
By smashfiction

48.7K 3.7K 261

Book 3 to Snatched Seven earthlings are snatched unceremoniously from their homes in the dead of night. Impri... More

Aisha & Quinton
Alexis & Drake
Karina & Silo
Kylie & Lew
Aisha & Quinton
Myeong & Roco
Brenda & Zibry
Kylie & Lew
Alexis & Drake
Karina & Silo
Chloe & Tor
Suriani & Halo
Rachel & Miktar
Aisha & Quinton
Myeong & Roco
Chloe & Tor
Karina & Silo
Rachel & Miktar
Kylie & Lew
Aisha & Quinton
Suriani & Halo
Rachel & Miktar
Chloe & Tor
Aisha & Quinton
Myeong & Roco
Rachel & Miktar
Chloe & Tor
Alexis & Drake
Brenda & Zibry
Myeong & Roco
Kylie & Lew
Rachel & Miktar
Juan & Clint
Kylie & Lew
Chloe & Tor
Karina & Silo
Myeong & Roco
To be continued ...
Book 4: Taken
Part 5: Trapped
Part 6: Changed
Part 7: Renewed

Myeong & Roco

1K 85 5
By smashfiction

'Well, as you know, things are going to change with this second pregnancy,' Miktar said.

'Our mission to acquire more females has been approved. We're heading back into Rictor 5's orbit as we speak.'

Zibry cocked an eyebrow. 'We're not going to attempt diplomacy?'

'Later,' Quinton said. 'When the time is right.'

'So, what does this have to do with us?' Roco said.

Miktar folded his hands upon the table as he looked at them seriously. 'Rachel, my mate, wants to go back to say goodbye to her family. It is my intention to escort her there.'

'Captain Ream won't be happy,' Zibry said.

'Captain Ream doesn't need to know.' He shrugged. 'What's he going to do?'

'He'll stop you.'

'Only if he knows about it.'

They all looked at each other. Zibry was frowning. Tor was scratching his head.

'I thought we could go together. Back each other up if things turn awry. I mean, those of you who have unfinished business for your mates.'

Unfinished business. Beneath the table, Roco gripped his knees. 'I'm in. I have some serious unfinished business.'

'Aisha will probably want to go,' Quinton nodded. 'She frets about her mother. It would be good to clear her conscience—and mine.'

'I need to go to,' Tor's mate piped in, her voice quavering and high. 'My father, my brother—I worry about them.'

'So that's four of us.'

'And me,' Drake said. 'Alexis has been thinking of her family a lot.'

Miktar relaxed back into his seat. 'Okay. Then it's settled. You're not interested?' He looked at Zibry, Clint and Silo.

'I'm not sure,' Zibry said.

'I'll have to speak with Juan.'

'That's a big no from me,' Silo said. 'She has nothing on Rictor 5. I'm all she's got.'

Miktar nodded. 'Go speak with them quickly. We'll reach Rictor 5's orbit in two hours. Let's meet here again. We'll go to holding bay 2 and take the same shuttle.' He spoke to them of the details.

The meeting was soon over and Roco returned to his room, his mind stuck on Rictor 5 and what was waiting for him there.

Myeong looked up from the table with a smile. 'That was quick. How is Quinton and Aisha? Are they happy?'

'They're fine,' Roco said in a hollow voice as he stared through the window toward Myeong's home.

Myeong frowned. 'What's wrong?' She rounded her shoulders as though something was crawling over her back. 'You feel funny.'

'We're going back to Rictor 5.'

She raised her eyebrows, then lowered them again. 'Unsurprising, I suppose. They're going to take more women?'

'You misunderstand me. We're going back to Rictor 5.'

Myeong blinked.

'I'm surprised you haven't seen my thoughts,' Roco said. 'Perhaps that's a good thing.'

Myeong still looked confused.

'We have unfinished business. I do. You do.'

She stared at him, then her eyes widened. She shot to her feet. 'What are you thinking?'

'You know what I'm thinking. How can I not think it? I've been planning to visit Paul for weeks.'

Myeong came over and grabbed his arm. 'No. It's too dangerous. What if you're caught? What if he hurts you?'

Roco's laughter echoed darkly around the room. 'You're kidding me, right?'

'You don't need to do this for me. I'm over him. He's gone. Forever. Don't bring him back.'

'You're wrong. And you know you're wrong. Paul infests your thoughts. Thus, he infests my thoughts. Like a rat. Like a bug. We need to close this chapter. You need to close this chapter.'

'Don't go,' she begged. 'Please.'

'The others are meeting up shortly. We're going to go with them, Myeong. That's right. Us. You need this. You need to confront him.'

'Don't-don't tell me what I need. Only I know what I need!' Her dark eyes darted around the room.


Her hands were trembling. He grabbed onto her as she staggered. He lowered her gently to her knees. Kneeling with her, he took her face. Her eyes were distant. It was like her mind had gone elsewhere. He felt cold. Their bond was cold.

Silo had once told him what his mate had been like during the worst of her mental sickness. This seemed disturbingly similar. He'd forgotten about the streaks. He'd forgotten about how sick Myeong really was. She hid it well. Too damn well.

'Okay,' he said quickly. 'You don't need to go. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.' What right did he have to make her do what she didn't want to do? In fact, it was a very Paul thing to do. That turned his mouth dry.

For a moment she didn't move, then her eyes slowly turned to his. 'Don't go.'

Roco nodded. 'Okay.' He brushed his thumbs beneath her eyes. 'I won't.' Taking her hand, he kissed her knuckles. 'I'll let the others know. And I won't ask you again. Can you stand?'

Myeong nodded and Roco helped her to her feet. He could feel the warmth slowly seeping back into their bond. She seemed smaller, shrivelled even, as she looked down at her feet. Roco gently pulled her against his chest and held her.

'I'm sorry,' he said again.


She was only trembling a little now. The strength had returned to her legs. What just happened? She couldn't remember. It was like she'd blacked out. Paul. Go back to Rictor 5 to confront Paul.

Her hands started to shake again. Biting her lip, she clutched onto Roco. There was no place she could be further away from Paul than here. There was no safer person to be with than Roco. Why did he have to bring it up?

She knew why. He was angry. No. Not just angry. He'd also imbibed some of Myeong's fear too. It wasn't just about Myeong, it was about him. Because of their bond, he was suffering. Burying her face into Roco's chest, she released a breath. Perhaps he was right. Perhaps she needed to be stronger. Braver. Paul stalked her dreams almost every night. How many did Roco see? How many of Myeong's memories had he lived?

But what if it made things worse? Myeong bit down on her lip as she started to tremble again. Paul's face kept flashing in her mind. His dark angry eyes. The way he balled his fists at his sides. They way he hunched over and all the veins stuck out in his arms and neck. She shivered.

Roco laid a hand against the back of her neck. 'We won't do it. Forget about it.'

Myeong pulled back. She stared into his chest, unable to look at him. Unwilling to have him see the dread in her eyes. Her fingers and toes felt cold. There was a prickling at the back of her neck.

'When-when are they leaving?'

'Not long. Today. Within the hour.'


'What does it matter? We're not going anyway.' He looked back into her eyes. 'Are we?'

The breath stuck in Myeong's throat.


She stepped back. 'I-I think you're right. I know you're right. I have to do this.' She closed her eyes. 'I have to be rid of him.'

'I'm not sure if that's a good idea.'

She looked at him.

'I was foolish. I didn't think. Look what happened to you.'

'That's why I need to do this,' she said. 'I'm not as fortunate as Karina. I have to do something.'

Roco watched her uncertainly, a deep furrow between his eyes.

'But you'll be there,' she said. 'With me.'

'Oh, I'll be there. Don't you worry. I'd never leave you alone with him.' He took her hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb. 'But maybe, maybe I should just go alone. I could ... do what needs to be done and you'll know ... you'll see ...' He tapped his temple.

Myeong shook her head. 'I want to see him for real. I need to.' After so much had happened with Roco, it was hard to remember the details of his face. She remembered his eyes, though. Those dark, almost black eyes. Her fingers were trembling again.

'Okay,' he said—and his voice snapped her out of it. 'If you're sure it's what you want.'

Myeong nodded.

'Then let's go.'

They took only themselves, no supplies, no equipment. How long had the journey been the first time? Myeong couldn't remember. She was surprised and relieved to discover that Chloe, Aisha and Alexis were joining her.

Roco and the others were elsewhere, at the front of the ship preparing for their journey.

'Congratulations,' she told them all as she sat down alongside them in the cell-like room in the centre of the space shuttle. Doorless. Windowless. With a long bench that lined the walls.

She was genuinely happy for them, which surprised her, feeling no envy or jealousy towards Aisha or Alexis, her mind far too focused on the task ahead. She was very happy for Chloe. She seemed younger. Her face was glowing.

Still, it was hard not to look too closely at the marks on the women's faces. It was hard not to touch her own face. For a moment she felt a surge of despair; it quickly vanished as she thought again of the task ahead. At least Paul was good for something.

The irony.

'You're going back too,' Alexis said. 'Who are you saying goodbye to?'

'My husband.'

Alexis's eyes widened. Chloe and Aisha looked at each other.

'Don't worry, I don't love him. I never loved him. He was—he was a jerk.'

'Then w-why are you saying goodbye?' Aisha said.

'It's complicated.'

The women didn't prod.

'What about you?' Myeong continued. 'Who are you going back for?'

'My sister,' Alexis said. 'I want to see my mother too but Drake says we can only make one trip. My sister will have to inform her.' She looked down into her lap sadly. 'I can't believe it'll be the last time I see her.'

They fell quiet.

'I miss Mama,' Aisha said, wiping her nose. 'It's-it's going to be hard.'

'At least you'll get to see them,' Chloe said. 'I'm not sure I can.'

'What do you mean?' Myeong said.

'Our bond,' the girl said. 'It's very strong. He can't leave me and I can't leave him. I suppose I could have him wait outside my home but my father is dangerous. They have guns. I don't think I can risk it.' She bit down on her lip.

'What are you going to do then?'

Chloe shook her head.

They all turned when the door slid open. In stepped a woman Myeong didn't recognise.

'Ah, Rachel!' Aisha wobbled to her feet.

It was odd that the first thing Myeong noticed was that she was not bonded. Before anything else: her age, her skin colour, hair or body type—it all seemed less consequential now. She was rather tall, a little plump with blonde hair tied up in a bun. Maybe early thirties. She was smiling. Myeong stared, trying to place her. She couldn't remember seeing her in the infirmary.

'This is Rachel—Mi-Miktar's mate,' Aisha said.


'Hi,' the woman said awkwardly. She studied Aisha with a frown. 'Are you all right? That rash looks a little nasty.'

Aisha grinned. They all grinned. 'I'm fine. It'll be-be gone soon.'

Chloe laughed.

Perplexed, Rachel shrugged and took a seat next to Aisha. 'You're all going back to Earth?'

They nodded. Myeong grabbed onto the bench as the room lurched.

'And were off!' Rachel laughed. She threw up her hands. 'Weeeee!'

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