The Wolf and The Merman♡

By lil_kitten_3

4.5K 209 106

Indigan mayne, a merman next in line for the thrown to be Sire, swims out of his Kingdom a few miles from hom... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaoter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 17

144 3 9
By lil_kitten_3

Just a little hint for ya'll thirsty bitches, Smut will come in due time.. Butt NOTTT rnnn,,, probably plan on doing it 30 chapters in or so

Baby steps and be patient Darling.. In due time you'll be rolling your eyes back or throwing your phone...😴

(dear cousin, literally be patient you thirsty hoe🙄)- from ur fav cousin ever.


Indigans POV

Shit.. "GO THE FUCK AWAY. I SAID I DONT NEED HELPP!!!" this idiot wolf is trying to come into this place called a bathroom, all cuz I slipped on my ass.

not to mention.. I'M FUCKING NAKED!!

"Open this damn door. Now." he had the audacity to growl and try to pull the door open. After I've repeatedly stated that I'm fine.

Ugh good thing I have super-human strength.

"FOR THE MILLIONTH TIMEE IM OKAYYYY!!!" I growl at him and keep my grip on the door handle, which is probably, going to be broken in a minute.

"You have five fucking seconds Little boy." Wha-

He did not just do that.

"1.." well shit. I look around and see what I can use to cover myself really quickly with and I see I have a hood thats by the sink and the boxers on the toilet.

"2" he lets go of the handle and I hear him back up, he's super mad.

Its his fault I'm in this mess in the first placee. Okay gotta focus he's on 3 seconds and his aura is literally getting more dominant with each one.

I will NOT submit.

I let go of the door quietly and slip the hoodie on, and it reachest mid thigh, I then quickly grab the new boxers and slip those on as well. Looks like I'm gonna have to open the door and await punishment... little me is not excited about this, but I can't let what m-my brother did hold me in fear.

I just hope he doesn't hit me.. or lock me away.... that's what brother did... anytime i wasn't quick enough or if i had slept in, and so much more..

With shaking hands I crack the door open and look down at his feet waiting for something, anything really. I can hear his ragged breathing and his fists are clenched, while his muscles are tense.

I can't help but shake a bit, my palms are hot and sweating, my gut is getting a bad tingling feeling, making me want to throw up, my breathing is quiet and if anything I'm not breathing much at all. I bite the imside corner of my lip hard, probably going to cause a blister, but its to distract me from the bad tingling.

All I'm doing is hoping he won't hit me, but I did come to realize that maybe.. just maybe I deserved the pain brother inflicted on me. Maybe the hits were worth it, I've learned to be quiet when the time is needed. I've learned when to move or how to sneak around. I've learned to make up excuses for everything, and to take the blame even if something isn't my fault.

or was it all.. truly on me, and I'm just too selfish to realize it.

These thoughts keep invading my mind, even if I try to fight them away. Its just thought after thought after thought, and I guess I'm too in my head because I didn't notice Cole's whole demeaner dropped and he was calling my name, with his hand on my cheek.

I'm guessing I look like a shell, with my eyes and face blank.. heh... another thing I've learned to do, shut down everything on the outside while I dwell on the past and ruthless, but true thoughts. He keeps calling my name but I'm too into my head to snap out of it.

On the outside, he has picked me up like a baby, putting me on his hip, with my head on his shoulder while he holds me firmly. He then walks to, I'm assuming, a bed, and lays down with me. Our bodies face each other, while his thigh is between mine, and one arm under his head, while the other keeps me to him, giving me a small sense of security.

He has his head on top of mine, while my head is under his chin, close to his neck. He is giving off a small growl and vibration thing mixed together, helping my nerves and body on the outside diminish. My arms are folded, making my hands go by my chin. I hear him faintly saying sweet words, and calling me sweet things.

"eety little All.. Mine.. My.. aby.." I can hear most of the words but they cut out. I feel so lost, but I can definitely feel his warmth and the comfort signals he's sending me. I may not be able to move much or hear and see much but I can feel.

I'm just a little surprised that he didn't lash out on me.. or is he waiting for me to come out of it, so he can yell and degrade me, maybe even throw me on the floor...

s-shut up.. he's my mate.. he.. couldn't hurt me ...thst much ...right?...

I can feel that I'm shaking, and I know he can sense it this time, because I can't hide my smell of emotions like this. So it's stronger, and him being a wolf, and an Alpha at that, means he can sense any and all type of emotion.

The warmth is gone, and I panic, I can't exactly see but I can kind of smell things. I can still feel his presence, which is close by, but it's making my fear and thoughts worse. Everything and all the voices, and thoughts are getting stronger, just swirling there in my mind attatcking me like daggers.

I feel a dip in the bed and I hold my breath. I can tell this thing is big and heavy. please don't hurt me..

I hear sniffing, and I feel this thing turn me on my back, its soft. So soft, and it smells like Cole. He puts his head, I'm guessing he's in wolf form, on my chest, and one of his wolf arms on my tummy, giving me pressure and even more security.

Soon enough I'm fully relaxing as the thoughts and everything dissipitates slowly. I blink a bit rapidly, and breathe heavily, bringing one of my arms, that are under Wolfy out, feeling his fur.

I start at his head, feeling how thick and truly soft his fur is. Then I feel his ears, which are flattened to his head, probably showing me he's no threat, and I feel all the way down to his neck. His eyes are closed, as he keeps giving out the comforting vibration.

Each time I run my hand through his fur, slowly, from the top of his head, back to his neck, I calm and relax more and more. I smile and shift under him a bit, so I curl into him, bringing my hands to my chin, and knees to my chest. He lifts his head and turns on his side, I snuggle close to him and he lays his head above mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck, nuzzling his beautiful black and purple specked fur. I smile and he gives me a small happy growl. I keep my face in his neck smelling his amazing scent, while his fur hides my face and my arms, he has long and thick fur, but it's shorter on his back, and front side of his wolf arms.

wonder if he will notice if I slip? (into little space) jus fo a bits... (-just for a bit)

may b if m quiets he no notif (-maybe if im quiet, he won't notice)

"t-tank chu woofie" I whisper softly still buried in his fur, may b jus may b he no notiff. (t-thank you wolfie,... maybe just maybe he won't noticee)

He makes a small huff and his wolf face rubs my head. I giggle.

maybe he won huwt m.. (-maybe he won't hurt me)

Time Skip, to after cuddle session and both of their showers

Cole's POV

I come out of the bathroom, dressed in a dark purple suit, with black shoes, and a black tie. My hair is slicked back, and the slit in my right brow is showing.

I put on cologn and when I walk out I see my little fishy all cuddled up in the blanket with his shoes coming off.

I wish we could cuddle and sleep, but right now we gotta get going, so that being said I walk over to the bed, and kiss his cheek, shaking him a bit. He whines and turns on his side putting a pillow over his head. I chuckle, cute but its 3pm and I want to go get him clothes.

I sigh and sit on the bed, gently putting the shoes back on him, as well as tying them. I shake him, and put a hand on his hip squeezing it a bit,  and just like that, Little Fishy is up.

He looks at me and I smile at him "Time to get up Sweet boy. We gotta go, your friend is already waiting downstairs with Jake"

He nods, rubbing his eyes and gets up, I take his hand and go downstairs.

Bleh I just want a nappp. Ok bye.

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