Saviour Complex (ser harwin s...

By floraswp

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‼️DISCONTINUED FOR NOW‼️ Azalea had a happy childhood with her brother and father in a small cottage far away... More

Chpt 1: The Azelas Across Kings Landing
Chpt 2: The Castle
Chpt 3: The Tourney
Chpt 4: Cake And Strangers
Chpt 5: Womanly Emotions
Chpt 6:Wedding Bells
Chpt 7: The Happy Bride
Chpt 8: The Wedding Of Witches
Chpt 10: The Good Wife
Chpt 11: Illicit Affairs
Chpt 12: Secrets And Passages
Chpt 13: The Darkness Of Vultures
Chpt 14: Dinner Time
Chpt 15: Justice!
Chpt 16: A Proposition
Chpt 17: The Calm Before The Storm
Chpt 18: Tension
Chpt 19: A Wedding To Remember
Chpt 20: A New Beginning

Chpt 9: The Wolf Cub

2.6K 130 10
By floraswp

After the maestros stitched up the deep wound in my arm, i was told that i missed a very big argument when i was in the woods.

King Viserys had decided to rename his heir. Instead of Daemon being king when Viserys passes, the crown will go to princess Rhaenyra.

She will be the first Queen of the seven kingdoms. I myself was quite happy with this decision. Rhaenyra would be a wonderful ruler and i would be a horrible Queen.

But Prince Daemon was not so happy. He was so unhappy in fact, the night of our wedding, when we were supposed to consummate our marriage, Daemon left to go into the town.

I'm guessing he was off with some whore. I wasn't sad that we didn't lay together, but i was more upset that he would rather fuck some common whore than his own wife.

It was now a week after our wedding and i was feeling quite lonely. I haven't seen Rhaenyra since the wedding. I presume she is just trying to process the news of her being heir to the throne.

My brother has been busy also. He met a man at my wedding and they have become great friends. His name is Laenor Velaryon if i remember correctly.

And i have not spoken to Alicent for days. I have seen her in the halls of the castle but it seems she is trying to avoid me. But even though i don't have many people to talk to, that does not mean i am alone.

I have my wolf.

He has refused to leave my side since the wedding. He also refuses to let anyone near me, but we are working on that. "We still don't have a name for you, do we?" i said as i stroked the cubs ears.

His piercing red eyes made him look much more scary than he actually was. He was actually very sweet... To me at least.

My brother told me that there is a family up north that has wolves but no one except for that family have one. And none of them bond as quick and me and my cub have.

I got up out of my bed as my cub followed quickly after me. I got changed into one of my many, new luxurious dresses. There are some perks of being married to a prince.

I opened my door and jumped as i saw Rhaenyra standing outside. "I'm sorry... I was about to knock" she said. "It's fine... Do you need something?" i asked.

She paused. "I wanted to speak with you" she said walking past me and into my room. "I feel we have not spoken much since your disastrous wedding."

"I wouldn't say everything was disastrous. You found out you would be queen... And i also found this little one" i said as the cub circled around me. Rhaenyra let out a small laugh.

"Yes... That was quite the show you and your beast put on" she said. "Hey! Don't call him a beast" i said jokingly.

She smiled but it quickly faded. "So... Have you done it then?" she asked as she looked at my bed. "Done what?" i questioned. "'Consummated' your marriage as they say."

I was taken back by her boldness. "Not that's it's any of your business... But no... We haven't" i mumbled. She let out a small sigh of relief.

"Why do you ask?" i questioned. "I just... I don't want you to have the burden of having a child. Especially with Daemon" she said with a small laugh.

"Well, i happen to love the idea of being a mother" i said. Rhaenyra nodded. "You be a great mother" she said looking at the floor.

"Thank you princess... Or queen. I'm not sure what i'm supposed to call you know" i said with a soft smile. "I quite liked it when you called me 'Your highness of dragons'."

"Oh hush! I've told you a thousand times, Florain tricked me! I thought that's what i was supposed to say!" i exclaimed. Rhaenyra laughed hysterically as she walked towards me.

My cub growled as Rhaenyra took a step back. "Hey! She is fine. She is my friend" i said as i grabbed Rhaenyras hand.

He reluctantly backed away and stopped growling. I turned back to Rhaenyra and gave her a smile. She squeezed my hand tightly.

"I'm sorry i have been avoiding you. A lot has been going on and i just didn't know what to think about... Everything" she said.

I squeezed her hand back. "It's fine Rhaenyra. I understand... I've been feeling that way myself. Sure i am not the future heir to the throne but... But my new husband has been avoiding me all week. And so has everyone else" i said.

"You have not seen Dameon all week?" she questioned. I nodded. "He is to go to battle tomorrow and i don't even know if he'll bother to say goodbye" i said.

Rhaenyra sighed. "Then you'll have me. I may not be your husband but i am your friend. It seems we could both use company these days" she said. I smiled as i embraced her tightly.

"No, there must be a reason to why you are here. What 'heir' duties do you have today? Maybe i can help" i said. "Well... I have to select the new member of the Kings Guard today. Would you like to join me?" she asked.

"I believe i would" i said putting my arm in hers as we walked out the door. Not far behind me was my cub who followed us every step of the way.

We walked to the balcony that looked over the courtyard. Many men lined up as they waiting to be selected. "Princess... Miss Azalea" Otto Hightower said as he was there to greet us.

"Otto" i said as Rhaenyra ignored him. "How have you been since your... Memorable wedding?" he asked with a hint of disgust.

"I have been well, thank you. I have this one to keep me company" i said looking down at the small wolf. He growled at Otto as i saw him take a step back.

I tried to stop him but he really did not seem to like Otto. "I'm sorry about him but he won't do anything to harm you" i said. "Really? Is that why you came back to your wedding celebrations covered in blood?" he asked.

I gave him a fake smile as i turned away from him. Otto put a small foot stool in front of the balcony so Rhaenyra could see better as i stood behind her.

She turned around quickly and signalled for me to come closer to her. Otto gave me a judging look as i slowly walked towards the balcony. The first man walked forward and gave a small bow. "Ser Desmond Karen" Otto announced.

"A fine knight, princess. Son of Ser Royce Karen. Desmond has proved to be a strong and steady knight. While travelling through the kings wood on his way to kings landing, he beheaded a deer as a gift for you."

Rhaenyra gave me a disgusted look as she leaned in towards me. "What do you think? Too old, right?" she questioned. "Much too old... And too bold for his own good. I can tell" i whispered.

She laughed as she leaned back out. I felt Ottos stares burn into the back of my neck. "You might thank Ser Desmond for his gift, princess" Otto whispered to Rhaenyra.

"We thank you for your... Generous gift, Ser" Rhaenyra said. The man nodded as the next man from the line up walked towards us. "Ser Raemond Mallister. Son of Lord Lyman Mallister of Seagur" Otto announced.

"Winner of the melee at cider hall. He was the last mountain of three in twenty nights" Otto said as he looked for a reaction... But Rhaenyras face was blank.

"Do any of these knights have real combat experience? Beyond capturing poachers and killing deer?" she asked. Otto let out a sigh and nodded.

"Ser Criston Cole. "Son of the steward of lord Blackheath."

The man walked forward and gave a small bow. It was obvious the man was quite attractive and most certainly the most attractive guard in the line up of all the men.

Rhaenyra raised her eyebrows as she looked at me. I tried to cover my laugh as i looked at the floor. "Be welcome Ser Criston. You saw combat in the stormlands?" she asked.

"Dornish marches, princess. I fought for a year as a foot solider against the Dornish incursions" he replied. Rhaenyra looked to me and gave me a quizzical look.

"He seems young. Good health... Not the worst on the eyes. And he seems kind, so he won't be irritating when you have to spend time with him" i whispered in her ear.

She smirked. "I choose Ser Criston Cole" she said stepping of the foot stool. "Let's not be too hasty princess... And let's not let anyone else's opinion affect yours" Otto said giving me a death stare.

"I have decided. And no one else's opinion has affected mine. Only the people i trust" she said. I looked at the floor as i realised she was hinting to Otto. Rhaenyra walked away quickly as i followed.

As i walked behind her, Otto grabbed my arm tightly and held me back. "May i speak with you... Lady Targaryen" he spat like his words would hurt.

"Could you let go of me please?" i mumbled as i tried to release my arm from his grasp. "I need to speak with you now" he said squeezing my arm tighter. He kept his voice down so no one would see i was struggling.

Before i could speak, my cub quickly sunk his teeth into Ottos ankle. He pushed me to the floor and tried to push the cub away, but the small cub refused to let go.

"Hey!" i shouted. As i shouted, he let go immediately. Ser Criston and another knight ran over to us as they saw the hassle. "I am... So sorry Otto. I... I need to train him more... I just didn't think he'd do anything like this" i said still in shock.

"That mutt is like the reincarnation of Maegor! You need to get that thing out of the castle. Or better yet, have his head hung on the wall!" Otto exclaimed. "I apologise. I will get him under control... He just does not like when anyone seems to try and threaten me" i said sternly.

Ottos angry face faded. Ser Criston helped me up off the floor as another guard helped Otto to find the maesters. I sighed as i watched him walk away. Rhaenyra was standing in the hall, obviously trying to hold in her laugh about the whole situation.

"Are you alright miss?" Ser Criston asked. "I'm fine. Thank you, Ser Criston" i said. "That was... Quite the show your little pup put on" he said. "It sure was" i mumbled picking the cub up in my arms.

"He seems quite pleasant with you" he said. "He usually is pleasant... He just does not like Otto Hightower" i mumbled.

"He'll be fine. All he'll be left with is a small scar. We're lucky that he's still only a cub" he said. I smiled and nodded.

"Ser Criston. I want to welcome you formally to the kings guard" Rhaenyra said as Ser Criston lit up to see her. I smiled as the both of them conversed. As they spoke, Ottos words circled my in my head.

"That mutt is like the reincarnation of Maegor."

My father often told me the story of the "cruel and ruthless" Maegor. It was my mothers favourite story to tell apparently.

I lifted the cub and looked into his crimson, red eyes. I had never heard of a cub as viscous as him from such a young age. "What about Maegor? Do you look like a Maegor?" i said to myself. The wolf pup did not respond.

"Maegor... Azalea Hightower and her blood thirsty wolf , Maegor."

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