
By smashfiction

45.5K 3.5K 256

Book 3 to Snatched Seven earthlings are snatched unceremoniously from their homes in the dead of night. Impri... More

Aisha & Quinton
Alexis & Drake
Karina & Silo
Kylie & Lew
Aisha & Quinton
Myeong & Roco
Brenda & Zibry
Kylie & Lew
Alexis & Drake
Karina & Silo
Chloe & Tor
Suriani & Halo
Rachel & Miktar
Aisha & Quinton
Myeong & Roco
Chloe & Tor
Karina & Silo
Rachel & Miktar
Kylie & Lew
Aisha & Quinton
Suriani & Halo
Rachel & Miktar
Chloe & Tor
Myeong & Roco
Aisha & Quinton
Myeong & Roco
Chloe & Tor
Alexis & Drake
Brenda & Zibry
Myeong & Roco
Kylie & Lew
Rachel & Miktar
Juan & Clint
Kylie & Lew
Chloe & Tor
Karina & Silo
Myeong & Roco
To be continued ...
Book 4: Taken
Part 5: Trapped
Part 6: Changed
Part 7: Renewed

Rachel & Miktar

1K 88 4
By smashfiction

Miktar watched from his spot at the table as Rachel sat on the edge of the bed, gazing quietly through the window. Her long blonde hair trailed freely down her back. Her soulful eyes were darker than usual. Her journey to Rictor 5 and her reunion with her father had been successful but she was sad. She was a different Rachel to when she'd first left the mother ship.

She should be sad. I'm taking her away from her family. The rest of the women had been much the same. Miktar took another mouthful of his soup. Rachel's meal sat untouched.

'Don't you have anyone back on Zibon 8 you miss, Miktar?' she said.

'Not particularly.'

'What about your parents? Brothers, sisters, friends?'

'The family unit doesn't work quite the same for us Zibons. I knew my parents when I was young but once I came of age I was taken into schooling. There, I made a new family.'

'Sounds kind of sad.'

Miktar shrugged. 'I was tearful a little but not for long. That is how it's done.'

'What about siblings?'

'I have seven brothers.'


'It's quite normal. Fertile female Zibons are expected to birth as many children as possible.'

Rachel was looking at him wide-eyed. It seemed like she wanted to say something, only to change her mind. 'Any-any sisters?'

'Unfortunately, no. Females are few. A girl is highly valued. If I were to have a sister, I wouldn't have known her anyway. They're all whisked away to the female quarters where every effort is made to make her fit and healthy for breeding.'

Rachel's mouth fell open.

'But don't worry! The same won't happen with you. You are not a Zibon.'

She turned to the window, looking pensive.

'I had friends but we all must move on. And now I have new friends.' He paused. 'Are you okay?'

'Sorry.' Her face scrunched up as she forced a smile. 'I'm being a bit of a downer right now, aren't I?'

'You're allowed to be.'

'I'm just ... grieving a little. And I'm ... and I'm a little scared. Seeing my father for the last time really drove it home—what I'm doing. The impossibility of what I'm doing. Aliens.' She laughed. 'You can't make this shit up.'

'Don't be scared of me.'

'I'm not scared of you. Just ... everything else.'

Miktar's heart sank at the sight of the tears in her eyes. She squeezed her hands between her thighs, her shoulders hunched. Miktar didn't think. He stood and went over. Taking her hands, he helped her up, then pulled her into his arms.

'I'll look after you.' He kissed her on the cheek. 'I'll love you like nobody else.'

Rachel didn't speak, her face buried into his shoulder as she dug her fingers into his waist. She was stiff and quiet and Miktar knew she was trying her best not to burst into tears.

Neither of them moved for some time. Finally, she turned her face and Miktar held his breath as her lips brushed against the nape of his neck. Then she kissed him there. Miktar pulled back, his eyes darting between hers. Was she ready? She gave a quivering smile. Biting her lip, she leaned in. Miktar kissed her back.

Then he was pushing her onto the bed. He laid her down, lying on top of her as he nuzzled her neck, just where she'd nuzzled him. With a gasp, she slid her hands up under his shirt. Miktar kissed her down her throat, then moved back to her flushed face where he kissed her on the mouth, spreading her lips open so he could slide his tongue against hers.

Then her hands were at his pants. Miktar jerked away and stripped. He stood before her naked as she lay upon the bed staring up at him. He watched her as she studied his body, wondering what she was thinking. She stared at his cock. Stared and stared.

'Something wrong?'

Her eyes darted to his and she flushed. 'No. Just ... just admiring you.'

She sat up, her face level with his penis. Miktar gasped as she leaned in to kiss it. Grabbing his backside, she kissed him all along his shaft. Then she gently grabbed his balls, massaging them in her hand. Miktar stifled a groan.

'I miss this,' she murmured. 'Being with a man. And I've never been with one quite like you before.'

'I miss it too. Being with a woman, I mean.' He gave a crooked smile.

She laughed. 'Aisha told me that it's the semen that does it.'

'That's right.'

'So ... does it work if I swallow?'


Rachel gnawed at her lip. 'I want my mouth around you but I want you inside me when we ... when we come.'

'I can manage that.'

It hurt to swallow. His heart was beating in his throat now. She leaned in and Miktar grabbed onto her lovely head with a gasp. Her lips. Her tongue. Her breath and wetness. He dragged his fingers down through her hair as she moved slowly back and forth.

She released him. As she stared up at him, Miktar's heart did a little tumble. His hips jerked towards her. And then he was upon her. He pulled off her shirt, revealing a pair of breasts that immediately filled his hands and mouth. They tasted as delicious as they looked.

Rachel was grabbing onto his head, gasping and grunting. He kissed her breasts one final time before turning towards her pants. She kicked off her shoes as he yanked them off. Then he shoved up her thighs and his mouth was upon her. She squealed.

'Miktar!' Throwing an arm across her face, she laughed.

Miktar's chest bubbled with laughter as he stuck his tongue deep inside her. Then he kissed her on her labia like he would her mouth, lovingly, passionately. Her thighs were smooth. Her feet were so tiny. He kissed her hip bones, then moved over her. He kissed her abdomen, between her breasts, then onto her breasts again and again, sucking her nipples into his mouth like he wanted to eat them.

He growled. He actually growled! Rachel choked with laughter. His lips were upon her neck, then on her mouth again, where she became quiet.


Rachel could not believe this was happening. It all felt so surreal. Wonderful but surreal. He was hot against her. Heavy and huge. She could feel his erection pressing hard against her tummy, throbbing with blood. So eager. And it was so unbelievably massive! It seemed to be the entire length of her abdomen.

He slid his hands into hers, pinning them into the mattress as he mauled her mouth. Miktar. Miktar. Miktar. I'm going to bond with Miktar. He was a doctor but that was okay. She'd get over it. Rachel almost laughed into his mouth.

'What's so funny?'

'Nothing. Nothing!' She shrieked as he blew his lips into her neck.

'I like the way you squirm,' he breathed into her throat.

He reached between her legs, stroking her.

Rachel moaned. 'I'm ready. Just do it.'

Miktar pressed his mouth against hers. Rachel spread her thighs, bracing herself as he positioned his hips. His erection felt heavy, bumping against her thighs.

It found her. Rachel sucked in a breath as he pushed inside her, raising her hips slightly as she took him inside. In and in, he went. He seemed to go forever. No man she'd ever been with had ever felt like this. She worried she couldn't handle him. He stretched her until she stung. She hadn't known she could go so wide.

Rachel kissed him hard as she tightened her grip on his hands. Then he was in all the way. He pulled back to look at her, his long dark hair dishevelled, his yellow eyes gleaming. He was flushed. A bead of sweat trickled down behind his ear. Breathtakingly handsome. She couldn't look away.

'You okay?'

Rachel nodded as she gazed into his striking face. Then he pushed. Rachel arched her throat. She felt his lips press against her. Then he pulled back and thrust again. Then he was moving steadily, sliding in and out more easily than she'd expected. They seemed to fit perfectly. More than perfectly. Pleasure shot up and down the length of her channel in a way it had never done before. Usually it took concentration to orgasm but Miktar was making it easy. No brain work. Just body. His size and skill were triggering all her millions of nerves.

This was the way it was supposed to be done!

'Miktar!' she gasped. 'Oh my God, I'm coming already.'

'Good,' he breathed into her neck.

He thrust hard again and again as Rachel rocked along with him. She felt the pleasure rise. She felt the heat explode. She rocked faster, then bucked her hips with a shudder and a scream that rang around the room. Rachel slapped a hand to her mouth, embarrassed.

Miktar didn't seem to notice, growling as he throbbed into her. Rachel rode with him, feeling the sudden heat as his magical sperm filled her up. His shaft throbbed again and again, and she imagined him jetting inside her, pouring into her like thickened cream. Her mouth filled with saliva as she thought of sucking him.

Rachel writhed beneath him as Miktar kept her pinned to the mattress. He let her go and Rachel grabbed onto his arms, baring her teeth. She kissed him hard, shoving her tongue down his throat. She needed him inside her in every way possible. She needed his saliva and semen and breath and heat. It felt like every pore was open to him, sucking him in. It was a feeling so intense it felt similar to what she imagined drug addiction was like. Insatiable. Calling to her.

The bond. Stage 1 of the bond and she already felt like this? How was she going to survive it?

Finally, Miktar ripped his lips away. They were glaring into each other's eyes. Rachel could see the same intensity in his face that she felt within herself. It felt almost ... painful.

'I need more,' she gasped, digging her fingers into his forearms. 'More, more, more.'

She cried out as he pushed more deeply into her.

'Deeper!' She lifted her backside and he slid in slightly more. 'More!'

'That's as far as I can go.'

'I need more!' Rachel grabbed onto his ass, trying to push him in. But he was right—there was no more of him. Why couldn't he be bigger? What couldn't she be deeper? 'It hurts!' Her throat swelled with tears. She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream.

'We need to finish,' he gasped and began bucking his hips. Rachel cried out at the prickling of his shaft against her channel. In, out, in, out.

'I feel like I'm dying,' she said. 'Faster. Harder. More. Fuck me. Fuck me.' She gritted her teeth.

Miktar bucked and thrust, slamming into her so hard that her breasts bounced upon her chest. Her vagina was burning and tingling and yet aching at the same time, like nothing could satisfy it. But the pain in her chest was worse.

It took longer this time. Too damn long. It felt like forever. Then he groaned and Rachel felt a rush of heat flood her body. It made her gasp. It made her skin prickle with sweat. Miktar's lips were at her throat as he rocked away the rest of his orgasm. Rachel wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling herself in closer.

They clung to each other, panting and sweating. She rested her hands upon the big scapulas in his back, feeling strangely calm. He shifted. His face was flushed, his eyes were bloodshot. Then he was kissing her. He sucked at her throat.

'I feel better,' she said.

'It's not over yet.'


Closing her eyes, she felt his heart beating against hers. She imagined the blood rushing through his veins and imagined that she could feel it too. Her eyes snapped open. Or was she really feeling it?

She looked at him in disbelief. 'I feel you.'


'Like you're a part of me. Like I'm only half of a whole.'

'It's the bond.'

'And this is really normal for you species?'

His yellow eyes were gleaming. He brushed the hair form her face, then leaned in to kiss her on the neck. 'I'll get you some water.'

Slowly, he eased out of her. And just like he'd entered her, he seemed to go forever. Rachel stared. Somehow it was bigger than it had been before. It was certainly long but it was so thick! It was blushing red and gleamed against the light. Her eyes lifted to the muscles in his abdomen, then to his hard pecks and big shoulders. She met his eyes and saw that he was studying her in a similar way.

They couldn't keep their eyes off each other.

'I was doing something,' he said, his eyes upon her breasts.

'You were getting me some water.'

'Yes.' He shook himself. 'That's right. Water.' He was a bit wobbly as he went over to the little kitchenette, Rachel watching how his muscular ass moved. His long dark hair trailed down his back. He truly was magnificent. Rachel sat up, the need to grab onto him and suck on his skin making her tongue tingle. His lips. His Goddamn lips. Her own lips were starting to burn.

He was halfway through pouring the water when his hand started to shake. He spilled the water. Then he started to drink. When he was done, he put the cylinder down and turned. His yellow eyes were blazing.

'Wasn't that mine?' Rachel said.


'The water.'

'Was it?'

Puzzled, Rachel pressed a hand to her head. 'Pretty sure.' She stared and she stared. A muscle deep inside her pelvis clenched. She clutched at her chest with a grimace. There seemed to be something wrong with her heart. It was kicking around like an elephant. It was scary.

'I need you,' she gasped.

She stared at his penis. It was growing and swelling and flushing. She could see its massive, pulsing vein from her spot across the room. She licked her lips.

'Miktar.' Rachel held out her arms.

The big alien marched over, taking long powerful strides that made her heart gallop harder. Then he was in bed, his mouth upon hers. She'd barely spread her thighs before he was sliding into her again. Rachel gurgled as her body instinctively pulled towards him, as her body flushed with a wave of heat that almost took the air out of her lungs.

Closing her eyes, Rachel rode with him, both terrified and exhilarated. This was it. Her life would be unrecognisable from now on end.

'Uh, uh, uh, UH!' Rachel came first this time, thrusting up her hips as she tried to swallow him deeper. 'Come into me,' she murmured in his ear. 'Come into me.'

Miktar bucked hard. Lifting his face, he yelled out something incomprehensible. All the muscles in his shoulders and back were tensed so hard they felt like rock. Rachel grabbed onto his backside, encouraging him to thrust into her ever more deeply.

He sagged against her with a gasp. Kissing him on the ear, Rachel wrapped her arms and legs around him. Her body was humming. Her heart was settling. That terrible urge that had gripped her so hard by the throat was gone. She shifted her hips, really feeling him. A warmth gathered in her chest at the sound of his grunt. And when she looked into his eyes that warmth spread throughout her body like a blanket on a cold night. She was no longer alone in this huge universe. There was someone with her, heart, mind and soul. He would live with her. He would die with her.

Rachel gazed back into his yellow eyes in disbelief. 'I didn't think it could be like this.'

Miktar kissed her.

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