Veil Falls (Bangpink AU)

By KeropiJeka

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Another school year has started in this small Town of Veil Falls. With mysterious strangers suddenly transfer... More

Ch. 1 ➖ Hello
Part I - Character Introduction
Ch. 2 ➖ Mortuus
Part II ➖ Character Introduction
Ch. 3 ➖ Okay
Part III - Character Introduction
Ch. 4 ➖ You
Part IV : Character Introduction
Ch. 5 ➖ Rude
Ch. 6 ➖ Deal
Part V ➖ Character Introduction
Ch. 7 ➖ Vampire
Note 1
Ch. 8 ➖ Spill
Ch. 9 ➖ Jungkook
Part VI ➖ Character Introduction
Ch. 10 ➖ Snitch
Ch. 11 ➖ Bourbon
Ch. 12 ➖ Separate
Ch. 13 ➖ Thanks
Ch. 14 ➖ Fine
Ch. 15 ➖ Jimin
Ch. 17 ➖ Kidding
Ch. 18 ➖ Wood
Ch. 19 ➖ Condition

Ch. 16 ➖ Top

111 3 4
By KeropiJeka


Jennie's kitchen was in chaos. First and foremost, because this would be the first time the household would host such a huge number of visitors after the death of Jennie's parents, even though there are only about 5 of them namely Taehyung, Lisa, Rosè, Jungkook, and Jimin. Yoongi was still MIA and doesn't reply to their texts and Jisoo was... well out of town.

Second, this was also the first time CL would host a dinner get together. If this was a party, then she got a lot of experience on that field, just a bunch of drinks and chips and you're all set. But this was dinner. Then again, she was thankful, at least it was only some of her niece's friends. If this was one of those housewife kind of get together then she might be burning her ass right now. This is a great practice for the real deal, she thought.

Third, Jeremy can't seem to keep still, excited that he'll see a lot people. So, he placed all his favorite toys in the living room to show them off to the guests later. He's hoping that at least one of them would play with him.

Lastly, Jennie has been feeling weird about everything. It was the first time Taehyung and her had a disagreement. He really didn't want to do this, well more like he didn't want Jimin to be invited. And for the first time also, Lisa was in agreement with him. If it wasn't for what Rosè said, she wouldn't push through with this. She said that this was meant for the two to finally reconcile. In her words during the last period. "Jimin is ready to fix everything, Taehyung is the one who's not ready, even though clearly it was Taehyung's fault in the first place. We're only giving them a venue to finally come to an understanding." Rosè convinced.

And here Jennie was, chopping the last piece of tomato for the salad she's preparing. Right on time, the door bell rang and she came running towards the door with Jeremy trailing after her.

The person behind the door was not a person she was expecting, "Mr. Kwon! Hi, uhm you're here?" Jennie stuttered, surprised that her teacher was here once again.

"You're aunt didn't tell you? She said she needed someone to make the dinner awkward. So here I am." Mr. Kwon smiled, a 360 of his strict facade at school.

He doesn't know though that even without him, this dinner will become awkward, Jennie was sure of it.

"May I come in?" Mr. Kwon asked, seeing that the girl was not speaking.

Snapping out of it, she gestured towards the inside of her house and she shouted, "Aunt C, Mr. Kwon is here!" And as if on cue, her aunt's head pop out of the counter.

"Ji-yong, thank goodness you're here." CL smiled and half dragged the man towards the kitchen.

"Any other visitors that I should know about, Auntie?" Jennie sarcastically smiled.

"Well, your Aunt Minzy is coming too." CL answered straightforwardly as she removed the lasagna from the oven. Jennie admits that Aunt Zy would surely make this a little less awkward, if she doesn't go crazy about how this town sucks in front of people who are still staying in this town, then yeah, this would definitely not be awkward.

Soon enough the guest came one after the other, first it was Lisa with Minzy, then Taehyung, and finally Jimin and Rosè.

"Has anyone texted Jungkook?" Lisa asked the group, noticing the boy's absence.

Everyone shook their heads to say no. "Oh, okay. I'll just call him." Lisa stepped out of the room a bit while the others were finding their seats around the huge oak dinner table.

A few rings, but no one answered. Should I would be worried? Lisa contemplated. She already smell the dishes from where she was standing, near the front the door.

Before any agitation started, she saw a familiar black range rover parking at the other side of the street. Seeing the car, she then released a heavy sigh of relief. A boy, with a familiar built, came out of the oh so familiar car. But then, an oh so unfamiliar man came out of the passenger side of the door.

"No way. Oh S***!" She whispered.

The boy enthusiastically waived at her and ran towards the house, causing the man to follow him, but in a more dignified way.

"Hey Lisa!" Jungkook greeted with a smile. "Remember my uncle, Seung-hyun?" He immediately gestured to the man who was coming towards them.

Seeing that Lisa was still dumbfounded, "Oh right, you wouldn't remember him as Seung always called him... Uhm..." He tried to remember the nickname Lisa gave his uncle when they were 10 years old.

"T.O.P...." Lisa whispered softly which Jungkook clearly heard,"wow my hearing is really improving lately."

"Yeah right uncle... TOP." Jungkook rolled his eyes remembering how ridiculous the name was.

"Hi, kid!" TOP, who by then reached the front porch raised his hand to greet the young lady, who was then a kid from the last time he saw her.

"Uhm..long time no see.." Lisa shyly responded.

"Yeah, you too kid." TOP smiled and set his gaze to Jungkook who gestured the way towards the front door.

"Oh right.. uhm..we should come in now, everyone's waiting." Lisa shyly responded, noticable blush radiating from her face. This caused Jungkook to feel irritated. So he walked towards the house without waiting for the two.

Jungkook went directly towards the dining table where everyone was already settled. He seated next to Jeremy, for which the toddler hugged him in delight. Jungkook then messed up the boys head and smiled at him, feeling satisfied that the kid have not yet forgotten him.

"Oh my gosh! Hyun is that you?" CL stood up and gave the man a hug then followed by Minzy.

"Great! Now it's your reunion aunt C." Jennie sarcastically commented for which the three break out of their group hug.

"By the way Hyun, meet Ji-yong, these brats' teacher and my.. uhm.. friend. Ji-yong this is Jeon Seung-hyun, Jungkook's uncle and of course a childhood friend." CL introduced the two male who only nodded slightly like two normal strangers being akwardly introduced.

"Oh and that.. uhm, I think Jennie should introduce him." CL said pertaining to Taehyung who was seated next to Jennie and an empty seat which for sure TOP would be seated.

"Hi uncle TOP, this is Taehyung. Tae, this is uncle Seung-hyun." Taehyung stood from where he was seated and extended his hands towards TOP for a handshake.

TOP accepted it and in Taehyung's surprise the grip was almost bone breaking, and he's a vampire so that tells a lot. TOP smirked seeing the confused reaction from Taehyung.

"Oh and Rose? how about the guy you're with?" CL asked the blonde.

TOP immediately let go of Taehyung's hands and directed his attention to the other stranger.

"This is Jimin, a new classmate." Rose

Jimin only nod to him like how Ji-yong greeted him. "wooow! the little kids have boyfriends now? I'm really getting old." he laughed and sitted himself in between Taehyung and Jennie.

"So, does this mean that you and Lisa are a thing now?" he asked his nephew who was sitted across from him. "I mean since everyone is partnering up."

"that's ridiculous." Jungkook rolled his eyes and stabbed the baked ham infront of him, getting the largest portion.

"woah there kid, you don't have to give me attitude." TOP smirked at the ridiculousness of the kid's action.

"I do remember though that you had this biggest crush on her. I'm glad you're over it. After all, wasn't she your first heartbreak or something?" TOP blurted out.

"oh I remember that." Minzy cutted in the conversation while looking at Lisa. "I remember Jungkook crying while trying to have a fight with you because Lisa had this huge crush on you." she laughed at Lisa who was still staring at her in disbelief that her aunt knows about this and she didn't.

"oh my god.. good times.. good times." TOP said in between laughs. the older ones were having fun of the memory, well except for Ji-yong, who couldn't relate as he was a new comer. But he still smiled, none the less, since they were his students still.

The two, Jungkook and Lisa, were now red as a tomato.

"whatever." Jungkook tried to zone everyone off as he tried to concentrate on eating his food while his other friends were trying to tease him and Lisa.

"So Hyun, what made you come back? I mean it's been like 8 years since you left." CL questioned.

"Well, I heard that little brat right there has been in trouble a lot lately." TOP explained while everyone looked at Jungkook, who has now lowered his head in embarrassment.

"And you know, my brother is not really good at handling ...uhm.. problematic kids." TOP continued.

It was no secret to the five ladies present what happens everytime Jungkook is found at fault. And it's been eating them, even before, that they can't do anything about it. Hearing the reason why TOP is back, they are definitely thankful. But they also know, that TOP also experienced the same thing with his father, Jungkook's grandfather.

Jungkook half smiled. He thought, lately, he was losing each person he ever cared for, but then his uncle came back.. he was grateful.


The dinner went on smoothly. After eating, they decided to separate into groups. The adults settled on the living room, while the kids went to the garden. Jeremy on the other hand, dragged Jungkook to his room to play, given that the adults have taken over the living room, where his toys were.

"So what now?" Lisa sarcastically asked, breaking the silence that envoloped the place.

"I suppose we could play a game or something." Jennie awkwardly suggested.

"What kind of game?" Jimin asked smiling devilishly.

"hmmm. How about Truth or Dare?" Rose thought.

"Isn't that a bit childish and a bit cliche?" Lisa side commented, gaining an eye roll from Rosé.

"Then what do you suggest then?" Rose returned the question directing it to Lisa which gained another eye roll.

"How about we discuss why we're really here? Jimin?" Lisa looked at the man sitting next to Rose.

With everyone's eyes on him, Jimin stiffled a laugh. "Alright alright!". He then directed his gaze towards Taehyung, "I want my brother back."

Taehyung was taken aback by his words, those words that he himself have already said multiple times on multiple occasions. So what was the point now? What is Jimin's ulterior motives?

"What do you want, really?" Taehyung whispered where only Jimin can only here.

"Basing this on your expression, I see you don't believe me." Jimin answered however he made sure everyone can hear. "I think it's time that we reconnect, and you know, put the past behind us." he continued.

Taehyung simply cannot control understand what the boy was implying as he raised one of his brows.

The night moved on from the discussion, with Rose, bringing out playing cards. Taehyung observed Jimin the whole night and nothing was out of the ordinary.


"You don't believe him, do you?" Lisa asked Taehyung as soon as they both stepped out of the house.

"Not for a minute." he plainly answered.

They both went to their respective cars thinking that they are the last visitor of the Kim's residence to leave.

But as soon as the two cars was out of sight, a knock was heard, making Jennie head to the front door seeing that her aunt is already passed out in her room.

"oh hey, did you leave something?" she said as soon as she opened the door.

End of Chapter➖

hey. it's been a while....

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