Chapter Twenty-One.

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- Now Playing, Skin by Daniel Knutelsky -

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- Now Playing, Skin by Daniel Knutelsky -


Dear J,

It's been a week since you've kissed me. A week since I've seen your smile or felt your embrace. It's been a week since I've seen Avery smile as wide as he does with you.

It's been a week.

The longest week of my life.

I miss you more than you could ever know, even though I'm sitting right beside you as I write this. Please, come back to me baby.

You look so peaceful laying here, but I want you to be peaceful with me.

I hope you hear me when I talk to you, I hope you hear the love I have for you. I'm sorry about the arguments I have with Dr. Silver and your friends.

They know I'm sorry too, but just on edge. What can I say Barnes, I miss my guy...

I hope you wake soon, I really want to kiss you and feel you kiss me back...

Love always


"Odette" Steve whispered as he tapped on her shoulder, trying his best not to startle her. But she didn't wake, so he shook harder. He watched as she jolted awake, looking down at Bucky.

"It's just me. Steve. Avery is on the phone, he wants to talk to you" Steve whispered as he handed the phone to her.

She smiled softly and took the phone from him, taking a deep breath before putting it up to her ear.

"Hey baby, how is it going with Uncle Sam and Sarah?"

"Good! Aj and Cass taught me how to fish! Kinda..." he said quietly.

Sam and Sarah decided to take Avery this week, the group had come to agreement of rotating weeks with him. Odette refused him to visit the hospital, she didn't want him to see Bucky like this.

"That's so great baby! I miss you so much!" She said as she bit back her tears at hearing his sweet voice.

"You come see me today? Dada too?" He asked quietly.

"Dada is working honey, but I'll ask Uncle Steve to bring me out there later. I promise. I will get ready and come out now! I love you honey!" She said as she glanced over to Steve, he nodded and smiled.

"I love you! I so excited! UNCLE SAM MOMMYS COMING!" Avery shouted before the line went silent.

Odette handed the phone back to Steve before turning to Bucky. "That was our boy, he's fishing with Aj and Cass. He misses you, we both do. I'm going to go see him today. I will come back with tons of stories to tell you later. I love you honey." She whispered in his ear as she kissed his forehead.

Dear J.  {James B Barnes x OC}Where stories live. Discover now