Dear, Alliance With My Enemy

By Sweet_Dily

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The Celestial Kingdom has four powerful duchy families and one royal family. The royal fire family. The four... More

Chapter 1: Betrayal
Chapter 2: The Palace
Chapter 3: Wedding Preparation
Chapter 4: The Walk To The Aisle
Chapter 5: The Bickering Wedding
Chapter 6: Aspen's West And East
Chapter 7: 5 Years later
Chapter 8: The Sneak Out
Chapter 9: A Bittersweet Realization
Chapter 10: The Guild Master
Chapter 11: Threatening Offer
Chapter 12: The Sword Bet
Chapter 13: Nicole River
Chapter 14: Prison Cells
Chapter 15: Noah
Chapter 16: Monster's Den
Chapter 17: Aiden's Past
Chapter 18: Wedding In Aiden's Eyes
Chapter 19: Authority
Chapter 20: You Are My Weakness
Chapter 21 Guest Preparation
Chapter 22: Delegates
Chapter 23: Confrontation
Chapter 24: Dominating Women
Chapter 25: Love And Obsession
Chapter 26: Poisoned Underwear
Chapter 28: Aspen Academy
Chapter 29: Alliance With My Enemy
Chapter 30: Maniac
Chapter 31: Dance Or A Kiss?
Chapter 32: Why Are You So Gentle?
Chapter 33: Take Responsibility
Chapter 34: Rotten
Chapter 35: Mind Games My Love
Chapter 36: Becoming Chopped Meat
Chapter 37: Dangerous Woman Have Thorns
Chapter 38: Ready For The Ball?
Chapter 39: Natasha V.S Aneria
Chapter 40: Young Dukes
Chapter 41: Identity Exposure
Chapter 42: Destroyed Ballroom
Chapter 43: Alliance With An Assassin Leader
Chapter 44: Become Mine
Chapter 45: Fool Women I Am Not
Chapter 46: The Element You Die
Chapter 47: Your Personal Cupid
Chapter 48: The Faring Off The Villians
Chapter 49: Dieor
Chapter 50: Unafraid Of Your Wrath
Chapter 51: His Queen Or My Queen
Chapter 52: BOOM Goes The Blood Line!
Chapter 53: The Fall Of The Feminine Productel
Chapter 54: Execution Or War
Chapter 55: Marley

Chapter 27: Tension Between Enemies

795 14 7
By Sweet_Dily

**WARNING: Contains foul language.

**Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 27...

'Chrip, chirp'

Bird noises.

"Mmm" (Aneria)

It was bright early in the morning when the birds sang. While a ray of sunshine hit the beautiful woman laying in the fluffy bed.

Aneria's eyelashes fluttered as she woke up.

She finally sat up in bed and fully opened her eyes only to realize where she was laying.

'Don't tell me..' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Her eyes went across the room where the couch was and quickly turned to the right side of the bed.

She noticed the empty and untouched bed.

'Wait  did he sleep on the couch?' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

'He brought me to bed...I definitely didn't take him as that kind of man...he said he didn't care.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

A small smile formed from Aneria's rosy lips.

'By the way where is he?' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

There was no sign of Aiden.

'Perhaps he's already ready..' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria looked a the cord near her which was used to call the maids.



"Come in" (Aneria, said)

'Step, step, step'


In an instant, about six maids came in quickly. Three maids came holding three rolling carts of food while the other three politely smiled for instructions.

"What's all this?" (Aneria, asked)

Aneria asked flustered.

"Ah about that, the prince ordered breakfast for the princess." (Luna, said)

Luna was a maid with short brown hair and brown eyes.

"He did?" (Aneria, asked)

Aneria asked confused.

"Yes, princess. He also said once you are done with breakfast to be ready to depart for the Aspen School Academy." (Luna, said)

'Ah, right the first thing that the delegates were going to do was check the school.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

"I see then, thank you." (Aneria, said)

Aneria ate her breakfast and got ready with the help of multiple maids.

"Oh your hair feels like clouds!" (May, said)

May had red hair with orange eyes.

"Princess is so pretty! The gold and purple color dress suits you perfectly." (Mary, said)

Mary a maid with two long black braids and green eyes.

Indeed her dress was very beautiful as the golden embroidery corset only gave more shape to her figure.

The bottom of the dress was fluffy like a cloud with golden ruffles at the bottom. It seemed that the golden embroidery really sparkled like gold.

She looked like an elegant fancy doll.

Then the maids added a gold and purple hairpin at the back of her loose wavy hair. 

As Aneria looked at her reflection she remember Aiden as she stared at the purple dress that resembled Aiden's eyes.

"By the way, where is the prince?" (Aneria, asked)

"Ah..about that.."(Luna, said)

—- At the main hall —-

"What is the meaning of this?!" (Robert, yelled)

"You put something in our bed sheets, haven't you?!" (Everet, yelled)

"You shall pay the consequences!"(Wezlee, yelled)

"You are the corrupt I say!"(Malachi, yelled)

All the delegates screamed at Aiden while he stood there indifferently taking in their cries.

The delegates had bumps with pus everywhere on their body while some purple and red burses formed around their arms, legs, and necks. To make matter worse half of their face looked dark as if it was rotting away. But if others saw it they would have probably thought their skin was melting away. Even their fingernails had become black. It was to a point where it became hard to know who was which with their disfigured face.

Aiden remained unfazed until Maverick comment snaped Aiden's patience.

"Ha, it was probably done by the princess as well!" (Maverick, yelled)

Aiden's head slowly turned to Maverick and glared at him with an intimidating aura.

"I believe I already warned you once, this is my last warning. I suggest if you have no proof don't run your mouth like that ever again. If I hear another word out of your snake-like mouth at the mention of my wife I'll personally cut that snake tongue of yours." (Aiden, said)

Aiden coldly said.

Malachi tried helping Maverick.

"Your highness you shouldn't be talking so lightly, we will surely find out who did it and after we do then-"(Malachi, said)

Aiden interrupted strictly.

"That won't be necessary as we have found out that your clothes are the problem" (Aiden, said)

"To think the Celestial kingdom sold such thing." (Aiden, said)

Aiden looked at the delegate's clothes in disgust.

"What nonsense are you spouting?" (Malachi, yelled)

Aiden continued.

"You've been making a fuss since early in the morning harassing our servants about the sheets. Do you have any idea that my wife is still sleeping upstairs. I had to come down and check for myself. My servant has already inspected the bedroom including the sheets and we found no such thing except for the toxins in your clothes."(Aiden, said)

"Impossible! Our clothes are of high quality!" (Nolan, yelled)

"Apparently not, since some of my servants that organized your clothing last night are in the same state as you." (Aiden, said)

"Ha, how would you know it wasn't your servants that you send to do the job?" (Nolan, yelled)

"No idiot would do a job where they end like you." (Aiden, said)

"Tsk" (Nolan)

Nolan had nothing to say and so Aiden called Axel and Jacob to bring in one of Aspen's servants.

Axel and Jacob were in the back of one of the maids who changed their clothes.

Aiden raised his palm, at the moment Axel and Jacob halted.

Aiden's cold eyes returned to the delegates.

"I should be the one complaining since you hurt some of our staff." (Aiden, said)

Aiden said coldly.

The delegates shivered but Everett yelled.

"Your highness, it has nothing to do with our clothes. Marquess Jerald is also wearing clothes from the Celestial kingdom and he's fine!" (Everette, yelled)

'Of course, I know. That's because I didn't put anything in his clothes' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

"We found that the toxins in your clothes were there before you arrived which means it was from the Celestial kingdom." (Aiden, said)

"Y-You brat!"(Everette, yelled)

By the time Aneria had already arrived downstairs walking toward the delegates and Aiden.

'Oh this atmosphere...' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

So Aneria halted her steps and tried to hide to hear the conversation.

Aiden's cold gaze soon turned like a killing beast as he continued to speak.

"How do I know that you weren't the ones trying to harm my wife or my people?" (Aiden, asked)

Aneria flinched at the word 'wife' as she hid behind a wall.

"I-I" (Everette, said)

Everette shrank and trembled.

"We would never!" (Robert, yelled)

Aiden continued.

"Ha, never you say?" (Aiden, asked)

Aiden snickers.

"Then answer me this." (Aiden, said)

Aiden glared furiously at the delegates as they struggled to gulp down their saliva.

"We found a bottle in one of your servant's rooms." (Aiden, said)

"Maybe your coach driver had a grudge against you except for marquess Quin." (Aiden' said)

"..." (delegates)

'Smart play, prince' (Jerald's inner thoughts)

"So if you want to avoid more conflicts before I lock you up in the dungeon like your servant, I suggest you follow the butler. You'll get better clothes and good treatment." (Aiden, said)

Aiden looked at them as if they were mice as the delegates quietly followed Henry.

Soon Henry guided them out and left Aiden alone.

Aiden turned the side of his face.

"You can come out now." (Aiden, said)

Aneria flinched again.

'How did he notice my presence?' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria's small face peeked out of the corner while Aiden stared Aneria with his side eye.

'Oh well, I got caught..' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria finally stepped out of the corner and Aiden's side eyes went wide.

Aiden then turned his whole body to face Aneria as his purple eyes went wider.

'Beautiful' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

But Aneria stood there mad with her arms crossed.

'I see my color tie has been decided already' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Aiden thought as a small slick smile formed on his lips.

Aneria on the other hand, misunderstood it thinking that he was proud of what he did.

"We need to have a talk now!" (Aneria, said)

Aneria raised her voice as she told Aiden.

She looked at him coldly and turned around.

Aiden blindly followed Aneria to the end of a hidden hall.

Aneria directed Aiden to the hidden hall walking faster by the second.

Her flowy wavy white hair bounced up and down. Her purple dress flowed as if she was going downstairs at the pace she was going.

She almost made it to the end of the hall where a small brown tall craved table stood at the end. There was a tiny antique golden candle and candle holder. And a wide squared mirror attached to the wall hanging on top of that brown tall table.

She finally stopped a few steps from the table and turned around to face Aiden.

She still glared at him and crossed her arms again.

"Was this what you meant by teaching them a lesson?" (Aneria, asked)

Aneria raised her voice and snickered.

She then continued to speak.

"Do you have any idea what could have gone wrong if they died here?" (Aneria, said)

'In fact, if the delegates really would have died here the king would have the authority to take Aspen easily.' (Aneria's inner thoughts) 

Aneria was stressing while Aiden stared ten feet away in silence.

"..." (Aiden)

'She's like an angry cat.' (Aiden's  inner thoughts)

Again a small smile formed on Aiden's lips while once again Aneria misunderstood for the second time.

"Is this a time to be laughing?! Did you not look at their faces? It looked like they were melting. They were covered with rashes and pus!"(Aneria, said)

'All my hard work..because of him!' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

'Ha, not even that, but the people here in Aspen. Is this a game to him?' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria now was glaring at Aiden like a knife.

Aiden farrowed his brows in dissatisfaction.

"Wasn't it resolved already? I told the butler to give them the antidote. So why are you making a face like that, we both know you wanted to hurt them too." (Aiden, said)

'It's only a temporary antidote but for Harrison's undergarments, it should probably take effect when he gets to Celestial. Once that's done his manhood will be sure gone.' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

'Ha, he wants to play like this?' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria put down her crossed arms and both hands by her waist and hips.

"Yes, so what of it. If you knew I wanted to hurt them you should of know I wouldn't do it here in Aspen." (Aneria, said)

Aneria continued.

"Tell me, prince, is this fun to you, do you think this a child's game where you could do whatever you please?" (Aneria, asked)

"..." (Aiden)

Aiden kept standing there as his right vein near his jaw formed.

"Princess that's just my way of doing things. Or are you scared of what the king will do?" (Aiden, asked)

Aiden lifted his left brow as he snickered at Aneria.

"!" (Aneria)

Aneria took a step back as she dropped her hands.

But Aiden continued.

"What, you think I wouldn't know how much you despise them along with the king?" (Aiden, asked)

Aiden began to take a step forward Aneria as she took a step back.

'Dam it! Is he already going to betray me? No, he wants's like he's playing with me as his prey.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria made a nervous face.

"Oh, princess, what's with that face?" If anyone sees this they'll probably think I'm right." (Aiden, said)



Aiden continued to walk forward while Aneria slowly took steps back.

"What's your plan princess? Do you want me to run and tell the king what your up to?" (Aiden, asked)



"Don't tell me princess that you missed a step just because I know you hate my father enough to kill him." (Aiden, said)


Aiden stopped a few steps in front of Aneria as she halted.

'No..stay calm, he doesn't know yet what I want' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

"I have no idea what you are talking about." (Aneria, said)

Aiden then turned his face to the right as he said.

"I suppose the princess found out during the meeting that I'm an illegitimate prince." (Aiden, said)

"..." (Aneria)

Aiden's face was still looking to the right.

"Do you hate me more for it?" (Aiden, asked)

He clenched his fists.

"..." (Aneria)

Then he turned to face her.

"Not only did my father marry you off to the son of your parent's killer but to his illegitimate son..doesn't that make you more mad princess?" (Aiden, asked)

Aiden snickered as his purple eyes shook in rage.

'Is he ashamed of being an illegitimate son..why is he showing me such a face?'(Aneria's inner thoughts)

'No he probably wants compassion, I will not fall for it.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

Aneria face was distorted in what to do. Her gut was telling her to set a wall but the other wanted to know why he made such a hurt face.

'No he said it himself..he was already threatening me earlier to tell the king how does he expect me to trust him.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

"Ha, do you think being an illegitimate prince changes the fact that I still hate you?" (Aneria, asked)

Aneria said coldly as she clenched both her fists.

Aiden responded.

"For a second... I thought the princess would care." (Aiden, said)

Aiden said with a hurt but playful expression.

'He's making that face again..' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

"Why would-" (Aneria, said)

Aiden interrupted her.

"You might not think about it, but we're the same princess. In fact, we have always been the same." (Aiden, said)

Aiden said in a seductive voice as he took the last steps to get to Aneria while Aneria's last steps were gone.

'Badump, Badump' (Aneria)

Aneria's heart started beating.

Aiden now had finally arrived in front of Aneria. She could no longer move back since she was already backed against the wooden table.

Aiden had now rested both of his hands on the wooden table and Aneria stood in between them.

He looked at her and smiled seductively.

Then he whispered into her left ear.

'Badmp, Badump, Badump, Badump' (Aneria)

Aneria could no longer move as she felt her knees become weak by the minute as Aiden's hot breath ran through her ear and neck.

"I know what you want" (Aiden, said)

'Badmup, Badmup, Badump' (Aneria)


Aiden said seductively as he let out another hot breath.


Aneria gulped as her blue eyes shook.

Aiden's resting hand's started to move closer to Aneria closing the gap even more.

He then continued to speak.

"Why don't you admit it, say ' I hate that bastard king, I hate his son, and I hate that he killed my parents' isn't that right princess? (Aiden, said)

His seductive voice became like a knife to Aneria.

She couldn't even think straight far less move.

At that sentence, Aiden removed himself from Aneria's ear with a smile as he finally looked at her shaking raging eyes.

'Yes I want to kill him, not only that but I want his crown. But your standing in my way!' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

At Aneria's murderous glare Aide smiled wickedly.

"What if we have the same goal?" (Aiden, asked)

'Badmup, Badmup, Badump, Badump' (Aneria)


Aneria did not back down.

'If he's thinking of killing me I'll have to kill him first!' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

"Do you expect me to believe you a person like you? We don't have that type of relationship where there is trust your highness. You may have other people rapped around for your finger but you sure picked the wrong person." (Aneria, said)

Aneria snickered as her face got closer to Aiden and tilted her head.

Aiden's eyes shook in lust.

'Badmup, Badmup, Badump' (Aiden)

His left arm remained leaning on the table.

Then Aiden's veiny right hand pulled Aneria by the waist.

His right hand went all around her waist as he stared down at her.

Aneria let him pull her as he wished.

Glaring at him with furry.

'Badump, Badump, Badump' (Aneria)

Aiden's eyes went down to her big chest to her dark blue eyes.

'Badmup, Badmup, Badump' (Aiden)

He smiled mischievously.

"Would my princess trust me if I hated the king too?" (Aiden, asked)

'I still have time to get out of this' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

"Ha, cut the crap prince. You don't know anything about me so what gives you the right to make your own judgment." (Aneria angrily stared)

But Aiden's smile only got bigger.

He pulled Aneria closer to him as her chest touched his chest and formed a bigger v.

'Badmup, Badump, Badump' (Adien)

This could easily make a man's instincts awaken.

He added grip on the hand that was holding her waist.

Aiden bent down a little close enough for Aneria and Aiden's lips to touch.

Aiden stared at her rosy plumped glossy lips.

'Badump, Badump, Badump, Badump' (Aiden)

Aiden's heart was now wildly beating.

'If I stick my tongue I can touch it, I can see how it tastes' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Aiden had inhaled her mint fresh scent.

'Ha, so intoxicating, it drives me mad' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

It was as if his eyes would roll from all this seductive intoxicating scent that would drown him.

'Badump, Badump, Badump, Badump' (Adien)

'Gulp' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

On the other hand, Aneria couldn't stop watching Aiden's adam's apple as he swallowed.

'Badump, Badump, Badump, Badump' (Aneria)

Her heart felt like it would run away.

'If my parents knew the thoughts I have for him' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

'I hate him but I can't seem to stop staring at it' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

'Badump, Badump, Badump, Badump' (Aneria)

'I want to touch his adam's apple...his jaw...his color bone..' (Aneria's inner thought)

Aneria started scanning Aiden with thirsty eyes.

Suddenly, Aneria halted at the pink glossy lipstick mark on Aiden's white collar.

Aneria quickly regained her senses and tried to move.

Luckily Aneria's chest that was moving against Aiden's chest brought him to his senses.

Then Aiden continued.

"Doesn't me hating the king change our relationship then?" (Aiden, asked)

Aiden had rephrased the question.

'Badump, Badump, Badump, Badump' (Aneria)

It was like a devil calling her, tempting her.

And then...


Cleaning utensils fall to the ground.

Aiden quickly turned around.

While Aneria gently placed her right hand into Aiden's chest while she  peaked out from Aiden's wide shoulders that were blocking her view.

The touch of Aneria's palm resting in Aiden's made him flinch but he did not turn back as he looked at the maid with a murderous glare that had interrupted him.

The maid quickly shivered and spoke up.

"A-Ah I-I am so sorry I was just here to clean the hall." (Mary, said)

Mary shivered with a red face full of embarrassment.

With that Aneria took the opportunity and pushed Aiden with her right hand and with her left hand she removed Aiden's hand that was resting on her waist.

Luckily Aiden did not fight it since he was concentrating on glaring at the maid.

Aiden then quickly turned as he realized Aneria was out of his grip.

"This is the end of our conversation." (Aneria, said)

She coldly said as she fiercely glared at Aiden as she excused the shivering maid.

**Next will get their fluttering moments...

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