Eternal Soul


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You think living forever is a great thing?...Well not so can get old real fast. This story was orig... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Valentine's day special part 1.
Valentine's day special part 2.
Valentine's day special part
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Taking a short break
Chapter 58
special thank you
Chapter 59
October special...Halloween month :D
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 Final

Chapter 9

745 16 1

I had to get over my fear, I've had creeps and stalkers before in the last few hundred years...but Valentino was different from them. When he was alive he was cold hearted bastered, well except me apparently. When he tried to go after me and Angel at the studio we where at after I had gotten him out of there my gut was telling me that he knew who I was and still had that sick obsession with me, it had been decades but I hoped to never run into him whenever I go to hell. With passing time I used my summoning powers into bring all the letters and gifts that where sent to my office into my living room within second, using more of my powers I had started a fire at the fire place and using my levitation powers in lifting the bag of love letters off the ground and hovered over to the fire place as I walked over to it.

"This will be a good way to pass some time , until my agent calls me about the concert date." I looked threw the letters one by one opening them and after I was done reading them I put them in the fire, like as my life as Simone Night I had no interests in dating or getting married either. I still couldn't believe I slept with Anthony who mostly goes by Angel Dust, but I knew a lot of goths bitches would have loved to have been in my shoes. As for the expensive gifts I had gotten I put them to good use. I had given them as gifts to my friends, some that where the same age as me and had the same love for vintage, some of my burlesque friends and even my mom. As for Valentino's necklace I had put it back in it's original case and buried it in my rose brushes, I should have done it a while ago but after today was the strong motivation.

Before returning back to hell I did send out to my employees about them being off for the next three days, my house wouldn't be empty since I asked my mom to house sit and was more than happy in doing it for me.

"Welcome back Hela." Charlie said that to me after I had came out of the portal from inside the lobby of the hotel and she greeted me with a hug and I hugged her back

"Great to see you again Charlie."

"I finally listen to the album you gave's amazing and a great choice in the title." Charlie said that to me as she stopped hugging me and was excited about talking about what she thought about the album I had given her, I told her that I would be right back after heading to the room Charlie had given me. It was during my trip up was where I ran into Angel

"Hey Hela?" He said that with more of a smirk on his face I signed before continuing heading to my room and him accompanying me

"Thought I should let ya know, I've been mostly stuck here in this hotel since you left."

"I thought you where going to enjoy your freedom?" Was my question to him and he answered

"Yeah that's what I thought too? From what I was told by one of his people that I can into he's pretty pissed off that the soul contract was broken kind of wants me dead, me being his to star that's a hedge problem for me and word got around pretty fucking fast about the whole contract thing." I was worried hearing that and he asked me a question

"What about yourself? You look like you've lost a little weight? I know you, that type of weight loss means your worried about something serious."

"Keep this between you and me only Anthony." I said that as we reached me room and I opened the door

"HE managed to give back that necklace, and know just like you do." Me saying that he was just as shocked as me when I saw that necklace in my office as he went in my room with me he closed the door

"What? How? That's impossible?"

"That was my thought too." Was what I said to him as I had put my book down on the dresser near the bed

"Either he has his own portal or he had help." After saying that Angel questioned me with a worried look on his face

"What are ya gonna do?"

"I've dealt with people like Valentino before, but he's worse. If he figured out that Simone and me are the name person then this proves that he never got over me after all these decades and maybe become worse now that he's in hell? Though considering things I think hell might be TOO good for him." Where my words to Angel and I knew he agreed with me from the look he was giving me so he decided to change the subject.

"So ah...hows the powers treating ya anyway?"

"I need to keep better control of my emotions, it seems if I'm in serious stress. A lot of stuff starts breaking, I'm happy I didn't shatter all the windows and mirrors in my office building." Me saying that intrigued Angel as the two of us walked out of my room and down the hallway

"Really that strong? Can't imagine what would happen if you where in serious fear?" I was worried about that also but didn't want to think about it, I wanted to do some more exploring in hell and thanks to my shape shifting powers I can blend in when I need too. Another thing I wanted to do while I was in hell was spending some time with Lucifer and I knew he wanted to do the same with me, however at the same time I did want to spend time with Charlie and getting to know my sister better. It had been around close to two hundred years since I had a sibling and kind of missed it, coming back down Charlie was telling me some more ideas for the hotel. I wanted to help out in some way with Charlie's idea I knew that it wouldn't be possible to fully rehabilitate a demon but I had a feeling that some can be better than they want to be, then an idea came to mind.

"Charlie? Would you mind if I make a suggestion to help promote the hotel in some way?"Charlie and Vaggie where curious to my idea and mentioning that I wanted to sing Charlie was on board as was everyone else, I did change my attire for the video I had decided to wear one of my brand new designs that I hadn't realized yet along with doing my hair and makeup in the vintage style.

"Fuck, Hela you look stunning." Angel said that with a surprised look on his face as did everyone they saw in my design

"Thanks this is one of my tester designs for hell, I'm gonna see how this turns out."

"A tester, what your wearing is a fucking masterpiece." The one that said that was Vaggie getting a closer look at my dress and being in aw of it, my version of a music video took place on the top of the building where you can see the sign. The one that was filming was Husher since he could fly and the rest where watching from the live feed the second I started singing and with Alastor's help he managed to put in the type of music I needed.

" ♪ La-la-la..La-la-la, la-la.....Gales of song, guide me through the storm.♪" There was a short pause for a moment I noticed the almost stunned look on Husker's face before I continued singing little did I know that Husker wasn't thee only one hearing my singing, because of Alastor being the radio demon he managed to broadcast my song threw out hell to those that had radios. It wasn't just radio's but my voice was able to be heard threw-out a twenty mile radius that surprised a lot of demons and sinners that heard.

" ♪ On the wings of a small, simple melody. Words take flight and soar, They carry me. A world we'll see.....Looking for a farewell, I pull the threads. A life without you I cannot accept
I can't tell that lie, I can't let go....
♪" After singing that note I started singing a little more stronger which increased the range by an extra ten miles

"♪ But now that you're gone, I have to move on..Seems like everyone, just smile staring at the sun.But what about me? Tell me how I will know where I should gooo?....Oh gales, you sing and guide me!♪"

"♪  I walk alone. There's more to life I have to know. It's just me, lost so far away from home, alone I shut myself in. Still the wind howl, they call. And their voices lead me, gales of song, guide me through the storm....Let the melody lift me high, I'll be me.♪" I paused for a second catching my breath while looked at the camera and singing the last bit

"♪Gales of song, please stay by my side. Winds of love, breathe into my life.♪" With the last part song, I blew a kiss and winked before Husker ended the video feed

"Bad ass job Hela."

"Thanks Husker, now we'll wait and see what happens after this." Was what I said before jumping off the building and floating down using my levitation powers, Husker got down before me because I was holding my dress while floating down so it wouldn't fly up. Entering the hotel with Husker unaware that several demons had followed where they where hearing the singing and had video be floating down the building and going into with Husker, the second I closed the door behind me and was about to walk into the lobby there where frantic knocks at the door that stopped me.

"Well that sure was fast?" The one that said that was Angel that head the knocking at the door Charlie was surprised hearing those knocks as well and being close by I was the one that opened the door, upon opening I saw what looked to be around twenty demons at the door who where very shocked seeing me.

"Ahhh....Hi?"I said that with a confused look on my face seeing their faces in shock, then they smiled and started talking one by one like the normal fans I have in the mortal realm. They left themselves in as I backed away from them at first most asked for autographs and pictures with me, half of them asked how I got to hell in the first place and some was about the design I was wearing. It was started get a little crazy then things started calming down when Alastor stood hear me that made the demons back away from me, to took a good five minutes to get the fans out of the hotel.

"How the fuck did they already know? The video was posted with a few minutes?" I questioned after sitting on one of the couches, where as Vaggie was looking at her phone and was surprised at what she was looking it

"Hela... you already got 15 millions views and likes on voxtagram for that video." Her saying that got my attention

"Voxtagram? Is that hell's version of Instagram?" Before I quickly corrected myself as I quickly stood up off the couch and walked over to her

"Whoa..whoa wait 15 million views within a few minutes How the fuck is that possible?" Hearing the number worried Angel a little bit, he knew that Valentino saw the video and would no doubt try to come after me knowing that I was in hell.

" gotta check this out." Charlie said that quickly coming into the lobby and grabbing my wrist and leading me to one of the living rooms where she had the news on.

"Good afternoon I'm Katie Killjoy." Was what the women on the tv said and the name next to her spoke

"And I'm Tom Trench." After he said that the women that was called Katie spoke

"Our news that just blew up with just a few minutes already had hell going bad shit crazy, a human had made an appearance in hell." After she said that the reported Tom Trench spoke

" And not just any human either, designer and world famous vintage singer Hela Blood." After he said that from the background the video of me singing had appeared as Katie started talking

"That's right Tom, she's ain't dead either which makes tings even more amazing."

"I'll tell ya what else is amazing, that design Hela is wearing in the video, don't think I've ever seen a design like that before in her lines?" The news caster Tom said that looking quite pleased as perfect few of the dress I was wearing during the video had a close up as the video continued and Katie Killjoy then said

" I actually follow up on Hela's designs and that most certainly is a brand new dress, I'd kill to have that dress...also many demons have claimed that they where able to hear Hela singing threw out hell from almost a forty mile radius where she had done that video. Hard to believe that she make a music video at the joke of a hotel." Vaggie had quickly turned off the TV and quickly looked over at me with a shocked look on her face

"Hela what the fuck where they talking about hearing you within a forty mile radius?" I was just as confused as her as I shrugged

"I have no idea what there talking about, that's never happened before?" As I was talking I started to get a little worried and Angel quickly spoke up

"This might get things fuck up, there are a lot of creeps here that would LOVE to get there hands on her. And we don't want that happening."

"I can't believe I'm fucking saying this...But Angel is right." Vaggie said that not believing her own words and then I spoke up

"We'll we can't do anything about it now, practically everyone in hell knows." As I was still talking I started walking out of the living room and up the stairs

"I wasn't really planning on going out today anyone, so this kind of works out for me in some way."   

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