Holding Onto You (boyxboy)

By ArmchairPhilosopher

2.4M 91.4K 66.9K

"So you're blind?" "Yes" "Well just so you know, I'm hot." Hunter has been blind since he was two and has be... More

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)
Holding Onto You Chapter 1
Holding Onto You Chapter 2
Holding Onto You Chapter 3
Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Holding Onto You Chapter 5
Holding Onto You Chapter 6
Holding Onto You Chapter 7
Holding Onto You Chapter 8
Holding Onto You Chapter 9
Holding Onto You Chapter 10
Holding Onto You Chapter 11
Holding Onto You Chapter 12
Holding Onto You Chapter 13
Holding Onto You Chapter 14
Holding Onto You Chapter 15
Holding Onto You Chapter 16
Holding Onto You Chapter 17
Holding Onto You Chapter 18
Holding Onto You Chapter 19
Holding Onto You Chapter 20
Holding Onto You Chapter 21
Holding Onto You Chapter 22
Holding Onto You Chapter 23
Holding Onto You Chapter 24
Holding Onto You Chaper 25
Holding Onto You Chapter 26
Holding Onto You Chapter 27
Holding Onto You Chapter 28
Holding Onto You Chapter 29
Holding Onto You Chapter 30
Holding Onto You Chapter 31
Holding Onto You Chapter 32
Holding Onto You Chapter 33
Holding Onto You Chapter 34
Holding Onto You Chapter 35
Holding Onto You Chapter 36
Holding Onto You Chapter 37
Holding Onto You Chapter 38
Holding Onto You Chapter 39
Holding Onto You Chapter 40
Holding Onto You Chapter 41
Holding Onto You Chapter 42
Holding Onto You Chapter 43
Holding Onto You Chapter 44
Holding Onto You Chapter 45
Holding Onto You Chapter 46
Holding Onto You Chapter 47
Holding Onto You Chapter 48
Holding Onto You Chapter 49
Holding Onto You Chapter 50
Holding Onto You Chapter 51
Holding Onto You Chapter 52

Holding Onto You Chapter 53

1.8K 33 24
By ArmchairPhilosopher

Hunter's pov

I had never felt more proud of myself before as the school applauded me for my bravery and I felt like I had actually made a difference and I was no longer seen by others as just a blind boy.

In less than a year I went from entering the cafeteria and hating having everyone's eyes on me to entering the cafeteria and loving the attention I was getting.

I was really going to miss this place. I was going to miss being around everyone who had accepted me with open arms. I was going to miss Tyler, Alex and Sarah the most. I loved them so much.

I was going to miss everyone at what was called the footballers table. I was going to miss Marissa and her need to always give me little gifts. I was going to miss Leo.

I knew that he gave Vincent what I couldn't give him and if it wasn't him it would have to be someone else so it might as well have been him. It was just the little things that was needed to complete our relationship. The smiles they shared, the late night texts, and most importantly, the compliments. If it was something that Vincent loved receiving, he had to receive it one way or another. Whether he was using Leo for his own needs I didn't know but I knew that he wouldn't love being around him if he was.

Was he always going to need someone to fill in for what I was lacking? Was I always expected to just accept it? Did he think I am strong enough?

I sighed against the breeze as I sat on the bench by the football field while Vincent and the guys had practice. Vincent had asked me to stay while he had practice. Finn was also on the field and he was fit enough to play in the next game.

I pulled out the MP3 player Leo gifted me and listened to music, enjoying the afternoon sun. I also found a chocolate bar in my bag and tore open the wrapper and immediately getting the taste of honeycomb as I bit into it, my favourite. It was a little melted and made a mess on my hands but I didn't care.

I used to hate being in my own company because it always brought unwanted thoughts about the past. But now being by myself and having time to think calmed me and brought over me a peace that I cherished.

I closed my eyes, sitting back and enjoying the music and the sun and even the sweet taste of the chocolate on my lips. After a little while I felt Vincent sit next to me and kiss me. I kissed him back and he was warm from absorbing some of the afternoon sun.

"Mmm you taste nice." He kissed me again. "Babe what happened? You have chocolate all over you."

"It's been in my bag for a while, it was completely melted. But I don't even care if I got it all over, I enjoyed it." I told him as I shoved everything back in my bag and zipped it up. I felt him to know that he was still in his football gear. "Are you done with practice?"

"Yeah I'm going to the locker room to shower and you are coming with me so I can clean you up." He took my hand and I followed him.

Vincent cleaned the chocolate from me face and my clothes after I washed my hands and he took a quick shower before we went to a nearby coffee shop. Spending time with Vincent was what I imagined heaven to be like. Would I be able to see in heaven? Of course I would, I had to.

"Hey Hunt, this menu has braille." Vincent told me excitedly, handing me the menu.

I felt the menu and was happy to be able to order for myself. "Triple chocolate mousse cake, that sounds yummy."

"Yeah that's what's written here, wow you're good." Vincent marvelled and I smiled at his cuteness.

"Come here." I found his face and kissed him.

We ordered coffee and cake and enjoyed it together.

"Our lake house is finally complete so my parents and I are going this weekend and you are coming with me." He told me as we ate.

"We have the whole of summer to go together, go this weekend with your parents and let them take care of you." I didn't want him to have to take care of me when he was still recovering.

"But I don't want to be away from you Hunter." He grumbled. "Hunter you don't understand how much I love you, I love you so much. When I close my eyes I only see you and when I open my eyes I only want to see you. Even when you are not around me I feel you, every second, every moment. You might not be able to see it but my eyes search only for you, my eyes show my love for you. Hunter no one's love can be like my love because no one has you to love."

My heart swelled with happiness as he spoke.

"I can see your love for me in your eyes as well Hunter and that's enough to make me the happiest person in the world. You have the most beautiful eyes in the world." He continued.

"Vincent I feel your love for me and that's enough to make me the happiest person in the world. My heart feels your love every time you're around me and even when you are not with me. My eyes search for you even though they can not see you. When you are close to me I lose my breath and when you are not with me I hold my breath. I love you so much Vincent." He caressed my cheek as I spoke and he pulled me close kissing me.

We kissed in the coffee shop without a care in the world and I wanted everyone to see how happy I was and how lucky I was to have Vincent as my love.

"I was going to suggest that we hang out here all day but I want to make love to you right now. Let's get out of here." I told him boldly and he was quick to pay the check and take me to his house where we made love and it was the most beautiful feeling in the world.

I spent the whole night with Vincent and Tuesday morning I was a zombie as we both went to school together.

"Hunter we are going shopping this afternoon and you are obviously coming with us." Tyler told me as soon as I entered the building. "Prom is in two weeks and we have a lot of stores to cover to find the perfect outfits."

"You mean a plain suit?" I quipped much to his disappointment.

"No way, we are going to dress much more glamorous than that." He insisted.

"I'm sure you'll find the perfect dress." Vincent snarked causing me to laugh.

"As long as we're not matching." He shot back.

"I don't want to go to the mall." I told Tyler once I was done laughing at their bickering. "My mum will get me my clothes for prom. You guys go and have fun."

"Are you sure Hunt?" I nodded and he agreed. "I'll see you in class." He kissed my cheek much to Vincent's disapproval and left.

"If we have to meet another Tyler in college you better stay away from him or I will make sure he gets transferred to the North pole." Vincent informed me as we made our way down the hallway.

"I'm going to miss him so much." Not being able to meet Tyler, Alex and Sarah every day made me so sad.

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." He replied. "But no amount of distance will make me grow fond of that sparkling clown."

"You are so mean." I hit his arm.

"I'm not mean. All you have to do is hear his voice, the rest of us have to see his ridiculous appearance every single day. It's pure torture. I mean if Henry and Kevin wanted to torture us they should have just put Tyler in front of us, it would have been tormenting." I actually heard him shudder.

"You promised you wouldn't mention that lunatics name who almost took you away from me." I hated even thinking about him.

"You're right I'm sorry." We got to our locker and he pushed me against it. "I'm right here and I'm staying with you forever."

"Even with all the sparkly Tyler's in my life?" I wrapped my arms around him wanting to be as close to him as possible.

"Yes even then." He kissed me until the bell rang.

It was Friday and Vincent was going to the lake house with his parents later this afternoon. After trying to convince me to go with him all week and failing, his next target was Finn as we sat in the cafeteria.

"Finny whatever plans you have this weekend cancel them, you're coming with me to the lake house." He told him as we ate.

"Just me and you?" He asked in surprise.

"And my parents." He corrected Finn.

Why did Finn sound so hesitant to go just with Vincent?

"Oh okay yeah sure I'll join you." He agreed. "Brian, I'm going with Vincent this weekend, you're cool with it?"

"Why are you asking me Finn? I'm not your boyfriend." Brian replied chuckling. I could hear the hurt in his voice as he stood up and left the table.

"He's been acting like this the whole week." Finn told us, sounding just as hurt.

Brian had asked Finn to be his boyfriend and he told him he still needed time but I knew that the real reason was Vincent. Ever since Vincent returned Finn has been very protective of him and he even made sure Leo stayed away from him. I knew that when Finn discovered that he was gay he developed feelings for Vincent but he had to suppress them and when he almost lost Vincent those feelings resurfaced.

Knowing Vincent as well as I did, if Vincent had someone interested in him, Vincent satisfied that interest.

"Yeah well you know the reason for his behaviour but you're not doing anything about it." Vincent told Finn.

"Please Vince you don't know anything about what's going on between me and Brian. It's complicated okay." Finn replied, sounding frustrated. Yeah, sexually frustrated.

"Finn you are being unfair to Brian. If you don't want to date him you need to let him go." Vincent argued.

"I want to date him it's just that I..." Finn hit the table unable to finish his sentence.

'I want to sleep with you so I can move on from my feelings for you.' I finished for him. Vincent knew what the end of that sentence was as well. All the flirting he was suddenly doing with Finn these past two weeks proved it.

"You what Finn?" Vincent questioned him. Did he expect Finn to admit it in the open?

"Nothing Vince just forget it." He answered, sounding defeated.

"Tell me Finn, why..." Vincent pressed but I couldn't take it any more.

"Oh my God." I sighed loudly.

"What is it Hunter?" He turned his questioning voice to me.

"Nothing, this bottle of water is really good. The bell is going to ring any minute, how about we head back to class." I needed to get out of this situation.

"I'm going to find Brian." Finn said and left the table.

"Let's go." Vincent told me, taking my hand.

"Why are you pressuring Finn, just give him some space to figure things out with Brian himself." I told him as we headed to class.

"Space is the last thing he wants from me." He thought I wouldn't understand that comment but unfortunately I did. "And because you are refusing to go with me this weekend, I'm stuck with going with him."

"Maybe then he will finally be able to accept Brian as his boyfriend." I muttered just as the bell rang ending lunch.

After dinner I listened to Jeopardy on tv for a while before I made my way to my room. I pulled off my jeans and shirt and washed up before getting in to bed in just my briefs. I wasn't in the mood to wear pyjamas.

I popped open my window needing some air and layed in bed for about an hour before I needed a distraction from thinking about Vincent and Finn.

There was only one person who would be a good distraction, my blue eyed neighbor.

I felt for my phone until I gripped it in my hand and called Leo.

"Hey Hunter." He answered after two rings.

"What are you doing?" I immediately questioned him.

"Before you called me, I was playing a mobile game and thanks to you I died." He replied.

"Yeah yeah now get over here." I was not in the mood for small talk.

"So late, do you want Vincent to kill me?" He was a real pipsqueak.

"If you are not here in a minute you will go down the same path with me." I warned him.

"Fine." He deadpanned, defeated. He was such an easy target.

"Come through my window." I told him and cut the call before he could respond.

In record time I heard him jump into the room and he made his way to the bed.

"Wow, with your arm up and your hand under your head you look like a model posing for a magazine." He marvelled at my position on the bed.

I used my free hand to find his and I pulled him on the bed straddling him.

"Woah I still have my sneakers on." I heard him kick them to the ground and I pulled the sheets over us.

I immediately attacked his lips with mine, pushing him deep into the bed.

I kissed him fiercely and he kissed me back without any hesitation.

When it finally registered in his brain what we were doing he pulled away, catching his breath. "Wait what are we doing?"

"I'm alone tonight and you're alone tonight so we might as well be alone together." I made to kiss him again but he stopped me.

"Hunter do you want Vincent to kill me? I know that he's gone out for the weekend but that doesn't mean you can do this to him." He tried to sit up but I kept him down.

"You seem very concerned for Vincent." I scorned, slipping my hand under his fitted shirt. He was wearing a sweatpants and shirt that I needed to get rid of.

"I just don't want to cause any fights between the two of you." I forcefully removed his t shirt as he spoke and targeted his pants next.

Once he was just in his briefs and our body heat radiated off each other, I kissed his neck down to his chest and his fingers dug into my back.

"Hunter ..." He moaned when I bit his neck. "The last time we did this was because Vincent cheated on you with me, what did he do this time?"

"You mention his name one more time and you are going to be in big trouble." I warned him and kissed him before he could protest.

He gave up and kissed me back tangling his fingers in my hair. As I kissed him I thought of the conversation I heard between Vincent and Finn during study hall.


I entered study hall during the last period of the day with Mark. "Is Vincent here?" I immediately asked him.

"Nope." He replied. I asked him about Finn and he gave me the same response.

I decided to take a chance and go and look for them without any help. I knew my way around a little to know the distance between places.

I told Mark I was going to wait for Vincent outside and he agreed guiding me out of the room.

When he shut the door I immediately took off hoping I was going in the right direction. I kept to the wall, using it as a guide.

"Hey Hunter, do you need help?" Someone who's voice I didn't recognize asked me.

I gestured for him to come close to me. "Will you take me to Vincent without him seeing me."

He agreed and took my hand. We went around to a few spots before we found him and Finn in the library.

"Thanks man I owe you. Please don't tell anyone you brought me here, especially not Vincent." I whispered to him. He agreed and left.

I made my way closer to where I could hear Vincent's voice.

"Finn I told you that I would take a bullet for you, right here in my heart so I'm willing to take this risk so you can be happy because your happiness is more important to me than my happiness. This weekend it's just you and me and I'm going to give you all the love you need." He told Finn, the last sentence sounding very flirty.

"You are in for a very special weekend Vince." Finn flirted back.

"I can not wait. Come on let's get back to class." He replied and I quickly felt around until I found a table and hid under it hoping no one was around to see me.

As soon as they left the tears left my eyes as well but I pulled myself together and wiped the tears away. I took a deep breath and pulled out my phone calling Tyler and telling him to come and get me without telling anyone where I was.

When he found me I hugged him before he took me to class and I told Vincent I was gone to the bathroom when he questioned my absence.

Flashback over

"Hunter you completely zoned out." Leo told me when I snapped out of my thoughts.

I fell on my back next to him and rubbed my hands over my face to get my emotions under control.

"Hunter what's wrong?" He questioned me frustrating me. I needed to silence him.

I got back on top of him, straddling him and kissed him so he would stop talking.

Even when I wasn't around him, he felt me, every second, every moment. He spoke those words to me at the beginning of the week and by the end of the week he's in the arms of someone else. I had the most beautiful eyes in the world but he was looking into someone else's eyes tonight.

I needed to stop thinking about it, I needed to forget what was happening at the lake house.

I shoved my hand in Leo's briefs and he gasped in shock. I stroked him and he moaned in pleasure.

He did the same thing to me, matching my rhythm and we both went on a high from the pleasure of working our hands on each other.

Our lips worked in a rhythm as well, our tongues exploring each others mouths. He took it just as good as he gave it back.

I gripped a fist full of the sheets as my other hand barely gripped the tip of him, teasing him.

I was testing my limits and his now that never existed before. Boundaries between wanting and needing, pleasure and pain and I could feel that Leo was reaching his peak.

I felt in control and at the same time I felt myself losing control. I also felt out of control, doing something so wrong without caring about the consequences.

Leo's breath hitched. I felt his shoulders shake as tension wound his body tight.

"Dammit Hunter I need you to go faster." He gritted, breaking our intense kissing.

"Say please." I paused on a downward stroke.

"Please." His voice trembled.

His hand picked up pace just as fast as mine and we both reached our peak at the same time, moaning in pleasure.

Neither of us moved at all, trying to stabilise our breathing. I kept my eyes closed, unable to properly focus on anything. My head was spinning, mostly from the orgasm but also from feeling guilty for what I did on top of trying to block out thoughts of Vincent and Finn.

"Wow Hunter that was on another level." Leo breathed. I heard him pull out a few tissues from the box on the side table and he cleaned both of us. I just let him do what ever he wanted to do, all my energy drained.

He pulled me in his arms and held me tight. "Look Hunter I don't know what's wrong and I'm not going to ask you but just know that I am not leaving you this whole weekend. We are going to be together all day and all night and we are going to do what ever you want. If you want to go to the beach we will go to the beach, if you want to stay in bed all day we will do just that." He told me fondly and I smiled.

"Yeah I want to go to the beach tomorrow." I told him excitedly.

"How do you go from sexy dominating to an adorable baby so fast?" He chuckled. "I'm going to close the window and switch the light off." He told me and when he got back in bed I curled up in his arms in a happy mood, forgetting all my pain and dreaming of tomorrow as we both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of mum knocking on my door. Leo hurriedly left through the window and I swung the door open while yawning.

"Good morning dear." Mum greeted me. "I'm going in to town, why don't you join me."

"I would have loved to mum but I'm going to the beach with Leo." I told her, stretching.

"Oh that sounds like fun, why don't I help you pack everything you need." She offered.

"Thanks mum but I'll manage." I assured her and she kissed my forehead and told me to enjoy my day before leaving.

I shut the door and headed to the bathroom, taking a long shower. When I was done I wore my swimming shorts and a tank top and I plastered myself with sun block. I found my backpack in the closet and shoved the bottle of sun block in the bag as well as a pair of sweatpants and shirt and a pair of underwear and socks. I found my shoe bag and put a pair of sneakers inside before adding it to my bag as well. I felt around in my dresser until I found my sunglasses. I wore my sandals and I was ready.

I had to be independent if I was going to survive in university. I couldn't rely on Vincent.

After a while, Leo entered my room through the door this time and sat next to me on the bed.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked me, taking my bag from my hand. "Clothes, sneakers, sun block." He listed what was inside.

"I just need you to find my beach towel in the bathroom closet please." I told him, placing my sunglasses in my shorts pocket and my phone in the other pocket.

He got up and returned a minute later. "Got it."

I shoved it in my bag and we both left the house getting in his car.

"Let's go buy some snacks. I don't know about you but I get very hungry when I swim." He informed me as we drove.

"Mmm." I responded, enjoying the sunshine as I rested back against the car seat.

"Do you want to go out to eat later, we could go to a nice restaurant in Malibu?" He suggested.

"That sounds good." I agreed, my excitement returning. "A date."

"No not a date." He squeaked to my satisfaction. "Hunter are you taking some sort of revenge on me, do you want me dead?"

"Stop hyperventilating, I'm just messing with you." I chuckled.

"When it comes to you and Vincent you can not mess around. You don't know his killer look, it can end you on the spot." He sounded scared just talking about it. "He's very protective of you Hunter. He got so used to protecting all the week students from the bullies and when you started school Mr Smith made him your guide and on top of all that he fell in love with you so you pretty much have a permanent bodyguard."

"That's the problem." I sighed. "He thinks I'm a weak little boy who will always need him no matter what he does. He thinks I will be lost without him. He thinks I will always hold onto him even if he hurts me."

"Hunter what did he do? I will kick his ass to another planet if he did anything to hurt you." Leo got defensive and I smiled.

"You will kick his ass?" I questioned him, sceptical of his ability to hurt an ant.

"Like it's never been kicked before." He assured me as he stopped the car. "Let's go shopping." We got out of the car and he took my hand. "I'm serious Hunter, I will not let him take advantage of you in any way."

"Even if he's just helping a friend." I asked him as we entered what he told me was a supermarket.

"Helping a friend? To do what, move boxes? Buy a car? Grill some meat? He's obviously not just helping a friend or you wouldn't be this upset." He stopped and turned me to face him. "Your beautiful eyes wouldn't be so sad." He caressed my cheek and I leaned into his hand, loving the feeling.

"I can not tell you what he did but it was only to help someone he cares about. He's a good person Leo, and that's the reason why he is loved by so many." I knew Vincent was a good person and I could never think bad of him.

"Look Hunter, you know best what your relationship means but you shouldn't have to defend him. I just don't want you to be heartbroken." He told me.

"I won't be heartbroken Leo, my heart is very strong. Now let's go and get what we came for and get going." I smiled and he chuckled at my sudden mood change.

Leo took me around the supermarket getting what we need and asking my opinion on everything. The fact that he liked cheese flavour in everything and I liked barbeque flavour made it a challenge but we ended up taking a variety of flavours in what ever we bought.

We finally made it to the beach and settled down on loungers under an umbrella. We spent the day swimming and eating and swimming again and eating again until we were both exhausted and basked in the sun for the rest of the day.

"I remember the last time we came to the beach Vincent and Finn had to force you out of your top and today you went shirtless as soon as we got here. Is this part of being the new Hunter?" He asked me.

I thought back to that day. I was still dating Finn and Vincent was dating Brian. Leo still had Kerry and neither of us ever imagined that we would be coming back here together a few months later. "Yeah." I muttered, enjoying the feeling of the heat on my face.

"Well I'm not complaining." His flirty voice was very distinctive and it always caused me to blush.

He was suddenly on top of me, both of us in just our swimming shorts.

"So you won't care if I kissed you right now in public?" His lips hovered over my ear.

"Nope." I told him.

"And what if I did more than kissing?" He pressed his body firmly against mine.

"If I can't see them they are not even there so why should I care." I confirmed.

He kissed me and I enjoyed the feeling of the heat radiating from his body on to mine. I kissed him back, the sound of the people around us fading away.

"We disappointed a few girls who were admiring you." He told me before kissing my neck.

"I bet usually all eyes are on Vincent right? I've heard a lot of girls flirt with him." I told Leo who had stopped kissing me and rested his head on my chest.

"He is very eye catching, and he had girls around him all the time in school before you showed up." He sat up pulling me up with him. "There's a huge rock not far from here that would be a great hiding spot for us."

"Hiding spot to do what?" I messed with him, smirking.

"Let's go and I'll show you." He took my hand leading me further away from the voices.

He pushed me against a rock, my bare skin feeling the moisture. He kissed me hard, leaving no space between us. I ran my hands all over his body, deepening the kiss.

Just as the kiss was intensifying he pulled away, resting his head on my shoulder.

"What happened Leo?" I asked him as I tried to catch my breath.

He took a deep breath and let it out. "Whenever we came to the beach, Kerry and I used to love escaping from everyone and hiding here so we could make out. I can't stop thinking about her, feeling her in my arms."

"It's okay to think about her." I told him.

"Not when I've got my tongue in another guys mouth. I feel like she's watching me, judging me for kissing you when you're with Vincent." He leaned next to me on the rock and sighed. "But she has no right to judge me, not after what she did. She chose to leave me alone but she can not choose who I get close to. I will not let her control me. I will change the memories of this place. It will no longer be where she and I came to make out, it will be where you and I came to get a little naughty while Vincent was away."

He pulled me in his arms again and connected our lips in a deep kiss. The purpose of the kiss shifted from messing around and getting back at Vincent to gaining control and making new memories.

We made out for a while before we decided to call it a day at the beach and headed home to shower and get dressed up to go for dinner.

"When I'm ready I'll come over to choose something for you to wear." Leo told me as we got out of his car. He walked me from his yard to my front door before heading back to his house.

I entered my house and went up to my room to take a shower and when I got out I put on my underwear and waited for Leo to come and dress me.

"Your closet is hopeless." He told me when he got here and went through my clothes. "Even as an exceptionally straight guy, I can tell that your clothes are boring as hell."

"Exceptionally straight guy? With the exception of?" Could you be gay just for one guy?

"You and Vincent." He replied without any hesitation. "When I go to London I'm going to miss you two very much. I will never forget how you and Vincent helped me through everything. I will never forget how you and Vincent made me feel, the pure ecstacy and fire my body felt. The two of you honestly make me question everything I knew about myself. It's going to take me a very long time to get over the two of you and start dating a girl again."

"Stop it Leo." I chuckled, blushing. "When you go to London and all the girls go crazy over you, you're going to forget everything and everyone back here. But while you're here can you at least give me some clothes to wear, anything will do."

"Give me a minute." I heard him rummage through the closet before he handed me what he had picked out. "This ought to get a few heads turning, although your gorgeous face is enough."

"My hot body is just a bonus." I smirked, getting up to slip the clothing on as well as my socks and sneakers.

"Someone's very full of himself all of a sudden." He chuckled as I heard him jump on my bed.

"Yeah well when you're dating Vincent Stone you have to believe that you are extremely hot to be given such an honour and if you forget, he will definitely remind you." I pointed out, brushing my hair.

"Let me do that." Leo took the brush from me, styling my hair. "You know what, that's how I felt when I was with Kerry. Her beauty made me feel like I must be gorgeous myself for her to date me. I was reminded every single day by her how handsome I am."

"You're definitely handsome and in the future someone is going to tell you that everyday and it's Kerry's loss that it wasn't her." I assured him.

"Yeah, it's her loss. There, your hair is done. You take handsomeness to a whole other level. Just look at you." He marvelled.

"Yeah I'm looking, very handsome now let's go." I put my phone in my pocket and I was ready.

"Haha. Wait let's make you smell just as irresistible, I saw a bottle of cologne somewhere here." He seemed to be searching before he found what he was looking for. "Ah here it is, wow it smells great." He sprayed me with perfume and it did smell nice.

We left my house and got in his car driving for thirty minutes before we got to Malibu and to the restaurant Leo had made a reservation at.

When we were seated and had ordered my phone started ringing. "Who is it?" I asked him.

"It's Vincent." He replied.

I put my phone on the table, not wanting to speak to him at the moment.

"Why?" Leo asked but I didn't answer him.

It rang again but I just left it.

His phone started ringing and I wasn't even surprised. "Should I answer?"

"It's your phone." I told him and he was quick to answer.

"Hey Vincent." He spoke into the phone as I sipped my drink. "Yeah he's with me. You can talk to him when you get back. Yes he's fine. No he isn't angry with you. How should I know? Yeah well you shouldn't give him a reason."

I stood up and went close to Leo so Vincent could hear me. "Leo forget your phone and get back to bed." I kissed his cheek making a loud kissing sound.

Leo almost choked, gasping for air. "Hunter what are you doing? He's just messing around Vincent, we are not in bed we are in a restaurant. Hunter sit down. I swear he's just messing with you Vincent. He wants to speak to you." He told me but I shook my head as I sat back down. "You can speak to him when you get back tomorrow." He told Vincent and ended the call. "Hunter what's going on?"

"Did he mention Finn?" I asked him just as our food arrived.

"No he didn't mention Finn." He replied.

"Let's forget the phone call and eat, I'm starving." I left no room for him to question me anymore.

"I need to recover from almost being murdered through the phone so give me a minute." He took a deep breath and released it dramatically.

We ate and chatted about this and that and when we were done we took a walk to an ice cream shop to have ice cream. We sat on a bench in a park and ate our dessert.

"It feels nice to escape from your daily routine and sit in a different setting while you enjoy some ice cream." Leo sounded relaxed.

"Yeah, this place looks so different from what I see everyday." I joked with him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." He told me, taking my hand in his.

"Relax, I'm being an idiot. You can say what ever you want, don't worry about me. Tell me about this place." I squeezed his hand to assure him.

He pulled me in his arms and I wrapped my arms around him. "This world is very deceiving Hunter, a slight change of scenery can change your mood and make all your worries go away but when you go back to your usual setting all your problems come back. The beach, the restaurants, the little ice cream shops, the people, all this has put me in a relaxed mood like I'm on vacation, forgetting all about finals and all my other worries and sadness. I guess that's why I'm going to London."

"I don't want you to be sad. Who's going to hold you when you're in London." I pulled him closer to me. "Vincent and I will take care of you. We will give you a beautiful view each and every day and you will forget all your worries and sadness. I can not let you go being sad. I want to make you happy Leo. I don't want you to be alone."

"Hunter I can not stay with you and Vincent. If I'm close to Vincent I won't be able to meet someone else. I need to make this move so I can accept what Kerry did and move on from it. I don't want to let what happened haunt me forever, I need time to heal from it." He explained to me. "I'll call you often and I will visit so I can see you and you can feel me." He laughed.

I caressed his cheek, running my finger over his lips. "I want to feel you while you're here."

"Well then we better get home fast." He pulled me up and led me to the car and when we got back home and went up to my room we made out for a very long time before falling asleep in each others arms.

I woke up Sunday morning to the sound of my phone ringing. "Leo, is it Vincent?" I grumbled, half asleep.

"Hmm." He replied and I dropped my phone, going back to sleep. "Are you not going to answer?"

"No." I replied.

His phone started ringing and he placed his hand over my mouth before answering it. "It's Sunday morning dude. No I'm not at Hunter's house I'm at my own house. How should I know why he isn't answering your call, he's probably sleeping. I don't know if he's mad at you. Did you do something that could make him mad at you? I didn't go on a date with him last night, we just went to eat. It's what you do to survive. When are you getting back? No I'm not missing you. Okay bye." He cut the call and pulled his hand away from my mouth. "He says he's getting back this evening but I don't trust that psycho, he can pitch up any minute if he thinks you're mad at him. I need to leave if I want to live. How was my acting by the way, he had no idea I was lying about not being here."

"Ace. What did he say when you asked him if he did anything to make me mad at him?" Would he admit what he and Finn did this weekend?

"He didn't answer. He changed the subject asking me if we went on a date last night. It was not a date." He clarified.

"You should have told him it was." I said, stretching.

"I will make sure you are arrested for my murder. You and Vincent will have a very happy life together in prison. I'll see you tomorrow." He left and I got back under the covers falling asleep.

After dinner the door bell rang as I left the kitchen and I knew that it was Vincent. I pulled the door open and was engulfed in a spine breaking hug. Feeling him, smelling him, his warm arms holding onto me, his unsteady breathing, it all made me forget what he did.

"I rushed here as soon as we got back, I had to see you." He gasped for air.

"Did you run here?" I joked, pulling away and taking his hand to lead him to my room.

"I don't know why I'm out of breath. Why didn't you answer my calls? I missed you so much. I'm so happy to be home. I'm not going anywhere again without you." He told me as we entered my room.

He immediately shut the room door and pushed me against it, kissing me.

I wanted to push him away to punish him for what he did but I just couldn't do it. I wanted to ask him what he and Finn did but I didn't want to make him feel guilty. I wanted to tell him that I'm mad at him but I didn't want him to be sad.

So I kissed him back and it was heaven, pure heaven. I would tell him all that tomorrow maybe, but tonight he was all mine.

Monday morning in the hallway at school I stood alone at my locker knowing very well that Vincent had to eat every last crumb left on the plate. It was never just enough to sleep with the person, he had to remind them about how good he made them feel. As soon as Finn entered the hallway, Vincent had left me to go and 'talk' to him and I was left here with my broken heart.

"Hey Hunt." Tyler greeted, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "I just had to get away from Alex and Mark, they are so hopelessly in love with each other that I can't risk being within ear shot or I might puke."

"Where's Vincent?" I asked him, trying not to sound as angry as I felt.

"Okay let's see, oh there's he with Finn. Do you want me to take you to him?" He offered.

"Actually I want you to tell me what he and Finn are doing? Where are his hands? Is there any smiling and blushing?" I asked him.

"Oh definitely. He has his arms wrapped around Finn's waist and Finn is red in the face." He confirmed. "Honestly that's what you get for dating the player of the school. I thought he and Finn were best friends but I guess not many guys here are gay so desperate times."

"It's not like that. Can I go with you to prom?" I asked him.

"It's not like that but you don't want to go to prom with him. Of course we can go to prom together, it will be my last day on Earth but it will be a last day to remember. After Vincent kills me do me a favour and play 'opps!... I did it again by Britney Spears.' It will perfectly depict the situation." He was so dramatic.

"He is not going to kill you." I assured him. The bell rang and Vincent took my hand as if he hadn't even left my side.

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