Escape [Fruits Basket OC]

By par13ker

85.5K 2.5K 569

Hatori paused for a second finding his choice of words. "I understand you and Akito are still at odds..... do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The Beginning
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Your Highness
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
He's Different
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The God is Here
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
You Saved Me
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Original Story
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 30

790 34 7
By par13ker

"Audrina", he spoke again. She shook her head.

"I know. I'm sorry for leading you on..... that wasn't fair to you at all.", she shifted in place.

"What's the curse?", he opted out. She squeezed her arm at that. It wasn't something that he needed to know. And Rin was......

Audrina hadn't seen Rin. She looked back her mind now overrided with that spare thought. She assumed that she was at Kazuma's and was to call him after this conversation.

"It's nothing you need you be concerned about", she spoke softly. "And that's not what this is about."

Kieran was more confused than anything. She could tell. And it killed her because he had every right to be confused. She shouldn't have dragged it on. This was her fault and she had to deal with the consequences.

She  opened her mouth to say another apology but Kieran beat her to it.  "Is this suppose to be some kind of sick joke."

Her eyes bulged, " No. I-."

"You didn't have to come to my place on New Years. You didn't have to answer that phone call. And you didn't have to leave."

"Y-yes I did.", she mumbled.

"Because of the curse."

"Forget about the damn curse!", she broke. "Why are you having trouble understanding what I'm trying to say."

He stepped inside, him inches away. Despite the arguement m. Despite everything. She didn't feel intimidated. She didn't feel small. Simone how, even when they were both starting to get riled up, she still felt.... Ok.

"You haven't given me a reason", his voice oddly calm. "Saying I'd be better off with someone else, is a bullshit reason, because truthfully Audrina......I wouldn't . So try again."

She swallowed the lump in her throat as he admitted. He wasn't going anywhere and she'd have to find something else to drive him away. But looking up at him, matching the energy, she went at a blank. She rubbed her arm and sighed, "Thank you for tonight.... I'll see you tomorrow."

And like that she turned and walked off to her kitchen. She'd hope he would get the hint. Leave. Because she was running out of excuses. Running out of her cold exterior. She was on empty and yet it wasn't enough. Because she heard footsteps coming up behind her.

"What were you going to tell me on New Years?"

"Doesn't matter", she mumbled and went to her fridge to grab the bottle of wine that was calling her name since she told him about her trip to America. It was on her mind since.

She felt the silence. The air grew heavy all of a sudden. She turned not bothering to pour a glass and took a swing. She was going to need a lot.

Kieran squinted his eyes at her. She was confused as to what he was doing but her eye's flicked to the front entrance. He needed to leave.

"I'll see you-."

"You know 5 years ago, I didn't know what I was doing starting my own law firm."

She kept a neutral face as she took another swig. This time taking in more of the alcohol. Kieran watched her carefully, he was mostly reading her behavior. She didn't have the patience or right mental frame to notice.

"I wanted to grow, be able to have so many clients that I needed to hire someone who would assist me in coordinating and assessing who would be the next priority.", he took as seat and casually as if they weren't just arguing a few seconds ago. Audrina eyed him. Her own mauve eyes droopy. He propped hjs elbow up and rested his head against it. "When it got to that point, I was so excited to find someone to be my partner. But I wasn't just looking for someone who could organize clients. I wanted someone smart beyond their job, someone I could build a level of trust with that it didn't matter what the next task was."

Another swig. Bigger gulp.

"Audrina Sohma..... intriguing name. Incredible resume. I was shocked to think someone like her would even apply to such a position. If anything I felt as if the role should be reversed. I called her in for an interview and once I heard her voice across the phone line...... I was more nervous for the interview for completely different reasons."

"And it only was worse when she walked in. She screamed confidence. Intelligence. Beauty spoke for itself..... and her smile. I really was scared shitless."

"Kieran-", Audrina sighed. She placed her own elbows on the counter as she leaned across and covered her face in embarrassment.

He didn't care..... he continued, "So of course I hired her. Only an idiot wouldn't. Everyday work was more enjoyable. Because I'd come in and get to see her face. Even if she didn't talk about anything other than that. I tried to get her to talk about herself, her favorite movie, show, music genre. I'd even asked her for her favorite clothing brand because I was so desperate to know something beyond the surface."

She couldn't help the choked sob-laugh that escaped. Behind her hands, she felt the frog in her throat and the hot tear that made its way down her waterline. She remembered. How weird it was. She didn't want to talk to anyone. Felt better off being by herself.

"For 5 damn years.... I juggled with the possibility that she was with someone. She had to be. But then one day..... while she was on vacation. Got a call damn near at 1 a.m. and something about her voice...... she wasn't okay. And from that day on I noticed something more about her...... she wasn't quiet because she didn't have anything so say. She was quiet because she had too much to say and didn't know where
to begin."

The tears started to fall more as she tried wiping them away. But with her face still covered it was a hassle.

"I wondered what was her story? Why hadn't anyone else been there to listen? I came up with multiple ways to try and get her to open up just a little. Because not only did I want to see her smile, I wanted to see her cry. That'd be the only indication that she was finally opening up. Letting someone in."

"Okay...", she choked. "stop.....", she tried to hold back but..... once her food gate open, it was so damn hard trying to control herself. Dragging her hand down her face she attempted to wipe away the tear drops, but the trail was still there.

She didn't look at him, instead kept her gaze in the counter.

"I told my friends about her... how after years of looking for someone that had everything I wanted, she walked into my office on her own."

"Mhhmmm", she placed a hand on her forehead, "She sounds lovely Kieran, but if you can finish this story tomorrow..... at work-."

And finally he stopped, she didn't look up but instead waited for him to take his leave. Waiting to hear the footsteps draw out in the distance until her front door shut. But nothing came after that except his voice. Now different.

"What is your deal.", Kieran stated. Frustration laced in his tone. "If there is something I did why don't you tell me instead of pushing me away. Matter fact, I wouldn't be surprised if your phone started ringing right now."

"You don't understand.", she sharply spoke. Them both now having the same tone. Anger. But for different reasons. For reasons that went beyond the surface of feelings.

  "Then tell me. Audrina", he stepped up and placed a hand on the counter. "Tell me what is it. Because just last week.... It meant something and you know it. I've poured my damn heart out Now what you expect me to just leave..... I don't want anyone else. I thought I made that pretty damn clear."

   He wants to know why, and the anger was turning to more of frustration at herself. Keiran was right as he's been nothing but kind and caring to her. She deserved this treatment. But nonetheless, her next was to stand abustle and walked up to him, he stared down at her, despite his tone filled with rage, he showed nothing but concern. The same look he's been given her since picking her up that night. She was sick of it. Because that means he wanted to be near her. Wanted to fix what has been broken for so long it's beyond repair.

"Get out", she pointed at the door. "Just leave"

His eyes widened as he looks at the door and back at her. And that's when he noticed the tear that was sitting on her water line. She tried to wipe it away discreetly but, it went noticed.

"Audrina clearly this is more than me just being here. Once I walk out that door. Whatever is going on is still going to eat at you. I can't let that happen.", he lifted his hand and directed her jaw up to face him. His voice now gentle, "What. Is. Wrong."

The tears continued down her cheeks. Now with more intensity. She tried to keep it in. Because how was she suppose to take care of people if she was crumbling before their eyes. But now, something about Kieran was making her forget the unhealthy boundaries she set for herself.

"Don't......", Audrina stepped back, she already knew Kieran was a man of physical touch. It's been evidence since there first time at the aquarium. So she already felt him ready to envelop her into a hug. And she wanted it. She just wanted to be free to just hold onto him. She lowered her hands and Kieran's face fells from how hurt Audrina truly was. This is the first time he's seen her like this.

"I'm sorry", she whispered, looking to the door. That was the only way she'd be able to live with herself. By sending him away. Reeling an non-Zodiac member has cost lives and to think she was the cause of one of them simply because of her own desire, has been eating at her. She refuses to put anyone in that situation again. Like any other time, she is supposed to put feelings aside and let him go. "You should leave."

Keiran shook his head, "No", he took a step forward.

"Keiran please. I don't want to have to kick you out", she begged. The strain and lump in her throat making it only a whisper.

" If idiot is written across my forehead, let me know.", he scoffed.

Audrina sighed and walked past him, avoiding eye contact. But as soon as she passed him, she felt him grip her forearm. She whipped around and looked down at his hand. It was only enough to hold her, his grip wasn't tight or rough.

When she looked up she gave a hard stare. Anyone else would falter under the intensity. Shigure has avoided getting that look but Keiran knew it was a mask. He's see it, so he only stared back with enough intensity that they matched.

"Let. Go", she demanded.

"You are hiding. This look doesn't scare me. I'm not going anywhere."

"Keiran!", she snapped, snagging her arm from his grasp, "Stop!"

He didn't show it, but this was what he wanted. He was trying to push her over the edge. That was the only way he was going to get what he wanted. Because if he knew, it would make it that much easier to sooth her. And now that he's noticed that she wants him, that was all it took.

Audrina continued, letting the frustration finally out, "I'm trying my hardest to protect you!  Don't you understand? We can't be together! No matter what you say, what you do it's never going to be enough."

"Why Audrina?", he calmy spoke. Which only made her angrier. "Why can't we be together?"

"We can't hug", she exhaustedly lifted her hand.

"I don't care", he interrupted. She was caught off guard from how quickly he was to be ok with that circumstance. But she wasn't done.

"No one can know we are together."

"Ok", he shrugged.

"I...", she stuttered. The more she gave reasons they couldn't be together, the more willing he was. Because each suggestion he was perfectly ok with. It wasn't her touch that he craved. It was her. To just be in her presence. See her smile, laugh, even her cry was everything to him. Everything she did was memorizing, and despite him not being able to tell anyone, as long as he knew that the woman infront of him was his, there is nothing more he could ask for.

"I hope you didn't think I only wanted sex. If I gave that impression-."

She averted her eyes away from him, "That's not what I thought."

"Do I even get a say in this. Because it seems like those conditions are holding you back.", he stepped up till they were only inches apart. Audrina was too lost in her own head to take the precaution. "I want you Audrina. Terribly. And clearly you want me. If you didn't, I wouldn't be here right now."

She opened her mouth and closed it, not being able to deny. He saw how calm  she became and smirked. The rage was over and now was his opportunity to get a true answer. "So what is stopping either of us to act on it?"

"Who", she whispered.

He scrunched his eyebrows and she explained further.

"It's who is stopping us... not what"

Keiran looked up and around the room, quirking
an eyebrow up, "I don't see anyone here, It's just me and you......", he lifted her chin and he noticed the glance down at his lips, before she looked into his eyes. The eyes that mimicked the combination hue of the rainbow. "And if you just let me in. That's all it has to be."

"We shouldn't", she whispered, even if that came out of her mouth, she was already leaning in. Keiran's hand now cupped one side of her face. Him moving in as well.... And right before their lips touched, he softly smiled.

"I won't tell", there lips met, and in between that kiss and the next he whispered himself,


His lips moved along with her almost seemingly. As if there were meant to be together. She hasn't felt the flash of heat captivate her in so long. She didn't even needed his touch, but it only got more challenging to control herself when his hands delicately grabbed her waist. Instinctively she flinched,

"You okay?", he leaned back to gaze into her eyes.

"Yea... yea... I'm fine."

  Moving his hands up to cup her face. "Audrina......I agreed in your terms, can you do one thing for me."

Audrina nodded

"You're going to have to be honest with me. I want to make you feel good. I want you to be comfortable at all times we are together. If there is something that you do not want, let me know and I'll promise you that I won't question. I'll just listen and follow. Yes?"

She couldn't do anything but nod.

"Use your words", he hummed, planting a light kiss on her lips.

"Ok", she whispered. "I just need... time."

He once again he moved her head to look up at him. He wiped the tear that slid down her face.

"And I will be here when your ready."

A/n: Wanted to confirm their relationship the same time Akito and Shigure make up. Here on out..... chaos??? Truth of the curse.

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