Lost Viking Queen

By Raven1293

15.7K 319 9

Dies in battle but then wakes up in a whole another world. She died fighting along side her love and now she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Author Announcement
Chapter 38

Chapter 13

350 5 0
By Raven1293

*Part 2 of Story Time*

~The princess slowly walked towards the seer as he held out his hand. She went to pay tribute,but he stopped her. "No my princess no payment is required. I know what you wish to know." She nodded then asked. "Then what do the gods have planned for me?"

The seer took a moment. "You will be queen before you ever marry, and you will marry a king." You will lose so much but you will gain more in return. You are loyal to the gods and they will award you greatly for it, but even when you lose everything do not stray or you will lose more than you have." The princess was confused, she went to leave but stopped.

"Do you know who I'll marry?" She looks at him as he slowly nods, "Yes, but I will not tell you." He leans closer and starts to whisper, she gets closer to him so she can hear him. "You will marry twice, once when you are of age and again after your death." She steps back looking at him terrified and confused. "That's all for now princess."

She nods and leaves lost in thought. Bjorn could tell she was thinking about what she was told and knew not to interrupt her thoughts. They walked in silence for awhile until she announces she's ready for bed. He escorts her to her uncle and he takes her to her room.

The princess couldn't sleep that night. They stayed in Kattegat for two more days then the princess leaves with her guards as her father and uncle are going on a raid with Ragnar and Bjorn.

Two years pass and the young princess gets news her father has been killed, and no news of her uncle. The people respected her as their queen but also saw her as their own family. She was not afraid to help them and in return they protected her and gave her the feeling of not being alone when she was. Even though she was an orphaned princess by 12 she stood up against all who threatened her home and so the whole kingdom stood behind her, when she was 16 she was crowned the youngest queen.

News came in that her uncle was back in Kattegat and Largetha, Bjorn's mother, was going against the queen. The Queen of Norway wasted no time gathering only a few warriors and setting sail to Kattegat. When they arrived they noticed a coward in the middle of the village and she slowly made her way through to see what was going on.

She had a hood on so no one knew who she was. She saw the queen walking away and noticed Largetha had strung up a arrow, and as soon as the arrow released the Norway Queen had stepped out and caught the arrow. "Now that is no way to kill anyone, the most well respected shield maiden of all time should know better." The crowd gasped and the former queen of Kattegat turned around wide eyed.

"Not the first impression you want to make as a new queen. Do you?" "Who dares to speak to the new queen in such a manner? SPEAK!!!" The queen of Norway looks up and removes her hood and everyone drops to the ground in low bow. "You have gained the throne in Kattegat, but I will not let you kill an innocent woman to keep that throne." She smiled and turned to the former queen. "You are welcomed to my home. You will be protected there I promise. Go and get your things and then you'll be escorted to my boat." The former queen thanked the young one and did as she was told. The young queen turned to Lagatha and smiled. "I always knew you'd become queen. ALL HAIL QUEEN LAGATHA!!!" Everyone chanted. She sent the former queen back home with her uncle with a few warriors.

She stayed behind catching up and helping around Kattegat. When the sons of the former queen returned all they heard was there was a new queen and she tried to kill their mother. They rushed to the great hall to Largetha on the throne talking with young woman who was laughing. All they could see was she had long raven hair that seemed to sparkle and she was wearing men's clothing and was covered in mud. The laughing stopped and she stood straighter when she noticed Lagatha looking behind her with no emotions.

She turned around slowly her eyes studying the former princes. None recognized her at first but when she saw Bjorn she broke out into smile and ran to me not caring about the odd looks. He was stunned because he did not know who she was. She stepped back and looked at him. "What is this, my noble prince forgot how to greet his young princess? Well I'm queen now." He slowly broke into a smile and hugged her tight spinning her around. She greeted all the sons, but stopped at Ivar she noticed he was more angry and hurt than last she saw him.

She also felt this unusual pull to him. Ivar is a crippled he was born that way and had no use of his legs at all. "Why do you stand with the woman who killed our mother?!" Ivar spit venom at the young queen. She was taken aback by this. "Who said she killed her?" Ubbe spoke up, "The villagers have."

She looks at him and shakes her head. "No she is alive with my uncle at his home in my kingdom. She is safe I stayed to wait for your return to take you with me to go be with her." They looked at her like she was some sort of mythical being. "My queen tells the truth. Here a letter from your mother to prove she is well and of her location." Her first in command handed the letter to them. As the oldest reads it Ivar keeps his eyes on the woman in front of him. "Well let me get cleaned up then we can leave. I'll meet y'all at the boats." She turns to Lagatha.

"I should be going anyways I've been gone from home too long. If you ever need anything let me know." With that she goes to clean up. Once she's done she heads out to the boats. "Well let's get going shall we.?" They sons look at her and almost didn't recognize her, she was in a beautiful blue dress and her hair was half up in a braid and she wore a crown, not a bulky or over dramatic crown, but a simple silver crown that looked like vines twisted together with a stone that looked like it was star picked out of the night sky just for her.

They boarded the boats and headed to her home. Once they docked they were greeted by children asking the queen questions she picked up a babe that was in the arms of a woman and when the queen nodded to the docks the woman turned to see her son's there. They were all happy to be together again. The queen smiled and walked off with the babe on her hip her people were happy she was home and so was she.

It had been weeks since everyone came to her home and had started to fall for Ivar and he has fallen for her. One of her maids told her what she has heard, "Ubbe has been telling Ivar to tell you how he feels but he is worried because he is crippled that you will never love him." See in secret she has Floki from Kattegat who was a ship builder work with her own personal builder and black smith make something for Ivar to help him walk and feel normal. When she heard that Ivar had feelings but stopped himself because he was crippled made her over see this project more so and even helped where she could and gave her opinions.

By the end of the month they were done just in time for their day of birth. The kingdom was in a uproar there queen was turning 20 and they were all excited. Only a few knew that Ivar shared the same day with her but he didn't know she remembered. That night they celebrated and danced and had a big feast they all gave the queen something small whether they made it or wrote her a letter of their appreciation for her.

They knew she didn't like gifts and refused to let anyone buy her anything. So they did little things for her. Once they were coming to end she stood up with her glass and the room got quiet. "I want to thank everyone for everything you all have done for me since I was born. But I learned some years ago that this day is only shared with one other person, so to Ivar Lothbrok happy day of birth to you as well." He looked shocked but slightly smiled. She smiled and took a drink as everyone in the hall said his name. "Floki do you think we should give him his gift now or later?" She whispered to him and looked to think for a moment"Later my queen, we wouldn't want him to feel like we are trying to embarrass him." She nodded in agreement.

Floki left early to go get Ivars gift and take it to his room. Once everyone left the great hall was cleaned the queen and changed into a simple gown and head piece and made her way the Ivars room. She was about to knock when Floki opened the door bowing and letting her in.

She saw Ivar sitting in chair by the bed looking at his gift. She was afraid he was mad. "I promise you I mean no ill will with this gift. I just thought it would be helpful. I some what know of what you're going through." He looked at her and looked almost murderous. "How would you know what it feels like to not be able to walk? Why would anyone care if I could or couldn't?"

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