Ch.18: A fateful night

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After that markable night with the Ashido's, months passed and a lot happened within Yuei High

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After that markable night with the Ashido's, months passed and a lot happened within Yuei High.

One of the tensest moments was when Katsuki and Izuku fought each other, both expressing their hidden remorse about their journey until now, since their young age.

This led to a series of punishments for both and a lot of scolding from Aizawa and All Might. Katsuki had to deal too with a very distressed Sisipho who turned out to be even more scared than Mandla.

However, even angry, the black girl gave him all the emotional support he needed at the time, helping him to voice out his feelings and thoughts about the situation. Just then, for the first time, Sisipho understood what happened between Bakugou and Midoriya, also the true feelings of the blond about it.

Katsuki finally opened up to her completely.

Also, that was the first time she saw Katsuki so vulnerably crying. Surely this subject was something ingrained deep inside his heart and was the biggest thing disturbing his focus on the goal of being a hero.

With all these events, plus the Big Three being revealed to the Class, training with them, and the Hero Work-Studies bringing the comeback of the internships, it felt like a whole year passed within a few months.

But nothing surpasses the day Katsuki took Sisipho to meet his parents.

Even before that Mitsuki was a nervous wreck. Firstly the boy chooses a weekend to be with them alone and just dropped the bomb on the couple without a warning.

"I have a girlfriend." the blunt phrase almost gave his mother a heart attack and after a lot of yells and cursing, they defined a day to meet the girl.

"How do you manage to deal with this shit son I have?!" was the first thing Mitsuki said to Sisipho, obviously after fangirling a bit for her first daughter-in-law to be the strong girl she has been admiring since the Festival.

This was a remarkable day for Sisipho, now knowing well who her boyfriend took after; joking with him that he's just a male copy of Mitsuki.

That day was so happy and full of funny moments that the couple forgot all of their past worries, only enjoying the time with her parents-in-law and already preparing a big meeting between the two families together.

Katsuki was super embarrassed all the time but also felt proud of himself for making his parents this happy with his choice of girlfriend.

Sisipho and Katsuki could be going around the details of that remarkable day over and over again, because of how happy both are and how this made life seems easier to deal with.

Until a fateful night.

Mina woke up in the middle of the night due to the distant sound of crying. Confused, she thought it was her imagination and tried to go back to sleep. However, the sound got louder and clear, making the pinky girl immediately recognize who is the voice.

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