Ch.29: Life is ephemeral

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It was heartbreaking and painful to watch Katsuki coming back to consciousness only to see the love of his life dying by his side

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It was heartbreaking and painful to watch Katsuki coming back to consciousness only to see the love of his life dying by his side.

And Sisipho indeed died.

On the way to the hospital, she had a few cardiopulmonary arrests and her heart gave up the fight. The doctors had to put the black woman in an induced coma and her body only kept barely working due to the machines attached to her body.

It was necessary a bunch of heroes, and some sedatives, to keep Bakugou calm in this situation. He was very agitated, crying and screaming for Sisipho, wanting nothing more than hold her in his embrace again. However his wound isn't completely healed, so the doctors needed to put him to sleep immediately, otherwise, the injury would reopen.

In Katsuki's mind, there's only one thing: how unbelievable and imprudent what Sisi did for him is. He can't forgive himself for letting this happen, and neither can do it for the woman that did such a sacrifice.

But wouldn't he do the same in her place though?

After some hours of being sedated, Katsuki started to come back to himself and to think more clearly. He's alone in a hospital room. Since all streets around the city are interdicted, this is preventing his parents from visiting, and his hero friends are also hospitalized.

Looking at the pale wall before him, Katsuki can only repeat in his mind the awful scene of Sisipho bleeding until death before his eyes and the number of paramedics surrounding her small body, trying to make her heart beat again.

Everyone was desperately trying to save Darklight, the hero that stopped the most insane and devastating villain they ever saw. Society has a huge debt to their Black Heroine.

The world is a testimony of the sacrifice Sisipho did for the man she loves. In all news around the world is being broadcasted, her family and friends are praying that she'll be okay. It's too soon to lose such an incredible woman.

Beyond defeated, Katsuki is feeling scared, as never before. The doctors said that's impossible to reverse her situation with the resources they have because she used all of her essence to heal him. Darklight went beyond any limits existing, ignoring all laws of nature and now there's nothing left inside her.

Because she gave up her own life to him.

A knock on the door brought Katsuki out of his miserable state. He didn't even care about answering, but the person just walked in anyways.

"Get out of here, half-half..." the blonde groaned, wiping away the tears that only now he noticed that are running down his face since he woke up.

"I just want to tell you something." he said, walking closer to his bed.

"I don't need your pit, get the fuck out."

"I don't pit you, I understand."

"No, you don't! No one can understand how I'm feeling right now!"

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