Ch.05: She amazes me

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A few days passed since the Festival and the world still talking about it, even more in Musutafu, Japan

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

A few days passed since the Festival and the world still talking about it, even more in Musutafu, Japan. Not only due to the city being the home of the Yuei's prodigies but also because of the students standing out in the crowd on their way to school.

All sixteen students that made it until the last event from the Festival is being recognized on the streets, some being more harassed than others. Sisipho, for example, had to be taken to school by her dad, since it was impossible to walk out of their house with the number of reporters on the door.

Katsuki also had some problems, but no one dared to get close to him, fearing his explosive temperament.

He's early in the school again, something he keeps doing almost unconsciously, no more to avoid people, but to see a certain curly girl first thing in the morning.

Although he continues to say to himself that the girl is annoying and only angers him, Katsuki can't deny how better his days are just by seeing her. Sisipho still holds power over him that calms his heart like nothing else. A type of peace that he doesn't feel since the day his quirk manifested and he turned into the hot-headed he's today.

Talking about her, the beautiful girl opened the door lazily, yawning and rubbing her eyes. Katsuki felt his heart clenching at her cute demeanor and his cheeks burning with her husky morning voice.

"Morning, Kat." she murmured to him after bowing to their other classmate inside the room, Tenya Ilda. Sisipho didn't even care for an answer, only sitting down on the chair and laying her face on the cold desk.

"Morning, Choco... Stayed up all night?!" he asked quietly, enjoying the serene mood she brought with her.

"Nah, just got awakened too early by those damn reporters. I swear to go, I thought umama would kick the shit out of them." she smiled a bit at the reminder.

"Umama? The fuck is this?"

"Mom in my mother's language." Sisipho yawned again, eyes still shut, facing Bakugou, that's admiring her round cheeks and soft lips.

"Just like that Dora thing, you said before? Who is that Dora?!" the girl giggled at the silly question.

"No, is Dora Milaje. Isn't a person, but the special army composed only of women warriors from my mom's home. The army designates to protect Wakanda's throne."

"Holy... Your mother is part of the special army from Wakanda for fuckin real?! I thought this was a myth!" he's shocked since little to nothing about this mysterious place is known by the world, not even the exact location.

"Yeah... She is since a young age and I learned everything about it from her. That's why I kicked your ass for good at the Festival, hihihi~!" her silly giggled, opening an eye to facing his annoyed face.

"Shut the fuck up! Your luck is that your mom is a good mentor, only that way to you win me."

"Wow~ you're really a simp for Amazon!"

Darklight: !Soft Bakugou x !Black OC            (MHA FANFIC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum