try to make things right, it turns out to be wrong. So wrong . Terribly wrong."

" hey " I said cupping his face in my hand,  even though it was quite small to contain it. His face dropped and he averted his gaze

" hey look at me" I said.

" it's not you khalifa, I am the problem. I am a bad luck" I said and he finally raised his eyes to meet my mine

" you won't make me feel better by cursing your self."  He said

" fine tell me what's going to make you feel better" I asked . He took my hands back and lean in.

" promise me you won't leave me coz you've threatened that already and I have been bitter about it."

" I pray things get better" I said avoiding to promise anything coz I didn't come here to die.   I lean back on his chest until sleep took me off.

           The next morning, I woke up to a short note.

***** hey babe, morning. I left early for work. Let me know your plans for the day and I will see how I can help. Meanwhile, the driver abass is  at your disposal. I  need you to be out as soon as possible********

                                    Dr m.k

That's thoughtful though. I had my bath and got ready. I wore my peach colour loafers. I popped my face and  headed out.

" you didn't join us for lunch, dinner and now you want to avoid breakfast." I heard and my mind skipped. It was his mum. I turned

" good morning ma'am" I said.  I saw bilal and ashraf's  wives  approaching

" sana are you going some where"

" good morning and yes i am"

" where exactly are you going,  the  wedding  is here. we need you around " his mum walked away leaving me with the ladies

"  sana that's uncalled for.
of all days to go out why today. We're are supposed to be busy with the wedding"they protested

" where is it that you are going"

" some where important "I said

" where exactly "

" to my heart"  I said. They looked at me for seconds as it hits them real hard. I put on my sunshade and walked out swiftly.* Wahalalu* I said.
Getting to the parking lot, I saw a guy dressed in airforce uniform approach me

" good morning Mrs Mohammed" shall we"   he said.  we walked to the black prado and  i hopped in.

" mr ......."

" Abbas ma'am "

" would you mind not ever referring to me as Mrs Mohammed. I will rather Mrs khalifa, the Mohammad comes in if  necessary" I said knowing fully well Mohammad is khalifa's surname.

" as you wish ma"

" Mrs khalifa it is"

" yes ma" he started the car and we moved. I went to b.u.k,  got my admission later, there, I busied myself with the registration.  Later on, I retired for the day with the intention of completing it tomorrow. From sch, we  went straight to khalifa's office.
It feels different walking down to his office. Now all the restricted areas were opened for me and the massive roar I get as they all greet. Life na turn by turn. I didn't reply any of the greetings,  I only kept my face straight and focused. Yes they used to mistreat me before now, they deserve My ignorance. The security opened the door. I stepped in and as usual he was busy concentrating on his writing.
I admire this guy like crazy, he is so fine MASHA'ALLAH. And the way he likes to work diligently is sincerely admirable and adorable .

" salam handsome"

" heyyyy pretty, come  here" he said joyful. Isn't that sweet. He sees me and a spark comes out of nowhere. Awwwwwn

" no, I am not coming any where close to you"

"Come joor," he said and I still refused. But we already know.  Next minute  I was pinned  back against the wall.

" don't start ooh, please this is an office."

"  this is how you like it because you are not normal" he said and I laughed . Well he was naughty but rather gently this time. A little subtle.  I can tell he was scared I don't  get injured again

" lets treat a cut before the other" he said placing a kiss on my forehead. He led me to sit before walking back to his side of the table. We talked about the day and I even told him about what happened earlier and he giggled.

" I have  news for you" he said

" oh really. Hit me then"

" you will be packing to your own house soonest "

" YA ALLAH " I shouted. I was happy

" but"

" O.M.G.  khalifa no buts please."

" I have to"

" fine, tell me"

" you and fati will have to live together but I promise you the way the house is designed, every one gets her own section"

" I saw this coming.  I can't even hiss" I said. He walked over and sat next to me. We held hands

" it's one million times better than staying with my parents. I promise you it's better and restricted. If you are scared of fati, I can only tell you you didn't marry fahad. You have equal rights to me as she is going to have. You have nothing to worry about." I sigh.

"I have another news" he said

" I got you a membership in the *care for women foundation* even though it's hospital related but I know you'd  be great"

" that's good" I said with a low tone

" sana I know you are worried already and you know I will be worried too"

" I can't  bare  seeing you with another woman"

" well I have always thought not to break your heart"

" khalifa let me ask you some very personal questions if you don't mind"

" fine" he said releasing my hands. He went back to his seat

" are you even inlove with fati" he kept silent for seconds resting his cheek on his palms

" I asked you a question and I need an honest answer"

" yes  I am" he said and I could feel my tear glands negotiating. It was hard to swallow but I did. I never thought I was going to get a yes. I have always thought it was a no.

" I never thought you would ask me a question like that"

" and I never thought to get an answer like that"

" is fati......"

" this is what I don't do and I won't do, the both of you asking me about each other. there is absolutely no reply to that. In a nutshell, no more questions about fati. it's either sana and khalifa or khalifa and sana period. and when I am with her it's fati and khalifa or khalifa and fati"

" fair enough"

" sana brace your self, I know it's hard to take but it's happening,  and it's happening  very fast. " he added. I stood up about to leave

" where are you going to"

" the house, today was rather tiring"I said

"Thought we were going together"

" no. will like to clear my head first before you come back."

" sana" he called out and I ignored Walking out. Once I got into the car,  I started sobbing silently. I can't even understand why I and being furious. If every thing worked  as he wanted, I would possible be the second wife. so.... why act unnecessary. It's hard to take in but, it is a bitter truth.

        I went to gusto restaurant and ordered for some intercontinental dish, I settled for lasagna and fresh orange juice. After eating, I stayed longer ignoring the time. I had to reflect about life generally. It was due  time for me to accept that this is happening. indeed it is happening. Hmmmm. I waited until abass came in to inform me khalifa is worried. It's  past dinner time.  I waited longer ignoring his quest to know my where about.

" lie to him" I said

" ma'am you are going to get me fired"

" please please abass" and he nodded.  I ordered for some samosas coz the food had digested so quickly. Coming back to my thought, I could now understand that not every thing you wish and desired has to come to you. Looking at rayha, I could only but imagine, How a decent, well trained, beautiful rich girl could be divorced at an early stage in life.
but now that I am in the system hmmmm I can say any more. This marriage thing eh.
            I should concentrate on settling in my new house and joining that foundation. Atleast I have three things that will be occupying my time. My MSC programme, women foundation, and my beloved book club. I should work on myself even better.

" get up right now" I heard. Coming out of my thoughts, I saw khalifa in a state I have never seen before. I stood up at once and followed behind. Abass was begging and he ignored him. Is he fired?, I got into the car and he drove. After so many minutes of not talking I broke the silence.

" I am so....."

" no you are not. Which decent woman would stay out as late as midnight doing only GOD knows. Except maybe for a call on"

" excuse you" I said

" yes, waiting for a hook up"

" are you accusing my decency"

'" no I am stating the obvious. It's past mid night and there is absolutely nothing you will tell me to justify that. I am tired of everything as you are tired too okay....
You are stressing me too much. I have enough to deal with. I have so much on my table" he said shouting and hitting his steering wheels. I got shocked

" khalifa......"

" save it" he said. The drive was intense. After minutes of driving we arrived. We got in and the whole family was in the big parlour discussing about the wedding, the house was indeed full. All eyes on me. My eyes met with his  dad and I greeted

" where are you coming from" the mum asked

" I was..... i"

"  I left her in my office doing some work. said I was going to pick her up, but  I forgot entirely. I was  engrossed in with this wedding preparations"

" I asked her, not you"   I repeated the exact same thing he said

" are you aware your wife  has been dodging dining with us"

" she doesn't like crowd"

" indeed. So your family has become the crowd" he started to walk upstairs and I stood confused of what to do, every one was staring at me. My eyes met with mujaheed and he signalled me to follow my husband up.  just in time, he actually called my name mid stairs so quickly, I walked behind him

" hajia hanne is coming in tomorrow,  I hope you have a better explanation for her" I could tell he was taken unaware, so he abruptly  turned towards them with his hands tucked in his pocket

"  you heard your mum" his dad said.   after seconds, he faced his front and we moved. We got to the room just in time as his phone started ringing, i wanted talking to him but I waited since he was on call.

" teema" he said. Then it hits me,  he is on call with her. My heartache but I shrugged it off,  i know it was bound to happen. wedding  in 3days sana. I removed my veil and plugged my phone while he settles on the sofa talking to the love of his life. his tone was low but I could tell  they are enjoying themselves talking.  I got into the shower and delayed all the time in this world thinking he might join, But it was a no show. Wow he no longer loves me is my conclusion.

Wait,  sana I thought you didn't used to like it before, Abeg I did,  I was just forming.
After dressing for bed, I decided to talk to him

" khalifa I am so sorry for what happened, I was unconscious of time"

" sana, I think we both need space to sort out ourselves. " he said and I didn't persist. I went straight to bed.   brace your self.  

The next morning, I dressed and got ready for my registration.

" sana, whereever it is you are going today, you will have to cancel"

" ma its"

" I said cancel and follow the the girls"

" yes ma" tears was almost dropping but I blinked it off. I went to meet them in one of the rooms as they were all trying to supervise the packing  and sticking of souvenirs. I took one and read it

            *Two hearts to beat as one*
                Dr Khalifa & Dr fati

                     Cut- cee  groom's fam.

Lallai ma, I said in my head.

" sana how do you see it"

  " it's  beautiful" I said battling within my self.

" two hearts to beat as one. isn't that lovely"

" I hear, they said khalifa wrote the slang by himself. "

" your heart, wrote that, his heart will beat as one with another" ashraf's wife said trying to provoke me, but then, they all act under the umbrella of i^^its just a joke^^. Well two can play.

" that's my heart for you, always making me proud. Very intelligent and smart. That's my babyboy" I said staring at the souvenir. Even though every word I said held a bitter cola in my mouth but I had to act as if I was licking sweets. I could feel their stare.

" I know you must be sad" zainab said. This lady won't respect her self even after being the eldest wife

" I am not you" I said bluntly taking them unaware.

" but sana, do you know zainab is the eldest wife. She has five children already"

" oh really, I though she was mujaheed wife, the last born " I added with a touch of laughter

" sana that's rude of you "

" but,  I said I thought she was mujaheed's wife"

" you should apologise to her"

" yes, you should apologise to her"

"  hey. I am sorry,  there is no big deal about it, I was brought up well"

" I don't even know what attracted khalifa"

"  my dear it's love ooh something most people can't find in their homes."I said

" I don't understand you"

" yes na.  People do trade love oh.  heard they trade it for  luxury.  imagine dressing up looking so beautiful in that expensive outfit but your husband can't appreciate you  because  he can't  relate Haaaaaa.  Do people even survive that" I said still under the umbrella of  jokes. Thus is fun. They all fixed their eyes on me sending me daggers. And I laughed it off.

" that was a lame one of I most comment" but I didn't stop laughing. Apparently I was the only one enjoying the little chit chat

" how are my girls doing" I heard as someone opened the door

" hajia HANNA!!!!!"  They shouted and my laughter was sliced as she walked in with pride. they all stood up to hug her and I sat with  anxiety. My heart pumping fast. The  mighty hajia Hanna as her reputation precedes her.


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