Ch.07: The right way of be a human

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The next few days of the internship week got pretty much like the first: harsh training in the morning, afternoon studies, and talk at night

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The next few days of the internship week got pretty much like the first: harsh training in the morning, afternoon studies, and talk at night.

Yeah, talk at night.

Mandla thinks communication is very important to expose what we have inside our hearts, and with that gain acknowledgment of what truly resides deep inside ourselves.

On the first night, Katsuki thought nothing of it and choose to stay quiet, but this changed a bit on the third night when all of them are sitting around a bonfire under the stars.

Sisipho is opening up herself without shame, just like the other days. Mandla asked her about the attack at USJ and what she felt back then.

"I really thought about killing that weird handy guy, umama."

"What stopped you?" Katsuki got intrigued that she didn't scold her as any other hero/parent would do.

"I remember of you. What stopped me was acknowledging that all lives matter and must be respected, even the worst ones. So I just focused on stopping him so he can pay before the law."

"Hm, you did good, intomba. As a hero, we must preserve any life, no matter who it is."

"So you never would kill someone? Even if it hurts Sisipho?" the boy voiced his confusion, the first time talking that night.

"If I still have an option, I'll choose to preserve life. This doesn't mean I would let Sisipho or anyone gets hurt, but that I have the power and knowledge to save them in other ways."

"So you're against violence?" now Sisipho snorted hearing this.

"No, Bakugou. Violence is a weapon to stop villains and I use it wisely. I can see you don't know about my reputation on the underground." he frowned confused and look at Sisipho.

"Umama is the most aggressive hero known because she uses her combat skills to stop villains and doesn't hold back at all."

"Or as you kids like to say, I beat the shit out of everyone in my path." she smiled at them laugh. "Don't mistake the choice of kill as the last recourse with weakness, young Bakugou. Only the strong ones defeat the enemies without using death. Death is easy. Sisipho and I can kill dozens of people without moving a muscle. Also, you can kill someone easily with your quirk. Do you think I would be strong doing this?"

"No... You would turn into a villain." his answer satisfied her.

"Exactly. The more you kill, the more you want it to do again. If a person, hero or not, only uses death to solve the problems, this will slowly poison the heart and destroy everything inside them."

"Hm... What more do you use to stop a villain then?" Mandla is happy to see him participating in their talk moment. This is the perfect opportunity to end any doubts about being a hero.

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