The Lost Child - Derek Hale x...

By mrsstruggles

110K 3.3K 389

Teen Wolf x Marvel AU Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 19

2.4K 68 9
By mrsstruggles

Scott, Stiles, and Derek pulled up to the sheriff's station in Stiles' jeep. Stiles knew that his dad would already be at work and his cruiser parked in front of the station proved he was right.

"My mom should be here in a minute. I told her to meet us here before she went to work." Scott informs them.

"How the hell am I going to tell my dad all of this?" Stiles sighs, tapping his keys nervously against his steering wheel.

"I should be the one to tell him that she's gone." Derek states from the backseat. His harsh gaze hasn't left his hands since he got in the jeep.

"Why you?" Stiles turns around to look at Derek with a confused look on his face.

"When we told him we were dating he made me promise to keep her safe. I've broken that promise." Derek states, his gaze moving from his hands to Stiles.

"Technically I'm the one who broke that promise. I was the one in the car with her when she was taken."

"He's not going to see it that way." Derek shifts his gaze back to his hands.

"My mom's here," Scott states, watching his mom pull into the parking lot. They exit the jeep and walk towards the station as Melissa does the same.

"I have to be at work in an hour so this better be good," Melissa grumbles, walking into the station with the boys walking in behind her. "Where's Y/N? She doesn't have to be at work for another few hours. Why isn't she with you?"

"That's what we're here to talk about," Stiles mutters under his breath, walking into his dad's office.

The sheriff looks up from the paper he's going over on his desk as they walk into his office, "What's going on?"

"Dad," Stiles takes a deep breath, "we need to talk."

Scott closes the door behind him as he walks in behind his mom. He locks the door before closing the blinds in the office so no one can see their conversation. "Mom, you might want to sit down for this as well."

Melissa gives Scott a confused look but sits down on the couch without any questions. Scott just told her that it was urgent she met them this morning and she's just hoping it isn't another creature attacking Beacon Hills. Or worse, another one of their friends is dead.

"Where's Y/N? Is she at work?" Sheriff Stilinski questions.

"Um, no, um...Y/N was, um, taken last night," Stiles informs him with a guilty look on his face.


"She was taken by a group called Hydra. They're a terrorist organization. They're also the reason Y/N is the way that she is." Derek states.

"Wh-What does that mean?" Melissa asks. Why would some terrorist organization have any interest in Y/N?

"They're the reason she's a werewolf and they're the reason for her other abilities as well. They had several projects and she was called Project Shadow Wolf. They gave her abilities and they put her through tests to enhance her skills and stuff. Their goal was to eventually use her as an unstoppable weapon." Stiles explains quickly. His hands were flying everywhere during his explanation.

Melissa and Noah feel like the wind was just knocked out of them. This can't be real. This doesn't make any sense.

"I-I don't, um, I don't understand. She was five when she came to us. Did she know about this all along?" Noah rubs his hand down his face in a stressed manner.

"She was actually four and no, she didn't know. Someone has put a block in her mind preventing her from remembering anything," Scott informs him.

"How do you know all of this? If she was taken last night and she was taken by some huge terrorist organization, then how do you know?" Melissa questions them.

"Her, um, her original family kinda filled us in on some things," Scott mumbles.

"Her what?"

"Her real name is supposedly Y/N Stark," Stiles states, looking back and forth between Melissa and his dad. He doesn't like how unusually silent his dad is.

"You found her birth parents?" Melissa questions. She doesn't like how vague they're being.

"No, we found the people who adopted her first." Scott sits down next to his mom.

"First?" Noah quietly asks.

"She was dropped off at the Avengers headquarters when she was a few months old. Tony Stark and Pepper Potts ended up adopting her themselves. During her brother Peter's birthday party, she was taken from them, and on her tenth birthday, they supposedly found her remains. But they didn't. She was taken by Hydra and eventually rescued by some witches and some werewolf packs before somehow ending up on our doorstep." Stiles explains.

"How did you find them? Are you sure they know Y/N?" Melissa questions.

"Tony's son Peter was taken with Y/N. They're Earth's Mightiest Avengers so we knew they'd be able to help us find them. When we got there they had Hydra's files on Y/N and that's when we put all the pieces together and we found out that Y/N is Y/N Stark. We didn't believe them at first, but she is Y/N Stark." Stiles hates admitting that out loud but there has yet to be anything proving his suspicion wrong.

Derek can practically smell the fear and the sadness wafting from both Noah and Melissa. Fear seems to be Melissa's main emotion while Noah mostly reeks of sadness.

"You said something about the Avengers. Are they the superheroes you are always talking about?" The sheriff looks to Stiles for an answer.

Stiles nods his head yes at his dad's question, "They have a lake house here that they're staying at."

There was a moment of silence before Melissa spoke up, "How was she taken?"

"Last night we were on our way to drop Peter Stark back to his family when we were hit by a large SUV. That's when some Hydra agents tranquilized them and took them." Stiles explains.

"You didn't try to stop them?" Noah looks at Derek.

"I was the only one with them and I was trapped in the backseat while they had about twenty guns aimed at them," Stiles states, making sure his dad knew that it wasn't Derek's fault. It was his.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect her." Derek quietly states.

Noah sighs and shakes his head, "It's not your fault. If they're a terrorist organization and if they were the ones who took her when she was young, they would've gotten to her eventually. Do you have any idea where they have her now?"

"We searched a location last night, but she wasn't there. We've split up to rest and we're meeting back up in a few hours." Scott informs them.

"Once you find Y/N, what does her other family plan on doing? Are they going to try and take her back to wherever with them?" Melissa asks, worried about what their intentions might be with Y/N.

"This is Y/N we're talking about. She's not going anywhere with them. She doesn't even know who they are. This is her family. She's not going anywhere." Scott tries to comfort them. He knows what they're all thinking. He can tell it's what Stiles has been thinking for hours now. Y/N isn't going anywhere because they are her family, not the Avengers.

"I want to go with you when you go back. I don't care who these people are but she's my daughter and I'm going to help you find her." Noah states. The look in his eyes let the others know that there is no debating what he said.


The Avengers have now gathered around Peter in his room. He knows something bad must have happened, judging by their faces. All he did was ask his dad where Y/N was. Tony doesn't even know who Y/N is.

"Did something else happen when I was gone? You're all looking at me like I'm dying. Did you happen to find a girl as well?" Peter asks them.

"Peter, we need to tell you something about Y/N. She's your sister." Tony slowly states.

"What?" Peter had a hunch and he thought there was a possibility that Y/N was his sister, but he never truly thought that she was.

"Fury lied to us. He's been lying to us for years actually. He told us she was dead when she was very much still alive. You asked me the other day if I thought there was a possibility that Y/N could still be alive. You asked me that after we met her. Did you know something then?"

"My spidey-senses seemed to recognize her, but I didn't truly believe that she was my sister. I thought that I was trying to make things up in my head because we are back at the lake house. How do you know it's her? I need to see her." Peter tries to get out of bed before Steve quickly stops him.

"Are we sure him and the other twitchy boy aren't related?" Bucky questions.

"We met Y/N's friends and they told us all about her. We also have her files from Hydra and videos they took of her when they first took her." Steve informs him.

"Where is she?" Peter quietly asks.

"She's not here." Tony gives him a sad look as he answers Peter's question. "We looked everywhere in Hydra's base, and they moved her somewhere else before we got there."

"Do you know where she is now?"

"Not yet, but we will find her, and we will bring her back home," Tony informs him.


Maybe saying Y/N remembers everything is a stretch, but she remembers a lot. She remembers the night she was taken. She remembers the tests that Hydra made her do. She remembers the day she wasn't fast enough to save a girl called Maddy from getting killed during one of those tests. She remembers that she wasn't the only kid they were testing on, she's just the only one who lived. She remembers the day she was saved, and she remembers the witch who put the block in her mind.

She even remembers who the Avengers are to her.

Tony Stark is her dad. Well, not her birth dad but he's her dad. He's the one who adopted her first. Then there's her aunts and her uncles. Her uncle Thor was the one who gave her the bear she still cherishes to this day. Her uncle Bucky was the one who nicknamed her petal because he caught her chewing on a flower once when she was one. Her Aunt Nat and Aunt Wanda who helped her make the bracelet she gave to Maddy to give her something to hold at night.

She also remembers that Peter is her brother. Peter is her fucking brother. That's why the guy kept telling her she had to choose between her brother and the three werewolves. Does he know that she's his sister? Did the others know who she is? Is that why they're in Beacon Hills?

Her head hurts from all the thoughts and questions that are running through her mind. All the pain and suffering she went through is now so present in her mind. She thought she had dealt with true hurt with everything that had happened in Beacon Hills in the last few years but none of it compares to the hurt Hydra has caused her. How could they do such awful things to children?

Y/N collapsed to the ground after the memories hit her hard. She hasn't been able to move since. Her body feels so numb, and she doesn't think she could move it even if she tried. Maybe Hydra will think she's dead and just leave her alone.

"Do you think she remembers now?" Rumlow asks, staring at the girl on the screen in front of him.

"Something made her scream. I don't know if she remembers everything, but she remembers something." Gerard mumbles. He's trying to decide whether she only remembers that one memory or if she remembers more. He's assuming she passed out because she hasn't moved for several minutes.

"Should we go in and wake her up?"

"Let her rest. She'll need her strength later." If they completely tore down the wall in Y/N's mind, Gerard knows they need to give her some time to process everything. She won't be very useful when she's a mess.

The real question is, how do they plan on controlling her? Hydra originally took her and several other children because if they started controlling them from a young age then the control would be harder to break when they're older. The technology they used in the Winter Soldier Project ultimately failed them, so they decided to use children instead. But Y/N's an adult now. They have nothing to brainwash her and she's not a kanima. How do they control her now?

"What plans do you have with her?" Rumlow questions.

Gerard turns his head away from the screens in front of him to look at Rumlow, "I have many plans with her. My question is how do you plan to control her? If we have broken her mind free from its hold, she's going to realize she's a lot more powerful than she thinks she is. She won't be able to control that, nor will she be able to control her anger. She's not going to willingly do what we say."

"I've got a person coming in to help get her under our control." Rumlow vaguely replies.


"Her name's Agatha Harkness."

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