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By HoneyLixie00

135K 5.7K 4.5K

"Every piece of me aches for you." -- Being transferred to a new school just before the year started was the... More

Epilogue | New Beginning
Epilogue II | Matrimony


1.1K 46 56
By HoneyLixie00


I leaned forward in my desk and poked the nape of Jungkook's neck with the eraser of my pencil. He shuttered and didn't pay much attention to it as he was focusing on the lesson.

I took the eraser end and traced a small line down the back of his neck that made him shift in his seat slowly to face me. His eyes met mine with a glare.

I had to stifle my laughter as he torn a piece of paper from his notebook, crumbled it up and chucked it at me.

I hear a snort of laughter somewhere and my eyes searched, until they landed on Jisung who had been watching me pick on Jungkook this entire time.

I smiled and turned back to Kook, sticking my tongue out at him. In return, he gave me the finger.

"Mr. Hwang!" The teacher called on me and my head immediately snapped up.

"Y-yes sir?"

"Would you mind repeating the last thing I just said?"

"To find the number of protons and electrons in an atom, you simply need to look at the atomic number?" I was goofing around, yes. But I'm not fucking deaf.

"Hmm." The teacher squinted at me and flattened his lips. "Okay, but keep your eyes up here."

I nodded, only to look at Jisung and both of us muffled our laughter as our teacher turned his back.

I took my pencil and began poking at Jungkook's neck again. Despite not being able to see his face, I knew he was smiling at my antics.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I immediately paused my situation to check it. Jungkook had texted me a bunch of knife emotions with a smiley face and a heart. I rolled my eyes with a smile, and when I looked back up at him. He was turned to face me, holding his own pencil as if it were a knife.

I faked being scared.

"Mr. Jeon. Mr. Hwang, I expect if you don't want detention, you both pay attention!" Just as the teacher stated that, the bell rang for the end of class. I giggled at the timing and shrugged my shoulder, grabbing my bag as I rose to my feet.

Jisung and Jungkook joining me at my sides. Jungkook still wasn't very fond of him, understandably, but I noticed he was slowly warming up to the thought of him being around.

"Hyunjin, you messing with me during lessons is gonna get us both killed." Jungkook laughed.

"Dude, I was watching the whole time. I couldn't help but laugh." Jisung piped in and Jungkook giggled with him. See? He's warming up. "Oh! But I gotta go! I'm meeting up with someone before next period, see you guys at lunch!"

Before we could ask who, he scampered off down the hallway in a very hurried fashion. Kook and I shared a look before shrugging and continuing our walk in the opposite direction.

"So! Any updates on when Taehyung is coming to town to see you?"

"He said he could come see me over spring break, since both our schools let out for it at the same time. I'm jealous that he gets and extra week for it though. College seems so much easier." Kook said, as Jeongin hoped right on up beside us.

"That means I'll get to met him right? Cause I'm staying here for Spring Break. My people back at home will be too busy, so there no point in going home to see them." I admitted and I noticed a frown on Jeongin's face.

"Yea, I'm staying too, we can spend that week together then. Finally get some real quality time in." We stopped at Jungkook's classroom and waved him off.

"You're staying here for spring break?" Jeongin frowned.

"Yea. I mean most of everyone is gonna be gone, might be good to have peace and quiet." I said.

"I won't be staying." Jeongin said.

"Yea, we'll we have a month and a half to prepare for a week of separation. I think we will be fine baby."

"I know. I just don't like the idea of being hours away from you." He said and gave me a kiss on the check before dropping me off at my class.

"See you after class?" I asked him.

"Of course." He smiled and I hugged him, letting him go to watch him leave.


The hallways on the way to the lunch room were cramped. Mostly from students just taking up space and gossiping about the hottest rumor at the moment.

I had to squeeze past people who wouldn't move out of the way just to get to Jeongin's locker, which was also surrounded by people. My boyfriend was cramped between groups.

The moment my arm wrapped around his waist he turned around and immediately hugged me. A couple of the girls on our left noticed our I teration and backed away a little, giving each other whispers. About what, I could care less.

"Let's get lunch, I'm hungry." He spoke with a smile, then took my hand and closed his locker. We trekked through crowded halls towards the cafeteria. The lines weren't that long as everyone seemed to outside the walls of this room. At least for now. Half of our group already seated with their lunch trays, so we collected our own and joined them. Them being Cheongsan, San, Joong, Changbin and Seungmin.

Eventually Felix, Jisung, Huening Kai and Kook made their way to the table. I still had a automatic discomforting reaction to Huening Kai, stirring slightly as he said down across from me at the table. To which he obviously noticed and frowned. Guilt started to rise up in my chest. As much as I wanted to welcome him now, I couldn't help it. It got even worse when him and Jeongin would start talking and laughing.

But this time he was quiet for a while, picking around his food and slowly eating bites. Occasionally glancing back up at me, I would look away not wanting to be caught watching his moves.

He sat up straight and put his utensils down. A domineering aura taking over him. "Hyunjin, can I talk to you out in the hall?" He stood and started walking out. The whole table fell silent.

I looked at Jeongin, who held a confused yet worried expression on his face. He looked from where Huening Kai was to me. "Go." He whispered.

I slowly got up and made my way after him. I found him leaning against the wall, just outside the doors. The air outside was chilly as the sky was covered in rain clouds.

"Why outside?" I shyly asked.

"It's more private." His tone was different, slightly deeper than normal. "Listen, I want to just clarify something. Do you still have a problem with me?"

"I- no, I just.." my brain couldn't seem to work fast enough to let my mouth speak. "It's just difficult I guess. After knowing what happened between you and... but I'm not as upset about it anymore."

"But you're still upset?" He crossed his arms.

"Wouldn't you?" My tone was small in comparison to his, I tried to seem as little hostile as possible, which seemed to be working entirely as Huening Kai seemed more hostile than I did.

He sighed, "yes, I guess I would."

"Look, I don't mean to seem hostile with you. I'm just still trying to get used to all of it. I know you and Innie have a close friendship. I'm not going to stop that." I shrugged. "I guess I just need more time to.. forget it, I guess."

"Well, if this makes you feel any better. I'm not going to try to get with Jeongin." He admitted. "I have a boyfriend, officially as of yesterday."

"It kind of does, I guess."

"So can we at least try to be friends? For both our boyfriends sake?" He held out his hand for me to shake, so I took it.

"Yea, we can try." I have a small friendly smile. Then it faltered a little. "Wait, it your boyfriend also in our friend group?"

He only smiled and walked back inside. I chased him, trying to pry information out. But to no avail as we sat back down at our seats.

"Come on, tell me." I whispered across the table.

"Tell you what?" Jeongin asked and Huening Kai immediately sighed.

"He won't tell me who his boyfriend is, apparently he's at our table." I said out loud and everyone became interested. I watched as Huening Kai shared a secret glance with someone. That someone then stood up and walked over to sit next to him.

Everyone was shocked.

"You and Jisung?! Really? Oh my god he was your love interest?!" Jeongin got all loud and excited.

"Jisung, is he who you ran of to meet this morning?" Kook piped in and suddenly everyone started asking questions.

After it all calmed down though and we were a little less shocked about the two being a couple, conversation and jokes sparked around the table.

I found myself engaging in and laughing with everyone, even when Huening Kai spoke.

I smiled to myself.

Maybe he wasn't all that bad.



How many of you were surprised by Huening Kai and Jisung? Lol.

It's a short cutesy chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I figured I'd give you guys some fluff chapter before the other drama comes in.

Hope you're all doing okay! I love you! Remember to take care of yourselves. And remember that trying is still okay, cause sometimes trying is all you can do!

Til next update,
Cece <3

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