Lost Viking Queen

By Raven1293

16.9K 341 9

Dies in battle but then wakes up in a whole another world. She died fighting along side her love and now she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Author Announcement
Chapter 38

Chapter 8

546 10 0
By Raven1293

*story time*

~"There was this young princess who was about 8 almost 9. Her father and uncle decided to take the young princess to a neighboring kingdom to go meet a king and his five sons. You see the princess knew the oldest, Bjorn, he was like a brother to her.

Him and his mother came to visit when she was very little they grew close but because he was much older all he saw was a new sister nothing more. She was so excited to see her brother again. They boarded the boats and set sail. They sailed for two days and two nights, and sunrise on the third day they could see the shores of Kattegat the neighboring kingdom.

The princess could not hold her excitement when she saw her brother standing on the dock next to a man a woman she's never met. Once the boat docked and she followed her father and uncle to meet the king and his family. She took off to Bjorn as he started to walk towards them. She jumped up to give him a hug.

"I missed you so much." He sat her down and she smiled at him. "I missed you too princess." He looked to her father and uncle welcoming them. "It's great to see you all again. I hope the journey was okay." Her father responded. "It was well the gods watched over us."

With that they went to the king, Ragnar, and his wife. The queen smiled and introduced the princess to her four sons. Ubbe, the oldest, then Hervstak, the second son, Ivar and then Sigrid only 3 or 4. But when she got to her third born the princess noticed something about him. 1) they were the same age and 2) he did not stand nor smile or greet her in anyway. The princess bowed to all of the sons and then excused herself.

She saw some people sparring and went to watch. No one noticed the princess was watching them until she spoke. "I wanna spar." They looked at the young girl and laughed. She didn't like that. "What afraid a girl could beat your ass?" She asked angered.

"Fine but only with wooden swords. We don't need your father killing anyone if you got the slightest nick ." She pulls out her wooden sword "of course wouldn't want to hurt you to badly." The princess of only 8 started to spar and they were impressed at her strength and speed.

Then Bjorn came to let her know supper was ready. The princess stopped and ran to Bjorn jumping on his back,"Finally! Hurry my noble prince I want the best seat in the house." He laughs at her antics, "I am your humble servant my princess your wish is my command." He takes off running to the great hall and burst through the doors and slows to walk to the table and gently places her in her sit.

"My princess." He says with a very deep bow. "My noble prince." She places a soft kiss on his head. They sat and ate not realizing that the had caught the attention of everyone in the room but a very nasty look from Ivar. The princess sensed that someone was looking at her so she looks around the room to the others and notices that Ivar is staring at her. If looks could kill.

She stares back then turns to the queen. "When were your son's born?" The queen looked at her a little curious. "Why?" The princess turned to her father. " Father said that the night or day someone is born can tell you a lot about someone. Like the night I was born everyone says it was a full moon but it was brighter than ever like it wanted to be the first to welcome me into this world. I was the only babe born that night in our kingdom." The queen looked shocked and amazed at this fact.

" Then you must be the same age as my Ivar. He was not due for another day but the night you speak of I had gone for a walk and stared at the moon and then all of sudden then I knew what was happening." The princess looked at Ivar who was now looking at his mother in shock. "Where is your seer?!" The princess yelled whispered to Borjn. He looked at her and nodded his head to follow him. "I need some air." She announced, "I'll accompany you my dear." She shook her head. "No need father, I'd like to go on walk with my brother Bjorn it's been too long." They both smiled at her. "Bjorn protect my daughter." He bowed,"I'll make sure she stays out of trouble."

With that they walked out everyone was non the wiser, but Ivar knew something was up and excused himself, and left the great hall in the opposite direction. He saw them heading towards the seers home and followed them. Bjorn knocked on the door. "Come in." Bjorn opened the door for her. "I'll wait out here for you." He closed the door. "Come closer my dear princess." She slowly walked towards the seer as he held out his hand. She went to pay tribute,but he stopped her. "No my princess no payment is required I know what you wish to know." ~

I stopped speaking when I heard the soft snores of the princess. I looked at the sleeping princess and stood up slowly with her close to my body. I made my way slowly over to the bed and laid her down covering her up. Softly kissing her head,"Good night princess and sweet dreams." I made way back to the seat in front the fire place and watched the flames dancing as they lulled me to sleep.

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