Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader...

By YourMother72

157K 4.9K 2.3K

It's been almost three years since (Y/N)'s disappearance. No one has been able to find him, and Minerva has a... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI

Chapter XIV

3.3K 112 57
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. He felt his left eye.

(Y/N): A Sharingan? But how?

Sakura: I-I don't know...

(Y/N): It must've been that woman. She was experimenting on me for years. I'm not a biological member of the Uchiha Clan so there's no way I could've naturally developed one.

Sakura: There's three tomoe in it.

(Y/N): Really? Usually when it first develops, there's only one like with Sasuke.

Sakura: Well, if it's an artificial one, it could be that that lady was trying to speed up the development. But can you use all of its powers?

(Y/N): I don't know, but knowing that lady, probably yes.

Sakura: But why would she give you a Sharingan?

(Y/N): No clue.

He seemed to think of something right then and there.

(Y/N): Unless... she wants the Sharingan to evolve into something greater...

Sakura: The Sharingan can evolve even more?

(Y/N): During the Chunin Exams, I remember Minerva telling me about the different dojutsu that exist. Apparently, the Sharingan has one further evolution.

Sakura: And you think that's what the woman wants you to get?

(Y/N): Maybe... In any event, trying to figure out her motives is futile since who knows what the hell her plan is or what she's thinking.

Sakura touched his cheek and stared at his Sharingan.

Sakura: Even if you're not related by blood, I'm reminded of Sasuke when I look at you with a Sharingan...

(Y/N) frowned and looked at the ground.

Sakura took her hand off of his face and leaned back against the tree. As she placed her hand down, it nudged Sai's bag.

Sakura: <thinking> That's right. I forgot...

She took out Sai's picture book and opened it. As she flipped through the pages, she gasped.

(Y/N) gave her a worried look as she motioned for him to look. She also called Yamato and Naruto over.

They looked at the book.

Naruto: Weird pictures.

Yamato: Sai drew them?

(Y/N): What an out of place centerfold.

On the right page was a drawing of Sai without a face holding out his hand to the left page which was completely blank.

Sakura: This seems to be the tale of the two boys drawn on the covers. Each boy's adventure begins separately, starting with the cover at either end, then going inward, but there's no dialogue or text at all.

(Y/N) looked at the book.

(Y/N): The black haired boy is clearly Sai. And on his side of the book, it looks like he's fighting different opponents on every page. See? He's holding the equipment of the enemy he fought on the prievous page.

Yamato: So the story is about Sai defeating various enemies...

Sakura: And taking their weapons and armor, like spoils of war.

Yamato: With each battle, Sai matures... gains knowledge, wisdom, strength...

Sakura: The orientation is flipped, but the premise is the same for the white haired boy too.

Naruto: So who's that guy supposed to be?

(Y/N): Sai's older brother. He mentioned that he had one.

Sakura: Which means that the centerfold was meant to be Sai and his brother together...

Just then, Yamato perked up.

Yamato: Let's head out. My Wood Clone has tracked down Orochimaru's hideout.

As they got ready, Naruto noticed the Sharingan in (Y/N)'s eye.

Naruto: Hey! Where did that come from?!

(Y/N) grimaced and touched his left eye.

Yamato: That's... a Sharingan...

(Y/N): Yeah. I have no idea what the hell is going on. It must be the woman who's been experimenting on me.

Yamato: We'll have to figure this out later. Right now, we have to get to the hideout.

(Y/N) nodded.

Naruto: A Sharingan...

Sakura placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder. She knew he was thinking about Sasuke.


Orochimaru, Sai, Kabuto, and Shiki walked inside of the hideout.

Inside was Sasuke sitting in front of a giant statue of a snake with glowing candles in its eyes.

Sasuke: You're late. You said you were going to help me hone a new jutsu this afternoon, Orochimaru.

Kabuto: If were you, boy, I'd take a more respectful tone.

Orochimaru: Enough, Kabuto. Our efforts today have been rewarded with a little gift. Someone for our friend here to reminisce with a shinobi from his dear Konohagakure.

Sai gave him a fake smile.

Sai: So, you're the legendary Sasuke Uchiha. I'm Sai. Nice to meet—

Sasuke: Get lost.

Sai: No matter how much I smile, everyone seems to dislike me right away. Well, everyone except (Y/N)...

Sasuke's glared at Sai, sending him into a nightmarish genjutsu that sent Sai falling onto the floor.

Kabuto: <angry> Sasuke!!

Sasuke stood up.

Sasuke: (Y/N)'s dead. I used to naively believe that there was a chance he could be alive, but I've grown up. He's gone.

Orochimaru smirked.

Shiki: <quietly to Orochimaru> Should we tell him?

Orochimaru: He'll find out sooner or later, but not right now. That sorrow makes him all the more powerful.

Sai slowly stood up. He heard what Orochimaru said.

Sai: Naruto's told me a lot about you. He's been looking for you this whole time, you know. These last three years.

Sasuke looked at Sai.

Sasuke: Oh, yeah. Him. Let's go Orochimaru.

Sai: Naruto... He thinks of you as a brother. Or so Sakura says.

Sasuke: I only have two brothers. One is dead and the other I want to kill.

Orochimaru grinned.


Yamato, (Y/N), Naruto, and Sakura met up with Yamato's Wood Clone. They were in a barren, rocky area.

Yamato: This it?

Wood Clone: The entrance is underneath that rock formation directly in front of us.

Naruto: So under there is Sasuke...

Sakura: Yup.

(Y/N): <taking a breath> All right. We should get going then.

Yamato: Wait.

He tapped the Wood Clone, and it slowly began to be absorbed into Yamato's hand. When it was gone, three small beads were in his palm.

Yamato: You three swallow these so that if we get separated, I can locate you right away.

Sakura: What is this?

Yamato: These seeds are transmitters for tracking. It's a ninja tool that only resonates to my chakra. I planted a few in Sai's clothing and his meals.

(Y/N): So that's how you were able to follow him.

After swallowing the beads, the group stared at the rock formation ahead of them.

Yamato: Focus on what's ahead. Ready, you three?

(Y/N)/Sakura: Yes, sir!

Naruto: Sasuke, here we come!

Yamato: Our order of infiltration will be me first, then Sakura, then (Y/N), and Naruto last.

(Y/N): What's the infiltration method?

Yamato: By the book. I'll use Earth Style jutsu, and we'll approach from underground.


Yugen grabbed Kurenai by the neck and slammed her into a tree. She started choking her.

Yugen: You're pathetic for a Jonin of Konohagakure.

Behind her, Ose was sitting on Shino's chest, while Utsumi held a kunai to Kiba's neck. Her arm was wrapped around him.

Akamaru and Hinata stood, fearful that one wrong move would cost Kiba his life.

Yugen: <to Hinata> Come with us, dear, and we'll spare your friends. Truthfully, we could've killed them all already, but I'm in a good mood today, so I'm being nice.

Kiba: Hinata, don't worry about me!

Hinata: <shaking> Kiba... I don't want you to die...

Ose: Then the answer is simple. The Mistress will give you incredible power. Besides...

She looked at Hinata up and down.

Ose: I've always wanted someone to call my little sister.

Utsumi: Ose, don't be weird.

Kurenai gasped for air. She grabbed Yugen's hand, trying to pry it off of her neck.

Yugen: <to Hinata> Hurry up, girl. Your leader's losing air.

Hinata whimpered and looked around at her friends.

Kurenai let go of Yugen's hand and shakily held one hand up, performing a hand sign.

Before Yugen could grab it with her other hand, Utsumi screamed.

She felt herself being wrapped up in a thick, green vine that began to squeez her. A purple flower with a gaping maw and razor sharp teeth growled at her, saliva dripping from its mouth.

Utsumi let go of Kiba who quickly moved away from her. Akamaru barked and hurried over to him.

Yugen growled and was about to crush Kurenai's neck until she saw the Jonin disappearing into the tree.

Yugen: <thinking> The Hiding in Surface Jutsu?!

Shino opened his palms and hundreds and hundreds of bugs began to pour out of them. Ose yelped and jumped up.

Kiba: Let's go, Akamaru! Fang Over Fang!

Akamaru barked in response and transformed into a clone of Kiba.

The two began to rotate their bodies before flinging themselves at Utsumi, continuously slamming into her.

Shino: Hidden Jutsu: Beetle Sphere!!

Immediately, all of the bugs began to gather all around Ose's body, who shrieked. She could feel the bugs eating away at her chakra.

Quickly, she made a hand sign.

Ose: Wind Style: Vacuum Blast!

She began to spin around, throwing some of the bugs off of her. She began to exhale, blowing more bugs off of her as the air around her turned into sharp blades that shot everywhere, slicing some of the bugs up, and causing Shino to jump away to avoid the blades.

Ose continued to spin, until all of the bugs were off of her. She then fell to the ground, a lot of her chakra drained.

Hinata rushed over to Yugen.

Hinata: Eight Trigrams: Thirty-Two Palms!!

She tried to strike Yugen's body, who easily avoided her attacks. She grabbed Hinata's arm and threw her into Shino, knocking them both down.

Behind her, Kurenai appeared from a tree, a kunai in hand. She brought it down towards Yugen, who quickly turned and caught it.

Yugen: You're more troublesome than I thought. Oh, well.

Meanwhile, Kiba and Akamaru stood over a battered Utsumi. She was panting as she made a hand sign.

Utsumi: Fire Style: Red Spider!!

Fire spewed out of her mouth and it transformed into a big spider that lunged at the two.

They quickly backed away.

Kurenai: Hinata! Quick!

She made a hand sign with her free hand just as Yugen grabbed it.

Kurenai: Water Style: Raging Waves!

She spewed water out of her mouth. Hinata held out her hands.

Hinata: Water Needle Jutsu!

She quickly turned the water flying through the air into sharp needles that shot towards the giant fire spider, destroying it.

Yugen: <to Kurenai> Impressive. Forming hand signs with only one hand.

Her Mangekyo Sharingan began to glow and the maroon Susanoo formed behind her.

Kiba: What is that?!

Shino: This is not good.

Kurenai began to sink back into the tree, but Yugen pulled back, stopping her from going in any further.

Yugen: Goodbye.

Just then, another Kurenai burst from the ground and grabbed Yugen's arms.

Yugen: A clone?

The Kurenai clone jumped from the ground, pulling Yugen's arms along with her, causing them to let go of the real Kurenai, who jumped out of the tree. She ran towards her group.

Kurenai: Everyone, gather close to Kiba!

They all quickly ran towards Kiba and Akamaru.

Yugen: You cannot escape!!

The Susanoo ripped the Kurenai clone is half and Yugen began to make her way towards the group, with the Susanoo following.

Yugen: Perfect! You all gathered in one place for me!

Kurenai: Quickly, Kiba!

Kiba nodded and slammed his hands onto the ground.

Kiba: Earth Style: Mobile Core!

The ground around the group shot up into the air, bringing them out of range from the Susanoo.

Kurenai: She's too powerful. We need to get away.

Suddenly, Utsumi and Ose appeared in the air in their bat forms.

Utsumi: You cannot get away that easily!

Kurenai made a hand sign and both women screamed.

They saw giant tree monsters surrounding them. The monsters held up their hands and hundreds of skinny vines wrapped around their bodies.

The two women struggled and their wings stopped flapping, causing them to plummet to the ground.

Kurenai: Quick! We need to jump towards the trees.

All of a sudden, they heard Yugen's voice.

Yugen: Hi.

They turned and saw her torso. A black, boxy spatial opening surrounded her.

Hinata: Wh-What...?!

Kiba: Who is she?!

Shino held up his hands and swarms of bugs crawled over to Yugen, covering her body.

Shino: Let's go! Now!

As soon as they jumped off, the Susanoo punched the raised earth, completely demolishing it. Luckily, the group landed on the ground safely and hurried into the forest.

They jumped high onto tree branches and ran through the trees as fast as they could.

Yugen closed the spatial gap and wiped the dying bugs off of her body. Utsumi and Ose were still writhing on the ground.

The Susanoo disappeared as the last of the bugs died.

Yugen: Stupid bugs. I couldn't see anything!

The genjutsu wore off of the two women, who started to pant.

Yugen: You two are pathetic. We really need to work on your genjutsu resistance.

Ose and Utsumi bowed their heads in apology. They then noticed the pile of dead bugs surrounding Yugen.

Ose: What happened to the bugs?

Yugen: The chakra they were eating probably didn't sit well with their bodies. Now, after them!

All of a sudden, a black humanoid emerged from the ground. Its yellow eyes examined the three.

Yugen: What are you doing here?

???: Something wonderful has happened.

Utsumi and Ose looked at each other, confused.

Yugen: What?

???: The fruits of your experiments have begun to take root.


Yamato unlocked the door to the room Sai was in by shaping his finger into a wooden key.

The four shinobi had successfully snuck into the hideout and Yamato had been able to locate Sai using his transmitters.

Sai gave them a look of surprise.

Yamato: Now, Sai, why don't you tell us what's going on.

Naruto moved forward and grabbed his shirt.

Naruto: Yeah, jerk! Why'd you betray us?!!

(Y/N): Naruto, stop yelling. You don't want to attract attention.

Sai: Indeed. I would listen to (Y/N) if I were you.

Naruto: You lousy...!!

Sakura: Naruto!

Naruto let go of Sai's shirt.

Naruto: Whatever!

Sakura held out the picture book to Sai.

Sakura: Here. This is yours, isn't it?

Sai: <taking it> Thanks.

(Y/N): So what's your goal, Sai? Did Danzo give you orders to try to ally with Orochimaru? What's he plotting?

Sai didn't answer.

Yamato: He's proposing Operation: Destroy Konoha Take Two isn't he?

Sai: <fake smile> No, you're...

Naruto: Stop smiling! I know you're just faking it! Everything you say is nothing but a big, fat lie!

Sai: Well, now that you've finally figured me out, seems my mission is officially a failure. But since I can't take on all of you together, and since you've guessed so much already, there's no point in hiding the truth any longer. You are correct. The plan was to get rid of Konoha as we know it.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, while Naruto growled.

Sai: My assignment was to find an opportunity to approach Orochimaru and entice him to help destroy Konoha.

Yamato: <holding a kunai> Keep talking. I want all the details.

Naruto: What more is there to know?! He's a traitor and a—

Sai: Do not rush to judge me, Naruto, until you have all the facts. I was ordered to secretly report back Orochimaru's activities to Lord Danzo. In short, to act as his spy.

(Y/N): So you were supposed to enter a conspiracy with Orochimaru while also playing him at the same time?

Sakura: Sai, that's an extremely dangerous game.

Sai: Well, if Konoha did fall, we expected Orochimaru to try to betray us at some point, so consider this our way of maintaining the upper hand.

Sakura: So Danzo wants Konoha for himself. And you were sent in, alone, to set all this is motion.

Sai: I was specifically chosen for this mission because of my abilities. The intelligence I write in ink can transform into little creatures that can defend themselves while traveling back to Konoha.

Sakura: If Konoha falls, a lot of people will die! Do you have any idea of the consequences of what you're doing?!

Sai: Well, I'm just following orders.

Sakura: Sai, how can you...?

Sai: Oh, and Sai is just a name I was given for the purposes of this mission. I'm actually nobody. I am merely an extension of Lord Danzo's will. I myself do not exist. Therefore, it's useless to say anything to me.

(Y/N): The perfect shinobi, huh? Emotionless and ready to do whatever the puppet master says. You remind me of someone from a while back.

Naruto looked at (Y/N), knowing who he was talking about.

Sakura: <to Sai> Then why do you carry around that picture book? The two boys on the covers are you and your brother right? You hang on to it because it is the only thing that proves you actually do exist. You're not as emotionless as you'd have everyone believe. Not even shinobi can cut off their feelings completely, you know.

Sai: How does possessing this book translate into proving my existence?

Sakura: Because abandoning it means abandoning you're identity as a brother. And that's something you just can't bring yourself to do. Do you know why?

Sai didn't answer.

Sakura: Because your bond with your older brother still matters to you. It's that important. You don't want to erase your relationship with him.

Sai: Relationship?

(Y/N): We flipped through your book. The centerfold at the center was supposed to be you and your brother.

Yamato: And by the flow of the visual narrative, it seems the next logical battle would be you and your brother. Sai, I know you're from the Foundation. You've received special training from Danzo to kill all emotions. Evil exercises similar to that which used to be practiced in Kirigakure, the Village of Bloody Mist. So, did you do it? Did you kill your brother?

Sai: No! This book... It was supposed to be a gift. But just before I completed it, he <fake smiles> got sick and died. We may not have been related by blood, but he was the closest thing to family I ever had. There are a lot of children from families torn apart by warfare in the Foundation. My brother treated me like a real sibling. This picture book... What I wanted to show him the most was the final centerfold, but after he died, I couldn't remember what I had been planning to draw.

(Y/N) and Sakura looked at each other.


Outside of the hideout, the four shinobi stared at Sai, who was tied up.

Yamato: Sorry, Sai, but I'm going to have to leave you here with my clone standing watch.

Naruto: All right, now down to our real business, let's go rescue Sasuke!

Sai: What if he doesn't want to be rescued? I actually got to meet him. Orochimaru is always at his side. Cross him and he'll tear you to pieces and use your body for his experiments. Besides, even though Sakura told me you think of Sasuke as a brother, he didn't care about you at all when I mentioned you. So why do you still care so much? Why stand up to the likes of Orochimaru and risk your own life to save someone who doesn't want to be saved?

Naruto: When I first met Sasuke, I totally hated him, but at the same time, I also enjoyed being around him... I guess it's kinda hard to explain... I never had a family, so I started thinking of Team 7 as one. Besides Iruka-sensei, they were the first people who truly accepted me for who am I. Kakashi-sensei, (Y/N), Sakura... and Sasuke. And I guess I'm just scared of losing that friendship and acceptance. I don't want to lose Sasuke and I'm scared for him. I don't think he knows what he's gotten himself into...

(Y/N): Naruto...

Naruto: I want to become Hokage, but how can I become Hokage if I can't save one of my closest friends, no, a member of my family? I keep telling myself that if I can save Sasuke, I actually do have what it takes to become Hokage. Because truthfully, when I couldn't bring Sasuke back and when (Y/N) was lost, I began to doubt myself. So, I want to prove to myself that I can become Hokage and save my family member! Sasuke is my friend, and that's a bond that can never be broken.

Sai: <wide eyes> Bond... But still, to go up against Orochimaru?

Naruto: <grinning> I have (Y/N), Sakura, and Captain Yamato backing me up! Besides, let Orochimaru try and cut me to pieces, I'll still find a way to steal Sasuke back!

Sakura and (Y/N) smiled.

Yamato: Now, then, let me create the lookout so we can go back in.

Suddenly, the four shinobi jumped back to avoid a flood of kunai knives. Kabuto landed in front of Sai, and Shiki landed behind them.

Kabuto: From the looks of it, Sai, you've been captured.

Shiki: Why don't you just back off already?

Kabuto knelt down next to Sai.

Kabuto: Well, you don't appear to have betrayed us... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

He used his Chakra Scalpel to slice through the rope that Sai had been tied in.

Sakura: Ugh. These two are such pests.

(Y/N): I'll deal with them.

Naruto: If you try to stop us, Sai, we won't hold back!

A Shadow Clone with a Rasengan charged towards Kabuto, who easily kicked it back, destroying it.

Kabuto: You're wasting your time.

Naruto: No way to know without trying!

Kabuto: No, no. I'm not talking about that. When I look at you, it's really pathetic. People change. Sasuke is no longer the boy you knew.

Just then, Sai moved and pinned Kabuto to the ground.

Kabuto: What?! What are you doing?

Sai: If people change, then so can I. But some things don't change.

(Y/N): Sai...

Sai: Bonds. I'd like to learn more about them.

Shiki growled and moved forward, wielding his Plasma Sword.

Shiki: You're going to die, Sai! You traitor!!

(Y/N) quickly moved in front of Shiki. His long white hair wrapped around him.

(Y/N): Sakura!

Sakura nodded and walked over to Shiki. She made a hand sign.

Sakura: Genjutsu!

Shiki: Ha! I've trained myself to withstand the basic genjutsu techniques!

Sakura: <smirking> Good thing I don't use those. Genjutsu: The Great Sakura!

Shiki found himself in a black void. All of a sudden, a giant version of Inner Sakura appeared and grabbed Shiki, squeezing him. He screamed.

(Y/N) watched as Shiki went limp.

(Y/N): Nice going, Sakura.

Sakura: Thanks. Lady Tsunade helped me come up with it.


Kabuto and Shiki were now tied up with wood created by Yamato. He placed his Wood Clone next to them.

Naruto: Sai, what's up with you?

Sai: I'm curious about this bond you and Sasuke share that keeps you going after him. The how and why... Watching the two of you makes me realize that perhaps I haven't been able to erase my bond with my brother. And if Sakura is right, if that really is such an important thing to me, perhaps I can figure out why by observing the bond between you and Sasuke. That's all.

Naruto: Oh, uh, thanks, but I think you should be watching (Y/N) and Sasuke's bond. He's Sasuke's brother even more than I am. They've known each other all their lives too.

(Y/N): <smiling> I do hope you can observe that, Sai.

Kabuto: <laughing> You just don't get Sasuke at all!

Sakura: Stop laughing! You think this is funny?

Yamato: Enough. Where is he?

Kabuto: By now, he's probably finished training and has retired to one of the inner rooms. This place is riddled with self-contained rooms, you know. You'll have to check room by room in order to find him. But if you're not careful, poking the wrong bush will flush out some snakes. For Lord Orochimaru's private quarters are located near there as well.

(Y/N): Let's get going then.


Yugen: So the Sharingan has appeared, eh?

She was grinning.

???: Yes. I've been keeping an eye on him. It formed when he was fighting the Nine-Tails Jinchuirki.

Utsumi: I thought you wanted to give him something else?

Yugen: Fool. That takes time to fully form. Right now, it is slowly evolving. The first phase is the Sharingan. As he continued to use his true powers more and more, the next phases will appear.

Ose: Uh, are we going to go after the Hyuga girl?

Yugen: Forget her. Where is (Y/N) now? I want to see this for myself.

???: He was on his way to Orochimaru's hideout in Kusagakure when I left to come to you.

Yugen: Then that's where we'll go. Utsumi, Ose, you two go back to the lair.

The two women nodded.

Yugen: So he's visiting Sasuke, huh? What an interesting event this'll be.

(A/N): I feel so tired today and I've done jack shit. Like all I've done is sit around on my ass. Wtf.

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