Dear J. {James B Barnes x OC}

Oleh Nemy101

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"To my Dearest J...." "To my Sweet O...." A story about two old souls finding their way through the 21st ce... Lebih Banyak

Introduction & Synopsis
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.

Chapter Twenty-Two

135 9 27
Oleh Nemy101

Surprise... you guys get two chapters today 🫣💗

- Now Playing, Silhouette By Aquillo -


"Steve, she's beautiful!" Odette gasped as she held their brand new babygirl close to her chest.

Sharon had given birth to Marie Carter Rogers the afternoon the night she stayed with Avery. She was so beautiful, blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She was identical to her mother and father. She had the tiniest hands and feet, Odette could do nothing but stare at her.

"Bucky, I want one..." she whispered softly to him.

It had now been three weeks since the accident, Bucky was still not showing signs of awakening any time soon. Because Odette refused to leave his side, Steve brought Sharon and the baby to see her in Bucky's hospital room.

"She's beautiful just like her momma. Thank god." Steve chuckled as he glanced over to Odette who now had tears in her eyes.

Hearing how Steve fawned over Sharon and the new baby made her more upset that it probably should have. She was trying to be happy for the two, so she shook her tears off, "I'm sorry. She's just so beautiful, my heart can't stand it." She whispered as she looked over to them.

Sharon smiled softly, but deep down she knew this was killing Odette. "You know why she has her name right?" Sharon asked causing O to look over at her, head tilted in confusion.

"Marie, it's your middle name correct? Atleast I hope so or we have to get her birth certificate changed." Steve chuckled.

Odette paused, confused, stunned, whatever the term was for utterly shocked. That was Odette at this very moment.

"You named her... after me... why? What did I do to deserve that...?" She whispered as she full on cried by this point.

Steve walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into his embrace. "Because Odette, you saved my best-friends life. You brought him back to us, you are so important to me and Sharon. We pray that she is half as strong as her aunt is one day."

She glanced up at Steve, then over to Sharon. She held her gaze for a moment before she looked down to the baby in her arms and sobbed.

"I don't know what to say..." she muttered through gasps and tears.

"Nothing. Just enjoy this moment, you need some happiness right now. We will talk all the heavy stuff later."

And that's just what Odette did. She spent over an hour admiring Marie, pointing out all of her features to Steve and Sharon. They talked about the birth it was relatively quick, apparently by the time they reached the hospital her head was already out. Steve said he was surprised she wasn't born in the car, but within 5 minutes she was here.

"I'm so happy for you guys. She's amazing and beautiful and all the things I've said over the past hour. Congratulations to you guys." She said as she handed Marie over to Sharon.

Steve smiled, "So, I don't want to ask. But any news on the old man?"

"No. Nothing new."

Steve shook his head, he was starting to wonder if Bucky would ever recover from this. But he would never express his doubts in-front of Odette. She was struggling enough with her own thoughts, she didn't need theirs running around with hers.

"He's gonna be okay. I know he is." Steve spoke, trying to keep his voice hopeful.

Odette knew he was trying to sound hopeful for her. She appreciated the sentiment. "I know he is too." She whispered as she rubbed her hand over his.

"It's nurse Penny! Time for me to check vitals." Penny announced as she walked inside, smiling at the group in the room. Odette smiled as she lifted up her arm, working with Penny to keep her vitals checked.

Ever since her breakdown, her levels have evened out significantly. Odette had been writing to Bucky everyday to keep her stress at bay. Somehow, it gave her peace. Maybe it was the fact that it was familiar, and that's how she expresses herself best.

"You're looking great! Whatever you are doing, please keep it up! Lunch will be here in 20 minutes!" Penny said cheerfully as she smiled down at her.

"Thank you Penny, it means the world to me... but you know that already." Odette giggled as Penny made her way towards the door, she shook her head, "Stop thanking me, it's my job."

Odette smiled as she walked out of the room, before glancing over to Steve and Sharon who were both staring at her with confusion. She may have forgotten to mention what happened last week to them...

"I've been under stress... I had a severe panic attack a week ago, so they want to monitor my stress levels and things like that... but I'm okay now." She whispered while she glanced down at the floor, trying to avoid the sympathetic stares.

"Why didn't you tell anyone O..." Sharon asked softly.

"No one needs to worry, I'm okay. I'm being monitored, I'm fine..." She replied finally pulling her eyes up to meet theirs.

Steve smiled at her, before holding onto Sharon's shoulder. "I'm glad you are okay, being taken care of. But, if you need anything please call us. Is Sam still bring Avery tonight?" Steve asked as he smiled at her.

"Yes... I couldn't keep hiding it from him, he was asking about Bucky so I had to explain that his dad was taking a rest for a while. He insisted on seeing him, I have a feeling he won't leave... and I won't make him..." Odette said grabbing Bucky's hand, squeezing it tightly.

Odette swore she wouldn't have Avery around during this time, but it was hard on him. He was so confused to where everyone was. So she finally caved and told Sam to bring him tonight, she was so excited and nervous.

"It may do all of you some good, but if things get too much. Call any of us." Sharon said as she walked over to her, Steve followed behind her with the baby in his arms.

Odette stood and hugged them both, she smiled over Marie. "Thank you guys for bringing her, it was so lovely to visit with you guys!" She exclaimed as she walked them to the door.

"It was so good to see you, please send us pictures of sweet Avery tonight. We miss him!" Sharon said as she smiled, adoring everything about Odette in this moment.

She could never hold herself together this long if it was her in this situation. Sharon admired the woman that Odette was, she hated that she didn't give herself the credit she deserved.

"I will! Please be careful, let me know when you guys have gotten home. I will let Avery video chat with Sarah and James tonight, after we get settled." She said before shutting the door softly, turning to back to Bucky.

She sighed and walked back over to the chair, plopping down it in before grabbing her notebook and pens. She looked at Bucky, before grabbing a pen and started letting her thoughts flow onto paper.

Dear J,

You have a new niece, she's so gorgeous. Steve and Sharon named her after me, which was a complete shock to me.

Avery is coming to visit tonight, he's looking forward to seeing you. I'm so nervous Bucky... what if he is just as scared as I am. What if he freaks out and is scared by this for the rest of his life.

This whole motherhood thing isn't easy, making decisions for him without you is hard. You'd know exactly what to do about this, so I'm thinking like Bucky.

You would smile and look at me in my eyes and say 'Honey we have to let him decide what he wants to do, if he wants to come then we will let him. If not, then we have to be okay with that too"

So that's why I decided to let Avery come, because he wants to be close to his dad. He wants to hold you and talk to you, so I'm letting him do just that.

Jesus Bucky, come back...

My head is wrecked without you... so is my heart...

I think I am getting sick, so I'm not sure how that's gonna work. I'm sure they won't let me stay with you while being sick. So I will have to be away from you for a while I assume. I will still watch you from the window and come running if you wake up...

I hope you do...

I'm praying every night that you do...

I love you so much Bucky, I'm patiently waiting for you to come back to us...

Love always,
- Your future wife..


I hear her...

I hear Avery...

But why can't I see them...


I'm coming baby...


- 2 Weeks Later -

"Avery, come on. We have to go eat. Wait, give mommy a second." Odette grimaced as she ran into the bathroom, clinging onto the sink for dear life.

Penny entered the bathroom behind her, hovering by this point. "Odette, you need to be checked out by Dr. Silver, you've been sick and clammy all week."

Odette shook her head, "No! He will take me out of the room, I can't pry Avery out of here. I'm fine, just nerves is all. I promise you." She said holding back the liquid in her throat.

"If you aren't better by tomorrow morning, I have to tell him. We have to help you get better..." Penny said shaking her head, leaving the bathroom.

Odette splashed her face with cold water and patted it dry before putting on a smile. She walked out of the room to see Avery in the same place he had been since he got here two weeks ago. Right beside Bucky.

"Come on honey, let's go eat."

Avery sighed taking a look at Bucky before sliding off the bed and started walking towards Odette. She held out her hand, smile wide on her face as his small hand sat inside hers.

"What are you getting today?" She asked as they walked towards the elevators.

"Chicken nuggets!" He replied excitedly as the rode the elevator to the main floor where the cafeteria was.

Odette would normally stick to the room service meals, but with Avery here she decided a visit to the cafeteria wouldn't be half bad. It was something that they looked forward to doing everyday.

Once Avery arrived, she knew he wouldn't be leaving. Sam apparently knew that too, because he had brought all of Avery's belongings with them. Avery spent every moment in bed beside Bucky, "showing him" his cars and toys. Watching movies beside him, and doing every activity right beside Bucky.

"That sounds good Bub, come on." She said as they headed inside, they walked around the line and ordered their food. Avery glanced around the room before he took off, leaving Odettes side. She quickly glanced across the room to see Clint and Laura standing nearby.

She watched as Laura lifted him into her arms, he was giggling as Clint tickled his sides. Odette smiled and grabbed their food before walking in their direction.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you doing?" Clint asked as he wrapped her into a hug.

"Good. Good." She exhaled, falling into the hug.

"You look amazing, all things considered. Are you using skincare? If so, I need a list!" Laura said as they sat at the table, Avery nestled into Odettes side.

Odette chuckled, "No, not using any kind of skincare. Just good old fashioned hospital bar soap."

She broke apart Avery's chicken nuggets and took a bite from her salad. She listened as Avery told them all about his adventures that he's had with his aunts and uncles. "I caught a fish with AJ! It was big! Like... this big!" Avery said as he held his arms all the way out.

Clint laughed, alongside Laura. "I need to go fishing with you pal! Maybe you can teach me how to catch a fish that big!" Clint said.

"We can go! Right mommy?!" Avery asked looking at her with those puppy-dog eyes.

She smiled and ruffled his hair, "Ofcourse sweetheart. Anytime you want!"

Odette listened as Clint and Laura continued their conversation with Avery. She loved them so much, she loved how much they loved Avery.

"O, are you okay?" Laura asked as she slid closer to her, holding her hand.

"Yes, I'm fine why?"

"Because your crying mommy" Avery said as he frowned up at her.

Odette wiped her cheek and felt a tear come off. She stared at it in shock, confused as to when she even started crying. Laura and Clint looked at her closely, Avery ignored it and continued to eat his nuggets.

"I'm so sorry, I don't even know when I started crying. I'm okay! Honestly." She giggled as more tears flowed down her face.

Clint smiled at her before turning to Avery, "Hey pal, you wanna go to the gift shop with me! I'll buy you whatever you want!"

He smiled and shoved his last bite of nugget in his mouth before shooting up from his seat. He turned and wrapped his arms around Odette and ran over to Clint.

Odette took another bite of her salad as she avoided Laura's hard stare. "Odette... honey, what's going on?"

Odette stayed silent, taking another bite of her salad, still avoiding her.

"Odette... honey talk to me..."

She hung her head and sighed, "I don't know. I feel like shit. I'm stressed again. I can't sleep, everything is weird."

Laura's eyes widened. She smirked before she grabbed her hand, "honey... you should have a doctor check you out." Odette just shook her head, "No I can't be under the weather. Avery and Bucky need me. So when everything is fine there, I will get myself checked out."

Laura frowned. "Odette, you know we love you. But you really should be checked-"

"No. Not yet. I will. But not now." Odette spat with tears in her eyes, begging Laura not to finish that sentence.

Laura rubbed her thumb across Odettes hand as she finished eating. They sat in silence for a while, until she heard Avery calling for her. She turned her head to see him barreling towards her with a bag in his hand.

"Grandpa Clint bought me a lot of stuff! Can we go show daddy?! PLEASE!!" He asked as he bounced up and down, excitement flooding his features.

She smiled as she looked up, silently thanking Clint. He nodded his head as Laura went to his side.

"Let's go Buddy! Give hugs and say thank you!" Odette said as she gathered their trash. She felt the nausea hit her in a tidal wave as she walked back to them, but she swallowed it.

"Come on buddy, let's go. Thank you guys for coming to visit. I will speak with you guys soon." Odette said as they walked back towards the lobby.

Clint wrapped his arms around Laura as they watched them happily walked back. "Is she okay?"

"She's amazing. She just doesn't know it yet..." Laura answered as she kissed his cheek.


"Okay, I told you that if you weren't better this morning I had to tell Dr. Silver. I walked into you silently throwing up, so that tells me you are no better." Penny said as she stood across from her, arms folded tightly around her.

Odette rolled her eyes, annoyed with everyone's reaction to her apparently nervous breakdown.

"Fine. But I'm not sick, it's just nerves." O said as she folded her arms in defense. She watched as Avery napped beside Bucky.

Penny smiled in approval, "good, I'll go get him now. He will be with you shortly." She said proudly as she walked out of the room.

Odette groaned as she drug her hands over her face in annoyance. She tapped her foot as she waiting for the doctor to come in, she hated this place. If Bucky wasn't here, she would never darken their doors again. She grabbed her pen and notebook while she waited, desperately wanting to talk to Bucky.

Dear Bucky,

I hate the doctors. I know I've talked so highly of them, but it's only because they were so good to you. But now that they are focused on me, I hate them.

I admit that I haven't been feeling well, but I don't want them to force me out of here away from you. I couldn't force Avery away from you, hell I don't think I could force myself away.

I know you would want me to do what they ask, and take care of myself. But I can't focus on myself, you always looked out for me. Now I want to focus on you, but these stupid doctors are making it hard. -

A knock pulled her away from her thoughts. She looked up to see Dr. Silver standing there smiling at her. Penny stepped inside behind him, "Odette, you will be coming with me. Penny will sit in here with Avery and Bucky while you are with me. It shouldn't take long" He said as she stood, placing her pen down beside her notebook.

"Okay." She said shortly before walking over to her boys, she placed a kiss on both of their heads before walking outside behind him.

She followed him down the hallways to another damn hospital room. She was sick of hospital rooms, she wanted to be home with Bud and Alphine. She wanted to lay on their couch and in their bed. She wanted to hear Bucky and Avery playing in his room.

"Okay, I want to ask you some questions. Can I Do that?"

She nodded.

"Describe to me how you have been feeling"

"My nerves have been acting up. It makes me sick to my stomach and I throw up. I get cold, then I get hot. It's like flashes..." she said

Dr. Silver took some notes on his pad, before saying anything to her. She watched nervously before he asked a question that made her laugh.

"Do you think you could be expecting?"

"No way Doc, unless there's some grand miracle. I can't have kids. You know as good as I do that Brock ruined that for me." She chuckled.

He gave her a serious stare, "I'd like for you to test. It's not impossible, miracles happen everyday. If it's not that, I will move onto other possibilities." He said before he stood.

"Wait. You're not seriously thinking I'm pregnant are you? I can't be. There's no way. It's nerves, stress and all that shit." She said, panic laced in her voice.

Her mind raced a hundred miles a minute, there's no way she could be. The doctors told her that when Brock beat her, he damaged her reproductive organs. They said it wouldn't be possible for her to have children, there's no way she was pregnant.

"Test. Here's a cup, go pee in it for me. If it's not pregnancy, we will move onto other possibilities." He said softly as he placed the cup on the bed next to her. "I'm gonna leave, bathroom is right there. I'll be back to collect the sample" he said before he swiftly left the room.

Odette sat on the bed, staring at the cup. Her blood ran cold, nerves fluttered in her stomach as she picked up the cup and glanced at it. She stood from the bed and walked towards the bathroom, panic flooding her entire being.

What if she was? It would be Bucky's, but what if he didn't make it? She would be alone to raise two children. Would it look like her? Would the baby have his beautiful blue eyes? So many questions swirled in her head, so she decided to put them to rest. She collected the sample and sat it on the counter, staring at it like all the answers would suddenly appear.

She walked back into the room and saw Dr. Silver waiting for her. She handed him the sample and sat in the chair. Not speaking a word back to him, "It's gonna take 24 hours, the lab is swamped today. But I should have them back tomorrow morning." He said opening the door, waiting for her to follow him. But she stayed stationary,

"Do you think it's a possibility that I could be... pregnant..?"

He smiled softly at her, handing the sample to a nurse and whispering something to her before shutting the door. He walked back in-front of her, sitting in the chair while staring at her.

"I believe anything is possible. It's my job as a Doctor to inspect anything and everything. I have to take even the smallest possibility into consideration. The signs are there, well, have you had sex recently? Started your period?"

She stared at him. "Um right before the accident, and no I haven't now that you mention it. But that could also be stress... he, Brock damaged my organs, you said so yourself. There's no way" she stuttered again, trying to make sense of everything that was happening around her.

"Come on, let's get you back to your son. We will talk more when I have results to give you." He said as he stood, and surprisingly Odette stood up behind him. She followed him back into Bucky's room, where the sound of laughter boomed through the room. She paused, she knew that laughter.

She ran inside and saw Peter and Tony standing beside Bucky's bed. She felt her heart drop, she could've sworn it was Bucky... she smiled weakly as she sat down next to Peter. He was talking, but she couldn't hear a word that was said.

She sat in the chair, in a daze. She glanced over to Bucky, he was still out. There was no signs of anything, she felt herself get sick the longer she thought. She jumped up and ran to the bathroom, doubling over emptying the contents of her stomach. She cried as she heaved, angry, confused. She was every emotion, bottled up into one category.

"Odette! Hey, are you okay? Let me help you!" Peter said as he rubbed her back, holding her hair out of her way.

She finished emptying her stomach and stood up, knees knocking, shaking all over. Peter laced his arm under her arm as he helped her over to the sink.

"Sit. Let me help. Don't argue." He said as he grabbed a rag and started to wet it under the steaming water. She sat with her head in her hands, until Peter lifted her face up, wiping her mouth and eyes. He focused quietly as he cleaned her up, making sure she was well taken care of. Peter had always taken care of her, aside from Nat.

"Thank you Peter..." she said weakly as the tears fell. Peter stopped and smiled, squatting down to face her. "I love you O, you know that. I will always make sure you are okay." He smiled as Tony walked through the door.

"Um, hate to interrupt but there's a doctor here. He said he needs to speak with you."

Odette felt herself about to heave again before Peter pulled her up, forcing her into the room. He sat her down carefully on the chair and stood beside her. Dr. Silver looked at her carefully, "This is a private matter..."

"It's fine, they are like my family. Go ahead, what is it doc?"

He looked between the men before he sat down, drawing in a deep breath.

"Well, congratulations momma." He sighed.

Everything in the room stopped. No machines beeped, no one spoke, everything went silent. Odette leaned against Peter, shock coursing through her veins.

"Momma...? What the hell did I miss?" A gruff voice said from across the room.



Authors Note...

Well, um surprise... double surprise I guess...


Please don't forget to vote and comment!

Stay Lovely.
-Em 🤍

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