SonAmy One Shots

By Tha_Real_KCloud

4K 65 6

If you didn't get it by reading the title these are OneShots about Sonic and Amy. All of them are from differ... More

Happy Birthday
It Hurts
I'll miss her, even though she isn't even really gone
Sonic's Poem
I was brave tonight
The accident
You know, I loved you once
Amy's Old Diary

The Song Part 1

428 6 0
By Tha_Real_KCloud

Sonic Boom Universe

"You can't be serious"

"Oh but I am"

Sonic had just finished packing up his suitcase. Last month he had gotten an invitation to go to the Coachella Music Festival as a special guest, he had never even heard about the festival but he wasn't going to deny the invitation.

"I can't believe you're taking Amy and not me" 

Tails pouted as he crossed his arm and looked to the side, throwing a little fit like a 4-year-old.

"I'm sorry, you know you're my best bud, but she... well I thought she was gonna kill me if I didn't"

"that's true"



Amy had dropped everything she was holding and ran up to Sonic, she took the invitation card from his hand and read it. Sonic was shaken, he had seen her get crazy excited before but it's been a while since she had jumped on him like that.


"Ames calm down it's just a stupid festival"


Amy looked at him in horror, she could not believe what she had just heard. 

"It is more than just a festival, it is THE festival! Ah! This is so cool! I've always wanted to go but it's so expensive"

She sighed and gave the card back to Sonic. She went back to pick up everything she had dropped earlier. Sonic read the card once more, 'Allowed to bring one guest.' He smiled and looked at Amy to which she responded with a confused look.

"Do you wanna go with me?"


"So you got everything?"

Tails asked as Sonic threw his suitcase in the van.

"Yep just missing A-"


A pink hedgehog had appeared holding a small purse in her hand, she walked towards them with a smile on her face, she really was excited about this.

"uh, thats all your gonna take?" the blue hedgehog asked in surprise. He was expecting her to bring her entire house.

"hm? oh no Knuckles is bringing the rest, HURRY" she screamed at the red echidna that was walking towards them. He was holding two bookbags and was rolling 3 suitcases.

"um, Ames you know we're only gonna be there for 3 days right?"

"yeah, thats why I didn't over pack"

Tails and Sonic looked at each other and then back at her.

"right" Sonic stated

After they had gotten their stuff inside the van, they got in and waved their goodbyes. Sonic decided to drive first since he wanted to get there fast and he knew Amy would never break the rules and speed. 'She can be such a goodie goodie.

"So how long till we get there?"

"about 17 hours"

"wow, that's a lot of car"


They both got kinda silent after that, most of the ride was just them listening to toons. It wasn't uncomfortable, instead, it was nice. Sonic had never thought that driving 17 hours in a van with Amy would be nice, instead, he imagined that it be a pain to be with her for that long. Not that he didn't like her or anything, it was the opposite Amy was a good friend to Sonic, and he cared for her a lot, it was more like the fact that she could be bossy at times, and because of that they got into a lot of arguments.

After about 2 hours of random talking topics and 4 bathroom breaks because apparently, Amy had a small bladder they had switched positions and now Amy was driving.

"wow," Sonic said, he had the seat a bit more laid down and his legs were resting on the dash.

"What?" Amy said as she kept her eyes focused on the road, she had both her hands gripping the wheel hard as if her life depended on it.

"you're a terrible driver"


"You are! Ames, you've been driving for 30 minutes and we've almost crashed like 7 times, and don't get me started on how you avoid the rocks and holes on the road"

Sonic chuckled a bit as he watched her get irritated. He knew Amy was always trying to be the best at everything, and to be honest most of the time she was, but seeing Amy fail at driving was so funny to him.

"I am not bad"

"Sure, whatever makes you happy Ames"

Sonic closed his eyes as he got comfortable laying down. He might as well take a nap now that he isn't the one driving. All of a sudden Sonic felt the car stop, he flew forward and hit his head on the dash where his legs were. The car continued.

"What the h-"

"That's what you get for not wearing a seatbelt"

Amy giggled at what had happened. Sonic knew instantly she did that on purpose and chuckled. 

"fine" he grabbed the seatbelt and clicked it on.




A few more hours had passed by, it was now nighttime. Sonic and Amy had switched back and forth about 5 times now, Sonic was currently the one driving. He looked beside him to see the pink hedgehog all curled up in the seat sleeping. He smiled at the view but quickly looked back at the road. He felt his cheeks burn up a bit in embarrassment.


He looked at a sign ahead that read 'Stay in- Motel'

'well, I am getting tired...'


"Here are you're room keys"


Amy and Sonic walked up to the elevator and got in it. It wasn't the nicest place to stay in, but then again it was cheap so it made sense. The elevators closed once Sonic hit the 4th button. As the elevator started going up Amy laid her head back on the wall and closed her eyes. She had no idea what had happened, all she knew was Sonic woke her up and told her to follow him. She still had not processed it well until he opened the door to the place they'll be staying at the night.

"wait, we're here?"

"uh no, but we are gonna stay the night"

"oh okay"

Amy walked into the room and without thinking about it she laid on the bed, she was still sleepy and wasn't processing well. Sonic chuckled at the fact that she was still sleepy, he knew Amy always went to bed early. It was currently 1:03 in the morning, so he couldn't blame her for being tired. He decided to take a shower. It wasn't like him to want to shower... like ever, but he couldn't help but feel smelly.

After a while Sonic got out of the bathroom and looked at the bed where Amy was, she had fallen asleep. He smiled and put the blanket over her. He walked up to the other side of the bed and laid on it. At first, when he bought the room he didn't think it be weird if Amy and he shared the same bed, but when he turned and saw her he couldn't help but blush.

'Dont think anything of it Sonic, You and Amy are just two friends sharing a bed, and you're just staring at her face... and thinking it's cute...'

Sonic shook the thoughts out of his head and turned the other away, he just needed a good sleep that's all.


The next morning Sonic found himself inside the van in the passenger seat. Had he dreamed that? He sat down correctly and looked around for a moment.

"You're finally awake"

Amy looked at him for a moment before noticing how confused he was, she laughed a bit before concentrating back on the road. 

"You didn't dream it"

"oh" Sonic calmed down a bit and layed back down in his seat, he glanced at the radio clock and it was 11 in the morning. "then what exactly happen"

"Well I woke up around 7 am and went down to the lobby, that's when I ran up to this, really... buff... tall guy... ejem... I told him where we were going and he said 'oh well that's about 3 hours from here, you better get a move on pretty lady'. Sonic chuckled at Amy's attempt at doing a manly voice, it was the girliest man he'd ever heard.

"Then I explained you were still asleep, and he offered to carry you to the van so we can make it earlier, which is what happened"

"You let some buff guy you just meet carry me to the van?"

"He was really nice?"

Sonic rolled his eyes in disgust at being carried by a man, especially one Amy considered nice and buff. He closed his eyes once more to keep sleeping when he heard Amy scream. 


Sonic sat correctly again and looked outside the window. He saw the big stadium, they were still decorating it, which made sense since the show didn't start until later that night.

"woah it's bigger than I expected"


Amy was shaking in excitement so much that she could barely drive correctly, and she already couldn't drive correctly.

"uh, Ames why don't I drive? I know where we have to meet the guy who sent the invite"

"huh? okay!"

Amy hit the brakes fast, which made Sonic flung a bit but this time did not hit his head on the dash.

"See? seatbelts save heads from being hit on the dash"


"Nice to meet you Mr.Hedgehog and uh?"

"AMY... ejem sorry, Amy Rose"

"Miss Rose, It is pleasure having you both here"

Mr. Oxfer also known as the richest man on the planet, was the man that would be running the music festival this year. He was fairly short and his mustache looked a lot like Eggman's.

"Thanks, I was honored just to be invited"

"Now please get in the golf cart, I will take you to where you'll be staying"

Sonic sat at the back of the golf cart while Amy just stood there, she was looking at the van.

"What about our stuff?"

"oh don't worry, Bery and Tery will take care of that"

Mr.Oxfer whistled for them, and they immediately began to get their luggage out of the van.

"Now let's go"

Amy stared at the van for a while then back at the golf cart.

"come on Ames" Sonic had offered his hand, it wasn't just to help her get it but to assure her everything was gonna be fine. "okay" Amy took his hand and seated next to him.

After 10 minutes they had made it to their destination. Before they appeared a fancy hotel. It was about 17 stories up, there were 3 water fountains and the front door would automatically open.

"Wow, this is nice"

"I'm glad you like it Mr.Hedgehog, this is where you'll be staying for the next 3 days, or 5 if you stay after the festival for the private activities"



"Guess that's a yes" Mr.Oxfer pushed the elevator button and got in it, Sonic and Amy followed behind him. They got to the 17th floor where it automatically opened to the living room.

"Woah," Both Sonic and Amy said in sync. They both got out of the elevator and stared at where they were, it was huge. The living room had a huge tv and couch, and the windows were huge as well they started to the roof to the floor, and this wasn't even the whole thing.

"I hope you enjoy it, Beatrice and Trence will be here with your luggage momentarily"

"I thought their names were Bary and Tery?" Sonic was too preoccupied looking around to even care what Amy and Mr.Oxfer were discussing.

"oh no, I fired them, See you at the festival toodles" and with that, the elevator door closed.

"Don't you think that was a bit w-"


Amy sighed and decided not to think hard about it, she went up to Sonic to proceed with seeing the rest of the place. Tonight was gonna be fun.

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