The Lost Child - Derek Hale x...

By mrsstruggles

110K 3.3K 389

Teen Wolf x Marvel AU Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 12

3.6K 102 3
By mrsstruggles

"What are you talking about? What's going on?" Tony questions.

"Tell me you're lying," Derek doesn't want what Lydia said to be true.

"Why would I lie?" Lydia looks up at Derek, tears slowly streaming down her face.

The Avengers in the room didn't understand what was going on. One second the red-haired girl was intensely listening to the fireplace, and now Y/N's friends say she's some key to a list. Her being the key seems to be something horrible due to their reactions.

"I, uh, I'm..." Stiles stands up from his spot on the ground, "I need some air." He rushes out of the lake house through the front door. Lydia gets up from her spot in front of the laptop and runs after him.

Steve looks at Scott and Derek, "Can one of you please tell us what's happening? We need to know everything so we can find Peter and Y/N."

Derek and Scott share a look as Derek walks over to the laptop. He bends down to look at the list to see if they had gotten in.

Seeing the list staring back at him, Derek turns to Scott with an angry look in his eyes, "Tell them. Everything."

Scott looks around at the Avengers in front of him, "Um, okay. What just happened is we unlocked the third Deadpool list."

"Deadpool list?" Bruce questions.

"Yes, it's a list of people with numbers by them." Scott tries to explain to the confused Avengers, "Each number represents an amount. An amount the person is worth."

"Are you killing people?!" Steve angrily exclaims.

"It's more like people are trying to kill us," Lydia states, walking back into the room with Stiles following behind her. His eyes are visibly bloodshot from crying.

"Why would people try to kill you? What does this have to do with Y/N?" Tony asks, tired of wasting time and skirting around what's going on.

"You handed me this file," Stiles holds up the file in his hand, "You know what she is. You know she's a werewolf."

"How do you know that?" Bucky questions.

"I'm her brother," Stiles scoffs.

"What does her being a werewolf have to do with her being the key to this Deadpool?" Tony just wants answers, and he wants to find his kids.

"The Deadpool is three different lists of every supernatural person who lives in Beacon Hills." Stiles explains, "One-hundred and seventeen million dollars was stolen from Peter Hale's vault. The numbers next to each name add up to that amount. It's also how much each person is worth dead."

"Peter Hale is Derek's uncle," Lydia informs the Avengers, pointing over to Derek.

"How do you know this?" Steve asks.

Scott flashes them his alpha red eyes, "Because we're on it too."

"What are you?" Bruce asks, fascinated by Scott's red eyes.

"I'm a werewolf, like Y/N. So is Derek." Derek flashes his red eyes for everyone to see.

"Is that why your eyes turn red?" Natasha questions.

"Yes, but it's also because I'm an alpha." Scott explains, "Alphas have red eyes and betas and omegas have yellow eyes. Unless the beta or omega has killed an innocent, then they have blue eyes."

"Fascinating," Bruce whispers in shock.

"In the pictures, Y/N has yellow eyes. She's a beta?" Tony looks to Scott for answers.

"She's a beta but..." Scott hesitates with his answer, "her eyes are blue."

"She's killed someone?" Bucky never wanted Y/N to live a life like he had.

"She's had blue eyes since the day she showed up at my house," Stiles informs them.

"Oh god." Tony mutters to himself, moving to sit on the couch, "What did Hydra make her do?"

Steve looks over to Lydia, "What are you?"

"Banshee." Lydia states, "I can sense when someone is about to die. Although most of the time I end up somewhere, they're already dead."

"Is Y/N dead? Is that what you heard when you were listening to the fire? If she's a supernatural like you say she is, wouldn't she be on a list and not the key?" Bucky quickly fires off each question.

"Y/N was on the first list. I don't know why she's the key to the third one," Lydia explains.

"What were the first two keys?" Steve asks.

"Allison and Aiden," Stiles states, trying not to start crying again thinking about what this could mean for his sister, "They were friends of ours."


"They, um, they're kinda dead now." Stiles watches as the Avenger's faces drop.

Tony nervously cracks his knuckles, "You're telling me that we just found out today that my daughter, who was taken from me fifteen years ago, is alive and now she's probably dead?!"

"She's not dead," Derek states.

"How do you know that?! You just told us that she more than likely is and now you're saying she isn't?!" Bucky yells in frustration.

"She's not dead," Derek states again, crossing his arms in anger.

"Derek..." Scott sighs, he almost looks at him in pity.

Derek huffs in irritation, "I would know if she's dead and she's not."

"What? Can you also predict when someone's dead?" Natasha questions.

"She's my girlfriend. I'd know if she was dead."

"Is it like a wolf thing or something?" Bruce asks curiously.

"Don't even ask," Stiles rolls his eyes, "He won't tell you anything. He just says he knows these things and expects you to believe him."

"You're her boyfriend," Bucky looks Derek up and down before scoffing in disbelief.

"He said that earlier when he asked why you took the picture of Y/N," Wanda informs him.

"Y/N definitely has a type," Nat smirks, staring at Derek.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bucky questions her.

"The girl was basically in love with you when she was little." Nat lightly hits Bucky on the arm, "I'm sure she loves him too. Tall, brown-haired, broody guys must be her type."

"How old are you? You look like you're 37." Bucky continues to stare Derek down.

"I'm 23." Derek states.

"She just turned 18." Bucky takes an angry step toward Derek.

"She turned 19 a month ago." Derek takes a step towards Bucky.

"She's 18." Bucky takes another step toward Derek, "When did you two get together? Were you just waiting patiently until the day she became legal, or could you not wait?"

Derek growls and takes an angry step towards Bucky at his false accusations before Scott quickly jumps in between them, "This is not the time!"

"I've already spent the last fifteen years thinking Y/N was gone. Until I see a body, she's alive." Steve states, watching the tension between Bucky and Derek.

"How much is she worth?" Thor speaks up, "You said she's on the first list. How much is she worth?"

"Fifty million," Stiles answers.

"We need to find them now." Tony stands up from his spot on the couch, "Hydra has both of my kids and who knows what the hell they are doing to them or if they are even still alive. We need to stop discussing things that don't matter right now and find them."

"Like I said earlier, Bruce and Nat go to the jet and start searching for anything. Use the computers and everything." Bruce and Natasha run out of the house and towards the jet at Steve's order, "We will start digging through the files to try to find something."

"I'll call the rest of the pack to get down here to help," Scott states, pulling out his phone from his back pocket.

"Not everyone is going to be much help. It's a full moon tonight." Stiles informs him, "It comes up in like an hour."

"My grandma's cabin is across the lake. Tell them to go there. We can chain down Malia and Liam, and the rest of us can start researching." Lydia explains to them.

"What's going on?" Everyone turns their heads to see Sam walking into the room with bloodshot eyes and Fury and Maria behind him.

"You might want to sit down for this," Bucky points to a spot on the couch.


"Peter? You still with me?" Peter hasn't spoken in about five minutes, and it has Y/N worried.

Whatever drug Hydra had given her had worn off a while ago. She has broken free from the restraints and has broken Peter free from his. Now they are sitting against the wall, waiting for what's to come.

"Yeah. I feel great." Peter mumbles, his head hanging down because he can no longer seem to hold it up.

"The moon will be up soon," Y/N informs him, looking up at the sky.

"I'm sure you can find a way to save me and the others."

"I don't want to think about that right now," Y/N mutters loud enough for Peter to hear, "I just want to make sure whatever they gave you doesn't kill you before I get the chance to get the cure. If it even is a cure."

"I bet they're scared," Peter mumbles, worried about the three boys who were huddled together against the wall opposite of them.

Y/N stays silent at Peter's statement. He's just like Scott. He thinks he can save everybody, but he doesn't understand that it's not always possible to do so. She doesn't want to kill anyone. If it was just her, she'd let them rip her to shreds, but she has to protect Peter.

She looks back up at the sky to see the moon starting to shine through. She looks over to the three boys and sees them starting to transform. The full moon is starting to affect them.

"It looks like you'll be getting your cure soon," Y/N mutters to Peter. The glass wall separating them from the three werewolves moves down into the ground. Now there is nothing in between them.

"The safe will open once their hearts stop beating," The voice booms throughout the large room.

She looks towards the three boys to see they are already staring back at her. Their claws and fangs are out and ready to rip her to shreds.

She knows with her powers she could kill them easily and not have to put up a fight. She could use the darkness to create arrows or swords. She could stab their shadows so she'd never have to touch them. She could manipulate their shadows and throw them against the wall as hard as she could. She could do so many things but there was a voice in her head telling her not to. She can't hurt them unless she has to.

The three betas charge toward her and Peter. She decides to charge toward them in hopes of keeping them away from him. It's not her best idea but it's the only thing she can think of.

The bigger one of the three goes for her first. She dodges his claws as he swipes at her face. Her foot connects with the chest of the boy who reminds her of Stiles and sends him flying against the wall next to him.

She notices the smaller boy running towards Peter. She uses her powers to stop him by grabbing his shadow and throwing him backward. She throws him hard enough to get away from Peter, but not hard enough to kill him.

The larger boy's claws rip through her left arm as he swipes her when she's distracted. She hisses in pain before swiping her claws through the back of his neck. He falls to the ground, no longer having control of his limbs. She knows that with his werewolf healing he will heal soon, but it gives her some time for now.

The boy who reminds her of her brother tackles her to the ground. He gets on top of her and uses his strength to pin her down. The power of the full moon makes him a lot stronger than her.

She cries out in pain as his claws rip through her stomach. She uses all her strength to punch him in the face using her right arm. It doesn't do much to him, but it stuns him enough she's able to push him off her and kick him hard enough in the face to render him unconscious.

Looking around for the other boy, she sees him running back towards Peter. She stands up and runs towards him before tackling him to the ground. They both stand up quickly ready to fight each other.

"Peter?! You still good?!" Y/N yells out, checking to make sure he is still alive.

When she doesn't receive an answer, she glances over toward him to see he's no longer conscious. She hones her hearing in to hear that his heart is still beating but it's barely holding on.

That's when she makes her decision.

As the werewolf in front of her lunges at her, she sidesteps him and nearly gets clipped by his claws. She jumps onto his back and wraps her hand around his throat. Her claws rip through his throat before he falls to the ground dead.

She feels as if she could throw up, but she doesn't have time to do so. She quickly forms a bow and arrow with the darkness surrounding her. She'd rather shoot the other two from afar than feel the life leave their bodies as she rips out their throats.

She sees the larger boy slowly rise from his spot on the ground before he starts running toward her. She quickly fires off the arrow into his heart and watches him collapse dead onto the floor. She's now grateful she had Allison teach her how to use a bow.

She forms another arrow before shooting the last werewolf down. She covers her eyes as she runs past him towards the safe. He looks too much like Stiles and she knows if she looks at him, she'll break down and never make it to the cure.

As she approaches the safe, she notices that it's still closed, "They're dead! Open the safe!" She pulls at the handle, but it doesn't budge, "You told me you'd open it after I–"

She's cut off by the feeling of an arrow being stabbed through her back. She looks down to see it went all the way through and is now sticking out of her stomach.

Y/N turns to see the Stiles look alike staring down at her. She can see where she missed his heart and pulled the arrow out of his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," she whispers to him.

Her claws rip through his neck as he tries to swipe through hers. She hears the safe behind click open as his body hits the floor.

She needs to get the cure for Peter, but she can't do that with an arrow sticking out of her. She shakily breaks off the sharp end of the arrow that's sticking out of her stomach. Her screams of pain echo throughout the room as she pulls the rest of the arrow out from her back.

Once the arrow is fully out of her, she drops it to the floor and quickly grabs the cure for Peter. She hobbles over to Peter before jamming the needle into the same place they drugged him before. She's hoping that whatever she just gave him was a cure and not something to kill him more.

Y/N jumps a little as Peter starts to gasp for air. The cure worked its way through his body and killed off the previous drug Hydra had given him.

He slowly sits up and notices the blood on Y/N's hands. He looks behind her to see the dead bodies scattered on the floor.

"Did you have to kill them?" Peter questions her, his voice low and raspy.

"It was the only way to save you." She replies, hoping he won't be disgusted with her since she did it to save his life.


She holds out her pinky finger towards him, "I promise."

As they shake pinky fingers, he notices her ripped shirt and the large claw marks on her stomach as well as what appears to be a puncture wound, "Are you okay? Do I need to do anything?"

"You're the one who almost died. I should be asking you that." Y/N giggles at him, "I'll be fine. I'll heal."

"Well done Shadow Wolf," the voice booms through the room again, "It wasn't your fastest time, but you are a bit out of practice."

"My name is Y/N, not Shadow Wolf! Why don't you come in here and we can see how fast I can kill you!" Y/N exclaims.

The voice chuckles through the speakers, "We will meet in due time. Now I think it's time we move onto phase two."

The same mist from the last room starts to fall from the ceiling before surrounding her and Peter. Their vision goes black as they fall to the ground unconscious, unknowing of what's to come.

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