Chapter Six.

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TW: Light mentions of abuse and drug use.

Odette walked back inside the bakery to see Peter sitting in the same spot with a devilish grin on his face, she shook her head as she sat down beside him.

"So that makes it what... 3 times that he has just so happened to run into you?" Peter said as he giggled into Odettes shoulder.

"5 times..." Odette muttered as she pulled out the letter from her pocket.Odette had to admit, it was weird that he happened to find her everytime she went somewhere. But she would never admit that to Peter or Natasha, who was infact going to freak out when she found out about the run in tonight. She grinned to herself and ignored the comment turning back to the letter that sat on the table.

"It is just a coincidence Pete, stop acting like its fate or some weird shit that you believe in" Odette said as she skimmed over the letter for the seven hundreth time.

Peter smirked in response as he looked down to the letter, he snatched it from her hands and read it again. Peter had his suspisions about the mystery man, and this letter but he would never let Odette in on his little curious thoughts. But she never seemed to pick up that mystery man may very well by J. Peter sighed as he handed the letter back to her, she gave him a puzzled look in return. "What ya thinkin Pete?" O questioned as if she read his mind directly.

"Just trying to think about what you should say back to him. I am definitely not the one you should be asking about this O" Peter answered.

Odette gave him a meek smile and nodded understanding what he was trying to say. She took the letter and stuffed it into the pocket of her jacket, she truly had no idea what she was going to say back to the man. Maybe she should cover this in therapy tomorrow, maybe Dr. Williams could help her with the response.

"Well, I better get back home, early morning with Dr. Williams tomorrow." She said in a very exagerated tone.

"I will be off tomorrow if you need me after, call me and let me know how it goes, okay?" Peter says as he stood up from the table to walk her to the door.

"Promise promise" Odette said as she hugged him before walking out of the door.

Odette sighed to herself as she made the walk home, she was completely confused with everything going on in her life right now. She had ran into Bucky so many times that it seemed like more that a coincidence. She couldn't put it into words about how familiar he feels to her, like shes met him in a past life. She couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful the man was, those ocean blue eyes that she could swim in forever, his muscular arms that looked so good in that leather jacket he always wore, his amazing smile and the way he even speaks to her. The nickname he had given her, definitetly threw her off guard, she barely knew the man and he had given her a nickname. Odette walked up to the main door of the apartments and shook her head trying to rid him from her memory... for now. She made her way up the stairs and over to her apartment, she grabbed her keys out of her pocket and unlocked the door quietly. When she walked in she heard soft music playing from Nats room, it was her sleep music.

Odette carefully walked down the hallway to her room before she heard Nat call her name... damn sometimes I swear she has superhuman hearing..

"Yes Nat I am home, just going to bed, love you" Odette said from outside of her door.

"G'night love ya" Nat said before she started to snore again.

Odette chuckled to herself before she slipped into her room, hanging her keys and jacket on the back of her door. She slipped her shoes off and placed them by the door before walking to her bathroom. She turned on the shower before slipping out of her clothes and stepping inside the incredibly warm water. She smiled as the water hit her back, basking in the warmness of the steam. She then washed her hair and body before standing against the shower wall for a while longer, she was constantly overthinking anything and everything in life. She shook her head and rubbed her hands over her face before turning the shower off and stepping out into the coldness again. It felt like she had been hit with a cold front, she shivered as she grabbed her towel and robe. She then wrapped her hair into the towel and herself into the robe before walking into the bedroom to find clothes for the night. Odette walked over to her closet and grabbed her sisters old MIT hoodie and a pair of sweatpants before she took her hair out of the towel. She grabbed a brush and ran it through her hair quickly before she hopped into bed and felt sleep take over her body quite quickly.

Dear J.  {James B Barnes x OC}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant