GATE: Awakening The Sleeping...

By stevenwn1

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A mysterious, ancient-looking gate appeared in Washington, D.C., sometime in the 21st century. From the gate... More

Chapter 1: A Terrible Resolve
Chapter 2: The Massacre of Alnus
Chapter 3: Strange First Contact
Chapter 4: The Eagle of Freedom V.S The Ancient Fire Dragon
Chapter 5: The Men in Green
Chapter 6: The Visit for Italica
Chapter 7: The Fight for Italica
Chapter 8: Possible Peace
Chapter 9: Journey to Fort Alnus
Chapter 10: Welcome to DC
Chapter 11: Peace Negotiations
Chapter 12: American Firepower
Chapter 13: A Shocking Discovery
Chapter 14: Timely Reinforcements
Chapter 15: Old Buddies
Chapter 16: A Trip Gone Horribly Wrong
Weapon Suggestions (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 17: The Imperial Coup
Chapter 18: The Fall of Sadera
Give me your ideas (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 19: Unlikely Allies
Dream Team (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 20: Mother Russias First Battle
Chapter 22: Did I Hear OIL?
Future Books (Not a Chapter)
I NEED YOUR HELP (Not A Chapter)
Chapter 23: Captain John Brown Sends His Regards
Chapter 25: The Eyes of the Slaughtered
Chapter 26: Reminiscing the Past
Chapter 27: Team Reconnaissance
Chapter 28: Strange Encounters
Chapter 29: Siege of Castle Ither
Chapter 30: A Powerful Message
Book Timeline (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 31: Unleashing Hell
Chapter 32: A New Enemy
Chapter 33: Strange Relationships
Chapter 34: Increasing the Coalition
Chapter 35: A Special Meeting
Chapter 37: The 'Friendly' Neighbors From The North
Chapter 38: The Beginning of a Revolution
Chapter 39: Return of Hunter 2-1
Chapter 40: Operation Silent Valor
Chapter 41: The Great Raid
Chapter 42: A Sudden Revelation
Primo Victoria (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 43: Magical City Of Rondel
Chapter 44: The Goddess of the Underworld
Chapter 45: Complete the Mission!
Can we please talk? (Not a Chapter but it's important)
Chapter 46: Perspective of Soldiers
Chapter 47: The Lenses of War
Chapter 48: Escalation of War
Chapter 49: Boarding the Vessel
Chapter 50: Incredible Demands
Chapter 51: Arms Dealing
Chapter 52: It Ain't Me
Chapter 53: Land and Air
Chapter 54: Futile Guerilla Fighting
Important Announcement
Chapter 55: An Alliance of Steel
OverSimplified script (Not a chapter)
Chapter 56: The Wisdom of Legionnaires
Chapter 57: Operation Sovereign Duty: The Beginning
Possible Final Good-bye
Chapter 58: A Tremendous Liberation
I'm Sorry
Final Update

Chapter 21: Capture of Bellnahgo

2.8K 65 38
By stevenwn1

An Hour Later


"Deabis has fallen ladies and gentlemen." Tate announced in Italica, which of course shocked everyone.

"Deabis had fallen already?!" A Noble said in shock.

"This type of siege would take days to complete, yet they completed it just like that?!" Another Noble said.

"My god, I don't think Zorzal would last in this war." Emperor Molt said quite calmly.

Outside of the city many Knights from the Rose Order were shouting the news around while on horse back.

"Deabis has fallen victory to the 'Russians'!" A Knight shouted.

"Deabis has fallen already?! Just who are these 'Russians'?" A Saderan Soldier said

Whilst the other troops that sided with the Americans are also shocked and mumbling word's to each other and are questioning who the Americans friends are.


Another Hour Later


Russian reinforcement's arrived within after the capture of the city and are now cuffing up Imperial soldier's and sweeping the city for resistance.

"Comrade Colonel." The Russian Sergeant said to Colonel Mikhail of the 136th Motorized Rifle Brigade who was staring at the City.

"Report." Colonel Mikhail said.

"The city's defenses were quite weaker than we anticipated, it seems that most of the troops of the Empire were simply sent over to the city Telta, leaving some of the other cities defenses in the Empire basically weak and vulnerable for attack." The Russian Sergeant replied.

"So that bastard Zorzal's going this far then? Well I can definitely see that he's weak, idiotic, incompetent and a terrible ruler to say the least." Colonel Mikhail said.

"What are the reports?" Colonel Mikhail asked the Sergeant.

"Nothing must just some bombing's from the Americans bombers and a few skirmishes with bandits and monsters." The Russian Sergeant replied.

"I see well the Americans are definitely learning their lesson from Vietnam, we should also learn our mistakes from Afghanistan and Syria." Colonel Mikhail said

"How does it feel to work with an old enemy Comrade Colonel?" The Russian Sergeant asked.

"Very interesting to say the least, but I'm glad we're setting aside our difference's and banding together to fight a common enemy, just like the old times of the Great Patriotic War of the 1940's." Colonel Mikhail said, whilst a squadron of Su-30's fly by above the City.


Fort Alnus

4:00 AM Falmart Time

Fort Alnus once American Military base filled with 200,000 American Marines.

Well... not anymore.

Now it's filled with 200,000 Canadian Soldier's.

200,000 British Soldier's.

200,000 German Soldier's.

200,000 French Soldiers.

200,000 Ukrainian Soldier's.

200,000 Russian Soldier's

And 200,000 American Soldier's

This Joint Military operation has been widely controversial as they simply want peace with the Empire and get out of Falmart to prevent bloodshed despite not even knowing that the Saderan's are obviously weak and their tactics are poorly outdated.

To make it even more controversial, the Saderan Empire is in the middle of a Civil War as you many people know intervening in a foreign nations Civil War on Earth or not, is gonna place the military in a pretty terrible look.

Despite the controversy the leaders of the nations that are at war with the Saderan's are trying their very best to calm down these controversial topics.

"To all bomber's and fighters, the Operation has begun, the Operation has begun." Loud speakers announced around Fort Alnus, as Pilot's rush to their planes.

The Operation is a strategic bombing campaign to destroy Cities defenses, Imperial Outposts, Fort's, Forest's, Jungles, Bridges, Castles and pathways to slow down communication and break the morale of Imperial soldier's and destroy any type of Guerilla Warfare that the Saderan's might use against their forces.

"Whiskey 2-9, Oscar 8-4 runway is clear, you're good to go." The Tower operator said.

"Roger that." Oscar 8-4 replied as he and Whiskey 2-9 line up their F-35's start their engine's and finally they take off.

"Whiskey we will be joining a squadron of Sukhoi Su-30's and
F/A-18's to secure the skies of the city of Bellnahgo in 0500 hours." Oscar 8-4.

"Roger that." Whiskey 2-9 replied as they begin to fly towards the city of Bellnahgo.



Bellnahgo is a major city in the Empire, and is primarily known as the home of the main temple of Hardy.

It's about to see and witness the most destructive force in all of Falmart.

Mil Mi-17 Helicopters and Chinooks are now flying straight towards the City being escorted by Bell AH-1Z Viper and Kamov Ka-50 Attack Helicopters.

"Colonel Vladimir, this is Colonel Bay of the United States Marine Corps Aviation we are fast approaching the city, we are 5 mike's out." Colonel Bay said over the radio.

"Roger that Comrade." Colonel Vladimir replied.

As the chaos erupted in the skies above the besieged city, the deafening roars of the Viper and Kamov attack helicopters reverberated through the air.

The dark clouds of war obscured the once peaceful skyline, now filled with smoke and explosions.

The Imperial soldiers, taken by surprise, desperately tried to retaliate, but the accuracy and speed of the helicopters' missile strikes were overwhelming.

The powerful missiles found their targets, causing massive explosions at the city walls.

Stones and debris were sent flying in all directions, and sections of the once impenetrable defenses crumbled under the relentless assault.

The relentless barrage from the helicopters inflicted heavy casualties on the defending forces, sending shockwaves throughout the Imperial ranks.

As the Vipers and Kamovs continued their deadly dance, a distant thunderous rumble signaled the arrival of another formidable force.

High in the skies, a squadron of F/A-18 Hornets and Su-30 Flankers appeared, cutting through the turbulent atmosphere like sleek, metallic birds of prey.

The fighter jets expertly weaved between the clouds and dived towards their targets with incredible precision.

Their afterburners lit up the sky as they unleashed a barrage of missiles and bombs upon the city's towering structures and military installations. 

The ground below trembled as the explosives hit their marks, shattering the remaining defenses and striking fear into the hearts of the Imperial troops.

The siege has begun...


Hours after...

Hundreds of pounds worth of explosives were being dropped onto the City of Bellnahgo.

As thousands of civilians had fled the city upon hearing the Russian and American ultimatum.

"Any person who stays in the city will be considered terrorists and bandits and will be killed by artillery and aviation. There will be no further negotiations comrades." Dimitri told to his squad inside a BTR-82A.

It was a harsh ultimatum, requiring civilians to leave anything they couldn't carry behind them and their flee their homes, but Dimitri thought it was fair enough for them.

The alternatives were to either to bombard civilians or risk Russian and American lives from the siege, this option was clearly the best.

Still, it was estimated that around half the civilians had refused to evacuate their homes, what had followed was three hours of constant artillery barrages and aerial bombing.

From what Dimitr could see from inside his BTR, the city was in ruins.

White phosphorus bombs had been incredibly effective at burning down the wooden slums that Bellnahgo's south end was comprised of.

The stone buildings in the wealthier areas were now blown out husks of what they had previously been, walls and arches stood where full buildings had once been, Dimitri doubted anyone could live their anymore.

The great walls that defended Bellnahgo had been specifically targeted, artillery made short work of them, reducing entire sections into dust.

They simply couldn't protect Bellnahgo against this threat.

The Temple of Hardy.

The Temple of Hardy, once a majestic and beautiful building, was now nothing more than a rubble.

Two hours ago, a Russian Su-30 bomb was dropped directly onto it.

Where it was by accident or on purpose, Dimitri didn't know, all he knew was that it certainly could never be repaired no matter what.

His squad had watched the destruction over the past three hours in silence, Dimitri supposed that this was one way to show off the incredible power of modern weaponry to the Imperial Army, he could only guess at what she thought of it.

Bellnahgo was no longer the city it had been.

Dimitri knew that the infantry would be moving in to mop up any resistance and secure the city any minute now, they'd been put on standby until the last shells and bombs were dropped.

Despite the utter destruction that had been delivered to Bellnahgo, Dimitri knew that they'd still find resistance inside, no matter how well destroyed something was, a determined defender could always find somewhere to endure the destruction.

While their defenses may be in shambles and thousands maybe dead, Dimitri was certain they'd still be up for a tough fight.

"All motor rifle squads, commence the assault! Repeat, all motor rifle squads, commence the assault!" Dimitri radio crackled with his new orders.

"Ready to kill some Roman bastards?!" He asked his squad.

"Yes Comrade Liutenant!" They shouted together in unison.

"Driver, advance deeper into the city!" Dimitri ordered.

The BTRs rolled forward together.

As they approached the ruined walls, Dimitri saw arrows come down on their vehicle from an unknown source, the arrows did nothing to the reinforced armor, but he knew they'd have to be careful once they dismounted.

Dimitri could see the ruined buildings get closer as they approached Bellnahgo's city streets.

They wouldn't be able to risk staying inside the BTR once they got there, infantry was needed on the ground to prevent against ambushes.

"Alright! When we dismount, go to either side of the road and follow the BTR as it moves! Do not expose yourself, move from cover to cover and keep a lookout for the enemy!" Dimitri ordered his squad.

The armoured vehicle suddenly lurched to a stop.

"Dismount!" Dimitri ordered, as the hatches on the BTR opened up and Dimitri's squad began to head into the open streets.

"What are you waiting for?! Move! Move! Move!" Dimitri shouted at his comrades.

"Come on, come on!" Dimitri shouted, as headed towards the side of the street with his squad.

Gunfire immediately started as the soldiers i already opened fire on the Imperial soldiers coming out from hiding spots in the ruins of buildings.

Dimitri had to stop in order to bring his rifle up.

He fired a two-round burst into an imperial archer.

"Come on, keep moving! Follow the BTR!" He shouted at the Russians who'd taken cover.

Dimitri ran forwards to the edge of a building, an arrow whizzed past his cover half a second later.

Breathing in, he popped his head out from behind the structure and spotted a man with a crossbow reloading.

Two bullets to the chest put an end to him.

Dimitri let his squad catch up to him as they followed the BTRs moving down the street, they approached an intersection.

Leading from the front, Dimitri took position against the corner of a building that lead into the adjoining road.

He could hear someone moving.

Acting on instincts and adrenaline, Dimitri turned the corner and took aim, two blurry figures met his view.

He fired a burst into each of them.

Moments later, his vision cleared, revealing an elderly couple.


There wasn't anytime to feel guilty, he had to keep moving.

The BTRs continued on their path towards the ruins of the Temple of Hardy.

Dimitri followed, with his squad providing cover, the ruins came into sight, immediately, a wave of Imperial soldiers came from the nearby buildings.

They charged at close range and engaged another squad in melee combat, as Dimitri ran to a nearby soldier.

"Get to cover and watch for any incoming men! Understand?!" Dimitri asked the soldier.

"Yes, Comrade Liutenant!" The soldier replied.

"You three come with me! The rest of you, follow him!" Dimitri ordered, pointing at three soldiers.

Dimitri led his group to the engaged squad.

They got to close range then began shooting Imperials that were attacking Russian soldiers in hand-to-hand combat.

Advancing into the melee, Dimitri put two rounds into the side of a Saderan grappling with a Russian soldier. He moved forward and shot another enemy charging at him.

Dimitri fired a burst into the last Imperial; a young man that had tried to stab one of his soldiers in the back, then he turned to the other squad, he grabbed one of the soldiers they'd saved.

"Tell you're squad leader to keep advancing and watch the buildings!" Dimitri ordered.

The man nodded and Dimitri ran back to his squad, he was about to tell them to advance when several arrows flew past their heads.

"Get to cover!" Dimitri shouted.

More arrows followed and plinked against the pieces of rubble Dimitri had hid himself behind, he looked around for the source, dimitri spotted at least ten men on the upper balcony of a partially intact building.

"Up there!" Dimitri shouted, as he pointed at the Imperials.

"Give em suppressive fire!" Dimitri ordered.

A soldier immediately opened up with his PKM.

A stream of bullets flew at the balcony, forcing the men there to take cover from his fire, seeing this, Dimitri stood.

"You two, with me!" Dimitri ordered.

Two women soldiers followed him as he ran towards the building's bottom floor. Kicking open the door, the three of them cleared the bottom floor, Dimitri headed for the stairs, rifle pointed up.

Emerging on the second floor, Dimitri was immediately charged by one of the Imperials, he put two bullets into the man's torso but the Imperial didn't stop, Dimitri found himself against a wall as the bleeding man tried to stab him with a short sword.

One of the women came to his rescue, she thrust her knife into the back of the neck of Dimitri's assailant, killing the man.

Meanwhile, one of the women started spraying down the remaining Imperial soldiers with her Kalashnikov.

Dimitri let out a sigh of relief and radioed back to his soldiers.

"Building is clear! Cease fire!" Dimitri ordered.

The sound of PKM firing halted and bullets stopped impacting the house, signaling the two women, Dimitri headed out of the building to rejoin the rest of the squad.

The Russian forces finally reached their objective at the Temple of Hardy.

Due to the large amount of rubble, the BTRs had to remain behind while the infantry secured the temple.

There was very little in terms of a standing structure remaining, a few pillars were intact and part of the wall was still standing, beyond that, the regal temple that had once stood was gone.

Dimitri had his squad take defensive positions, along with several other squads while they awaited further orders, he rubbed his face, feeling the dirt and grime on it, Dimitri squad had taken no casualties so far and the other squads had only a few minor wounds.

This had gone much better than he thought it'd go, they managed to take their objective in record time, despite fierce enemy resistance.

He thought back to the elderly couple. Dimitri had been in such a hurry that didn't have time to feel regret, now it came at him in full force.

Shooting the elderly...

He shook his head. They gave the civilians ample enough time to evacuate, they were told what would happen if they didn't leave. It wasn't his fault, the Saderans probably left them there on purpose, to use them as human shields. Dimitri did nothing wrong, at least that's what he told himself.

Suddenly, a loud crunch drew his attention away from his thoughts, two more loud crunches followed the initial one.

"Is something collapsing?" Dimitri said in his head.

"Holy fuck!" Dimitri snapped his head towards a soldiers voice.

"It's a giant!" The Soldier shouted.

Dimitri saw what they were yelling about, a massive humanoid creature broke through a line of nearby houses, an ogre.

It was outfitted with metal armor and carried a giant club, the monster stomped towards them.

"Start shooting the fucking thing!" Dimitri snapped the Russian soldiers out of their amazement.

Hundreds of bullets immediately started flying at the giant, the monster roared at them and kept stomping forward, ignoring the multiple bullets flying at it, regular Imperial soldiers follow in the path of the ogre, charging forward, Dimitri knew they wouldn't last long with the current strategy.

"Comrades, aim at the humans! You two get over here!" Dimitri ordered two soldiers with an RPG-7.

Small arms fire was redirected away from the giant and towards the regular soldiers, cutting down their charge, but the monster kept coming.

The two soldiers made it to Dimitri's position.

"I want you to put a rocket right into that bastard's face! Understand?!" Dimitri yelled into the two soldiers face.

"Yes, Comrade Liutenant!" The Soldier's replied, as one of the soldiers unslung his RPG-7.

The other soldier loaded a HEAT round into the launcher while checking the surrounding area, the giant was getting close enough that a few soldiers had to abandon their position and run.

"Clear to fire!" The soldier yelled.

"Firing!" The other soldier shouted.

The HEAT round flew through the air at an incredible speed, it missed the ogre's head and instead impacted its shoulder, tearing the limb off its body.

"Fuck! Reload!" The soldier yelled, as the other soldier handed another rocket to the soldier who then loaded it.

The monster seemed to be extremely mad and it started to rush at the two wielding the RPG-7.

"Clear to fire!" The soldier repeated with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Firing!" The other soldier let loose the rocket, sending it flying towards the giant's face.

It didn't miss.

Impacting its forehead, penetrating it's armor.

The giant fell backwards onto the ground, the upper portion of the head was obliterated by the RPG rocket, killing it instantly

The remaining Imperial soldiers watched, as their greatest weapon died, as its giant lifeless armoured body slowly fell into the ruined streets of the city.

The effect was immediate.

Imperial soldiers threw down their swords and spears, raising their hands into the air.

The battle was finally over...

Dimitri let out a sigh of relief.

He then heard running and wheels turning, when he turned his head he saw American Marines approaching them with an LAV-25 and their BTR-82A following beside them.

"You guys okay?" A Marine asked in english.

"Yeah, we're good." Dimitri replied in English, as he dusted himself off.

"Alright, good job let cuff these Roman bastards then." The Marine replied, as he grabbed a zip tie from his pocket and approched the surrendered Imperial soldiers.

As both the American and Russian forces place ropes and zip ties on the wrists of the surrendered Imperial soldiers.

The Holy City of Bellnahgo has fallen...

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