Darklight: !Soft Bakugou x !B...

By yn_pilsuk

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πŸ’₯πŸ… #1 KatsukiBakugou πŸ…#1 Bakugo There are very little amount of things that Katsuki Bakugou truly likes i... More

Prologue: The other Ashido
Ch.01: A damn witch!
Ch.02: Chocolate Girl
Ch.03: BakuSquad!
Ch.04: Impressive performances
Ch.05: She amazes me
Ch.06: Training with a Dora Milaje
Ch.07: The right way of be a human
Ch.08: The help of a genius
Ch.09: The End of Term Test
Ch.10: Overwhelmed
Ch.11: Now I'm returning the favor
Ch.13: The Black Goddess of Yuei High
Ch.14: Gang Orca
Ch.15: I think I'm falling...
Ch.16: Our first 'first date'
Ch.17: Bad and good news
Ch.18: A fateful night
Ch.19: Wakanda Forever
Ch.20: Just the way you are
Ch.21: A great field mission
Ch.22: I want you
Ch.23: The Squad is getting bigger
Ch.24: The forbidden Perception's move
Ch.25: The next Big Three
Ch.26: A brand new life
Ch.27: New responsibilities
Ch.28: In the name of love
Ch.29: Life is ephemeral
Ch.30: From my youth...
Ch.31: ... to eternity!
Epilogue: Life has just begun

Ch.12: Only girl in the world

2.1K 80 54
By yn_pilsuk

A few months passed since the attack back at the Forest Training Camp and one month from the first day of Class 1-A living in the dormitories. Sisipho took her time personalizing her room and putting some different aspects, so this one isn't like the one at the apartment nor the one in the cabin.

It was a fuss on the first day, but the hype about the rooms and everyone showing off their styles decreased a bit thereafter.

Now everyone is focusing in create special moves and improve them, so the class can do great performance at the Provisional Hero License Exam.

Ever since their kidnapping, Katsuki and Sisipho are closer. The boy turns out even more protective towards his friend and the black girl now trusts him with her life. He helped her overcome the trauma, panic attacks, nightmares and to go back to normal life.

The squad helped too. Eijirou and Mina spent a lot of days at her house helping with everything she needed. Denki and Hanta sent flowers to Sisipho while she was at the cabin and she got all emotional with the cards on it.

In the end, the difficult moment only served to make their bond stronger and now they're inseparable best friends. Even her other classmates are closer now and all weekends that they're together, instead of out to see family, the whole class does a movie night.

It's like having a new and different family, and all of them are enjoying this life experience.

After some classes practicing, Sisipho finally came up with an idea for her moves.

"Manipulation: I use my quirk to see and control the essential aspect of my target, manipulating their actions and even quirks.

Repulsion: I create an area that will block anyone or anything coming in my direction.

Fatal Hit: I canalize my essence to create a mass of energy that I'll use to hit debilitating or fatal areas from the target's body to knock them down."

"Great job, Sisipho. You indeed focused on the strongest aspects of your quirk." Aizawa compliment her and the others, Cementoss, Midnight, Ectoplasm, and All Might agreed with him. "Try to practice more the last one so you can efficiently manage your essence."

"Yes, sensei!" she bowed and ran to her friends, that are also training their own, to tell them about it.

"Cute, but you can just turn off everyone's brain and end the game so easily, Bon..." Mina said naturally.

"Yeah, but I need cool moves too, to impose some fear, y'know?!"

"Ha! Because someone will fear this small chocolate ball." Katsuki joked, propping his arm over her head, the others laughed too.

"Fuck you! I'm only 10cm smaller than you!"

"Still small~!" he teased and Sisi started to hit him. "Ouch, call down fucker!"

"And here they go again~!"  Hanta and the others moved away to watch their little fight. "They're cute together tho."

"Huh!? You think that too? I agree! They have the same energy." Denki told.

"Oi, oi, oi! Why everyone keeps shipping them together?!" Eijirou asked confused.

"Ahmn... Because they match personality, tastes in movies and music, style, combat skills, they swear as fuc-" Mina kept going until the red one stopped her.

"Okay, okay, I get it! Then why they aren't together yet?"

"Why you and Mina aren't together too?" Hanta smirked at them.

"Why aren't you and Denki together then?" Mina mocked him annoyed.

"WHAT?! EWWW!!" now the quartet is fighting too. "Say that on my face again!"

Hanta had to hold Denki away and Eijirou did the same with Mina. A chaotic scene, worthy of a sitcom.

"By the gods, what happened now?" Sisi murmured to Katsuki, pointing at the chaos ahead of them.

"Who knows, they just fight for anything..." holding her hand, he pulled her to sit on the floor with him, close to their bottle of water. "Here."

"Thanks." she took it from him and sipped a bit. "Where is yours?"

"Forgot in my bag." she gave hers to him. "No, you need more!"

"I'm fine! My stamina got back to normal, so I'm not getting tired easily anymore. Drink!"

"Fucking stubborn... I DON'T WANT!"

"Rude..." she pouted, closing the bottle to put it away, and Katsuki sighed eyeing her plump lips.

"Ugh, okay! I'll drink then, stop pouting already!" he took the bottle back and drank the whole water down. She giggled at it. "What now?"

"Nothing, sometimes you're just too cute." she said simplistically, playing with the skirt of her costume, missing the now red boy beside her.

"Shut up! I'm not cute!"

"For me you are!" she looked at him and snorted. "Oh my, are you blushing~?!"

"FUCK OFF!" she tried to see better, but he put his hand over her face. "I'LL FUCKING EXPLODE YOU!"

"Bullshit! You love me too much to it."

"NO, I DON'T! SHUT UP!" he pressed his hand on her lips, trying to stop the embarrassing talk. "So annoying! I- ARGH! DON'T LICK ME YOU FREAK!"

Laughing hard at his reaction, Sisi watched him stand away from her like he was trying to escape.

"Katsuki~ Come here! Let me tell you more about how cute you are~"

"FUCK YOU BITCH!" he ran away, flushed out of his mind with her compliments to him.

The now quiet squad just watched shaking their heads, thinking if someday all this friendly love will turn into something else.


The exam is getting closer and everyone still training hard, even after school. Sisipho is doing exactly this now, outside the dorms in the green area around the building. Due to the exam ahead being against a lot of other schools, she wants to be in the best shape ever, so she's doing some physical training from the Dora Milaje's.

Katsuki just arrived on the ground floor from his dorm after doing his homework and was about to go to the kitchen, but saw something suspicious ahead.

In the living room, Midoriya is watching something outside, from behind the curtain. Katsuki quietly approached from behind the boy and his eyes widen at the sight.

Sisipho is outside training with just shorts and a cropped hoodie, too focused on her precision to care about anyone watching her. These are just her usual training clothes for physical hand-to-hand combat from the Dora Milaje, because they let her movements run freely. And being barefoot helps a lot to have equilibrium.

Sisi doesn't care about stares or her exposed imperfections, she rather be herself, without time for drama. Comfort above mimimi.

"What the fuck are you looking at, deku?!" the deep and growling voice coming from behind the greenish made him feel like he was about to die.

Midoriya yelled and jumped away from the other, feeling like his soul just left the body.

"NOTHING! I SWEAR! JUST HER COMBAT SKILLS! I SWEAR!" he's almost crying under his murderous gaze.

"I told you to keep your eyes away from her."

"K-K-Kachan I was just respectfully admiring her." the wrong choice of words, and the blonde started to corner him to the kitchen, creating a series of explosions in his palms. "I SWEAR! I KNOW I CAN'T EVER MESS WITH HER. I WAS JUST TRYING TO LEARN SOMETHING TO USE IN MY TRAINING BECAUSE SHE'S THE BEST FIGHTER IN THE CLASS!!"

"Better be only that or I'll fucking kill you next time without even asking!!" he passed by the boy, bumping on his shoulder and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

Midoriya sighed in relief.

Katsuki looked around and saw that no one is nearby, so he decided to do something he has been delaying for months.

"Oi." he got the other's attention, looking dead in his eyes. "Kirishima told me that the plan of rescue back then was yours and that you were the one to put everyone together to do it."

"A-Ah... Yeah, it was... It's just-"

"Whatever. Hear me out, I'll not tell again... Thank you." even with a deep scowl on his face, Midoriya can tell he's being sincere.

"W-W-What?!" Izuku mumbled in shock.

"Not for me, thank you for helping with saving Sisipho. I wouldn't be able to protect her alone or escape so... Only because of that, thanks." the greenish boy smiled sympathetically at him.

"No need, Kacchan... I was worried about you both, mostly because Tomura hates Sisipho. I know well how much she's important to you, so I wanted to make sure of both being ok."

"Why do you care so much?! It's fucking annoying! You should only think of yourself!"

"Don't know, honestly... Maybe because I always admired you, even now... But I'm happy that at least this time you accepted my help."

"ONLY FOR SISI, GOT IT?!" he yelled and walked away, letting a content Midoriya behind. He doesn't know why, but it was easier to talk with him now.

One more step to their peace was made.

Back to the reason for Katsuki's migraines, he almost lost the ability to breathe seeing her now from closer. She's full of muscles on her abdomen and legs, but also has some fat that makes her look more curvy and plump.

He wants to touch her stretch marks so badly.

"Looking to learn something, Kat?" she smiled turning to him. What a hard day to be Katsuki Bakugou.

"You can use some clothes, y'know?!" he tried to sound more casual as possible, throwing the bottle for her and hiding his hands inside the pockets of his gray sweatpants.

"Nah, not for me. For this type of training, the less the better. It's something I got from my umama. So I don't have shame about it because I'm comfy." winking at him, she sip at the water, then threw the bottle back to him.

"Yeah, I see..." he's trying so hard to keep his eyes up that it's almost painful. Her body is so gorgeous.

"Wanna fight?!" shrugging his shoulder, Katsuki removed his shoes and got closer, stopping in a fight stance.

Sisipho is the first to attack, with quick and strong hits. Better than the last time, Bakugou managed to dodge and defend almost everyone.

Hard is to hit her back.

When he started to attack, Sisipho dodged all of them. They kept in this dance for some minutes until the black girl had enough and bent down, kicking his legs from the ground.

Katsuki fell on his back and she was quick to straddle him, trapping his arms above his head and using her calves to keep his thighs in place.

"Gotcha!" her big eye smile melted his heart right away. "You're blushing again~ hehehe!"

"Of fucking course. L-Look at you!" his mind can only think about how much more gorgeous she's is from this angle. Her dark skin is glowing with the sunset and she's smiling so widely. A true Darklight. "I-I'm a man, y'know?!"

"Hihihi~ Sorry! I'll behave myself, Kat." she said standing up and offering him her hand.

"You better do! Fucking shameless..." he accepted her hand, dusting off his clothes.

"Sorry... It's the way I was created. Umama always told me to never hide my feelings or fear to express myself and I feel comfortable with you..." she explained pouting, thinking she did something wrong to him. "I didn't mean to offend you, Kat."

"Oi! You didn't offend me just..." how to tell this to her?

"Just what?" she got closer, wanting to understand, but this only made things harder for him.

"Forget it!" he mentioned going away, but Sisipho had enough of him dodging her questions. Pulling him back, Sisi put Katsuki against the wall firmly, looking dead in his eyes.

"No, I want an answer. I need to understand you, Katsuki!"

"But I don't wanna talk! Let me fucking go, Sisipho!"

"Why are you blushing again?" she pressed him, moving closer and observing his uneasy breathing. "Why do I make you nervous?!"

"Because you're a damn witch!"

"So is it my fault?!" she didn't get it.

"YES! ALL YOUR FAULT!" she smiled sweetly at him, placing her right hand over his heart, feeling it beating fast. "Back off, Sisipho..."

"You called my name twice already. Are you mad or are you liking that I'm close?"

"I-I'M MAD!!!" the black girl just crossed her arms, looking at him unbelieved. Katsuki groaned and whined at the same time, a mix of frustration and defeat.

"Katsuki, do you like or do you get mad when I'm this close?"

"Ugh! I got mad, ok? So fucking mad at you all the time, not letting me think!" only now, after gesticulating, he realized that she wasn't holding him with her quirk all this time.

"So you get flushed because you are mad with me?" she pouted again, disappointed with his answer. "Ok... Sorry then."

Shrugging, Sisipho got her bottle on the floor and started to walk away. But now, Katsuki was the one to trap her between him and a wall. Honestly, Katsuki had enough of this game of cat and mouse, enough of avoiding these feelings. He can't deny it anymore.

'Fuck the consequences, I'm done with this shit!'

"Indeed I get mad with you, but because you make me crazy since day one, Sisipho. I just can think about you all day, every day!" he said in a low tone, only wanting her to listen to this confession. "I fucking like you, dumbass."

Katsuki felt his heart aching by voicing this out. Her eyes are bigger than ever, shining at him and now she's the one blushing. But her silence is making him nervous. Will she say something about it?

"Oi... Wha-" but Sisi interrupted him.

With her lips... Her soft and plump lips are over his. Katsuki is in heaven, sighing in satisfaction, he melted in her hands holding his face. Touching her nape, he got closer, kissing her back more intensely.

The timid first kiss from both young teens, exploring this new sensation that they were so eager to prove. Katsuki barely can believe that he was kissing the same lips he admired for months. It's so much better than anything he could've dreamed.

When the air got scarce, Katsuki didn't want to let go yet, so he left more pecks on her lips, cheeks, nose...

"Hahaha~ My gods, stop!" Sisipho tried to move him away, but Katsuki just hugged her by the waist, pressing his body over her, keeping her trapped on the wall.

"Shut up, do you know how much I wanted to fucking kiss you?!" he returned to his kisses on her face, loving how smooth and soft she feels.

Talking about it, never was so hard to keep his hands in place. He forgot she was using just a cropped and his thumbs are right over the stretch marks of her hips. He couldn't stop himself from rubbing it.

"You're just so damn gorgeous, Sisi..." he looked down to where his hand is, admiring her skin. "I like everything about you."

Sisipho's heart is pounding harder than ever before. At no time she would ever dream about Katsuki being this soft and lovely with her. Admiring her from head to toe like she's the most precious thing in the world.

"Katsuki... I like you too, so fucking much. Since day one I fell for your red eyes hard." she confessed finally, to his relief. His wide eyes locked on hers, surprised. He thought she wouldn't say back, at least not now.

"Be mine. I want you with me, all the time, in every fucking way. I can't with just being only a friend anymore! I want to fucking spoil, kiss and adore you anytime, without worrying or giving a damn about what others will think of it. Please, Sisi... Be my girlfriend!"

"Of course, I will!" she giggled, all happy and emotional with his confession. "Gosh, I can't believe you actually asked me! You're so fucking adorable~!"

"Shut up! If you tell someone that I'm soft with you, I'll kill you!" he said blushing hard, hiding his face on her shoulder. "Thank you for accepting me, Choco..."

"As if I'm crazy to reject you, Kat! You're so good to me, always respecting who I am, even though you're a rude fucker."

"Fuck you!" he muffed voice said, his arms hugging her even more tightly.

"I'll be always grateful for you treating me right, never as someone less than you, respecting my culture, my people, giving your best to learn more, and... Gosh, you saved my damn life, Katsuki Bakugou!"

"I did nothing back then..." rolling eyes, Sisipho grabbed his face so he can see her seriousness.

"I got captured and failed to save one of my best friends from being stabbed. If it wasn't for you there with me, talking and giving comfort, I would still be in the hospital until now, completely insane. YOU. SAVED. ME! Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am. Now shut the fuck up, your lips are so damn inviting."

Shorting the distance again, Katsuki now gave her a real kiss, putting in it all his true feelings for her. He wants nothing more than to make her feel special and loved, as the precious girl she is.

Katsuki wants to make Sisipho feels like she's the only girl in the world.

oops, sorry Riri fan passing by, don't mind me hehehhehe FINALLY A KISS IN THIS FUCKIN BOOK! sorry i'm too into slow burn tsss~💨 NOW MY SOFT BAKUGOU REALLY BEGINS CARALHO!
see ya~! 💕

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